192 research outputs found

    AoI-based Multicast Routing over Voronoi Overlays with Minimal Overhead

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    The increasing pervasive and ubiquitous presence of devices at the edge of the Internet is creating new scenarios for the emergence of novel services and applications. This is particularly true for location- and context-aware services. These services call for new decentralized, self-organizing communication schemes that are able to face issues related to demanding resource consumption constraints, while ensuring efficient locality-based information dissemination and querying. Voronoi-based communication techniques are among the most widely used solutions in this field. However, when used for forwarding messages inside closed areas of the network (called Areas of Interest, AoIs), these solutions generally require a significant overhead in terms of redundant and/or unnecessary communications. This fact negatively impacts both the devices' resource consumption levels, as well as the network bandwidth usage. In order to eliminate all unnecessary communications, in this paper we present the MABRAVO (Multicast Algorithm for Broadcast and Routing over AoIs in Voronoi Overlays) protocol suite. MABRAVO allows to forward information within an AoI in a Voronoi network using only local information, reaching all the devices in the area, and using the lowest possible number of messages, i.e., just one message for each node included in the AoI. The paper presents the mathematical and algorithmic descriptions of MABRAVO, as well as experimental findings of its performance, showing its ability to reduce communication costs to the strictly minimum required.Comment: Submitted to: IEEE Access; CodeOcean: DOI:10.24433/CO.1722184.v1; code: https://github.com/michelealbano/mabrav

    Peer-to-Peer Simulation of Massive Virtual Environments

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    Massively multiplayer online environments continue to grow in popularity, with cur- rent technical designs based upon a well-proven client-server model. This approach has some inherent limitations, high costs to provision server resources for peak demands and restriction of the maximum number of concurrent participants within a virtual environ- ment. Incorporating peer-to-peer (P2P) techniques provides developers the opportunity to significantly reduce costs, while also breaking through the barrier of the number of concur- rent participants within a single virtual environment. This dissertation presents a hybrid P2P design incorporating a managed server along with a Voronoi-based P2P overlay for the development of massive virtual environments. In this design, the managed server en- sures a secure computing environment and long-term persistent storage, with the virtual environment simulation distributed among the peers, ensuring computational scalability

    Scalable AOI-Cast for Peer-to-Peer Networked Virtual Environments

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    Networked virtual environments (NVEs) are computer-generated virtual worlds where users interact by exchang-ing messages via network connections. Each NVE user of-ten pays attention to only a limited visibility sphere called area of interest (AOI) where interactions occur. The dis-semination of messages to other users within the AOI (i.e., the AOI neighbors) thus is a fundamental NVE operation referred to as AOI-cast. Existing studies on NVE scala-bility have focused on system scalability, or the ability for the system to handle a growing number of total users, by using multicast or peer-to-peer (P2P) architectures. How-ever, another overlooked, yet important form of scalability relates to the handling of a growing number of users within the AOI (or AOI scalability). In this paper, we propose two AOI-cast schemes, called VoroCast and FiboCast, to im-prove the AOI scalability of P2P-based NVEs. VoroCast constructs a spanning tree across all AOI neighbors based on Voronoi diagrams, while FiboCast dynamically adjusts the messaging range by a Fibonacci sequence, so that AOI neighbors would receive updates at frequencies based on their hop counts from the message originator. Simulations show that the two schemes provide better AOI scalability than existing approaches. 1

    Load Balancing Hashing for Geographic Hash Tables

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    In this paper, we address the problem of balancing the network traffic load generated when querying a geographic hash table. State-of-the-art approaches can be used to improve load balancing by changing the underlying geo-routing protocol used to forward queries in the geographic hash table. However, this comes at the expense of considerably complicating the routing process, which no longer occurs along (near) straightline trajectories, but requires computing complex geometric transformations. Thus, current load balancing approaches are impractical in application scenarios where the nodes composing the geographic hash table have limited computational power, such as in most wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to solve the traffic load balancing problem in geographic hash tables: instead of changing the (near) straight-line geo-routing protocol used to send a query from the node issuing the query (the source) to the node managing the queried key (the destination), we propose to "reverse engineer" the hash function so that the resulting destination density, when combined with a given source density, yields a perfectly balanced load distribution. We first formally characterize the desired destination density as a solution of a complex integral equation. We then present explicit destination density functions (taken from the family of Beta distributions) yielding quasi-perfect load balancing under the assumption of uniformly distributed sources. Our theoretical results are derived under an infinite node density model. In order to prove practicality of our approach, we have performed extensive simulations resembling realistic wireless sensor network deployments showing the effectiveness of our approach in considerably improving load balancing. Differently from previous work, the load balancing technique proposed in this paper can be readily applied in geographic hash tables composed of computationally constrained nodes, as it is typically the case in wireless sensor networks

    Localization Enhanced Mobile Networks

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    The interest in mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) and often more precisely vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) is steadily growing with many new applications, and even anticipated support in the emerging 5G networks. Particularly in outdoor scenarios, there are different mechanisms to make the mobile nodes aware of their geographical location at all times. The location information can be utilized at different layers of the protocol stack to enhance communication services in the network. Specifically, geographical routing can facilitate route management with smaller overhead than the traditional proactive and reactive routing protocols. In order to achieve similar advantages for radio resource management (RRM) and multiple access protocols, the concept of virtual cells is devised to exploit fully distributed knowledge of node locations. The virtual cells define clusters of MANET nodes assuming a predefined set of geographically distributed anchor points. It enables fast response of the network to changes in the nodes spatial configuration. More importantly, the notion of geographical location can be generalized to other shared contexts which can be learned or otherwise acquired by the network nodes. The strategy of enhancing communication services by shared contexts is likely to be one of the key features in the beyond-5G networks

    Interference-aware multipath video streaming in vehicular environments

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    The multipath transmission is one of the suitable transmission methods for high data rate oriented communication such as video streaming. Each video packets are split into smaller frames for parallel transmission via different paths. One path may interfere with another path due to these parallel transmissions. The multipath oriented interference is due to the route coupling which is one of the major challenges in vehicular traffic environments. The route coupling increases channel contention resulting in video packet collision. In this context, this paper proposes an Interference-aware Multipath Video Streaming (I-MVS) framework focusing on link and node disjoint optimal paths. Specifically, a multipath vehicular network model is derived. The model is utilized to develop interference-aware video streaming method considering angular driving statistics of vehicles. The quality of video streaming links is measured based on packet error rate considering non-circular transmission range oriented shadowing effects. Algorithms are developed as a complete operational I-MVS framework. The comparative performance evaluation attests the benefit of the proposed framework considering various video streaming related metrics