5 research outputs found

    A novel battery network modelling using constraint differential evolution algorithm optimisation

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    The use of battery storage devices has been advocated as one of the main ways of improving the power quality and reliability of the power system, including minimisation of energy imbalance and reduction of peak demand. Lowering peak demand to reduce the use of carbon-intensive fuels and the number of expensive peaking plant generators is thus of major importance. Self-adaptive control methods for individual batteries have been developed to reduce the peak demand. However, these self-adaptive control algorithms of are not very efficient without sharing the energy among different batteries. This paper proposes a novel battery network system with optimal management of energy between batteries. An optimal management strategy has been implemented using a population-based constraint differential evolution algorithm. Taking advantage of this strategy the battery network model can remove more peak areas of forecasted demand data compared to the self-adaptive control algorithm developed for the New York City study case

    An Enhanced Differential Evolution Algorithm Based on Multiple Mutation Strategies

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    Differential evolution algorithm is a simple yet efficient metaheuristic for global optimization over continuous spaces. However, there is a shortcoming of premature convergence in standard DE, especially in DE/best/1/bin. In order to take advantage of direction guidance information of the best individual of DE/best/1/bin and avoid getting into local trap, based on multiple mutation strategies, an enhanced differential evolution algorithm, named EDE, is proposed in this paper. In the EDE algorithm, an initialization technique, opposition-based learning initialization for improving the initial solution quality, and a new combined mutation strategy composed of DE/current/1/bin together with DE/pbest/bin/1 for the sake of accelerating standard DE and preventing DE from clustering around the global best individual, as well as a perturbation scheme for further avoiding premature convergence, are integrated. In addition, we also introduce two linear time-varying functions, which are used to decide which solution search equation is chosen at the phases of mutation and perturbation, respectively. Experimental results tested on twenty-five benchmark functions show that EDE is far better than the standard DE. In further comparisons, EDE is compared with other five state-of-the-art approaches and related results show that EDE is still superior to or at least equal to these methods on most of benchmark functions

    Surrogate models based on machine learning methods for parameter estimation of left ventricular myocardium

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    A long-standing problem at the frontier of biomechanical studies is to develop fast methods capable of estimating material properties from clinical data. In this paper, we have studied three surrogate models based on machine learning (ML) methods for fast parameter estimation of left ventricular (LV) myocardium. We use three ML methods named K-nearest neighbour (KNN), XGBoost and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to emulate the relationships between pressure and volume strains during the diastolic filling. Firstly, to train the surrogate models, a forward finite-element simulator of LV diastolic filling is used. Then the training data are projected in a low-dimensional parametrized space. Next, three ML models are trained to learn the relationships of pressure–volume and pressure–strain. Finally, an inverse parameter estimation problem is formulated by using those trained surrogate models. Our results show that the three ML models can learn the relationships of pressure–volume and pressure–strain very well, and the parameter inference using the surrogate models can be carried out in minutes. Estimated parameters from both the XGBoost and MLP models have much less uncertainties compared with the KNN model. Our results further suggest that the XGBoost model is better for predicting the LV diastolic dynamics and estimating passive parameters than other two surrogate models. Further studies are warranted to investigate how XGBoost can be used for emulating cardiac pump function in a multi-physics and multi-scale framework

    Evolutionary algorithms for scheduling operations

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    While business process automation is proliferating through industries and processes, operations such as job and crew scheduling are still performed manually in the majority of workplaces. The linear programming techniques are not capable of automated production of a job or crew schedule within a reasonable computation time due to the massive sizes of real-life scheduling problems. For this reason, AI solutions are becoming increasingly popular, specifically Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). However, there are three key limitations of previous studies researching application of EAs for the solution of the scheduling problems. First of all, there is no justification for the selection of a particular genetic operator and conclusion about their effectiveness. Secondly, the practical efficiency of such algorithms is unknown due to the lack of comparison with manually produced schedules. Finally, the implications of real-life implementation of the algorithm are rarely considered. This research aims at addressing all three limitations. Collaborations with DBSchenker,the rail freight carrier, and Garnett-Dickinson, the printing company,have been established. Multi-disciplinary research methods including document analysis, focus group evaluations, and interviews with managers from different levels have been carried out. A standard EA has been enhanced with developed within research intelligent operators to efficiently solve the problems. Assessment of the developed algorithm in the context of real life crew scheduling problem showed that the automated schedule outperformed the manual one by 3.7% in terms of its operating efficiency. In addition, the automatically produced schedule required less staff to complete all the jobs and might provide an additional revenue opportunity of £500 000. The research has also revealed a positive attitude expressed by the operational and IT managers towards the developed system. Investment analysis demonstrated a 41% return rate on investment in the automated scheduling system, while the strategic analysis suggests that this system can enable attainment of strategic priorities. The end users of the system, on the other hand, expressed some degree of scepticism and would prefer manual methods