75,953 research outputs found

    Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Minimum Weight Cycle and Related Problems

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    We consider the directed minimum weight cycle problem in the fully dynamic setting. To the best of our knowledge, so far no fully dynamic algorithms have been designed specifically for the minimum weight cycle problem in general digraphs. One can achieve O~(n2)\tilde{O}(n^2) amortized update time by simply invoking the fully dynamic APSP algorithm of Demetrescu and Italiano [J. ACM'04]. This bound, however, yields no improvement over the trivial recompute-from-scratch algorithm for sparse graphs. Our first contribution is a very simple deterministic (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate algorithm supporting vertex updates (i.e., changing all edges incident to a specified vertex) in conditionally near-optimal O~(mlog(W)/ϵ)\tilde{O}(m\log{(W)}/\epsilon) amortized time for digraphs with real edge weights in [1,W][1,W]. Using known techniques, the algorithm can be implemented on planar graphs and also gives some new sublinear fully dynamic algorithms maintaining approximate cuts and flows in planar digraphs. Additionally, we show a Monte Carlo randomized exact fully dynamic minimum weight cycle algorithm with O~(mn2/3)\tilde{O}(mn^{2/3}) worst-case update that works for real edge weights. To this end, we generalize the exact fully dynamic APSP data structure of Abraham et al. [SODA'17] to solve the ``multiple-pairs shortest paths problem'', where one is interested in computing distances for some kk (instead of all n2n^2) fixed source-target pairs after each update. We show that in such a scenario, O~((m+k)n2/3)\tilde{O}((m+k)n^{2/3}) worst-case update time is possible.Comment: Full version of an ICALP 2021 pape

    The Power of Dynamic Distance Oracles: Efficient Dynamic Algorithms for the Steiner Tree

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    In this paper we study the Steiner tree problem over a dynamic set of terminals. We consider the model where we are given an nn-vertex graph G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) with positive real edge weights, and our goal is to maintain a tree which is a good approximation of the minimum Steiner tree spanning a terminal set SVS \subseteq V, which changes over time. The changes applied to the terminal set are either terminal additions (incremental scenario), terminal removals (decremental scenario), or both (fully dynamic scenario). Our task here is twofold. We want to support updates in sublinear o(n)o(n) time, and keep the approximation factor of the algorithm as small as possible. We show that we can maintain a (6+ε)(6+\varepsilon)-approximate Steiner tree of a general graph in O~(nlogD)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n} \log D) time per terminal addition or removal. Here, DD denotes the stretch of the metric induced by GG. For planar graphs we achieve the same running time and the approximation ratio of (2+ε)(2+\varepsilon). Moreover, we show faster algorithms for incremental and decremental scenarios. Finally, we show that if we allow higher approximation ratio, even more efficient algorithms are possible. In particular we show a polylogarithmic time (4+ε)(4+\varepsilon)-approximate algorithm for planar graphs. One of the main building blocks of our algorithms are dynamic distance oracles for vertex-labeled graphs, which are of independent interest. We also improve and use the online algorithms for the Steiner tree problem.Comment: Full version of the paper accepted to STOC'1

    Adsorption of Multi-block and Random Copolymer on a Solid Surface: Critical Behavior and Phase Diagram

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    The adsorption of a single multi-block ABAB-copolymer on a solid planar substrate is investigated by means of computer simulations and scaling analysis. It is shown that the problem can be mapped onto an effective homopolymer adsorption problem. In particular we discuss how the critical adsorption energy and the fraction of adsorbed monomers depend on the block length MM of sticking monomers AA, and on the total length NN of the polymer chains. Also the adsorption of the random copolymers is considered and found to be well described within the framework of the annealed approximation. For a better test of our theoretical prediction, two different Monte Carlo (MC) simulation methods were employed: a) off-lattice dynamic bead-spring model, based on the standard Metropolis algorithm (MA), and b) coarse-grained lattice model using the Pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM) which enables tests for very long chains. The findings of both methods are fully consistent and in good agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Optimal decremental connectivity in planar graphs

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    We show an algorithm for dynamic maintenance of connectivity information in an undirected planar graph subject to edge deletions. Our algorithm may answer connectivity queries of the form `Are vertices uu and vv connected with a path?' in constant time. The queries can be intermixed with any sequence of edge deletions, and the algorithm handles all updates in O(n)O(n) time. This results improves over previously known O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time algorithm

    Decremental Single-Source Reachability in Planar Digraphs

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    In this paper we show a new algorithm for the decremental single-source reachability problem in directed planar graphs. It processes any sequence of edge deletions in O(nlog2nloglogn)O(n\log^2{n}\log\log{n}) total time and explicitly maintains the set of vertices reachable from a fixed source vertex. Hence, if all edges are eventually deleted, the amortized time of processing each edge deletion is only O(log2nloglogn)O(\log^2 n \log \log n), which improves upon a previously known O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) solution. We also show an algorithm for decremental maintenance of strongly connected components in directed planar graphs with the same total update time. These results constitute the first almost optimal (up to polylogarithmic factors) algorithms for both problems. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first dynamic algorithms with polylogarithmic update times on general directed planar graphs for non-trivial reachability-type problems, for which only polynomial bounds are known in general graphs

    The Predicted-Deletion Dynamic Model: Taking Advantage of ML Predictions, for Free

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    The main bottleneck in designing efficient dynamic algorithms is the unknown nature of the update sequence. In particular, there are some problems, like 3-vertex connectivity, planar digraph all pairs shortest paths, and others, where the separation in runtime between the best partially dynamic solutions and the best fully dynamic solutions is polynomial, sometimes even exponential. In this paper, we formulate the predicted-deletion dynamic model, motivated by a recent line of empirical work about predicting edge updates in dynamic graphs. In this model, edges are inserted and deleted online, and when an edge is inserted, it is accompanied by a "prediction" of its deletion time. This models real world settings where services may have access to historical data or other information about an input and can subsequently use such information make predictions about user behavior. The model is also of theoretical interest, as it interpolates between the partially dynamic and fully dynamic settings, and provides a natural extension of the algorithms with predictions paradigm to the dynamic setting. We give a novel framework for this model that "lifts" partially dynamic algorithms into the fully dynamic setting with little overhead. We use our framework to obtain improved efficiency bounds over the state-of-the-art dynamic algorithms for a variety of problems. In particular, we design algorithms that have amortized update time that scales with a partially dynamic algorithm, with high probability, when the predictions are of high quality. On the flip side, our algorithms do no worse than existing fully-dynamic algorithms when the predictions are of low quality. Furthermore, our algorithms exhibit a graceful trade-off between the two cases. Thus, we are able to take advantage of ML predictions asymptotically "for free.'

    Incremental and Decremental Maintenance of Planar Width

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    We present an algorithm for maintaining the width of a planar point set dynamically, as points are inserted or deleted. Our algorithm takes time O(kn^epsilon) per update, where k is the amount of change the update causes in the convex hull, n is the number of points in the set, and epsilon is any arbitrarily small constant. For incremental or decremental update sequences, the amortized time per update is O(n^epsilon).Comment: 7 pages; 2 figures. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 10th ACM/SIAM Symp. Discrete Algorithms (SODA '99); this is the journal version, and will appear in J. Algorithm

    Exact Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs with Failing Vertices

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    We consider exact distance oracles for directed weighted planar graphs in the presence of failing vertices. Given a source vertex uu, a target vertex vv and a set XX of kk failed vertices, such an oracle returns the length of a shortest uu-to-vv path that avoids all vertices in XX. We propose oracles that can handle any number kk of failures. More specifically, for a directed weighted planar graph with nn vertices, any constant kk, and for any q[1,n]q \in [1,\sqrt n], we propose an oracle of size O~(nk+3/2q2k+1)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\frac{n^{k+3/2}}{q^{2k+1}}) that answers queries in O~(q)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(q) time. In particular, we show an O~(n)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(n)-size, O~(n)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{n})-query-time oracle for any constant kk. This matches, up to polylogarithmic factors, the fastest failure-free distance oracles with nearly linear space. For single vertex failures (k=1k=1), our O~(n5/2q3)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\frac{n^{5/2}}{q^3})-size, O~(q)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(q)-query-time oracle improves over the previously best known tradeoff of Baswana et al. [SODA 2012] by polynomial factors for q=Ω(nt)q = \Omega(n^t), t(1/4,1/2]t \in (1/4,1/2]. For multiple failures, no planarity exploiting results were previously known