10 research outputs found

    The effects of graphical fidelity on player experience

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    Graphical assets in video games have become increasingly complex over the years, but little is known about their effect on player experience (PX). In this paper, we present results of a controlled study with 48 participants comparing how abstract and stylized graphics influence player experience in casual games. Our results show that high-fidelity graphics result in a more positive impression of the game. However, we also show that many effects are only present in the game with a more challenging mechanic. This shows that casual games can be compelling and enjoyable to play despite simplistic graphics, suggesting that small game developers and researchers need not focus on elaborate visuals to engage players. Copyright © 2013 ACM

    Visual complexity, player experience, performance and physical exertion in motion-based games for older adults

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    Motion-based video games can have a variety of benefits for the players and are increasingly applied in physical therapy, rehabilitation and prevention for older adults. However, little is known about how this audience experiences playing such games, how the player experience affects the way older adults interact with motion-based games, and how this can relate to therapy goals. In our work, we decompose the player experience of older adults engaging with motion-based games, focusing on the effects of manipulations of the game representation through the visual channel (visual complexity), since it is the primary interaction modality of most games and since vision impairments are common amongst older adults. We examine the effects of different levels of visual complexity on player experience, performance, and exertion in a study with fifteen participants. Our results show that visual complexity affects the way games are perceived in two ways: First, while older adults do have preferences in terms of visual complexity of video games, notable effects were only measurable following drastic variations. Second, perceived exertion shifts depending on the degree of visual complexity. These findings can help inform the design of motion-based games for therapy and rehabilitation for older adults

    Abstract or realistic style: inclusive designing for student experience in educational games

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    Emphasizing on visual design possibilities, which is something that is always questionable on how the visual directing as a phenomenon to ameliorate meaningful interactive experiences in educational games, especially in Malaysia, where the implementation of educational games needed be addressed the extent of visual design in educational game development that suit local student preferences. In dedicated to understanding the effectiveness visual design in educational games to eliciting students' experiences. This study investigates the impact of 'Abstract' and 'Realistic' styles on student motivation, engagement and enjoyment of an educational games. The both graphic style approaches have been obtained much attention and discussion in the game design ever since, especially the suitability and endurability aspect are disputed heatedly. In this study, the experimental design was applied in order to identifies the relationship between the graphic styles and student's experiences in educational games. Experience Based Design Graphic Style (EBDGS) prototypes were developed which consists of EBDGS A (Abstract) and EBDGS R (Realistic) to review the relationship between each graphic style and students' experience domains. A questionnaire was conducted on 240 local Form One students to obtain their perceptions and experiences derived from EBDGS prototypes design. The results showed vast majority of students gained positive experiences through the EBDGS A (Abstract) version, through the experimentation of 'abstract' styles in educational game design. This also indirect reflect the 'Abstract' style as a visual mark that can alter the experience of the senses and as catalyst for learning development towards educational games

    Graphic Styles Appearance In Educational Games To Enhance Malaysian Students Learning: A Preliminary Study

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    Research on educational games has resulted to the increase in understanding of visual design elements in game development. The effectiveness of the graphic styles presentation in an educational game also benefited students in their learning process. This paper is intended to make an initial survey and discuss how graphic styles, learning and student involvement are inexorably linked. Interviews and questionnaires were conducted to identify the importance of graphic elements needed to conduct in the development of educational games. 39 respondents were selected to participate in this preliminary study ranging from an expert in games from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), two game developers, a teacher with ICT background, two high schools teachers and 30 Form one students. Preliminary study have shown that the educational games research in Malaysia is still less pressing in visual design aspect especially in terms of graphic styles which can be implicated in educational games and to enhance Malaysian students learnin

    Ecoagente: um jogo educativo para a conscientização sobre a importância da preservação ambiental

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    Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento e validação do jogo educativo Ecoagente, que tem por objetivo auxiliar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem sobre questões ambientais. Para sua validação é utilizado um modelo de avaliação de jogos educacionais que compreende o modelo de avaliação de treinamento de Kirkpatrick, o modelo ARCS, o modelo UX (User Experience) e a taxonomia dos objetivos educacionais de Bloom. Como resultado têm-se a implementação do jogo e sua aplicação com 70 alunos de uma escola municipal de Criciúma, Santa Catarina. Na análise dos dados pode-se observar a motivação ao utilizar o jogo, a experiência dos usuários e, quanto aos objetivos educacionais do recurso. Este modelo demonstrou-se efetivo quanto à validação deste jogo, contribuindo para qualificar o Ecoagente

    Visual Aesthetics in Digital Games: A Comparative Analysis Between Photorealism and Stylized Graphicsgraphics

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    This dissertation starts from the assumption that every digital game has some kind of visual display. Based on that, it investigates photorealistic and stylized graphics, two popular visual styles in digital games, in order to comprehend the process of creating a prototype that incorporates those styles, as well as the technological artistic challenges of implementing each style in a solo development scenario, with the goal of assisting in the practice of designing this type of content. A literature review on digital game appearance and the development of both photorealistic and stylized styles was conducted to ground the development of a prototype. The result of the prototype creation is documented, so its findings can lead to the expansion of knowledge that can be used in practice and can inform practitioners and other designers

    Multimodal E-Commerce: A Usability and Social Presence Investigation

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    This thesis investigates empirically multimodal socially interactive e-commerce interfaces. The overall hypothesis is that multimodal social interaction will improve the usability of e-commerce interfaces and increase the user‘s feeling of social presence, decision making and product understanding when compared to an equivalent non-multimodal socially interactive interface. The investigation consisted eight conditions in three experimental phases. The first experimental phase investigated non-socially interactive, static-socially interactive, and interactive-socially interactive interfaces (three conditions) using an e-commerce platform with a dependent sample of users (n=36). The second experimental phase continued with the comparative evaluation of a further two conditions based on the results of the first phase. An audio and an avatar-based socially interactive conditions were evaluated with two independent groups of users (n=18 for each group). The third experimental phase investigated three socially interactive conditions. These were text with graphics, auditory stimuli, and avatars. The results demonstrate that socially interactive metaphors in e-commerce interfaces improved the ability of users to use presented information effectively, make decisions in comparison to non-social or static social interactive interfaces. An avatar-based socially interactive e-commerce interface improved the user‘s social presence. A set of empirically derived guidelines for the design and use of these metaphors to communicate information in a socially interactive atmosphere is also introduced and discussed

    The role of edutainment in e-learning: An empirical study.

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    Impersonal, non-face-to-face contact and text-based interfaces, in the e-Learning segment, present major problems that are encountered by learners, since they are out on vital personal interactions and useful feedback messages, as well as on real-time information about their learning performance. This research programme suggests a multimodal, combined with an edutainment approach, which is expected to improve the communications between users and e-Learning systems. This thesis empirically investigates users’ effectiveness; efficiency and satisfaction, in order to determine the influence of edutainment, (e.g. amusing speech and facial expressions), combined with multimodal metaphors, (e.g. speech, earcon, avatar, etc.), within e-Learning environments. Besides text, speech, visual, and earcon modalities, avatars are incorporated to offer a visual and listening realm, in online learning. The methodology used for this research project comprises a literature review, as well as three experimental platforms. The initial experiment serves as a first step towards investigating the feasibility of completing all the tasks and objectives in the research project, outlined above. The remaining two experiments explore, further, the role of edutainment in enhancing e-Learning user interfaces. The overall challenge is to enhance user-interface usability; to improve the presentation of learning, in e-Learning systems; to improve user enjoyment; to enhance interactivity and learning performance; and, also, to contribute in developing guidelines for multimodal involvement, in the context of edutainment. The results of the experiments presented in this thesis show an improvement in user enjoyment, through satisfaction measurements. In the first experiment, the enjoyment level increased by 11%, in the Edutainment (E) platform, compared to the Non-edutainment (NE) interface. In the second experiment, the Game-Based Learning (GBL) interface obtained 14% greater enhancement than the Virtual Class (VC) interface and 20.85% more than the Storytelling interface; whereas, the percentage obtained by the game incorporated with avatars increased by an extra 3%, compared with the other platforms, in the third experiment. In addition, improvement in both user performance and learning retention were detected through effective and efficiency measurements. In the first experiment, there was no significant difference between mean values of time, for both conditions (E) & (NE) which were not found to be significant, when tested using T-test. In the second experiment, the time spent in condition (GBL) was higher by 7-10 seconds, than in the other conditions. In the third experiment, the mean values of the time taken by the users, in all conditions, were comparable, with an average of 22.8%. With regards to effectiveness, the findings of the first experiment showed, generally, that the mean correct answer for condition (E) was higher by 20%, than the mean for condition (NE). Users in condition (GBL) performed better than the users in the other conditions, in the second experiment. The percentage of correct answers, in the second experiment, was higher by 20% and by 34.7%, in condition (GBL), than in the (VC) and (ST), respectively. Finally, a set of empirically derived guidelines was produced for the design of usable multimodal e-Learning and edutainment interfaces.Libyan Embass

    Multimodal E-assessment: An Empirical Study

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    Due to the availability of technology, there has been a shift from traditional assessment methods to e-assessment methods designed to support learning. With this development there is a need to address the suitability and effectiveness of the e-assessment interface. One development in the e-assessment interface has been the use of the multimodal metaphor. Unfortunately, the associated effectiveness of multimodality in terms of usability and its suitability in achieving assessment aims has not been fully addressed. Thus, there is a need to determine the impact of multimodality on the effectiveness of e-assessment and to reveal the benefits, primarily to the user. Moreover, those involved in the development and assessment should be aware of potential impacts and benefits. This thesis investigates the role and effectiveness of multimodal metaphors in e-assessment, specifically; the thesis assesses the effect of multimodal metaphors, alone or in combination, on usability in e-assessment. Usability includes efficiency, effectiveness and user satisfaction. The empirical research described in this study consisted of three experiments of 30 participants each to evaluate the effect of description text, avatars and images individually, avatars, description text and recorded speech in combination with images, and finally, the use of avatars with whole body gestures, earcons and auditory icons. The experimental stages were designed as a progression towards the main focus of the study, which was the effectiveness of full body gesture avatar, considered to be the latest development in multimodal metaphors. The experimentation also assessed the role that an avatar could play as a tutor in e-assessment interfaces. The results proved the positive effectiveness and applicability of metaphors to enhance e-assessment usability. This was achieved through a more effective interaction between the user and the assessment interface. A set of empirically derived guidelines for the design and use of these metaphors to enhance e-assessment is also used in order to generate more usable e-assessment interface