9 research outputs found


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    Modeling and simulation frameworks for use in different application domains, throughout the complete development process, and in different hardware environments need to be highly scalable. For achieving an efficient execution, different simulation algorithms and data structures must be provided to compute a concrete model on a concrete platform efficiently. The support of parallel simulation techniques becomes increasingly important in this context, which is due to the growing availability of multi-core processors and network-based computers. This leads to more complex simulation systems that are harder to configure correctly. We present an experimentation layer for the modeling and simulation framework JAMES II. It greatly facilitates the configuration and usage of the system for a user and supports distributed optimization, on-demand observation, and various distributed and non-distributed scenarios.

    A flexible architecture for modeling and simulation of diffusional association

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    Up to now, it is not possible to obtain analytical solutions for complex molecular association processes (e.g. Molecule recognition in Signaling or catalysis). Instead Brownian Dynamics (BD) simulations are commonly used to estimate the rate of diffusional association, e.g. to be later used in mesoscopic simulations. Meanwhile a portfolio of diffusional association (DA) methods have been developed that exploit BD. However, DA methods do not clearly distinguish between modeling, simulation, and experiment settings. This hampers to classify and compare the existing methods with respect to, for instance model assumptions, simulation approximations or specific optimization strategies for steering the computation of trajectories. To address this deficiency we propose FADA (Flexible Architecture for Diffusional Association) - an architecture that allows the flexible definition of the experiment comprising a formal description of the model in SpacePi, different simulators, as well as validation and analysis methods. Based on the NAM (Northrup-Allison-McCammon) method, which forms the basis of many existing DA methods, we illustrate the structure and functioning of FADA. A discussion of future validation experiments illuminates how the FADA can be exploited in order to estimate reaction rates and how validation techniques may be applied to validate additional features of the model

    OSA: an Integration Platform for Component-Based Simulation

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    Poster abstract.International audienceMany discrete-event simulators are developed concurrently, but with identical or similar purpose. This poster presents the Open Simulation Architecture (OSA), a discrete-event component-based simulation platform whose goal is to favor the reuse and integration of simulation software components and models. To favor reuse, OSA uses a layered approach to combine the modeling, simulation, and related concerns, such as instrumentation or deployment. OSA is both a testbed for experimenting new simulation techniques and a tool for real case studies. The ability of OSA to support challenging studies is illustrated by a Peer-to-peer system case study involving millions of components

    An Object-Oriented Framework for Designing Reusable and Maintainable DEVS Models using Design Patterns

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    Design patterns are well practices to share software development experiences. These patterns allow enhancing reusability, readability and maintainability of architecture and code of software applications. As simulation applies computerized models to produce traces in order to obtain results and conclusions, designers of simulation explored design patterns to make the simulation code more reusable, more readable and easy to maintain, in addition to design complex software oriented simulation modeling. In DEVS (Discrete Event System specification), the designers have successfully designed simulations, frameworks, tools, etc. However, some issues remain still open and should be explored like how a piece of code that implements a set of states, events and transitions may be reused to design a new DEVS model? How may a DEVS model be extended to a new formalism? Etc. In this paper, we address these issues and we propose a set of patterns that may serve as guidelines to designers of DEVS models and its extensions and may contribute to the design of an operational simulation framework. These patterns are inspired partly by the available designs of DEVS community and software engineering developers

    Traces Generation To Simulate Large-Scale Distributed Applications

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    International audienceIn order to study the performance of scheduling algorithms, simulators of parallel and distributed applications need accurate models of the application's behavior during execution. For this purpose, traces of low-level events collected during the actual execution of real applications are needed. Collecting such traces is a difficult task due to the timing, to the interference of instrumentation code, and to the storage and transfer of the collected data. To address this problem we propose a comprehensive software architecture, which instruments the application's executables, gather hierarchically the traces, and post-process them in order to feed simulation models. We designed it to be scalable, modular and extensible

    Development of a simulation and evaluation environment for a traffic flow analysis system.

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    A system for analysis of the traffic flow on public streets and highways through the use of Floating Car Data (FCD) relies completely on the number of simultaneously contributing vehicles, a fact that is no barrier for the phases of conception and development but poses a serious issue for the testing of such a system. Especially for smaller institutions or companies where the ability and resources to field the required number of participants is not given which in turn leads to the need for computational support to substitute the use of real vehicles by simulation. This thesis focuses on the task of the design and development of a simulation and evaluation environment for a pre-developed Traffic Flow Analysis System. The objective of this environment is to simulate the behavior of real vehicles on the existing street network including their most relevant characteristics for the purpose of congestion recognition. It is shown how simulation methods can be effectively used to create such an environment while using mathematical methods to model the characteristics of the participating system parts (vehicles) as well as the environmental influence on the external communication components (GPS, Radio)

    Geniş ölçekli ağlar için yeni bir dağıtık ayrık olay tabanlı benzetim yaklaşımı ve uygulaması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Modelleme ve benzetim teorisi ağ tasarım ve protokollerini test etme ve dinamik ağ davranışını anlama da önemli bir araçtır. En büyük ağ olan İnternetin baş döndürücü bir hızla büyümesi, yeni benzetim tekniklerini geliştirmeyi zorunlu kılmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmada geniş ölçekli ağlar için ayrık olay tabanlı yeni bir paralel ve dağıtık benzetim yaklaşımı ve ağ benzetim aracı geliştirilmiştir. DEVS modelleme yaklaşımı kullanılarak istemci / sunucu tabanlı, ölçeklenebilir, platformdan bağımsız, esnek ‘D-DEVSNET’ isimli yeni bir ağ benzetim aracının modelleme ve tasarımı gerçekleştirilmiş ve başarım analizleri yapılmıştır. D-DEVSNET ağ benzetim aracının başarımını ve DEVS yaklaşımının paralel ve dağıtık uygulamalardaki gücünü göstermek amacıyla belirli bir zaman periyotunda farklı ölçeklerdeki ağlarda iş çıkarma yeteneği, uçtan uca ortalama paket gecikmesi ve kayıp paket miktarı gibi testler yapılmıştır. Yapılan testler sonucunda DDEVSNET benzetim aracının iyi bir ölçeklenebilirliğe ve yüksek bir performansa sahip olduğu, benzetim aracı performansının, ağdaki düğüm / yönlendirici sayısından (artmasından veya azalmasından) ve donanım kapasitesinden fazla etkilenmediği görülmüştür. Geliştirilen benzetim aracının, açık kaynak kodlu, paralel ve dağıtık mimaride, web tabanlı çalışabilme yeteneği, benzetim sonuçlarının her aşamada kolay izlenebilirliği, görselliği, kolay kurulumu gibi özellikleri ile uzaktan eğitim çalışmaları başta olmak üzere eğitim amaçlı kullanımı hedeflenmiştir. Bu kapsamda geliştirilen DDEVSNET ağ benzetim aracı, dağıtık, ölçeklenebilir, adaptif ve güçlü ağ uygulamalarının modellenmesi ve tasarımı için örnek bir çerçeve oluşturmuş, DEVS yaklaşımının geniş bir uygulama alanına sahip olduğu gösterilmiştir.Modeling and simulation theory is an important tool for testing network design and protocols as well as understanding the dynamic behavior of the network. Growth of the biggest network, Internet’s dazzling speed requires new simulation techniques. In this study, a tool was developed for design and implementation of a new discrete event based distributed simulation for large-scale networks. By using DEVS as a modeling approach, client / server based, scalable, platform-independent, flexible new network modeling and simulation tool called ‘D-DEVSNET’ was designed and performance analyzes were conducted. In order to show the performance of the network simulation tool, D-DEVSNET and the power of the DEVS approach on parallel and distributed applications, some tests were carried out such as the measurement of throughput capability of different sized networks in a certain period of time, the average end-to-end packet delay and the amount of packet loss. According to the tests that were conducted, D-DEVSNET has been proven a well-scalable and high performing simulation tool. In addition, it was seen that the performance of the simulation tool was not much affected by the network node / router number (increase or decrease of) and the hardware capacity. Due to its being open sourced, parallel and distributed architecture, easy-to-follow simulation results at every step, visual quality also ability to work in a web based environment and easy installation, the developed simulation tool, D-DEVSNET was mainly aimed to use for distance education studies. The D-DEVSNET network simulation tool developed in this context has created a sample framework for distributed, scalable, adaptive and robust modeling and design of network applications. In the meantime, DEVS approach has been shown to have a wide range of application

    A Continuous-Time Microsimulation and First Steps Towards a Multi-Level Approach in Demography

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    Microsimulation is a methodology that closely mimics life-course dynamics. In this thesis, we describe the development of the demographic microsimulation with a continuous time scale that we have realized in the context of the project MicMac - Bridging the micro-macro gap in population forecasting. Furthermore, we detail extensions that we have added to the initial version of the MicMac microsimulation.Mikrosimulation ist eine Prognosetechnik, die sich hervorragend eignet, um Bevölkerungsdynamik realitätsnah abzubilden. In dieser Dissertation beschreiben wir die Entwicklung einer demografischen Mikrosimulation, die wir im Rahmen des Projektes MicMac - Bridging the micro-macro gap in population forecasting erstellt haben. Zudem erläutern wir Erweiterungen, die wir an der ursprünglichen MicMac- Mikrosimulation vorgenommen haben

    Toward guiding simulation experiments

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    To face the variety of simulation experiment methods, tools are needed that allow their seamless integration, guide the user through the steps of an experiment, and support him in selecting the most suitable method for the task at hand. This work presents techniques for facing such challenges. To guide users through the experiment process, six typical tasks have been identified for structuring the experiment workflow. The M&S framework JAMES II and its plug-in system is exploited to integrate various methods. Finally, an approach for automatic selection and use of such methods is realized