98 research outputs found

    A Scalable & Energy Efficient Graphene-Based Interconnection Framework for Intra and Inter-Chip Wireless Communication in Terahertz Band

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    Network-on-Chips (NoCs) have emerged as a communication infrastructure for the multi-core System-on-Chips (SoCs). Despite its advantages, due to the multi-hop communication over the metal interconnects, traditional Mesh based NoC architectures are not scalable in terms of performance and energy consumption. Folded architectures such as Torus and Folded Torus were proposed to improve the performance of NoCs while retaining the regular tile-based structure for ease of manufacturing. Ultra-low-latency and low-power express channels between communicating cores have also been proposed to improve the performance of conventional NoCs. However, the performance gain of these approaches is limited due to metal/dielectric based interconnection. Many emerging interconnect technologies such as 3D integration, photonic, Radio Frequency (RF), and wireless interconnects have been envisioned to alleviate the issues of a metal/dielectric interconnect system. However, photonic and RF interconnects need the additional physically overlaid optical waveguides or micro-strip transmission lines to enable data transmission across the NoC. Several on-chip antennas have shown to improve energy efficiency and bandwidth of on-chip data communications. However, the date rates of the mm-wave wireless channels are limited by the state-of-the-art power-efficient transceiver design. Recent research has brought to light novel graphene based antennas operating at THz frequencies. Due to the higher operating frequencies compared to mm-wave transceivers, the data rate that can be supported by these antennas are significantly higher. Higher operating frequencies imply that graphene based antennas are just hundred micrometers in size compared to dimensions in the range of a millimeter of mm-wave antennas. Such reduced dimensions are suitable for integration of several such transceivers in a single NoC for relatively low overheads. In this work, to exploit the benefits of a regular NoC structure in conjunction with emerging Graphene-based wireless interconnect. We propose a toroidal folding based NoC architecture. The novelty of this folding based approach is that we are using low power, high bandwidth, single hop direct point to point wireless links instead of multihop communication that happens through metallic wires. We also propose a novel phased based communication protocol through which multiple wireless links can be made active at a time without having any interference among the transceiver. This offers huge gain in terms of performance as compared to token based mechanism where only a single wireless link can be made active at a time. We also propose to extend Graphene-based wireless links to enable energy-efficient, phase-based chip-to-chip communication to create a seamless, wireless interconnection fabric for multichip systems as well. Through cycle-accurate system-level simulations, we demonstrate that such designs with torus like folding based on THz links instead of global wires along with the proposed phase based multichip systems. We provide estimates that they are able to provide significant gains (about 3 to 4 times better in terms of achievable bandwidth, packet latency and average packet energy when compared to wired system) in performance and energy efficiency in data transfer in a NoC as well as multichip system. Thus, realization of these kind of interconnection framework that could support high data rate links in Tera-bits-per-second that will alleviate the capacity limitations of current interconnection framework

    FDMA Enabled Phase-based Wireless Network-on-Chip using Graphene-based THz-band Antennas

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    The future growth in System-on-chip design is moving in the direction of multicore systems. Design of efficient interconnects between cores are crucial for improving the performance of a multicore processor. Such trends are seen due to the benefits the multicore systems provide in terms of power reduction and scalability. Network-on-chips (NoC) are viewed as an emerging solution in the design of interconnects in multicore systems. However, Traditional Network-on-chip architectures are no longer able to satisfy the performance requirements due to long distance communication over multi-hop wireline paths. Multi-hop communication leads to higher energy consumption, increase in latency and reduction in bandwidth. Research in recent years has explored emerging technologies such as 3D integration, photonic and radio frequency based Network-on-chips. The use of wireless interconnects using mm-wave antennas are able to alleviate the performance issues in a wireline interconnect system. However, to satisfy the increasing demand for higher bandwidth and lower energy consumption, Wireless Network-on-Chip enabled with high speed direct links operating in THz band between distant cores is desired. Recent research has brought to light highly efficient graphene-based antennas operating in THz band. These antennas can provide high data rate and are found to consume less power with low area overheads. In this thesis, an innovative approach using novel devices based on graphene structures is proposed to provide a high-performance on-chip interconnection. This novel approach combines the regular NoC structure with the proposed wireless infrastructure to exploit the performance benefits. An architecture with wireless interfaces on every core is explored in this work. Simultaneous multiple communications in a network can be achieved by adopting Frequency Division Multiple access (FDMA). However, in a system where all cores are equipped with a wireless interface, FDMA requires more number of frequency bands. This becomes difficult to achieve as the system scales and the number of cores increase. Therefore, a FDMA protocol along with a 4-phased repetitive multi-band architecture is envisioned in this work. The phase-based protocol allows multiple wireless links to be active at a time, the phase-based protocol along with the FDMA protocol provides a reliable data transfer between cores with lesser number of frequency bands. In this thesis, an architecture with a combination of FDMA and phase-based protocol using point-to-point graphene-based wireless links is proposed. The proposed architecture is also extended for a multichip system. With cycle accurate system-level simulations, it is shown that the proposed architecture provides huge gains in performance and energy-efficiency in data transfer both in NoC based multicore and multichip systems

    A Review of Broadband Low-Cost and High-Gain Low-Terahertz Antennas for Wireless Communications Applications

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    Low-terahertz (Low-THz, 100 GHz-1.0 THz) technology is expected to provide unprecedented data rates in future generations of wireless system such as the 6th generation (6G) mobile communication system. Increasing the carrier frequencies from millimeter wave to THz is a potential solution to guarantee the transmission rate and channel capacity. Due to the large transmission loss of Low-THz wave in free space, it is particularly urgent to design high-gain antennas to compensate the additional path loss, and to overcome the power limitation of Low-THz source. Recently, with the continuous updating and progress of additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing (3DP) technology, antennas with complicated structures can now be easily manufactured with high precision and low cost. In the first part, this paper demonstrates different approaches of recent development on wideband and high gain sub-millimeter-wave and Low-THz antennas as well as their fabrication technologies. In addition, the performances of the state-of-the-art wideband and high-gain antennas are presented. A comparison among these reported antennas is summarized and discussed. In the second part, one case study of a broadband high-gain antenna at 300 GHz is introduced, which is an all-metal model based on the Fabry-Perot cavity (FPC) theory. The proposed FPC antenna is very suitable for manufacturing using AM technology, which provides a low-cost, reliable solution for emerging THz applications

    Antenna Designs for 5G/IoT and Space Applications

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    This book is intended to shed some light on recent advances in antenna design for these new emerging applications and identify further research areas in this exciting field of communications technologies. Considering the specificity of the operational environment, e.g., huge distance, moving support (satellite), huge temperature drift, small dimension with respect to the distance, etc, antennas, are the fundamental device allowing to maintain a constant interoperability between ground station and satellite, or different satellites. High gain, stable (in temperature, and time) performances, long lifecycle are some of the requirements that necessitates special attention with respect to standard designs. The chapters of this book discuss various aspects of the above-mentioned list presenting the view of the authors. Some of the contributors are working strictly in the field (space), so they have a very targeted view on the subjects, while others with a more academic background, proposes futuristic solutions. We hope that interested reader, will find a fertile source of information, that combined with their interest/background will allow efficiently exploiting the combination of these two perspectives

    GigaHertz Symposium 2010

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    Terahertz antenna design for future wireless communication

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    A Terahertz (THz) antenna with a size of a few micrometres cannot be accomplished by just reducing the extent of a traditional metallic antenna down to a couple of micrometres. This approach has several downsides. For example, the low mobility of electrons in nanoscale metallic structures would result in high channel attenuation. Thus, using traditional micrometre metallic antennas for THz wireless communication becomes unfeasible. The THz band refers to the electromagnetic spectrum between the microwave and infrared frequency bands, which is colloquially referred to as the band gap due to the lack of materials and technological advancements. As opposed to their visible-spectrum features, metals such as gold and silver, which typically exhibit surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), have completely different THz physical properties. 2D materials, which typically refer to single-layer materials, have been the focal point of researchers since the advent of graphene. 2D materials, for example, graphene, perovskite, and MoS2 (TMDs), provide a ground-breaking stage to control the propagation, modulation, and detection of THz waves. Moreover, 2D materials can enable the propagation of SPP waves in the THz band. These materials offer a promise of a future technological revolution. Combined with other profound advantages in lightweight, mechanical flexibility, and environmental friendliness, 2D materials can be used to fabricate low-cost wearable devices. This study also reported CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite as a promising material for THz antennas for wearable applications. CH3NH3PbI3 has a high charge carrier mobility and diffusion length, indicating that this material is a potential candidate for antenna design. The attractive feature about perovskite, graphene and other 2D materials is the ultra-high specific surface areas that enable their energy band structures to be sensitive to external basing. In the literature, scientists have tested a wide range of nano-antenna designs using modelling and simulation approaches. Nano-antenna fabrication and measurement using 2D materials is still the missing piece in the THz band. The design, fabrication, and measurement of THz antennas based on 2D materials for wearable wireless communication is the primary goal of this PhD study, including designing, fabrication, and measurement. In this study, we have designed, fabricated, and measured five different designs using different materials in the THz band, which will pave the way for enabling future THz short-range wireless communication

    Robust and Traffic Aware Medium Access Control Mechanisms for Energy-Efficient mm-Wave Wireless Network-on-Chip Architectures

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    To cater to the performance/watt needs, processors with multiple processing cores on the same chip have become the de-facto design choice. In such multicore systems, Network-on-Chip (NoC) serves as a communication infrastructure for data transfer among the cores on the chip. However, conventional metallic interconnect based NoCs are constrained by their long multi-hop latencies and high power consumption, limiting the performance gain in these systems. Among, different alternatives, due to the CMOS compatibility and energy-efficiency, low-latency wireless interconnect operating in the millimeter wave (mm-wave) band is nearer term solution to this multi-hop communication problem. This has led to the recent exploration of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) wireless technologies in wireless NoC architectures (WiNoC). To realize the mm-wave wireless interconnect in a WiNoC, a wireless interface (WI) equipped with on-chip antenna and transceiver circuit operating at 60GHz frequency range is integrated to the ports of some NoC switches. The WIs are also equipped with a medium access control (MAC) mechanism that ensures a collision free and energy-efficient communication among the WIs located at different parts on the chip. However, due to shrinking feature size and complex integration in CMOS technology, high-density chips like multicore systems are prone to manufacturing defects and dynamic faults during chip operation. Such failures can result in permanently broken wireless links or cause the MAC to malfunction in a WiNoC. Consequently, the energy-efficient communication through the wireless medium will be compromised. Furthermore, the energy efficiency in the wireless channel access is also dependent on the traffic pattern of the applications running on the multicore systems. Due to the bursty and self-similar nature of the NoC traffic patterns, the traffic demand of the WIs can vary both spatially and temporally. Ineffective management of such traffic variation of the WIs, limits the performance and energy benefits of the novel mm-wave interconnect technology. Hence, to utilize the full potential of the novel mm-wave interconnect technology in WiNoCs, design of a simple, fair, robust, and efficient MAC is of paramount importance. The main goal of this dissertation is to propose the design principles for robust and traffic-aware MAC mechanisms to provide high bandwidth, low latency, and energy-efficient data communication in mm-wave WiNoCs. The proposed solution has two parts. In the first part, we propose the cross-layer design methodology of robust WiNoC architecture that can minimize the effect of permanent failure of the wireless links and recover from transient failures caused by single event upsets (SEU). Then, in the second part, we present a traffic-aware MAC mechanism that can adjust the transmission slots of the WIs based on the traffic demand of the WIs. The proposed MAC is also robust against the failure of the wireless access mechanism. Finally, as future research directions, this idea of traffic awareness is extended throughout the whole NoC by enabling adaptiveness in both wired and wireless interconnection fabric
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