850 research outputs found

    An infeasible interior-point method for the P∗P_*-matrix linear complementarity‎ ‎problem based on a trigonometric kernel function with full-Newton‎ ‎step

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    An infeasible interior-point algorithm for solving the‎ ‎P∗P_*-matrix linear complementarity problem based on a kernel‎ ‎function with trigonometric barrier term is analyzed‎. ‎Each (main)‎ ‎iteration of the algorithm consists of a feasibility step and‎ ‎several centrality steps‎, ‎whose feasibility step is induced by a‎ ‎trigonometric kernel function‎. ‎The complexity result coincides with‎ ‎the best result for infeasible interior-point methods for‎ ‎P∗P_*-matrix linear complementarity problem

    New predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for symmetric cone horizontal linear complementarity problems

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    In this paper we propose a new predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for solving P_* (Îș) horizontal linear complementarity problems defined on a Cartesian product of symmetric cones, which is not based on a usual barrier function. We generalize the predictor-corrector algorithm introduced in [13] to P_* (Îș)-linear horizontal complementarity problems on a Cartesian product of symmetric cones. We apply the algebraic equivalent transformation technique proposed by Darvay [9] and we use the function φ(t)=t-√t in order to determine the new search directions. In each iteration the proposed algorithm performs one predictor and one corrector step. We prove that the predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm has the same complexity bound as the best known interior-point algorithms for solving these types of problems. Furthermore, we provide a condition related to the proximity and update parameters for which the introduced predictor-corrector algorithm is well defined

    New Predictor-Corrector Algorithm for Symmetric Cone Horizontal Linear Complementarity Problems

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    We propose a new predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for solving Cartesian symmetric cone horizontal linear complementarity problems, which is not based on a usual barrier function. We generalize the predictor-corrector algorithm introduced in Darvay et al. (SIAM J Optim 30:2628-2658, 2020) to horizontal linear complementarity problems on a Cartesian product of symmetric cones. We apply the algebraically equivalent transformation technique proposed by Darvay (Adv Model Optim 5:51-92, 2003), and we use the difference of the identity and the square root function to determine the new search directions. In each iteration, the proposed algorithm performs one predictor and one corrector step. We prove that the predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm has the same complexity bound as the best known interior-point methods for solving these types of problems. Furthermore, we provide a condition related to the proximity and update parameters for which the introduced predictor-corrector algorithm is well defined

    A new Ai-Zhang type interior point algorithm for sufficient linear complementarity problems

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    In this paper, we propose a new long-step interior point method for solving sufficient linear complementarity problems. The new algorithm combines two important approaches from the literature: the main ideas of the long-step interior point algorithm introduced by Ai and Zhang, and the algebraic equivalent transformation technique proposed by Darvay. Similarly to the method of Ai and Zhang, our algorithm also works in a wide neighbourhood of the central path and has the best known iteration complexity of short-step variants. We implemented the new method in Matlab and tested its efficiency on both sufficient and non-sufficient problem instances. In addition to presenting our numerical results, we also make some interesting observations regarding the analysis of Ai-Zhang type methods

    Dual versus Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods for Linear and Conic Programming

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    Dual versus Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods for Linear and Conic Programmin

    N\mathcal{N}IPM-HLSP: An Efficient Interior-Point Method for Hierarchical Least-Squares Programs

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    Hierarchical least-squares programs with linear constraints (HLSP) are a type of optimization problem very common in robotics. Each priority level contains an objective in least-squares form which is subject to the linear constraints of the higher priority hierarchy levels. Active-set methods (ASM) are a popular choice for solving them. However, they can perform poorly in terms of computational time if there are large changes of the active set. We therefore propose a computationally efficient primal-dual interior-point method (IPM) for HLSP's which is able to maintain constant numbers of solver iterations in these situations. We base our IPM on the null-space method which requires only a single decomposition per Newton iteration instead of two as it is the case for other IPM solvers. After a priority level has converged we compose a set of active constraints judging upon the dual and project lower priority levels into their null-space. We show that the IPM-HLSP can be expressed in least-squares form which avoids the formation of the quadratic Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) Hessian. Due to our choice of the null-space basis the IPM-HLSP is as fast as the state-of-the-art ASM-HLSP solver for equality only problems.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Fastest mixing Markov chain on graphs with symmetries

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    We show how to exploit symmetries of a graph to efficiently compute the fastest mixing Markov chain on the graph (i.e., find the transition probabilities on the edges to minimize the second-largest eigenvalue modulus of the transition probability matrix). Exploiting symmetry can lead to significant reduction in both the number of variables and the size of matrices in the corresponding semidefinite program, thus enable numerical solution of large-scale instances that are otherwise computationally infeasible. We obtain analytic or semi-analytic results for particular classes of graphs, such as edge-transitive and distance-transitive graphs. We describe two general approaches for symmetry exploitation, based on orbit theory and block-diagonalization, respectively. We also establish the connection between these two approaches.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figure

    Predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm based on a new search direction working in a wide neighbourhood of the central path

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    We introduce a new predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for solving P_*(Îș)-linear complementarity problems which works in a wide neighbourhood of the central path. We use the technique of algebraic equivalent transformation of the centering equations of the central path system. In this technique, we apply the function φ(t)=√t in order to obtain the new search directions. We define the new wide neighbourhood D_φ. In this way, we obtain the first interior-point algorithm, where not only the central path system is transformed, but the definition of the neighbourhood is also modified taking into consideration the algebraic equivalent transformation technique. This gives a new direction in the research of interior-point methods. We prove that the IPA has O((1+Îș)n log⁥((〖〖(x〗^0)〗^T s^0)/Ï”) ) iteration complexity. Furtermore, we show the efficiency of the proposed predictor-corrector interior-point method by providing numerical results. Up to our best knowledge, this is the first predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm which works in the D_φ neighbourhood using φ(t)=√t
