491 research outputs found

    Marker-free image registration of electron tomography tilt-series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tilt series are commonly used in electron tomography as a means of collecting three-dimensional information from two-dimensional projections. A common problem encountered is the projection alignment prior to 3D reconstruction. Current alignment techniques usually employ gold particles or image derived markers to correctly align the images. When these markers are not present, correlation between adjacent views is used to align them. However, sequential pairwise correlation is prone to bias and the resulting alignment is not always optimal.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper we introduce an algorithm to find regions of the tilt series which can be tracked within a subseries of the tilt series. These regions act as landmarks allowing the determination of the alignment parameters. We show our results with synthetic data as well as experimental cryo electron tomography.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our algorithm is able to correctly align a single-tilt tomographic series without the help of fiducial markers thanks to the detection of thousands of small image patches that can be tracked over a short number of images in the series.</p

    Current data processing strategies for cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging

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    Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) can be used to reconstruct three-dimensional (3D) volumes, or tomograms, from a series of tilted two-dimensional images of biological objects in their near-native states in situ or in vitro. 3D subvolumes, or subtomograms, containing particles of interest can be extracted from tomograms, aligned, and averaged in a process called subtomogram averaging (STA). STA overcomes the low signal to noise ratio within the individual subtomograms to generate structures of the particle(s) of interest. In recent years, cryo-ET with STA has increasingly been capable of reaching subnanometer resolution due to improvements in microscope hardware and data processing strategies. There has also been an increase in the number and quality of software packages available to process cryo-ET data with STA. In this review, we describe and assess the data processing strategies available for cryo-ET data and highlight the recent software developments which have enabled the extraction of high-resolution information from cryo-ET datasets

    Automatic Differentiation for Inverse Problems in X-ray Imaging and Microscopy

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    Computational techniques allow breaking the limits of traditional imaging methods, such as time restrictions, resolution, and optics flaws. While simple computational methods can be enough for highly controlled microscope setups or just for previews, an increased level of complexity is instead required for advanced setups, acquisition modalities or where uncertainty is high; the need for complex computational methods clashes with rapid design and execution. In all these cases, Automatic Differentiation, one of the subtopics of Artificial Intelligence, may offer a functional solution, but only if a GPU implementation is available. In this paper, we show how a framework built to solve just one optimisation problem can be employed for many different X-ray imaging inverse problems

    Advanced tracking and image registration techniques for intraoperative radiation therapy

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIntraoperative electron radiation therapy (IOERT) is a technique used to deliver radiation to the surgically opened tumor bed without irradiating healthy tissue. Treatment planning systems and mobile linear accelerators enable clinicians to optimize the procedure, minimize stress in the operating room (OR) and avoid transferring the patient to a dedicated radiation room. However, placement of the radiation collimator over the tumor bed requires a validation methodology to ensure correct delivery of the dose prescribed in the treatment planning system. In this dissertation, we address three well-known limitations of IOERT: applicator positioning over the tumor bed, docking of the mobile linear accelerator gantry with the applicator and validation of the dose delivery prescribed. This thesis demonstrates that these limitations can be overcome by positioning the applicator appropriately with respect to the patient’s anatomy. The main objective of the study was to assess technological and procedural alternatives for improvement of IOERT performance and resolution of problems of uncertainty. Image-to-world registration, multicamera optical trackers, multimodal imaging techniques and mobile linear accelerator docking are addressed in the context of IOERT. IOERT is carried out by a multidisciplinary team in a highly complex environment that has special tracking needs owing to the characteristics of its working volume (i.e., large and prone to occlusions), in addition to the requisites of accuracy. The first part of this dissertation presents the validation of a commercial multicamera optical tracker in terms of accuracy, sensitivity to miscalibration, camera occlusions and detection of tools using a feasible surgical setup. It also proposes an automatic miscalibration detection protocol that satisfies the IOERT requirements of automaticity and speed. We show that the multicamera tracker is suitable for IOERT navigation and demonstrate the feasibility of the miscalibration detection protocol in clinical setups. Image-to-world registration is one of the main issues during image-guided applications where the field of interest and/or the number of possible anatomical localizations is large, such as IOERT. In the second part of this dissertation, a registration algorithm for image-guided surgery based on lineshaped fiducials (line-based registration) is proposed and validated. Line-based registration decreases acquisition time during surgery and enables better registration accuracy than other published algorithms. In the third part of this dissertation, we integrate a commercial low-cost ultrasound transducer and a cone beam CT C-arm with an optical tracker for image-guided interventions to enable surgical navigation and explore image based registration techniques for both modalities. In the fourth part of the dissertation, a navigation system based on optical tracking for the docking of the mobile linear accelerator to the radiation applicator is assessed. This system improves safety and reduces procedure time. The system tracks the prescribed collimator location to solve the movements that the linear accelerator should perform to reach the docking position and warns the user about potentially unachievable arrangements before the actual procedure. A software application was implemented to use this system in the OR, where it was also evaluated to assess the improvement in docking speed. Finally, in the last part of the dissertation, we present and assess the installation setup for a navigation system in a dedicated IOERT OR, determine the steps necessary for the IOERT process, identify workflow limitations and evaluate the feasibility of the integration of the system in a real OR. The navigation system safeguards the sterile conditions of the OR, clears the space available for surgeons and is suitable for any similar dedicated IOERT OR.La Radioterapia Intraoperatoria por electrones (RIO) consiste en la aplicación de radiación de alta energía directamente sobre el lecho tumoral, accesible durante la cirugía, evitando radiar los tejidos sanos. Hoy en día, avances como los sistemas de planificación (TPS) y la aparición de aceleradores lineales móviles permiten optimizar el procedimiento, minimizar el estrés clínico en el entorno quirúrgico y evitar el desplazamiento del paciente durante la cirugía a otra sala para ser radiado. La aplicación de la radiación se realiza mediante un colimador del haz de radiación (aplicador) que se coloca sobre el lecho tumoral de forma manual por el oncólogo radioterápico. Sin embargo, para asegurar una correcta deposición de la dosis prescrita y planificada en el TPS, es necesaria una adecuada validación de la colocación del colimador. En esta Tesis se abordan tres limitaciones conocidas del procedimiento RIO: el correcto posicionamiento del aplicador sobre el lecho tumoral, acoplamiento del acelerador lineal con el aplicador y validación de la dosis de radiación prescrita. Esta Tesis demuestra que estas limitaciones pueden ser abordadas mediante el posicionamiento del aplicador de radiación en relación con la anatomía del paciente. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la evaluación de alternativas tecnológicas y procedimentales para la mejora de la práctica de la RIO y resolver los problemas de incertidumbre descritos anteriormente. Concretamente se revisan en el contexto de la radioterapia intraoperatoria los siguientes temas: el registro de la imagen y el paciente, sistemas de posicionamiento multicámara, técnicas de imagen multimodal y el acoplamiento del acelerador lineal móvil. El entorno complejo y multidisciplinar de la RIO precisa de necesidades especiales para el empleo de sistemas de posicionamiento como una alta precisión y un volumen de trabajo grande y propenso a las oclusiones de los sensores de posición. La primera parte de esta Tesis presenta una exhaustiva evaluación de un sistema de posicionamiento óptico multicámara comercial. Estudiamos la precisión del sistema, su sensibilidad a errores cometidos en la calibración, robustez frente a posibles oclusiones de las cámaras y precisión en el seguimiento de herramientas en un entorno quirúrgico real. Además, proponemos un protocolo para la detección automática de errores por calibración que satisface los requisitos de automaticidad y velocidad para la RIO demostrando la viabilidad del empleo de este sistema para la navegación en RIO. Uno de los problemas principales de la cirugía guiada por imagen es el correcto registro de la imagen médica y la anatomía del paciente en el quirófano. En el caso de la RIO, donde el número de posibles localizaciones anatómicas es bastante amplio, así como el campo de trabajo es grande se hace necesario abordar este problema para una correcta navegación. Por ello, en la segunda parte de esta Tesis, proponemos y validamos un nuevo algoritmo de registro (LBR) para la cirugía guiada por imagen basado en marcadores lineales. El método propuesto reduce el tiempo de la adquisición de la posición de los marcadores durante la cirugía y supera en precisión a otros algoritmos de registro establecidos y estudiados en la literatura. En la tercera parte de esta tesis, integramos un transductor de ultrasonido comercial de bajo coste, un arco en C de rayos X con haz cónico y un sistema de posicionamiento óptico para intervenciones guiadas por imagen que permite la navegación quirúrgica y exploramos técnicas de registro de imagen para ambas modalidades. En la cuarta parte de esta tesis se evalúa un navegador basado en el sistema de posicionamiento óptico para el acoplamiento del acelerador lineal móvil con aplicador de radiación, mejorando la seguridad y reduciendo el tiempo del propio acoplamiento. El sistema es capaz de localizar el colimador en el espacio y proporcionar los movimientos que el acelerador lineal debe realizar para alcanzar la posición de acoplamiento. El sistema propuesto es capaz de advertir al usuario de aquellos casos donde la posición de acoplamiento sea inalcanzable. El sistema propuesto de ayuda para el acoplamiento se integró en una aplicación software que fue evaluada para su uso final en quirófano demostrando su viabilidad y la reducción de tiempo de acoplamiento mediante su uso. Por último, presentamos y evaluamos la instalación de un sistema de navegación en un quirófano RIO dedicado, determinamos las necesidades desde el punto de vista procedimental, identificamos las limitaciones en el flujo de trabajo y evaluamos la viabilidad de la integración del sistema en un entorno quirúrgico real. El sistema propuesto demuestra ser apto para el entorno RIO manteniendo las condiciones de esterilidad y dejando despejado el campo quirúrgico además de ser adaptable a cualquier quirófano similar.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: Raúl San José Estépar.- Secretario: María Arrate Muñoz Barrutia.- Vocal: Carlos Ferrer Albiac

    Geometric correction method for 3d in-line X-ray phase contrast image reconstruction

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    Structural insights into muscle organisation by electron cryo-tomography

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    Movement is the essence of life in the animal realm. Skeletal muscle is an essential tissue specialised for movement. Muscle cells are multi-nucleated cells containing bundles of myofibrils, which are segmented into the smallest contractile units, named sarcomeres. While sarcomeres are known to contain thin (actin) and thick (myosin) filaments, the detailed architecture, especially the high-resolution and 3-dimensional (3D) information, remains obscure. In this thesis, I obtained the first high-resolution 3D pictures of the sarcomere using cryo-focused ion beam milling (cryo-FIB-milling) and electron cryo-tomography (cryo-ET). The sarcomere organisation highlights a molecular plasticity which ensures efficient muscle contraction in different environments. Furthermore, from these native 3D images, I determined the first structures of the ruler protein, nebulin, to a resolution of 4.5 Å, which establishes the molecular basis for its functions in thin filament stabilisation, length control and myosin-binding regulation. The in situ structures also revealed a double-head conformation of myosin that reveals inherent variability to increases myosin’s capability for binding to the thin filaments. Collectively, my thesis research provides unique insights into muscle structures that allow improved dynamic modelling of muscle contraction and muscle diseases. This research also establishes a new cryo-FIB-ET approach for structurally characterising muscle components in different types of muscles and diseased states

    Algorithmic and infrastructural software development for cryo electron tomography

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    Many Cryo Electron Microscopy (cryoEM) software packages have accumulated significant technical debts over the years, resulting in overcomplicated codebases that are costly to maintain and that slow down development. In this thesis, we advocate for the development of open-source cryoEM core libraries as a solution to this debt and with the ultimate goal of improving the developer and user experience. First, a brief summary of cryoEM is presented, with an emphasis on projection algorithms and tomography. Second, the requirements of modern and future cryoEM image processing are discussed. Third, a new experimental cryoEM core library written in modern C++ is introduced. This library prioritises performance and code reusability, and is designed around a few core functions which offers an efficient model to manipulate multidimensional arrays at an index-wise and element-wise level. C++ template metaprogramming allowed us to develop modular and transparent compute backends, that provide great CPU and GPU performance, unified in an easy to use interface. Fourth, new projection algorithms will be described, notably a grid-driven approach to accurately insert and sample central slices in 3-dimensional (3d) Fourier space. A Fourier-based fused backward-forward projection, further improving the computational efficiency and accuracy of reprojections, will also be presented. Fifth, and as part of our efforts to test and showcase the library, we have started to implement a tilt series alignment package that gathers existing and new techniques into an automated pipeline. The current program first estimates the per-tilt translations and specimen stage rotation using a coarse alignment based on cosine stretching. It then fits the Thon rings of each tilt image as part of a global optimization to estimate the specimen inclination. Finally, we are using our Fourier-based fused reprojection to efficiently refine the per-tilt translations, and are starting to explore ways that would allow us to refine the per-tilt stage rotations

    Analysing the lattice transition of thin filaments in striated muscle

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    Thin filaments, through interaction with thick filaments, form the contractile apparatus of striated muscle. Therefore, the length and arrangement of the thin filaments are of key importance to the function of the muscle. The thin filaments from adjacent sarcomeres are anchored at the Z-disc. In 1968 Pringle predicted that thin filament are organised in the Z-disc in a rhomboid lattice rather than a square lattice. Previous experimental evidence has been insufficient to verify Pringle’s suggestion. In the A-band the thin filaments interdigitate with the thick filaments on a hexagonal lattice, hence from the Z-disc to the A-band, there is a transition of the lattice from square to hexagonal. In this project, I have firstly used Fourier analysis and electron tomography to investigate the thin filament lattice in the Z-disc. I have used electron tomography to determine how the lattice transition occurs between the Z-disc and the A-band. Electron tomography of these samples also allowed me to determine the lengths of thin filaments, showing unequivocally that they are of variable lengths in cardiac muscle