3 research outputs found

    Jogo sério para o ensino da Gestão de Riscos em Projetos de Softwares usando Inteligência Artificial

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    Com a crescente demanda por gerentes de projeto de software, a Web tem se tornado um ambiente promissor para o treinamento destes profissionais. Dessa forma, a utilização de jogos Web como um instrumento no processo de ensino e aprendizagem tem sido pesquisada. No entanto, o projeto de um jogo Web instrutivo que preencha todos os requisitos pedagógicos e técnicos para a formação de um gerente de projeto não é uma tarefa trivial. De fato, há uma lacuna entre os conceitos teóricos, que são geralmente ensinados nos cursos tradicionais, e os aspectos práticos exigidos pelas tarefas reais. A principal contribuição desse trabalho é um jogo persistente baseado em navegadores da Internet voltado para a gestão de riscos utilizando técnicas da inteligência artificial, incluindo agentes inteligentes e lógica fuzzy. O sistema deverá ser capaz de avaliar, em tempo real, cada ação dos jogadores, para, assim, aperfeiçoar o processo de aprendizado da gestão de riscos

    Modelo de gestión de la planificación del desarrollo de software como un proceso estocástico

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    La simulación nos permite modelar, entender y visualizar procesos que son complejos y no lineales. Los procesos involucrados en el desarrollo de software cumplen con ambas características y son en esencia procesos estocásticos. En la ingeniería de software se busca gestionar los procesos de desarrollo de software, pero se hace muy difícil poder llegar a planes y estimaciones con precisión. Por este motivo surgen los modelos incrementales de desarrollo de software, los ciclos de vida y la ingeniería de software en general. En el presente trabajo se presenta un modelo y una solución que aplica simulación a la ingeniería de software en base a la información histórica asociada a la gestión de proyectos. Es decir que se busca una solución considerando el proceso de planificación de desarrollo de software como un proceso estocástico, con el propósito de planificar nuevos proyectos utilizando simulación.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Addressing the Under-Representation of African American Public Health Researchers: The Flint Youth Public Health Academy

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    In order to meet the health needs of a culturally diverse population, the United States public health workforce must become ethnically diversified to provide culturally competent care. The underrepresentation of minority, specifically African American public health professionals may be a contributing factor to the high rates of preventable health disparities in the African American community. Studies have shown that racial/ethnic communities bear the highest disparities across multiple health outcomes. African Americans, when compared with European Americans, suffer the greatest rates of health disparities, thus providing the justification to increase minority public health professionals. In addition, studies suggest that minorities are more likely to seek medical and health services from individuals of the same ethnicity. This will assist in decreasing language and comprehension barriers and increase the cultural competence of the health providers who serve populations from their ethnic/cultural origin. This chapter will highlight a 2014 study designed to explore and identify motivators for African Americans to choose public health as a career. African American public health professionals and graduate students were engaged to discuss their career and educational trajectories and motivators for career choice. Using qualitative research methods, this study was guided by the following research question: what are the motivating factors to engage African Americans into careers in public health? The study was approved by the Walden University Institutional Review Board and was conducted in 2014. The results of this study have served as the blueprint for the creation of the Flint Public Health Youth Academy (FPHYA). Coincidently the 2014 study was wrapping up at the genesis of the Flint Water Crisis (FWC). The FWC impacted residents of all ages in Flint. Specifically, the youth of Flint were exposed to lead (a neuro-toxin) and other contaminants through the water system which impacted them physically and cognitively. National media outlets disseminated headlines across the world that Flint youth would have behavioral (aggression) issues and struggle academically as a result of their exposure to lead. The FPHYA was designed to provide positive messages to and about Flint youth. It is an introduction to careers in public health, medicine, and research for Flint Youth. It creates a space for Flint youth to work through their lived experience of the FWC while learning the important role public health and research plays in recovering from an environmental public health crisis. More importantly, it is a pathway to public health careers providing didactic sessions, local mentors and internships