13,701 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Integrated High Efficiency Low-voltage CMOS DC-DC Converters

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    RÉSUMÉ De nos jours, les appareils portatifs sont utilisés dans plusieurs applications. Ils utilisent en général une batterie qui doit être remplacée ou rechargée régulièrement. Dans le cas d'applications biomédicales, la durée de vie de la batterie est un paramètre critique. Pour un appareil implantable, une longue durée de vie est un objectif primordial. Cet objectif est généralement atteint en réduisant la consommation de puissance des circuits constituant l'implant. Parmi les diverses techniques existantes qui permettent la réduction de la consommation en puissance des circuits CMOS, on retrouve la technique d'ajustement dynamique de la tension (dynamic voltage scaling - DVS). En réduisant la tension d'alimentation, la consommation totale des circuits peut être diminuée. Cependant cette technique ne peut être implémentée sans faire appel à des circuits dédiés à une gestion intelligente de l'énergie. Dans ce contexte, l'utilisation de convertisseurs de tension DC-DC devient nécessaire pour économiser la charge de la batterie. Mais pour garantir une réduction effective de la consommation globale, des convertisseurs DC-DC de haute efficacité doivent être utilisés. A cette contrainte se rajoute la miniaturisation en utilisant des circuits hautement intégrés pour les applications telles que les implants biomédicaux. Le défi réside dans la conception d'un convertisseur DC-DC totalement intégré tout en assurant une haute efficacité sur une grande plage de tension de sortie. De plus, les appareils tels que les implants électroniques fonctionnent souvent en mode de veille pour réduire la consommation, entrainant ainsi des variations conséquentes de la charge du convertisseur DC-DC. Ceci rajoute un défi supplémentaire pour le maintient d'une haute efficacité de la conversion DC-DC à faible charge. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons la conception détaillée d'un convertisseur DC-DC hautement efficace et totalement intégré dans une technologie CMOS à faible tension. Nous proposons une implémentation originale et totalement intégrée d'un convertisseur DC-DC à capacités commutés (switched capacitor - SC) opérant avec un contrôle asynchrone. L'efficacité du convertisseur est maintenue élevée en ajustant sa topologie et sa fréquence d'opération selon la charge.----------ABSTRACT Today, battery-powered portable devices are used in many applications. In applications like biomedical implants, the battery life is a major concern. Since replacing the battery of an implant needs a surgical procedure, a long battery life is a goal that all implants try to achieve. This is normally done by reducing the power dissipation in the implant's circuitry. One of the various techniques that exist for reducing the power consumption in CMOS circuitry is the dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) technique. By reducing the supply voltage, the overall power consumption of the circuits can be decreased. This technique cannot be implemented without power management blocks. The use of DC-DC converters becomes a must to save battery power. The overall power reduction can be improved by introducing high efficiency DC-DC converters. Moreover, to provide patients with the most comfort, small integrated circuits should be used in applications such as biomedical implants. The challenging aspect of designing integrated DC-DC converters is keeping the efficiency high while providing an adjustable output voltage. Additionally, devices such as electronic implants go in and out of stand-by mode to reduce power consumption. From the perspective of the DC-DC converter, the output load power is varying according to the mode of operation of the implant. This adds another challenge of sustaining the DC-DC conversion efficiency high under various loading conditions. At very light loads, preserving a high conversion efficiency is a challenge. In this master thesis, a detailed design of a high-efficiency low-voltage fully integrated DC-DC converter is presented. A unique structure of a fully integrated switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converter with asynchronous control is proposed. The efficiency of the converter is maintained high by adjusting the converter topology and operating frequency according to the loading conditions. The proposed SC DC-DC converter uses three different topologies to achieve three different conversion ratios. By doing so, the converter maintains high conversion efficiency at various output voltage levels. Also, an adaptive operating frequency is used by the asynchronous control to reduce efficiency losses at various loading conditions

    Per-Core DVFS with Switched-Capacitor Converters for Energy Efficiency in Manycore Processors

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    Integrating multiple power converters on-chip improves energy efficiency of manycore architectures. Switched-capacitor (SC) dc-dc converters are compatible with conventional CMOS processes, but traditional implementations suffer from limited conversion efficiency. We propose a dynamic voltage and frequency scaling scheme with SC converters that achieves high converter efficiency by allowing the output voltage to ripple and having the processor core frequency track the ripple. Minimum core energy is achieved by hopping between different converter modes and tuning body-bias voltages. A multicore processor model based on a 28-nm technology shows conversion efficiencies of 90% along with over 25% improvement in the overall chip energy efficiency

    An Energy-Efficient, Dynamic Voltage Scaling Neural Stimulator for a Proprioceptive Prosthesis

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringThis thesis focuses on the introduction of fully-integrated low-dropout regulators (LDOs). Recently, for the mobile and internet-of-things applications, the level of integration is getting higher. LDOs get popular in integrated circuit design including functions such as reducing switching ripples from high-efficiency regulators, cancelling spurs from other loads, and giving different supply voltages to loads. In accordance with load applications, choosing proper LDOs is important. LDOs can be classified by the types of power MOSEFT, the topologies of error amplifier, and the locations of dominant pole. Analog loads such as voltage-controlled oscillators and analog-to-digital converters need LDOs that have high power-supply-rejection-ratio (PSRR), high accuracy, and low noise. Digital loads such as DRAM and CPU need fast transient response, a wide range of load current providable LDOs. As an example, we present the design procedure of a fully-integrated LDO that obtains the desired PSRR. In analog LDOs, we discuss advanced techniques such as local positive feedback loop and zero path that can improve stability and PSRR performance. In digital LDOs, the techniques to improve transient response are introduced. In analog-digital hybrid LDOs, to achieve both fast transient and high PSRR performance in a fully-integrated chip, how to optimally combine analog and digital LDOs is considered based on the characteristics of each LDO type. The future work is extracted from the considerations and limitations of conventional techniques.clos

    High-performance condenser microphone with fully integrated CMOS amplifier and DC-DC voltage converter

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    The development of a capacitive microphone with an integrated detection circuit is described. The condenser microphone is made by micromachining of polyimide on silicon. Therefore, the structure can be realized by postprocessing on substrates containing integrated circuits (IC's), independently of the IC process, integrated microphones with excellent performances have been realized on a CMOS substrate containing dc-dc voltage converters and preamplifiers. The measured sensitivity of the integrated condenser microphone was 10 mV/Pa, and the equivalent noise level (ENL) was 27 dB(A) re. 20 ¿Pa for a power supply voltage of 1.9 V, which was measured with no bias voltage applied to the microphone. Furthermore, a back chamber of infinite volume was used in all reported measurements and simulation

    Analog/RF Circuit Design Techniques for Nanometerscale IC Technologies

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    CMOS evolution introduces several problems in analog design. Gate-leakage mismatch exceeds conventional matching tolerances requiring active cancellation techniques or alternative architectures. One strategy to deal with the use of lower supply voltages is to operate critical parts at higher supply voltages, by exploiting combinations of thin- and thick-oxide transistors. Alternatively, low voltage circuit techniques are successfully developed. In order to benefit from nanometer scale CMOS technology, more functionality is shifted to the digital domain, including parts of the RF circuits. At the same time, analog control for digital and digital control for analog emerges to deal with current and upcoming imperfections

    Low-Power Energy Efficient Circuit Techniques for Small IoT Systems

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    Although the improvement in circuit speed has been limited in recent years, there has been increased focus on the internet of things (IoT) as technology scaling has decreased circuit size, power usage and cost. This trend has led to the development of many small sensor systems with affordable costs and diverse functions, offering people convenient connection with and control over their surroundings. This dissertation discusses the major challenges and their solutions in realizing small IoT systems, focusing on non-digital blocks, such as power converters and analog sensing blocks, which have difficulty in following the traditional scaling trends of digital circuits. To accommodate the limited energy storage and harvesting capacity of small IoT systems, this dissertation presents an energy harvester and voltage regulators with low quiescent power and good efficiency in ultra-low power ranges. Switched-capacitor-based converters with wide-range energy-efficient voltage-controlled oscillators assisted by power-efficient self-oscillating voltage doublers and new cascaded converter topologies for more conversion ratio configurability achieve efficient power conversion down to several nanowatts. To further improve the power efficiency of these systems, analog circuits essential to most wireless IoT systems are also discussed and improved. A capacitance-to-digital sensor interface and a clocked comparator design are improved by their digital-like implementation and operation in phase and frequency domain. Thanks to the removal of large passive elements and complex analog blocks, both designs achieve excellent area reduction while maintaining state-of-art energy efficiencies. Finally, a technique for removing dynamic voltage and temperature variations is presented as smaller circuits in advanced technologies are more vulnerable to these variations. A 2-D simultaneous feedback control using an on-chip oven control locks the supply voltage and temperature of a small on-chip domain and protects circuits in this locked domain from external voltage and temperature changes, demonstrating 0.0066 V/V and 0.013 °C/°C sensitivities to external changes. Simple digital implementation of the sensors and most parts of the control loops allows robust operation within wide voltage and temperature ranges.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138743/1/wanyeong_1.pd

    Dual-Input Switched Capacitor Converter Suitable for Wide Voltage gain Range

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    International audienceThe capacitive-based switching converter suffers from low efficiency, except for a few conversion ratios, thus limiting its use in fine dynamic voltage and frequency scaling for the power management of digital circuits. Therefore, this paper proposes a Multiple Input Single Output Switched Capacitor Converter (MISO-CSC) to provide flatness efficiency over a large voltage gain range. First, the power efficiency calculation in MISO configuration is given, and then the best ones to optimize the number of switched capacitor structures is selected. By using two power supplies, the MISO converter produces 18 ratios instead of three in SISO (Single Input Single Output) mode. Using a CMOS 65nm technology, the transistor-based simulations exhibit an average 15% efficiency gain over a 0.5-1.4V output voltage range compared to the SISO-CSC. Index Terms— switched capacitor converter, multi-input converter, power efficiency optimization, fully integrated voltage regulator, dynamic voltage and frequency scaling