23,941 research outputs found

    FoodNet: Recognizing Foods Using Ensemble of Deep Networks

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    In this work we propose a methodology for an automatic food classification system which recognizes the contents of the meal from the images of the food. We developed a multi-layered deep convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture that takes advantages of the features from other deep networks and improves the efficiency. Numerous classical handcrafted features and approaches are explored, among which CNNs are chosen as the best performing features. Networks are trained and fine-tuned using preprocessed images and the filter outputs are fused to achieve higher accuracy. Experimental results on the largest real-world food recognition database ETH Food-101 and newly contributed Indian food image database demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology as compared to many other benchmark deep learned CNN frameworks.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, IEEE Signal Processing Letter

    Real-time food intake classification and energy expenditure estimation on a mobile device

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    © 2015 IEEE.Assessment of food intake has a wide range of applications in public health and life-style related chronic disease management. In this paper, we propose a real-time food recognition platform combined with daily activity and energy expenditure estimation. In the proposed method, food recognition is based on hierarchical classification using multiple visual cues, supported by efficient software implementation suitable for realtime mobile device execution. A Fischer Vector representation together with a set of linear classifiers are used to categorize food intake. Daily energy expenditure estimation is achieved by using the built-in inertial motion sensors of the mobile device. The performance of the vision-based food recognition algorithm is compared to the current state-of-the-art, showing improved accuracy and high computational efficiency suitable for realtime feedback. Detailed user studies have also been performed to demonstrate the practical value of the software environment

    Investigating Machine Learning Techniques for Gesture Recognition with Low-Cost Capacitive Sensing Arrays

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    Machine learning has proven to be an effective tool for forming models to make predictions based on sample data. Supervised learning, a subset of machine learning, can be used to map input data to output labels based on pre-existing paired data. Datasets for machine learning can be created from many different sources and vary in complexity, with popular datasets including the MNIST handwritten dataset and CIFAR10 image dataset. The focus of this thesis is to test and validate multiple machine learning models for accurately classifying gestures performed on a low-cost capacitive sensing array. Multiple neural networks are trained using gesture datasets obtained from the capacitance board. In this paper, I train and compare different machine learning models on recognizing gesture datasets. Learning hyperparameters are also adjusted for results. Two datasets are used for the training: one containing simple gestures and another containing more complicated gestures. Accuracy and loss for the models are calculated and compared to determine which models excel at recognizing performed gestures

    Multi-Object Classification and Unsupervised Scene Understanding Using Deep Learning Features and Latent Tree Probabilistic Models

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    Deep learning has shown state-of-art classification performance on datasets such as ImageNet, which contain a single object in each image. However, multi-object classification is far more challenging. We present a unified framework which leverages the strengths of multiple machine learning methods, viz deep learning, probabilistic models and kernel methods to obtain state-of-art performance on Microsoft COCO, consisting of non-iconic images. We incorporate contextual information in natural images through a conditional latent tree probabilistic model (CLTM), where the object co-occurrences are conditioned on the extracted fc7 features from pre-trained Imagenet CNN as input. We learn the CLTM tree structure using conditional pairwise probabilities for object co-occurrences, estimated through kernel methods, and we learn its node and edge potentials by training a new 3-layer neural network, which takes fc7 features as input. Object classification is carried out via inference on the learnt conditional tree model, and we obtain significant gain in precision-recall and F-measures on MS-COCO, especially for difficult object categories. Moreover, the latent variables in the CLTM capture scene information: the images with top activations for a latent node have common themes such as being a grasslands or a food scene, and on on. In addition, we show that a simple k-means clustering of the inferred latent nodes alone significantly improves scene classification performance on the MIT-Indoor dataset, without the need for any retraining, and without using scene labels during training. Thus, we present a unified framework for multi-object classification and unsupervised scene understanding

    Scraping social media photos posted in Kenya and elsewhere to detect and analyze food types

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    Monitoring population-level changes in diet could be useful for education and for implementing interventions to improve health. Research has shown that data from social media sources can be used for monitoring dietary behavior. We propose a scrape-by-location methodology to create food image datasets from Instagram posts. We used it to collect 3.56 million images over a period of 20 days in March 2019. We also propose a scrape-by-keywords methodology and used it to scrape ∼30,000 images and their captions of 38 Kenyan food types. We publish two datasets of 104,000 and 8,174 image/caption pairs, respectively. With the first dataset, Kenya104K, we train a Kenyan Food Classifier, called KenyanFC, to distinguish Kenyan food from non-food images posted in Kenya. We used the second dataset, KenyanFood13, to train a classifier KenyanFTR, short for Kenyan Food Type Recognizer, to recognize 13 popular food types in Kenya. The KenyanFTR is a multimodal deep neural network that can identify 13 types of Kenyan foods using both images and their corresponding captions. Experiments show that the average top-1 accuracy of KenyanFC is 99% over 10,400 tested Instagram images and of KenyanFTR is 81% over 8,174 tested data points. Ablation studies show that three of the 13 food types are particularly difficult to categorize based on image content only and that adding analysis of captions to the image analysis yields a classifier that is 9 percent points more accurate than a classifier that relies only on images. Our food trend analysis revealed that cakes and roasted meats were the most popular foods in photographs on Instagram in Kenya in March 2019.Accepted manuscrip
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