9 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Cognitive Map-Based Knowledge Representation of Hazardous Industrial Operations

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    Hazardous industrial operations are highly stochastic, still human-dependent, and risky. Operators working in such an environment must understand the complex interrelation between several factors contributing to safe and effective operations. Therefore, being able to predict the effects of their actions on provoking or mitigating possible accidents is crucial. This study aims to utilize fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) to model the expert’s reasoning about occupational health and safety (OHS) in confined space. This knowledge is used by operators to build their mental models. The developed FCM displays all the possible incidents of a confined space and links these incidents with all their causing and preventing factors. This approach may facilitate the development of simulation-based training solutions and allow operators to act proactively during the operation

    A constructivist model of bank branch front-office employee evaluation: an FCM-SD-based approach

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    The banking sector is one of the primary drivers of economic development. This sector has been affected by various crises throughout its history – most recently, the 2008 financial and economic crisis. In response, banking institutions have had to make diverse changes to their procedures and deal with new concerns related to changes within markets. One of the main recent developments in this sector is the new commercial function assigned to bank branch front-office employees, who have become responsible for selling financial products and services, as well as recruiting and retaining clients. As a result, the sector needs new employee performance evaluation methods in line with banks and staff members’ requirements. This study combined fuzzy cognitive mapping techniques and the system dynamics (SD) approach to develop a well-informed performance analysis system for assessing bank branch front-office employees. The proposed system was validated by the Business Process Management Competence Center director at Millennium BCP – a Portuguese private banking corporation. The main difference between the model constructed in the present research and current evaluation practices is that the criteria were collected directly from multiple specialists working at different commercial banks, who deal daily with this decision problem. The model’s theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A constructivist model of bank branch front-office employee evaluation: an FCM-SD-based approach

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    The banking sector is one of the primary drivers of economic development. This sector has been affected by various crises throughout its history – most recently, the 2008 financial and economic crisis. In response, banking institutions have had to make diverse changes to their procedures and deal with new concerns related to changes within markets. One of the main recent developments in this sector is the new commercial function assigned to bank branch front-office employees, who have become responsible for selling financial products and services, as well as recruiting and retaining clients. As a result, the sector needs new employee performance evaluation methods in line with banks and staff members’ requirements. This study combined fuzzy cognitive mapping techniques and the system dynamics (SD) approach to develop a well-informed performance analysis system for assessing bank branch front-office employees. The proposed system was validated by the Business Process Management Competence Center director at Millennium BCP – a Portuguese private banking corporation. The main difference between the model constructed in the present research and current evaluation practices is that the criteria were collected directly from multiple specialists working at different commercial banks, who deal daily with this decision problem. The model’s theoretical and practical implications are also discussed

    Análise dinâmica dos determinantes de conduta ambiental nas PMEs: Uma abordagem sócio-técnica

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    A crescente preocupação relativa à temática ambiental representa um novo desafio para as empresas, exigindo das mesmas a incorporação da temática da sustentabilidade ambiental na sua estratégia empresarial. No entanto, a falta de uma perspetiva holística de sustentabilidade, bem como de uma perceção de interdependência entre excelência corporativa, económica e ambiental, tem impedido que empresas de menor dimensão – como as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) – considerem investimentos ambientais para além dos legalmente exigidos. Neste sentido, parece tornar-se relevante, para a sobrevivência a longo prazo e para o incremento das vantagens competitivas das empresas, a exploração de métodos integrados que identifiquem e apresentem uma visão holística dos determinantes de conduta ambiental. Com este intuito, a presente dissertação propõe a utilização de técnicas de mapeamento cognitivo, recorrendo à metodologia Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping e à abordagem System Dynamics. O valor acrescentado desta proposta será suportado pela experiência e pelos conhecimentos de um painel de especialistas com experiência prática na área ambiental em PMEs, que fornecerão os inputs para a concretização do modelo de base. As vantagens e as limitações desta abordagem metodológica serão também objeto de análise, bem como as suas implicações teórico-práticas.The increasing concern about environmental issues represents a new challenge for companies, requiring the topic of environmental sustainability to be incorporated into their business strategies. However, the absence of a holistic perspective of sustainability and the limited perception of the interdependence between corporate, economic and environmental excellence has prevented smaller companies – such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – from considering environmental investments beyond those legally required. In this regard, the adoption of integrated methods that allow for the identification and presentation of a holistic view of the determinants of environmental conduct seems to be extremely relevant for these companies’ long-term survival, as well as to increase their competitive advantages. The present dissertation proposes the use of cognitive mapping techniques, using the Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping methodology and the System Dynamics approach. The added value of the resulting model is supported by the professional experience and practical knowledge of a panel of experts in SME environmental conduct. The advantages and limitations of our proposal, as well as its theoretical and practical implications, are also analyzed

    Determinantes de crescimento de empresas familiares: identificação e análise dinâmica

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    O crescimento das empresas familiares é visto como fundamental não só para a sustentabilidade do negócio como, também, para o crescimento económico. No entanto, estas empresas enfrentam obstáculos internos e externos que prejudicam a obtenção de um crescimento saudável e sustentável. Como tal, a análise do crescimento deste tipo de negócio torna-se fundamental, no sentido de ultrapassar esses obstáculos. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação combina técnicas de mapeamento cognitivo fuzzy com a abordagem System Dynamics (SD), com o objetivo de elaborar um modelo de análise que permita alcançar uma visão holística dos determinantes de crescimento das empresas familiares, bem como das relações de causalidade existentes, antecipando o comportamento das suas tendências de crescimento a longo prazo. Com isto, o modelo desenvolvido fornece uma ferramenta completa, transparente e realista, que permite aos gestores tomar decisões mais conscientes. O estudo desenvolvido foi baseado nos resultados gerados por um painel de decisores com experiência em empresas familiares que, ao longo de duas sessões de trabalho em grupo, partilharam os seus conhecimentos e experiências profissionais. Importa salientar que os contributos teóricos e práticos do presente modelo são também aqui discutidos, sendo ainda formuladas sugestões para possíveis investigações futuras.Family business growth is seen as crucial not only for the sustainability of this type of firm but also for economic growth at large. Family businesses face, however, internal and external obstacles that hamper sustainable and healthy growth. Therefore, the analysis of these business growth determinants becomes critical to overcome these obstacles. By combining fuzzy cognitive mapping techniques and the System Dynamics (SD) approach, this study sought to create a model of analysis that allows for a holistic perspective of the determinants of family business growth, their cause-and-effect relationships and, consequently, their long-term behavior. As a result, the developed model provides a complete, transparent and realistic tool that enables decision makers to make informed, better decisions. This study is grounded on the insights provided by a panel of experts in family business, who shared their knowledge and experience over two group sessions. The theoretical and practical contributions of the study are also discussed; and suggestions are provided for future research

    Dinâmicas de causalidade no desempenho de colaboradores front-office em agências bancárias

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    O setor bancário é uma das principais forças de desenvolvimento de uma economia. É, também, um setor que passou por diversas dificuldades ao longo da história, sendo a mais recente a crise económico-financeira de 2007. Neste âmbito, as instituições bancárias tiveram de implementar diversas mudanças no seu campo de ação e viram surgir novas preocupações, relacionadas com as alterações dos mercados. Uma das principais evoluções deste setor foi a nova função comercial atribuída aos colaboradores front-office das agências bancárias. Por outras palavras, os colaboradores front-office têm, em adição à angariação e retenção de clientes, a função de venda de produtos e serviços financeiros. Nesta perspetiva, a sua importância é exponenciada e surge a necessidade de existirem novos métodos de avaliação que se coadunem com as necessidades do banco e do próprio colaborador. Neste sentido, a presente dissertação utiliza uma combinação de técnicas de cartografia cognitiva com a abordagem System Dynamics (SD), com o intuito de produzir um modelo mais informado, robusto e transparente para a avaliação de colaboradores front-office. A dissemelhança entre o modelo que esta dissertação se propõe a elaborar e as atuais práticas de avaliação consiste no facto de as informações recolhidas serem adquiridas, diretamente, junto de especialistas de múltiplos departamentos de bancos comerciais que lidam, numa base diária, com este tema. As implicações práticas do modelo elaborado serão, ainda, objeto de análise, discussão e consolidação.The banking sector is one of the main drivers of economic development. It is a sector that has been affected by several crisis throughout its history – most recently, the financial and economic crisis of 2007. Hence, banking institutions have to make diverse changes to their procedures and deal with new concerns related to the changes within markets. One of the main developments in this sector is the new commercial function assigned to bank branch front-office employees, who now have been given the responsibility for the sale of financial products and services, in addition to the current duties of recruiting and retaining clients. From this premise, there is a need for new evaluation methods that are in line with the needs of banks and employees. Therefore, this study uses a combination of cognitive mapping techniques with the System Dynamics (SD) approach, in order to provide a well- informed performance analysis system for bank branch front-office employees. The main difference between the model described in the present study and the current evaluation practices is that the information obtained is collected, directly, from multiple specialists from different commercial banks, who deal, on a daily basis, with this study topic. The model’s theoretical and practical implications are also discussed

    Impacto das alterações energéticas na sustentabilidade das PMEs: mapeamento e análise dinâmica

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    A energia é essencial ao bem-estar, tanto económico como social da sociedade. As crescentes exigências de consumo de energia conduzem a uma utilização excessiva dos recursos energéticos, com consequências nefastas para o ambiente. Neste sentido, há uma grande pressão sobre a sociedade em geral – e particularmente sobre as empresas – por forma a integrarem novas realidades energéticas nas suas estratégias. Apesar de as grandes empresas já demonstrarem preocupações com a eficiência energética e com a adoção de energias mais “limpas”, as empresas com menores recursos – como as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) – têm mostrado alguma relutância no que toca a este tema. Posto isto, e tendo em conta que uma estratégia conducente à sustentabilidade energética é um imperativo de competitividade das empresas, parece evidente que os decisores das PMEs beneficiariam de uma nova abordagem que facultasse uma melhor compreensão dos determinantes que impactam a sua sustentabilidade energética. Nesta perspetiva, a presente dissertação combina técnicas de mapeamento cognitivo com a abordagem System Dynamics (SD), de forma a estruturar um modelo mais informado e transparente para a avaliação do impacto das alterações energéticas na sustentabilidade das PMEs. A conjugação destas metodologias permite enriquecer a literatura já existente no tema, na medida em que, para além de analisar as relações de causa-efeito entre critérios de decisão, capta as interações dinâmicas entre as variáveis do modelo, a partir de uma perspetiva holística e ajustada ao mundo real. Os possíveis contributos e as limitações destas abordagens, as implicações práticas do modelo e a formulação de linhas de investigação futura são também objeto de análise e de discussão. Palavras-Chave: Alterações Energéticas; Apoio à Tomada de Decisão; Dinâmica de Sistemas; Mapeamento Cognitivo Fuzzy; Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs); Sustentabilidade.Energy is vital to the socio-economic well-being of the society at large. The global increasing demand in energy consumption lead to an excessive overuse of energy resources, which impacts the environment. Currently, there is an enormous pressure in our society to integrate energy concerns in business strategies. Although large companies have already demonstrated energy efficiency concerns and have adopted more “clean” types of energy, companies with fewer resources – such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – are the most reluctant to this aspect. Considering that a strategy leading to energy sustainability has become a key point to business competitiveness, it seems clear that SME decision makers would benefit from a new approach that provides a better understanding of the determinants that impact energy sustainability. From this standpoint, the present study combines fuzzy cognitive mapping and the System Dynamics (SD) approach, aiming at structuring an informed and transparent model to analyze the effects of energy change on SME sustainability. The combination of these methodologies allows the existing literature regarding this research topic to be enriched. Furthermore, it allows the cause-effect relationships between decision criteria to be analyzed, and gathers the dynamic interactions among the model variables, from a holistic and real-world perspective. Advantages, limitations and implications for research and practice area also discussed

    A framework for static and dynamic analysis of multi-layer fuzzy cognitive maps

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    Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) have progressively become a well-researched and extensively used set of tools for modeling real-world, complex decision making problems. Despite their fast growth, researchers and modelers are faced with the lack of a framework to analyze such models and help them assess their performance and efficiency. Moreover, when multi-layered FCM (ML-FCM) structures are used, which consist of a rich number of nodes and interconnections organized in different layers, this need becomes imperative. The present paper introduces an integrated analysis framework and a series of steps to gather useful static and dynamic information regarding ML-FCM models, as well as to interpret the corresponding results. The proposed type of analysis provides significant information on the model's complexity, the strength of its nodes and its tendency to promote or inhibit activation levels as a result of the presence of positive or negative cycles. In addition, it offers the means to perform dynamic analysis in the form of what-if scenarios. The framework is described and assessed using real-world problems from the engineering and political decision-making domains, which demonstrate its power and usefulness