1,687 research outputs found

    Redefining A in RGBA: Towards a Standard for Graphical 3D Printing

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    Advances in multimaterial 3D printing have the potential to reproduce various visual appearance attributes of an object in addition to its shape. Since many existing 3D file formats encode color and translucency by RGBA textures mapped to 3D shapes, RGBA information is particularly important for practical applications. In contrast to color (encoded by RGB), which is specified by the object's reflectance, selected viewing conditions and a standard observer, translucency (encoded by A) is neither linked to any measurable physical nor perceptual quantity. Thus, reproducing translucency encoded by A is open for interpretation. In this paper, we propose a rigorous definition for A suitable for use in graphical 3D printing, which is independent of the 3D printing hardware and software, and which links both optical material properties and perceptual uniformity for human observers. By deriving our definition from the absorption and scattering coefficients of virtual homogeneous reference materials with an isotropic phase function, we achieve two important properties. First, a simple adjustment of A is possible, which preserves the translucency appearance if an object is re-scaled for printing. Second, determining the value of A for a real (potentially non-homogeneous) material, can be achieved by minimizing a distance function between light transport measurements of this material and simulated measurements of the reference materials. Such measurements can be conducted by commercial spectrophotometers used in graphic arts. Finally, we conduct visual experiments employing the method of constant stimuli, and derive from them an embedding of A into a nearly perceptually uniform scale of translucency for the reference materials.Comment: 20 pages (incl. appendices), 20 figures. Version with higher quality images: https://cloud-ext.igd.fraunhofer.de/s/pAMH67XjstaNcrF (main article) and https://cloud-ext.igd.fraunhofer.de/s/4rR5bH3FMfNsS5q (appendix). Supplemental material including code: https://cloud-ext.igd.fraunhofer.de/s/9BrZaj5Uh5d0cOU/downloa

    A framework for realistic 3D tele-immersion

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    Meeting, socializing and conversing online with a group of people using teleconferencing systems is still quite differ- ent from the experience of meeting face to face. We are abruptly aware that we are online and that the people we are engaging with are not in close proximity. Analogous to how talking on the telephone does not replicate the experi- ence of talking in person. Several causes for these differences have been identified and we propose inspiring and innova- tive solutions to these hurdles in attempt to provide a more realistic, believable and engaging online conversational expe- rience. We present the distributed and scalable framework REVERIE that provides a balanced mix of these solutions. Applications build on top of the REVERIE framework will be able to provide interactive, immersive, photo-realistic ex- periences to a multitude of users that for them will feel much more similar to having face to face meetings than the expe- rience offered by conventional teleconferencing systems

    Pushing the Limits of 3D Color Printing: Error Diffusion with Translucent Materials

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    Accurate color reproduction is important in many applications of 3D printing, from design prototypes to 3D color copies or portraits. Although full color is available via other technologies, multi-jet printers have greater potential for graphical 3D printing, in terms of reproducing complex appearance properties. However, to date these printers cannot produce full color, and doing so poses substantial technical challenges, from the shear amount of data to the translucency of the available color materials. In this paper, we propose an error diffusion halftoning approach to achieve full color with multi-jet printers, which operates on multiple isosurfaces or layers within the object. We propose a novel traversal algorithm for voxel surfaces, which allows the transfer of existing error diffusion algorithms from 2D printing. The resulting prints faithfully reproduce colors, color gradients and fine-scale details.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures; includes supplemental figure

    Single-shot layered reflectance separation using a polarized light field camera

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    We present a novel computational photography technique for single shot separation of diffuse/specular reflectance as well as novel angular domain separation of layered reflectance. Our solution consists of a two-way polarized light field (TPLF) camera which simultaneously captures two orthogonal states of polarization. A single photograph of a subject acquired with the TPLF camera under polarized illumination then enables standard separation of diffuse (depolarizing) and polarization preserving specular reflectance using light field sampling. We further demonstrate that the acquired data also enables novel angular separation of layered reflectance including separation of specular reflectance and single scattering in the polarization preserving component, and separation of shallow scattering from deep scattering in the depolarizing component. We apply our approach for efficient acquisition of facial reflectance including diffuse and specular normal maps, and novel separation of photometric normals into layered reflectance normals for layered facial renderings. We demonstrate our proposed single shot layered reflectance separation to be comparable to an existing multi-shot technique that relies on structured lighting while achieving separation results under a variety of illumination conditions

    Intuitive and Accurate Material Appearance Design and Editing

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    Creating and editing high-quality materials for photorealistic rendering can be a difficult task due to the diversity and complexity of material appearance. Material design is the process by which artists specify the reflectance properties of a surface, such as its diffuse color and specular roughness. Even with the support of commercial software packages, material design can be a time-consuming trial-and-error task due to the counter-intuitive nature of the complex reflectance models. Moreover, many material design tasks require the physical realization of virtually designed materials as the final step, which makes the process even more challenging due to rendering artifacts and the limitations of fabrication. In this dissertation, we propose a series of studies and novel techniques to improve the intuitiveness and accuracy of material design and editing. Our goal is to understand how humans visually perceive materials, simplify user interaction in the design process and, and improve the accuracy of the physical fabrication of designs. Our first work focuses on understanding the perceptual dimensions for measured material data. We build a perceptual space based on a low-dimensional reflectance manifold that is computed from crowd-sourced data using a multi-dimensional scaling model. Our analysis shows the proposed perceptual space is consistent with the physical interpretation of the measured data. We also put forward a new material editing interface that takes advantage of the proposed perceptual space. We visualize each dimension of the manifold to help users understand how it changes the material appearance. Our second work investigates the relationship between translucency and glossiness in material perception. We conduct two human subject studies to test if subsurface scattering impacts gloss perception and examine how the shape of an object influences this perception. Based on our results, we discuss why it is necessary to include transparent and translucent media for future research in gloss perception and material design. Our third work addresses user interaction in the material design system. We present a novel Augmented Reality (AR) material design prototype, which allows users to visualize their designs against a real environment and lighting. We believe introducing AR technology can make the design process more intuitive and improve the authenticity of the results for both novice and experienced users. To test this assumption, we conduct a user study to compare our prototype with the traditional material design system with gray-scale background and synthetic lighting. The results demonstrate that with the help of AR techniques, users perform better in terms of objectively measured accuracy and time and they are subjectively more satisfied with their results. Finally, our last work turns to the challenge presented by the physical realization of designed materials. We propose a learning-based solution to map the virtually designed appearance to a meso-scale geometry that can be easily fabricated. Essentially, this is a fitting problem, but compared with previous solutions, our method can provide the fabrication recipe with higher reconstruction accuracy for a large fitting gamut. We demonstrate the efficacy of our solution by comparing the reconstructions with existing solutions and comparing fabrication results with the original design. We also provide an application of bi-scale material editing using the proposed method

    Real-Time Realistic Skin Translucency

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    Separable Subsurface Scattering

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    In this paper, we propose two real-time models for simulating subsurface scattering for a large variety of translucent materials, which need under 0.5 ms per frame to execute. This makes them a practical option for real-time production scenarios. Current state-of-the-art, real-time approaches simulate subsurface light transport by approximating the radially symmetric non-separable diffusion kernel with a sum of separable Gaussians, which requires multiple (up to 12) 1D convolutions. In this work we relax the requirement of radial symmetry to approximate a 2D diffuse reflectance profile by a single separable kernel. We first show that low-rank approximations based on matrix factorization outperform previous approaches, but they still need several passes to get good results. To solve this, we present two different separable models: the first one yields a high-quality diffusion simulation, while the second one offers an attractive trade-off between physical accuracy and artistic control. Both allow rendering of subsurface scattering using only two 1D convolutions, reducing both execution time and memory consumption, while delivering results comparable to techniques with higher cost. Using our importance-sampling and jittering strategies, only seven samples per pixel are required. Our methods can be implemented as simple post-processing steps without intrusive changes to existing rendering pipelines

    Interactive editing and modeling of bidirectional texture functions

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    A Framework for Realistic 3D Tele-Immersion

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    Meeting, socializing and conversing online with a group of people using teleconferencing systems is still quite different from the experience of meeting face to face. We are abruptly aware that we are online and that the people we are engaging with are not in close proximity. Analogous to how talking on the telephone does not replicate the experience of talking in person. Several causes for these differences have been identified and we propose inspiring and innovative solutions to these hurdles in attempt to provide a more realistic, believable and engaging online conversational experience. We present the distributed and scalable framework REVERIE that provides a balanced mix of these solutions. Applications build on top of the REVERIE framework will be able to provide interactive, immersive, photo-realistic experiences to a multitude of users that for them will feel much more similar to having face to face meetings than the experience offered by conventional teleconferencing systems

    Neural Assets: Volumetric Object Capture and Rendering for Interactive Environments

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    Creating realistic virtual assets is a time-consuming process: it usually involves an artist designing the object, then spending a lot of effort on tweaking its appearance. Intricate details and certain effects, such as subsurface scattering, elude representation using real-time BRDFs, making it impossible to fully capture the appearance of certain objects. Inspired by the recent progress of neural rendering, we propose an approach for capturing real-world objects in everyday environments faithfully and fast. We use a novel neural representation to reconstruct volumetric effects, such as translucent object parts, and preserve photorealistic object appearance. To support real-time rendering without compromising rendering quality, our model uses a grid of features and a small MLP decoder that is transpiled into efficient shader code with interactive framerates. This leads to a seamless integration of the proposed neural assets with existing mesh environments and objects. Thanks to the use of standard shader code rendering is portable across many existing hardware and software systems