17 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Penerapan E-Business Perusahaan Menggunakan Framework Model Shaaban Elahi (Studi Kasus Perusahaan Hotel Grand Legi)

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    Hotel Grand Legi menggunakan e-business sebagai bisnis model inti merupakan salah satu bukti bahwa teknologi dapat memberikan competitive advantage dalam persaingan bisnis. Namun pengggunaan teknologi juga harus didukung dengan infrastruktur dan sistem yang memadai sehingga akan memberikan hasil yang optimal bagi profitabilitas perusahaan. Oleh karena itu perlu diadakan evaluasi e-business di perusahaan ini. Dengan adanya framework evaluasi e-business yang di kembangkan oleh Shaaban Elahi, maka evaluasi di perusahaan ini dapat menggunakan framework tersebut. Karena framework Shaaban Elahi sesuai dengan kriteria dan indikator e-business yang ada di dalam Hotel Grand Legi. Tugas Akhir ini diharapkan dapat mengetahui nilai evaluasi penerapan framework e-business tersebut jika di terapkan pada perusahaan Grand Legi. Lalu hasilnya dijadikan rekomendasi agar e-business Grand Legi berjalan lebih baik mendukung proses bisnis perusahaan. ============================================================================================================================== Hotel Grand Legi use of e-business as the business model of the core is one proof that the technology can provide a competitive advantage in a competitive business. However pengggunaan technology must be supported by adequate infrastructure and systems that will deliver optimal results for the profitability of the company. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate e-business at the firm. With the evaluation of e-business framework that was developed by Shaaban Elahi, then the evaluation at this company can use the framework. Because Shaaban Elahi framework in accordance with the criteria and indicators of e-business in the Hotel Grand Legi. The final project is expected to know the results of the evaluation of the application of e-business framework that if applied to the company's Grand Legi. Then the results are used as a recommendation that the e-business Grand Legi run better support the company's business processes

    B2C quality evaluation factors from Jordanian consumer perspective

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    The consumer of B2C business plays a significant role in sustaining B2C business companies. However, many companies neglect to incorporate consumers need in their websites developments, resulting unachieved business objectives.Companies must identify consumers’ factors in their websites developments so that the B2C websites receive higher hits. This study aims to investigate and identify the B2C quality factors from the consumers’ perspective, to rank these factors according to their importance, and to categorize these factors into meaningful groups.Methodology from three phases has been conducted to achieve the objectives.These phases include identification, ranking, and categorization of factors. Data was gathered from the literature and analyzed using SPSS. Simple descriptive statistics such as mean and frequency were used to rank the quality factors. In addition, factor analysis was used to categorize the quality factors. Seventeen quality factors were found to be important from the consumers’ perspective. The seventeen quality factors were further categorized into three groups: E-usage, E-information, and E- services. These categories will be used to construct quality evaluation framework in the next stage of the study

    Electronic Business in Saudi Organization

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    This paper is to shed light on the use of electronic business and mobile applications in Saudi organizations to perform their various activities. The paper examined the validity of a previous model that was found from the literature, to identify the most significant factors that affect the intention to adopt mobile electronic business within Saudi organizations. The research suggests and tests seven hypotheses on a population consists of employees in public and private sectors. Therefore, a regular random sampling procedure was used in which 256 respondents were identified.Structural equation modeling had been performed to analyze the collected data, giving more superior empirical results that led to reject five of the seven hypotheses. Results indicate that mobile electronic business features and opportunities as well as social influence both positively affect the intention to adopt mobile electronic business in Saudi organizations. Keywords: Information Systems, Organizations, Information Technology Adoption, Mobile Commerce, Mobile Phones, Mobile Electronic Commerce, Information Systems in Organizations, Information Technology, Mobile Commerce Adoption, Electronic Business, SEM

    E-Commerce Innovations in Jordan: Theoretical Model Development and Implications for Small Businesses

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    Electronic commerce (EC) adoption in small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries (DC) is confronted with different difficulties. These challenges emanate from the SME itself and from micro and macro forces. By developing an adoption and diffusion model, this research endeavors to investigate the depth of the EC phenomenon in SMEs in developing countries represented here by the case of Jordan. Jordan represents an exemplary case to follow in the region due to its human capital capabilities and leadership in embracing various initiatives and novelties. The research findings and the emerging implications suggested the weakness of the EC phenomenon in the cases and pointed to a unique perspective concerning the adoption context of the SMEs in Jordan. These issues are discussed in this research raising different determinants, SME’s specifics, and theoretical and professional contributions and implications

    A consumer perspective e-commerce websites evaluation model

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    Existing website evaluation methods have some weaknesses such as neglecting consumer criteria in their evaluation, being unable to deal with qualitative criteria, and involving complex weight and score calculations. This research aims to develop a hybrid consumer-oriented e-commerce website evaluation model based on the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and the Hardmard Method (HM). Four phases were involved in developing the model: requirements identification, empirical study, model construction, and model confirmation. Requirements identification and empirical study were to identify critical web-design criteria and gather online consumers' preferences. Data, collected from 152 Malaysian consumers using online questionnaires, were used to identify critical e-commerce website features and scale of importance. The new evaluation model comprised of three components. First, the consumer evaluation criteria that consist of the important principles considered by consumers; second, the evaluation mechanisms that integrate FAHP and HM consisting of mathematical expressions that handle subjective judgments, new formulas to calculate the weight and score for each criterion; and third, the evaluation procedures consisting of activities that comprise of goal establishment, document preparation, and identification of website performance. The model was examined by six experts and applied to four case studies. The results show that the new model is practical, and appropriate to evaluate e-commerce websites from consumers' perspectives, and is able to calculate weights and scores for qualitative criteria in a simple way. In addition, it is able to assist decision-makers to make decisions in a measured objective way. The model also contributes new knowledge to the software evaluation fiel

    Modelo de planificación estratégica para la integración de e – commerce en pymes peruanas

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la influencia del modelo de planificación estratégica para la integración del comercio electrónico basado en el pensamiento sistémico en la planificación efectiva de la adopción del comercio electrónico en las Pymes peruanas. La investigación fue planteada en el enfoque cuantitativo para medir la influencia; la población estuvo constituida por 60 Pymes del Cercado de Lima del sector comercial, la muestra de 20 Pymes seleccionas a través de muestreo intencional; utilizando como instrumento un cuestionario virtual para conocer las capacidades de gestión, técnica y de talento de las Pymes. Aplicando el modelo, se obtuvo como resultado que este tiene una influencia positiva en la planificación efectiva de la adopción del comercio electrónico (p = 0.000 <0.05); asimismo, la influencia positiva en la mejora de la capacidad de gestión para el comercio electrónico (p = 0.018 < 0.05), influencia positiva en la mejora de la capacidad técnica para el comercio electrónico (p = 0.018 < 0.05) y la influencia positiva en la mejora de la capacidad de talento para el comercio electrónico (p = 0.028 < 0.05). Se concluye, que el modelo de planificación estratégica para la integración del comercio electrónico influye en las capacidades de gestión, técnica y talento para la planificación efectiva de la adopción del comercio electrónico en las Pymes peruanas

    Regional Adoption of Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce in China: Role of E-Readiness

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    Adoption of B2B e-commerce is a powerful driver of economic success in developed and developing countries. However, adoption rates in developing countries lag far behind. This paper draws on the Perceived eReadiness Model and research on the influence of inter-organizational relationships and economic-cultural contexts to explain the importance of three factors—inter-organizational power dependence, cooperativeness, and regional economic-cultural differences—for achieving higher levels of Internet-based Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in the developing country of China. We employ survey data to empirically test both the individual and joint influence of these factors. The findings suggest that beyond intra-organizational and external factors, managers and policy makers wanting to promote Internet-based EDI adoption in developing countries must also account for the inter-organizational relationships of firms and the economic and cultural circumstances of the regions in which they operate

    A Comparative Study of Interest Free Banking Practices in Ethiopia Private Commercial Banks Between Oromia International Bank and Oromia Cooperative Bank in Dire Dawa Districts

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    The purpose of the study was to assess interest free banking practices in Ethiopia private commercial banks Oromia International Bank and Oromia Cooperative Bank in Dire Dawa. The researcher was used descriptive survey research design and multistage sampling techniques (both probability and non-probability techniques) to reach at the specific respondents. In this study was employed a descriptive and also inferential statistics such as such as independent-samples t-test and ordinal logistic (O logit) regression to see the effects of independent variables on dependent variable by using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 software. More specifically five interest free banking practices factors identified in the study; which are Awareness, Compatibility, Complexity, Perceived trust and Relative advantage with implementation of interest free banking (IFB) practices in private commercial banks.  The Nagelkereke R2 indicates the model can for 63.3% of the variance in the implementation of interest free banking practices. The survey findings also revealed that interest free banking service it shows that “Complexity” have statistically insignificant and negative relationship with the implementation of interest free banking service. Thus, banks need to take these factors into account when developing their interest free banking services to ensure the success of their Islamic banking products and services. Banks need to enhance accessibility, profitability and service quality factors. Keywords: Awareness, Compatibility, Perceived trust, Complexity, Relative Advantage, Implementation of IFB DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-19-05 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Çevrimiçi Gizlilik ve E-Sadakat Eğilimi İlişkisi Üzerine Ülkeler Arası Bir İnceleme: Türkiye ve Rusya Arasında Bir Karşılaştırma A Cross-Country Investigation of Online Privacy and E-Loyalty Intentions Relationship: A Comparison Between Turkey and Russia

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    E-ticaret, günümüz müşteri ve kurumlarının davranış ve işleyişlerini radikal bir biçimde değiştirmiştir. Öte yandan, gitgide artan çevrimiçi alışveriş zemininde müşterilerin sadakatini sağlamak zor bir hedeftir. Literatürdeki araştırmalar, müşterilerin e-sadakat eğilimlerini etkileyebilecek çeşitli faktörler önermişlerdir ki bunlar arasında arka planda kalmış bir kavram çevrimiçi gizliliktir. Bu bakımdan, çevrimiçi gizliliğin e-sadakat eğilimleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemek hem teorik hem pratik açıdan fayda sağlayacaktır. Bununla birlikte önceki araştırmalar, müşterilerin ehizmet sağlayıcıları ile ilgili tutum ve davranışlarının bağlı bulundukları ülkesel ve kültürel koşullardan da etkilenebileceğini belirtmiştir. Bu doğrultuda araştırmamız, çevrimiçi gizlilik ve e-sadakat eğilimleri arasındaki ilişkiyi, e-ticaretin az tercih edildiği Türkiye ve Rusya kapsamında test etmektedir. Toplam 325 katılımcıdan elde edilen veri ile yapılan analizler doğrultusunda, çevrimiçi gizliliğin e-sadakat eğilimi üzerinde ememnuniyet aracılığıyla dolaylı bir etkisi olduğu bulunmuş, çevrimiçi gizlilik ve ememnuniyet ilişkisinin Türkiye’ye nazaran özellikle Rusya’da daha güçlü olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Sonuçlarla ilgili hem teorik hem de pratik çıkarımlar ele alınmıştır. E-commerce has dramatically changed the way customers and organizations behave and function today. Nevertheless, ensuring customer loyalty in online mediums is a challenging task. Extant literature suggests various factors that affect customers’ online loyalty intentions including online privacy, which has been an understated concept. Thus, it is critical to investigate the effect of online privacy on e-loyalty intentions. Studies have also mentioned that customers’ attitudes and behaviors in online might be affected by country and culture specific characteristics. Therefore, our study examines the relationship between online privacy and e-loyalty intentions in the context of two countries with limited e-commerce use, Turkey and Russia. Findings based on data collected from 325 participants confirm an indirect relationship between online privacy and e-loyalty intentions through e-satisfaction while online privacy - esatisfaction association has been found to be stronger in Russia than Turkey. Our study further discusses theoretical and practical implications