116,703 research outputs found

    DrugCLIP: Contrastive Protein-Molecule Representation Learning for Virtual Screening

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    Virtual screening, which identifies potential drugs from vast compound databases to bind with a particular protein pocket, is a critical step in AI-assisted drug discovery. Traditional docking methods are highly time-consuming, and can only work with a restricted search library in real-life applications. Recent supervised learning approaches using scoring functions for binding-affinity prediction, although promising, have not yet surpassed docking methods due to their strong dependency on limited data with reliable binding-affinity labels. In this paper, we propose a novel contrastive learning framework, DrugCLIP, by reformulating virtual screening as a dense retrieval task and employing contrastive learning to align representations of binding protein pockets and molecules from a large quantity of pairwise data without explicit binding-affinity scores. We also introduce a biological-knowledge inspired data augmentation strategy to learn better protein-molecule representations. Extensive experiments show that DrugCLIP significantly outperforms traditional docking and supervised learning methods on diverse virtual screening benchmarks with highly reduced computation time, especially in zero-shot setting

    Quantum Machine Learning Framework for Virtual Screening in Drug Discovery: a Prospective Quantum Advantage

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    Machine Learning (ML) for Ligand Based Virtual Screening (LB-VS) is an important in-silico tool for discovering new drugs in a faster and cost-effective manner, especially for emerging diseases such as COVID-19. In this paper, we propose a general-purpose framework combining a classical Support Vector Classifier (SVC) algorithm with quantum kernel estimation for LB-VS on real-world databases, and we argue in favor of its prospective quantum advantage. Indeed, we heuristically prove that our quantum integrated workflow can, at least in some relevant instances, provide a tangible advantage compared to state-of-art classical algorithms operating on the same datasets, showing strong dependence on target and features selection method. Finally, we test our algorithm on IBM Quantum processors using ADRB2 and COVID-19 datasets, showing that hardware simulations provide results in line with the predicted performances and can surpass classical equivalents.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    DeepRLI: A Multi-objective Framework for Universal Protein--Ligand Interaction Prediction

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    Protein (receptor)--ligand interaction prediction is a critical component in computer-aided drug design, significantly influencing molecular docking and virtual screening processes. Despite the development of numerous scoring functions in recent years, particularly those employing machine learning, accurately and efficiently predicting binding affinities for protein--ligand complexes remains a formidable challenge. Most contemporary methods are tailored for specific tasks, such as binding affinity prediction, binding pose prediction, or virtual screening, often failing to encompass all aspects. In this study, we put forward DeepRLI, a novel protein--ligand interaction prediction architecture. It encodes each protein--ligand complex into a fully connected graph, retaining the integrity of the topological and spatial structure, and leverages the improved graph transformer layers with cosine envelope as the central module of the neural network, thus exhibiting superior scoring power. In order to equip the model to generalize to conformations beyond the confines of crystal structures and to adapt to molecular docking and virtual screening tasks, we propose a multi-objective strategy, that is, the model outputs three scores for scoring and ranking, docking, and screening, and the training process optimizes these three objectives simultaneously. For the latter two objectives, we augment the dataset through a docking procedure, incorporate suitable physics-informed blocks and employ an effective contrastive learning approach. Eventually, our model manifests a balanced performance across scoring, ranking, docking, and screening, thereby demonstrating its ability to handle a range of tasks. Overall, this research contributes a multi-objective framework for universal protein--ligand interaction prediction, augmenting the landscape of structure-based drug design

    Integrated computational and Drosophila cancer model platform captures previously unappreciated chemicals perturbing a kinase network

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    Drosophila provides an inexpensive and quantitative platform for measuring whole animal drug response. A complementary approach is virtual screening, where chemical libraries can be efficiently screened against protein target(s). Here, we present a unique discovery platform integrating structure-based modeling with Drosophila biology and organic synthesis. We demonstrate this platform by developing chemicals targeting a Drosophila model of Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC) characterized by a transformation network activated by oncogenic dRetM955T. Structural models for kinases relevant to MTC were generated for virtual screening to identify unique preliminary hits that suppressed dRetM955T-induced transformation. We then combined features from our hits with those of known inhibitors to create a ‘hybrid’ molecule with improved suppression of dRetM955T transformation. Our platform provides a framework to efficiently explore novel kinase inhibitors outside of explored inhibitor chemical space that are effective in inhibiting cancer networks while minimizing whole body toxicity

    A Generic Framework and Methodology for Implementing Science Gateways for Analysing Molecular Docking Results

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    Molecular docking and virtual screening experiments require large computational and data resources and high-level user interfaces in the form of science gateways. While science gateways supporting such experiments are relatively common, there is a clearly identified need to design and implement more complex environments for further analysis of docking results. This paper describes a generic framework and a related methodology that supports the efficient development of such environments. The framework is modular enabling the reuse of already existing components. The methodology is agile and encourages the input and participation of end-users. A prototype implementation, based on the framework and methodology, of a science-gateway-based molecular docking environment for recommending a ligand-protein pair for next docking experiment is also presented and evaluated

    Design of a Simulation Tool for Audiology Education to provide Hearing Screening Training

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    Early identification of hearing impairment and ear disorders is important, which is why hearing screening is routinely done on newborns, with regular screening recommended on children through the age of 18. Screening is also completed with adults to assess and treat hearing problems. Procedural training is needed for new Speech-Language Pathologists and nursing students as well as continuing education for those trained to perform this procedure. An audiology simulator was developed to provide an alternative to traditional face-to-face lab instruction. Using a design science approach, the development of the simulation prototype is discussed. Contributions include a useful framework for developing such a simulation of an existing process, a description of a unique artifact that supports an individualized, self-paced learning environment using context-sensitive feedback and performance assessment, and an extensible approach to supporting virtual subjects in audiological training

    AutoClickChem: Click Chemistry in Silico

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    Academic researchers and many in industry often lack the financial resources available to scientists working in “big pharma.” High costs include those associated with high-throughput screening and chemical synthesis. In order to address these challenges, many researchers have in part turned to alternate methodologies. Virtual screening, for example, often substitutes for high-throughput screening, and click chemistry ensures that chemical synthesis is fast, cheap, and comparatively easy. Though both in silico screening and click chemistry seek to make drug discovery more feasible, it is not yet routine to couple these two methodologies. We here present a novel computer algorithm, called AutoClickChem, capable of performing many click-chemistry reactions in silico. AutoClickChem can be used to produce large combinatorial libraries of compound models for use in virtual screens. As the compounds of these libraries are constructed according to the reactions of click chemistry, they can be easily synthesized for subsequent testing in biochemical assays. Additionally, in silico modeling of click-chemistry products may prove useful in rational drug design and drug optimization. AutoClickChem is based on the pymolecule toolbox, a framework that may facilitate the development of future python-based programs that require the manipulation of molecular models. Both the pymolecule toolbox and AutoClickChem are released under the GNU General Public License version 3 and are available for download from http://autoclickchem.ucsd.edu