10 research outputs found

    Tools and Ecosystems for Open Control Systems Data at ESS

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    We see a potential for ESS to benefit from sharing alarm data for machine learning applications, by establishing data ecosystem. To achieve these goal, ESS must make a strategic decision to pursue data sharing, establish a technical platform to share a digital twin, continue advancing the data ecosystem, and work towards a standardized reference model

    Source Data for the Focus Area Maturity Model for Software Ecosystem Governance

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    We define a software ecosystem as a set of organizations collaboratively serving a market for software and services. Typically these ecosystems are underpinned by a common technology, such as an extendable software platform. This data set supports the article that describes the Software Ecosystem Governance Maturity Model (SEG−M2) [50]. The model has the goal to support software ecosystem orchestrators in the management and governance of the actors in their ecosystems in a structured way. Through a critical structured literature review, 168 practices have been collected. These practices have been evaluated through six case studies at software ecosystem orchestrators. The practices are described with a practice code, a practice name, a practice description, required success conditions, the person responsible for the practice, and the associated literature where the practice was identified

    Collaboration in Open Government Data Ecosystems: Open Cross-sector Sharing and Co-development of Data and Software

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    Background: Open innovation highlights the potential benefits of external collaboration and knowledge-sharing, often exemplified through Open Source Software (OSS). The public sector has thus far mainly focused on the sharing of Open Government Data (OGD), often with a supply-driven approach with limited feedback-loops. We hypothesize that public sector organizations can extend the open innovation benefits by also creating platforms, where OGD, related OSS, and open standards are collaboratively developed and shared. Objective: The objective of this study is to explore how public sector organizations in the role of platform providers facilitate such collaboration in the form of OGD ecosystems and how the ecosystem's governance may be structured to support the collaboration. Method: We conduct an exploratory multiple-case study of two such ecosystems, focused on OGD related to the Swedish labor market and public transport sector, respectively. Data is gathered through interviews, document studies, and prolonged engagement at one of the platform providers. Results: The study presents governance structure and collaboration practices of the two ecosystems and discusses how these contribute to the platform providers' goals. The case studies highlight the need for platform providers to take an active and multi-functional role in enabling the sharing of data and software from and between the members of the ecosystem. Conclusions: We conclude that OGD ecosystems offer public sector organizations a possibility to catalyze the potential innovation output of OGD, but that it requires investment and adoption of an open and collaborative mindset.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2208.0030

    Multi-framework implementation of the problem management process

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    Many different information technology frameworks have been proposed to assist organizations implementing information technology. However, these frameworks are complex, difficult to implement and overlap each other turning their simultaneous implementation even more difficult to accomplish by organizations. This study proposes to develop an overlapless maturity model that not only help organizations dealing with the problems aforementioned. The model was applied and evaluated by experts in five organizations. The artefact was recognized as useful, complete and helpful in a multi-framework implementation by PM experts. This research provides contributions for academics since it distinguishes itself from the existing artefacts in the body of knowledge and is a baseline for further investigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An Evaluation of the Product Security Maturity Model Through Case Studies at 15 Software Producing Organizations

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    Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important from a software business perspective. The software that is produced and sold generally becomes part of a complex landscape of customer applications and enlarges the risk that customer organizations take. Increasingly, software producing organizations are realizing that they are on the front lines of the cybersecurity battles. Maintaining security in a software product and software production process directly influences the livelihood of a software business. There are many models for evaluating security of software products. The product security maturity model is commonly used in the industry but has not received academic recognition. In this paper we report on the evaluation of the product security maturity model on usefulness, applicability, and effectiveness. The evaluation has been performed through 15 case studies. We find that the model, though rudimentary, serves medium to large organizations well and that the model is not so applicable within smaller organizations

    Externalities and complementarities in platforms and ecosystems: From structural solutions to endogenous failures

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    Platforms and ecosystems provide structures for constellations of economic actors to engage and interact as they seek to create and capture value. We consider how the constructs of platforms and ecosystems relate and explore why they have become more ubiquitous by focusing on the nature of their value-add. We propose that they emerge as a response to distinct market failures, which we identify, and we explain which specific externalities they help overcome. We also identify post-hoc endogenous functional and distributional failures that platforms and ecosystems, in turn, generate. We discuss implications for theory and practice

    Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops

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    This open access book constitutes papers from the 5 research workshops, the poster presentations, as well as two panel discussions which were presented at XP 2021, the 22nd International Conference on Agile Software Development, which was held online during June 14-18, 2021. XP is the premier agile software development conference combining research and practice. It is a unique forum where agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations, research results, experiences, concerns, challenges, and trends. XP conferences provide an informal environment to learn and trigger discussions and welcome both people new to agile and seasoned agile practitioners. The 18 papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from overall 37 submissions. They stem from the following workshops: 3rd International Workshop on Agile Transformation 9th International Workshop on Large-Scale Agile Development 1st International Workshop on Agile Sustainability 4th International Workshop on Software-Intensive Business 2nd International Workshop on Agility with Microservices Programmin

    Order-delivery process evolution for software products and services in manufacturing industry

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    Teollisuuden jatkuvasti muuttuvalla toimialalla ohjelmistotuotteiden ja -palveluiden tilaus-toimitusprosessin kehitys on noussut keskeiseksi tekijäksi menestyksen määrittämisessä. Tämän maisterintutkielman ensisijainen tavoite on kattava tarkastelu tilaus-toimitusprosessin kehittymisestä teollisuuden sektorilla, erityisesti ohjelmistotuotteiden ja -palveluiden osalta. Tutkielma keskittyy luomaan kattavan benchmark-tutkimuksen selvittääk-seen tämän kehityksen vaikutukset yrityksille, jotka toimivat tässä jatkuvasti muuttuvassa ympäristössä. Teollisuuden ala, joka on perinteisesti liitetty fyysisten tuotteiden valmistukseen, integroi yhä enemmän ohjelmistotuotteita ja -palveluita tarjontaansa. Tämä muutos vaikuttaa merkittä-västi tilaus-toimitusprosessiin, erityisesti siihen, miten yritykset vuorovaikuttavat asiakkaiden kanssa ja hallitsevat toimitusketjujaan. Ohjelmistopalvelut, yritysresurssienhallintajärjestel-mät sekä ohjelmistoympäristöt ovat keskeisessä roolissa tässä digitaalisessa siirtymisessä, ja niiden vaikutusten ymmärtäminen on olennaista toimialan sidosryhmille. Tämä tutkielma käyttää monimenetelmäistä tutkimusmetodia, erityisesti hyödyntäen puo-listrukturoituja haastatteluja tapausyrityksenä toimivan yrityksen kanssa tietojen kerää-miseksi. Analysoimalla näiden tärkeiden sidosryhmien käytännön kokemuksia ja näkökulmia tutkimus paljastaa monimutkaiset prosessit, jotka muodostavat teollisuuden toimialan oh-jelmistotuotteiden tilaus-toimitusprosessin. Nämä haastatteluista kerätyt havainnot yhdistetään tutkielmassa suoritettuun akateemiseen tutkimukseen. Tehokkaan tilaus-toimitusprosessin hallinnan keskeinen tekijä on yhteistyön merkitys, joka ylittää organisaation sisäiset rajat ja kattaa koko organisaation verkoston. Täs-sä tutkielmassa korostetaan muutoskyvyn ja roolien yhteistyön kriittistä merkitystä, erityises-ti organisaatioiden digitaalisessa siirtymässä. Saadut havainnot osoittavat, että on välttämä-töntä kehittää sopeutumiskykyä ja yhteistoimintaa, erityisesti organisaatiomuutosten alla. Näkökulmat tarjoavat käytännön suosituksia ja syventävää ymmärrystä alan ammattilaisille