5 research outputs found

    An Interactive System Level Simulation Environment for Systems- on-Chip

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    International audienceThis article presents an interactive simulation environment for high level models intended for Design Space Exploration of Systems-On-Chip. The existing open source development environment TTool supports the MARTE compliant UML profile DIPLODOCUS and enables the designer to create, simulate and formally verify models. The goal is to obtain first performance estimations of the system intended for design while minimizing the modeling effort. The contribution outlined in this paper is an additional module providing means for controlling the simulation in real time by performing step wise execution, saving and restoring simulation states as well as animating UML models of the system. Moreover the paper elaborates on the integration of these new features into the existing framework consisting of a simulation engine on the one hand and a graphical user interface on the other hand

    Formale Methoden zur Systemperformanzanalyse und -optimierung

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    With increasing system complexity, there is growing interest in using formal methods in wider range of systems to improve system predictability and determine system robustness to changes, enhancements and pitfalls. This paper gives an overview over a formal approach to system level performance modelling and analysis. A methodology is presented to cover distributed multiprocessor systems as well as multiprocessor systems on chip. The abstract modelling allows early design space exploration and optimization. We investigate an example multimedia application and optimize the usage of the shared memory to reach an optimal performance

    Memory-Processor Co-Scheduling in Fixed Priority Systems

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    ABSTRACT A major obstacle towards the adoption of multi-core platforms for real-time systems is given by the difficulties in characterizing the interference due to memory contention. The simple fact that multiple cores may simultaneously access shared memory and communication resources introduces a significant pessimism in the timing and schedulability analysis. To counter this problem, predictable execution models have been proposed splitting task executions into two consecutive phases: a memory phase in which the required instruction and data are pre-fetched to local memory (Mphase), and an execution phase in which the task is executed with no memory contention (C-phase). Decoupling memory and execution phases not only simplifies the timing analysis, but it also allows a more efficient (and predictable) pipelining of memory and execution phases through proper co-scheduling algorithms. In this paper, we take a further step towards the design of smart co-scheduling algorithms for sporadic real-time tasks complying with the M/C (memory-computation) model. We provide a theoretical framework that aims at tightly characterizing the schedulability improvement obtainable with the adopted M/C task model on a single-core systems. We identify a tight critical instant for M/C tasks scheduled with fixed priority, providing an exact response-time analysis with pseudo-polynomial complexity. We show in our experiments that a significant schedulability improvement may be obtained with respect to classic execution models, placing an important building block towards the design of more efficient partitioned multi-core systems

    Performanzanalyse von Multiprozessor-Echtzeitsystemen mit gemeinsamen Ressourcen

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    Permutational genetic algorithm for the deployment and scheduling of distributed real time systems

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    [ES] El despliegue y la planificación de tareas y mensajes en sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos son problemas NP-difíciles (NP- hard), por lo que no existen métodos óptimos para solucionarlos en tiempo polinómico. En consecuencia, estos problemas son adecuados para abordarse mediante algoritmos genéricos de búsqueda y optimización. En este artículo se propone un algoritmo genético multiobjetivo basado en una codificación permutacional de las soluciones para abordar el despliegue y la planificación de sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos. Además de desplegar tareas en computadores y de planificar tareas y mensajes, este algoritmo puede minimizar el número de computadores utilizados, la cantidad de recursos computacionales y de comunicaciones empleados y el tiempo de respuesta de peor caso medio de las aplicaciones. Los resultados experimentales muestran que este algoritmo genético permutacional puede desplegar y planificar sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos de forma satisfactoria y en tiempos razonables.[EN] The deployment and scheduling of tasks and messages in distributed real-time systems are NP-hard problems, so there are no optimal methods to solve them in polynomial time. Consequently, these problems are suitable to be approached with generic search and optimisation algorithms. In this paper we propose a multi-objective genetic algorithm based on a permutational solution encoding for the deployment and scheduling of distributed real-time systems. Besides deploying and scheduling tasks and messages, the algorithm can minimize the number of the used computers, the utilization of computing and networking resources and the average worst-case response times of the applications. The experiments show that this genetic algorithm can successfully synthesize complex distributed real-time systems in reasonable times.Azketa, E.; Gutiérrez, JJ.; Di Natale, M.; Almeida, L.; Marcos, M. (2013). Algoritmo genético permutacional para el despliegue y la planificación de sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 10(3):344-355. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.riai.2013.05.006OJS344355103Achterberg, T. (2009). SCIP: solving constraint integer programs. Mathematical Programming Computation, 1(1), 1-41. doi:10.1007/s12532-008-0001-1Boyd, S., Kim, S.-J., Vandenberghe, L., & Hassibi, A. (2007). A tutorial on geometric programming. Optimization and Engineering, 8(1), 67-127. doi:10.1007/s11081-007-9001-7Chen, W.-H., & Lin, C.-S. (2000). A hybrid heuristic to solve a task allocation problem. Computers & Operations Research, 27(3), 287-303. doi:10.1016/s0305-0548(99)00045-3Deb, K., Pratap, A., Agarwal, S., & Meyarivan, T. (2002). 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