524 research outputs found

    Improving Performance for CSMA/CA Based Wireless Networks

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    Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) based wireless networks are becoming increasingly ubiquitous. With the aim of supporting rich multimedia applications such as high-definition television (HDTV, 20Mbps) and DVD (9.8Mbps), one of the technology trends is towards increasingly higher bandwidth. Some recent IEEE 802.11n proposals seek to provide PHY rates of up to 600 Mbps. In addition to increasing bandwidth, there is also strong interest in extending the coverage of CSMA/CA based wireless networks. One solution is to relay traffic via multiple intermediate stations if the sender and the receiver are far apart. The so called “mesh” networks based on this relay-based approach, if properly designed, may feature both “high speed” and “large coverage” at the same time. This thesis focusses on MAC layer performance enhancements in CSMA/CA based networks in this context. Firstly, we observe that higher PHY rates do not necessarily translate into corresponding increases in MAC layer throughput due to the overhead of the CSMA/CA based MAC/PHY layers. To mitigate the overhead, we propose a novel MAC scheme whereby transported information is partially acknowledged and retransmitted. Theoretical analysis and extensive simulations show that the proposed MAC approach can achieve high efficiency (low MAC overhead) for a wide range of channel variations and realistic traffic types. Secondly, we investigate the close interaction between the MAC layer and the buffer above it to improve performance for real world traffic such as TCP. Surprisingly, the issue of buffer sizing in 802.11 wireless networks has received little attention in the literature yet it poses fundamentally new challenges compared to buffer sizing in wired networks. We propose a new adaptive buffer sizing approach for 802.11e WLANs that maintains a high level of link utilisation, while minimising queueing delay. Thirdly, we highlight that gross unfairness can exist between competing flows in multihop mesh networks even if we assume that orthogonal channels are used in neighbouring hops. That is, even without inter-channel interference and hidden terminals, multi-hop mesh networks which aim to offer a both “high speed” and “large coverage” are not achieved. We propose the use of 802.11e’s TXOP mechanism to restore/enfore fairness. The proposed approach is implementable using off-the-shelf devices and fully decentralised (requires no message passing)

    Energy aware optimization for low power radio technologies

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    The explosive growth of IoT is pushing the market towards cheap, very low power devices with a strong focus on miniaturization, for applications such as in-body sensors, personal health monitoring and microrobots. Proposing procedures for energy efficiency in IoT is a difficult task, as it is a rapidly growing market comprised of many and very diverse product categories using technologies that are not stable, evolving at a high pace. The research in this field proposes solutions that go from physical layer optimization up to the network layer, and the sensor network designer has to select the techniques that are best for its application specific architecture and radio technology used. This work is focused on exploring new techniques for enhancing the energy efficiency and user experience of IoT networks. We divide the proposed techniques in frame and chip level optimization techniques, respectively. While the frame level techniques are meant to improve the performance of existing radio technologies, the chip level techniques aim at replacing them with crystal-free architectures. The identified frame level techniques are the use of preamble authentication and packet fragmentation, advisable for Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs), a technology that offers the lowest energy consumption per provided service, but is vulnerable in front of energy exhaustion attacks and does not perform well in dense networks. The use of authenticated preambles between the sensors and gateways becomes a defence mechanism against the battery draining intended by attackers. We show experimentally that this approach is able to reduce with 91% the effect of an exhaustion attack, increasing the device's lifetime from less than 0.24 years to 2.6 years. The experiments were conducted using Loadsensing sensor nodes, commercially used for critical infrastructure control and monitoring. Even if exemplified on LoRaWAN, the use of preamble authentication is extensible to any wireless protocol. The use of packet fragmentation despite the packet fits the frame, is shown to reduce the probability of collisions while the number of users in the duty-cycle restricted network increases. Using custom-made Matlab simulations, important goodput improvement was obtained with fragmentation, with higher impact in slower and denser networks. Using NS3 simulations, we showed that combining packet fragmentation with group NACK can increase the network reliability, while reducing the energy consumed for retransmissions, at the cost of adding small headers to each fragment. It is a strategy that proves to be effective in dense duty-cycle restricted networks only, where the headers overhead is negligible compared to the network traffic. As a chip level technique, we consider using radios for communication that do not use external frequency references such as crystal oscillators. This would enable having all sensor's elements on a single piece of silicon, rendering it even ten times more energy efficient due to the compactness of the chip. The immediate consequence is the loss of communication accuracy and ability to easily switch communication channels. In this sense, we propose a sequence of frequency synchronization algorithms and phases that have to be respected by a crystal-free device so that it can be able to join a network by finding the beacon channel, synthesize all communication channels and then maintain their accuracy against temperature change. The proposed algorithms need no additional network overhead, as they are using the existing network signaling. The evaluation is made in simulations and experimentally on a prototype implementation of an IEEE802.15.4 crystal-free radio. While in simulations we are able to change to another communication channel with very good frequency accuracy, the results obtained experimentally show an initial accuracy slightly above 40ppm, which will be later corrected by the chip to be below 40 ppm.El crecimiento significativo de la IoT está empujando al mercado hacia el desarrollo de dispositivos de bajo coste, de muy bajo consumo energético y con un fuerte enfoque en la miniaturización, para aplicaciones que requieran sensores corporales, monitoreo de salud personal y micro-robots. La investigación en el campo de la eficiencia energética en la IoT propone soluciones que van desde la optimización de la capa física hasta la capa de red. Este trabajo se centra en explorar nuevas técnicas para mejorar la eficiencia energética y la experiencia del usuario de las redes IoT. Dividimos las técnicas propuestas en técnicas de optimización de nivel de trama de red y chip, respectivamente. Si bien las técnicas de nivel de trama están destinadas a mejorar el rendimiento de las tecnologías de radio existentes, las técnicas de nivel de chip tienen como objetivo reemplazarlas por arquitecturas que no requieren de cristales. Las técnicas de nivel de trama desarrolladas en este trabajo son el uso de autenticación de preámbulos y fragmentación de paquetes, aconsejables para redes LPWAN, una tecnología que ofrece un menor consumo de energía por servicio prestado, pero es vulnerable frente a los ataques de agotamiento de energía y no escalan frente la densificación. El uso de preámbulos autenticados entre los sensores y las pasarelas de enlace se convierte en un mecanismo de defensa contra el agotamiento del batería previsto por los atacantes. Demostramos experimentalmente que este enfoque puede reducir con un 91% el efecto de un ataque de agotamiento, aumentando la vida útil del dispositivo de menos de 0.24 años a 2.6 años. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo utilizando nodos sensores de detección de carga, utilizados comercialmente para el control y monitoreo de infrastructura crítica. Aunque la técnica se ejemplifica en el estándar LoRaWAN, el uso de autenticación de preámbulo es extensible a cualquier protocolo inalámbrico. En esta tesis se muestra también que el uso de la fragmentación de paquetes a pesar de que el paquete se ajuste a la trama, reduce la probabilidad de colisiones mientras aumenta el número de usuarios en una red con restricciones de ciclos de transmisión. Mediante el uso de simulaciones en Matlab, se obtiene una mejora importante en el rendimiento de la red con la fragmentación, con un mayor impacto en redes más lentas y densas. Usando simulaciones NS3, demostramos que combinar la fragmentación de paquetes con el NACK en grupo se puede aumentar la confiabilidad de la red, al tiempo que se reduce la energía consumida para las retransmisiones, a costa de agregar pequeños encabezados a cada fragmento. Como técnica de nivel de chip, consideramos el uso de radios para la comunicación que no usan referencias de frecuencia externas como los osciladores basados en un cristal. Esto permitiría tener todos los elementos del sensor en una sola pieza de silicio, lo que lo hace incluso diez veces más eficiente energéticamente debido a la integración del chip. La consecuencia inmediata, en el uso de osciladores digitales en vez de cristales, es la pérdida de precisión de la comunicación y la capacidad de cambiar fácilmente los canales de comunicación. En este sentido, proponemos una secuencia de algoritmos y fases de sincronización de frecuencia que deben ser respetados por un dispositivo sin cristales para que pueda unirse a una red al encontrar el canal de baliza, sintetizar todos los canales de comunicación y luego mantener su precisión contra el cambio de temperatura. Los algoritmos propuestos no necesitan una sobrecarga de red adicional, ya que están utilizando la señalización de red existente. La evaluación se realiza en simulaciones y experimentalmente en una implementación prototipo de una radio sin cristal IEEE802.15.4. Los resultados obtenidos experimentalmente muestran una precisión inicial ligeramente superior a 40 ppm, que luego será corregida por el chip para que sea inferior a 40 ppm.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of an IEEE 802.11-based protocol for real-time applications in agriculture

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    La tesi descrive un sistema originale basato sullo standard IEEE 802.11 per il monitoraggio ed il controllo remoto in tempo reale di una macchina agricola attraverso dispositivi commerciali quali smartphones e tablet. Le prestazioni del sistema sono state attentamente caratterizzate, sia dal punto di vista teorico che da quello pratico, tramite numerose sessioni di misure sperimentali. Opportune soluzioni alle problematiche riscontrate sono proposte, evidenziando sostanziali miglioramentiopenEmbargo temporaneo per motivi di segretezza e/o di proprietà dei risultati e informazioni di enti esterni o aziende private che hanno partecipato alla realizzazione del lavoro di ricerca relativo alla tes

    Mobile-IP ad-hoc network MPLS-based with QoS support.

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    The support for Quality of Service (QoS) is the main focus of this thesis. Major issues and challenges for Mobile-IP Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) to support QoS in a multi-layer manner are considered discussed and investigated through simulation setups. Different parameters contributing to the subjective measures of QoS have been considered and consequently, appropriate testbeds were formed to measure these parameters and compare them to other schemes to check for superiority. These parameters are: Maximum Round-Trip Delay (MRTD), Minimum Bandwidth Guaranteed (MBG), Bit Error Rate (BER), Packet Loss Ratio (PER), End-To-End Delay (ETED), and Packet Drop Ratio (PDR) to name a few. For network simulations, NS-II (Network Simulator Version II) and OPNET simulation software systems were used.Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .A355. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1444. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Design and development of a software architecture for seamless vertical handover in mobile communications

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    In this work I firstly present an overview on current wireless technology and network mobility focusing on challenges and issues which arise when mobile nodes migrate among different access networks, while employing real-time communications and services. In literature many solutions propose different methods and architectures to enhance vertical handover, the process of transferring a network communication between two technologically different points of attachment. After an extensive review of such solutions this document describes my personal implementation of a fast vertical handover mechanism for Android smartphones. I also performed a reliability and performance comparison between the current Android system and my enhanced architecture which have both been tested in a scenario where vertical handover was taking place between WiFi and cellular network while the mobile node was using video streaming services. Results show the approach of my implementation to be promising, encouraging future works, some of which are suggested at the end of this dissertation together with concluding remarks

    Congestion Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Network using modified acknowledgement with secure channel

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    The mobile ad hoc network is self-configuring and dynamic in nature. Due to its dynamic topology node can join or leave any time and each node behaves as router or host which can deliver the packets from source to destination. Due to the heavy traffic load over network congestion occur. To avoid the congestion on network various congestion control mechanism has been developed but in this we use modified-ACK based scheme for node authentication in AODV protocol. The simulation of our proposed work is done on network simulator NS-2.34 and comparative analysis of our proposed methodology is done using performance metrics such as packet delivery ratio, throughput, end-end delay average jitter and routing load.   Keywords MANET, Congestion Control, AODV, ACK, PDR, Network Simulato

    Multi-Channel Security through Data Fragmentation

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    This thesis presents a novel security system developed for a multi-channel communication architecture, which achieves security by distributing the message and its associated message authentication code across the available channels at the bit level, to support systems that require protection from confidentiality and integrity attacks without relying solely on traditional encryption. One contribution of the work is to establish some helpful terminology, present a basic theory for multi-channel communications, describe the services provided by an optimal system, and then implement a proof of concept system to demonstrate the concept\u27s validity. This proof of concept, focused on the splitting and recombination activities, operates by using existing key exchange mechanisms to establish system initialization information, and then splitting the message in fragments across each available channel. Splitting prevents the entirety of a given message from being transmitted across a single channel, and spreads the overall message authentication across the set of channels. This gives the end user the following unique service: the sender and receiver can identify a compromised channel, even in the presence of a sophisticated man in the middle attack wherein the adversary achieves fragment acceptance at the destination by altering the message\u27s error detecting code. Under some conditions, the receiver can recover the original message without retransmission, despite these injected errors. The resulting system may be attractive for critical infrastructure communications systems as a holistic approach to both availability and a defense against integrity attacks. This system would be a natural fit as a cipher suite for a future iteration of the Transport Layer Security protocol targeting support for multi-channel communication systems

    Mitigating TCP Degradation over Intermittent Link Failures Using Intermediate Buffers

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    This thesis addresses the improvement of data transmission performance in a challenged network. It is well known that the popular Transmission Control Protocol degrades in environments where one or more of the links along the route is intermittently available. To avoid this degradation, this thesis proposes placing at least one node along the path of transmission to buffer and retransmit as needed to overcome the intermittent link. In the four-node, three-link testbed under particular conditions, file transmission time was reduced 20 fold in the case of an intermittent second link when the second node strategically buffers for retransmission opportunity

    Self-organizing protocol for reliability and security in wireless sensor networks

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