33 research outputs found

    Frames and tools for public participation

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    Role of business process models in requirements engineering

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    The goal of requirements engineering is to create a complete, consistent requirements specification of a desired system in order to establish the requirements at an abstract level.Business process modeling in the early phases of requirement engineering is rather useful.This paper examines business process modeling for the development of information systems.It presents the role of Business Process Model in Requirements Engineering.The process of Requirements Engineering is highlighted in this paper.It explains thoroughly the groundwork, requirements elicitation and business process model. Several Business Process Models are discussed at later part and how they are related to Requirements Engineering.It is enlightened the importance of Business Process Models in Requirements Engineering to get more precise and accurate requirements

    An investigation on factors triggering surprise

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    Approach to Include Sustainability and Creativity in Requirements Engineering

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    Silveira, C., Santos, V., Reis, L., & Mamede, H. (2022). CRESustain: Approach to Include Sustainability and Creativity in Requirements Engineering. Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, 1(8), 27-34. https://doi.org/10.55708/js0108004, https://doi.org/10.55708/js0108Requirements Engineering is an evolving field facing new challenges. One of the central conundrums is sustainability in software. The possibility of using known creativity techniques while introducing the dimensions of sustainability to help provide unexpected, original, practical, and sustainable answers in software development is challenging and motivating. This paper proposes an approach, CRESustain, incorporating sustainability dimensions when introducing creativity techniques in the Requirements Engineering process. CRESustain uses various creativity techniques considered appropriate for the different stages of the RE process. It is inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals, creative problem-solving methods, and the Karlskrona Manifesto. The methodology applied to give materiality to the outcome of this work was Design Science Research, a research paradigm that uses knowledge to solve problems, generate new knowledge and insights, and results in an artefact. The main results indicate that the approach stimulates discussion about sustainability in technical, economic, social, human, and environmental dimensions focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals and people's needs.publishersversionpublishe

    The case of social organizations

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    Silveira, C., Reis, L., Santos, V., & Mamede, H. S. (2020). Creativity in prototypes design and sustainability: The case of social organizations. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, 5(6), 1237-1243. https://doi.org/10.25046/AJ0506147The role of creativity techniques in the design of prototypes is of particular interest given its potential for innovation. At same time, despite the efforts of decades in terms of policies and programs of action, humanity has not yet come close to global sustainability. Sustainability design must involve society and creatively employ all available knowledge sources for creating sustainable software. This paper proposes a prototype design approach rooted in employing creativity techniques, while being guided by the dimensions and principles of the Karlskrona Manifesto. This approach is applied to the development of a multidisciplinary aggregator for the optimization of social services. As a result. guidelines for the use of creativity in requirements engineering will be presented, as well as on how to include sustainability issues, namely the Sustainable Development Goals and the five dimensions of sustainability in the design of prototypes.publishersversionpublishe

    Design thinking as a framework for fostering creativity in management and information systems teaching programs

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    Modern businesses are recognising the power of innovation through design thinking to sustain innovation and growth in today's competitive markets. Design is now becoming a holistic process and there is emerging need for future business leaders to understand the underlying processes of design thinking in an urge to innovate. This paper introduces a framework in design thinking to encourage information systems (IS) and management students to foster their creativity and innovation capabilities, and also improve their metacognitive skills. The framework is used to develop and implement teaching methods that increasingly focus on agility and innovation. An exploration of steps of implementing this framework in teaching introductory to high level university subjects is discussed. One of the key goals of the framework was to ensure that students learn early in their studies that design thinking is not only about identifying new ideas, but how the ideas can be externalised and differentiated to get commercial acceptances. Idea management tools are introduced in some subjects to help students follow through their brainstormed ideas, building blocks management and on-going evaluations by peers. This process has helped to spawn new solutions based on what is discussed within their group. Through the use of these tools the experiential journey of learning in collaborative environment has allowed students to interact with their peers, encourage and motivate students to participate and learn better in an effective and efficient manner

    Creative Thinking in eXtreme Programming

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    Agile methods such as eXtreme Programming have achieved an explosive interest in the software development community. They can be seen as a reaction to the more traditional and control-oriented methods, agile methods handle changes in design and requirements and they open up for creativity during the whole project lifecycle. The knowledge management in agile methods is also agile, it means that knowledge creation and sharing processes are simplified in comparison with other more comprehensive development methodologies. This paper is developed under the idea that agile software development can be enhanced by a better understanding of knowledge management and creativity. eXtreme Programming is analyzed from the perspective of the creativity, we believe that concepts related to creative teams (roles, structure, performance and purposes) are important insights about the use of agile methods in general and eXtreme Programming in particular.Keywords/Index Terms: Knowledge Management; Creativity; Software Engineering; Agile Methods; User-centered innovation

    Influencing Factors of Clinical Patient Recruitment Systems Design

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    Clinical patient recruitment (CPR) is a critical function in clinical research. However, there is no holistic design for CPR systems that incorporates functions to support all critical success factors of clinical trial performance. In order to fill this gap, a study based on a literature review and several semi-structured expert interviews was conducted. Existing theory was synthesized with newly found influence factors using categories from CPR theory and factors gathered from literature and experts. The result is a systematization of influence factors of CPR that can be used for derivation of requirements for CPR systems in a subsequent research step or for the purpose of causal modeling