249 research outputs found

    FastDOG: Fast Discrete Optimization on GPU

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    We present a massively parallel Lagrange decomposition method for solving 0--1 integer linear programs occurring in structured prediction. We propose a new iterative update scheme for solving the Lagrangean dual and a perturbation technique for decoding primal solutions. For representing subproblems we follow Lange et al. (2021) and use binary decision diagrams (BDDs). Our primal and dual algorithms require little synchronization between subproblems and optimization over BDDs needs only elementary operations without complicated control flow. This allows us to exploit the parallelism offered by GPUs for all components of our method. We present experimental results on combinatorial problems from MAP inference for Markov Random Fields, quadratic assignment and cell tracking for developmental biology. Our highly parallel GPU implementation improves upon the running times of the algorithms from Lange et al. (2021) by up to an order of magnitude. In particular, we come close to or outperform some state-of-the-art specialized heuristics while being problem agnostic. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/LPMP/BDD.Comment: Published at CVPR 2022. Alert before printing: last 10 pages just contains detailed results tabl

    Research in progress in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, fluid mechanics, and computer science

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    This report summarizes research conducted at the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering in applied mathematics, fluid mechanics, and computer science during the period October 1, 1993 through March 31, 1994. The major categories of the current ICASE research program are: (1) applied and numerical mathematics, including numerical analysis and algorithm development; (2) theoretical and computational research in fluid mechanics in selected areas of interest to LaRC, including acoustics and combustion; (3) experimental research in transition and turbulence and aerodynamics involving LaRC facilities and scientists; and (4) computer science

    Research summary, January 1989 - June 1990

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    The Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS) was established at NASA ARC in June of 1983. RIACS is privately operated by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA), a consortium of 62 universities with graduate programs in the aerospace sciences, under a Cooperative Agreement with NASA. RIACS serves as the representative of the USRA universities at ARC. This document reports our activities and accomplishments for the period 1 Jan. 1989 - 30 Jun. 1990. The following topics are covered: learning systems, networked systems, and parallel systems

    Reconstructing the galactic magnetic field

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    Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der Rekonstruktion des Magnetfeldes der Milchstraße (GMF für Galaktisches Magnetfeld). Eine genaue Beschreibung des Magnetfeldes ist für mehrere Fragestellungen der Astrophysik relevant. Erstens spielt es eine wichtige Rolle dabei, wie sich die Struktur der Milchstraße entwickelt, da die Ströme von interstellarem Gas und kosmischer Strahlung durch das GMF abgelenkt werden. Zweitens stört es die Messung und Analyse von Strahlung extra-galaktischer Quellen. Drittens lenkt es ultra-hoch-energetische kosmische Strahung (UHECR) derartig stark ab, dass die Zuordnung von gemessenen UHECR zu potentiellen Quellen nicht ohne Korrekturrechnung möglich ist. Viertens kann mit dem GMF ein kosmischer Dynamo-Prozess inklusive dessen innerer Strukturen studiert werden. Im Gegensatz zum GMF ist bei Sternen und Planeten nur das äußere Magnetfeld zugänglich und messbar. So großen Einfluss das GMF auf eine Vielzahl von Effekten hat, genauso schwer ist es auch zu ermitteln. Der Grund dafür ist, dass das Magnetfeld nicht direkt, sondern nur durch seinen Einfluss auf verschiedene physikalische Observablen messbar ist. Messungen dieser Observablen liefern für eine konkrete Sichtlinie ihren gesamt-akkumulierten Wert. Aufgrund der festen Position des Sonnensystems in der Milchstraße ist es daher eine Herausforderung der gemessenen Wirkung des Magnetfelds einer räumlichen Tiefe zuzuordnen. Als Informationsquelle dienen vor allem Messungen der Intensität und Polarisation von Radiound Mikrowellen, sowohl für den gesamten Himmel, als auch für einzelne Sterne, deren Position im Raum bekannt ist. Durch die Betrachtung der zugrunde liegenden physikalischen Prozesse wie Synchrotronemission und Faraday Rotation kann auf das GMF rückgeschlossen werden. Voraussetzung dafür sind jedoch dreidimensionale Dichte-Karten anderer Konstituenten der Milchstraße, beispielsweise der thermischen Elektronen oder des interstellaren Staubes. Für die Erstellung dieser Hilfskarten sind physikalische Prozesse wie Dispersion und Staubabsorption von entscheidender Bedeutung. Um das GMF anhand der vorhandenen Messdaten zu rekonstruieren, gibt es im Wesentlichen zwei Herangehensweisen. Zum einen benutzt man den phänomenologischen Ansatz parametrischer Magnetfeld-Modelle. Dabei wird die Struktur des Magnetfeldes durch analytische Formeln mit einer begrenzten Anzahl von Parametern festgelegt. Diese Modelle beinhalten die generelle Morphologie des Magnetfeldes, wie etwa Galaxie-Arme und Feld-Umkehrungen, aber auch lokale Charakteristika wie Nebel in der Nachbarschaft des Sonnensystems. Gegeben einem Satz Messdaten versucht man nun, jene Modellparameter zu finden, die eine möglichst gute Übereinstimmung mit den Observablen ergeben. Zu diesem Zweck wurde im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit Imagine, die Interstellar MAGnetic field INference Engine, entwickelt. Aufgrund der verhältnismäßig geringen Anzahl an Parametern ist eine Parameteranpassung auch mit robusten all-sky maps möglich, auch wenn diese keine Tiefen-Information enthalten. Allerdings gibt es bei der Herangehensweise über parametrische Modelle das Problem der Beliebigkeit: es gibt eine Vielzahl an Modellen verschiedenster Komplexität, die sich darüber hinaus häufig gegenseitig widersprechen. In der Vergangenheit wurden dann meist auch noch die Unsicherheit der Parameter-Rekonstruktionen unterschätzt. Im Gegensatz dazu ermöglicht eine rigorose Bayes’sche Analyse, beispielsweise mit dem in dieser Doktorarbeit entwickelten Imagine, eine verlässliche Bestimmung der Modellparameter. Neben parametrischen Modellen kann das GMF auch über einen nicht-parametrischen Ansatz rekonstruiert werden. Dabei hat jedes Raumvoxel zwei unabhängige Freiheitsgrade für das Magnetfeld. Diese Art der Rekonstruktion stellt deutlich höhere Ansprüche an die Datenmenge und -qualität, die Algorithmik, und die Rechenkapazität. Aufgrund der hohen Anzahl an Freiheitsgraden werden Messdaten benötigt, die direkte (Parallax-Messungen) oder indirekte (über das Hertzsprung Russel Diagramm) Tiefeninformation beinhalten. Zudem sind starke Prior für jene Raumbereiche notwendig, die von den Daten nur schwach abgedeckt werden. Einfache Bayes’sche Methoden reichen hierfür nicht mehr aus. Vielmehr ist nun Informationsfeldtheorie (IFT) nötig, um die verschiedenen Informationsquellen korrekt zu kombinieren, und verlässliche Unsicherheiten zu erhalten. Für diese Aufgabe ist das Python Framework NIFTy (Numerical Information Field Theory) prädestiniert. In seiner ersten Release-Version war NIFTy jedoch noch nicht für Magnetfeldrekonstruktionen und die benötigten Größenordnungen geeignet. Um die Datenmengen verarbeiten zu können wurde daher zunächst d2o als eigenständiges Werkzeug für Daten-Parallelisierung entwickelt. Damit kann parallelisierter Code entwickelt werden, ohne das die eigentliche Entwicklungsarbeit behindert wird. Da im Grunde alle numerischen Disziplinen mit großen Datensätzen, die sich nicht in Teilmengen zerlegen lassen davon profitieren können, wurde d2o als eigenständiges Paket veröffentlicht. Darüber hinaus wurde NIFTy so umfassend in seinem Funktionsumfang und seiner Struktur überarbeitet, sodass nun unter anderem auch hochaufgelöste Magnetfeldrekonstruktionen durchgeführt werden können. Außerdem ist es jetzt mit NIFTy auch möglich Karten der thermischen Elektronendichte und des interstellaren Staubes auf Basis neuer und gleichzeitig auch sehr großer Datensätze zu erstellen. Damit wurde der Weg zu einer nicht-parametrischen Rekonstruktionen des GMF geebnet.This thesis deals with the reconstruction of the magnetic field of the MilkyWay (GMF for Galactic Magnetic Field). A detailed description of the magnetic field is relevant for several problems in astrophysics. First, it plays an important role in how the structure of the Milky Way develops as the currents of interstellar gas and cosmic rays are deflected by the GMF. Second, it interferes with the measurement and analysis of radiation from extra-galactic sources. Third, it deflects ultra-high energetic cosmic rays (UHECR) to such an extent that the assignment of measured UHECR to potential sources is not possible without a correcting calculations. Fourth, the GMF can be used to study a cosmic dynamo process including its internal structures. In contrast to the GMF, normally only the outer magnetic field of stars and planets is accessible and measurable. As much as the GMF has an impact on a variety of effects, it is just as diffcult to determine. The reason for this is that the magnetic field cannot be measured directly, but only by its influence on various physical observables. Measurements of these observables yield their total accumulated value for a certain line of sight. Due to the fixed position of the solar system in the Milky Way, it is therefore a challenge to map the measured effect of the magnetic field to a spatial depth. Measurements of the intensity and polarization of radio and microwaves, both for the entire sky and for individual stars whose position in space is known, serve as a source of information. Based on physical processes such as synchrotron emission and Faraday rotation, the GMF can be deduced. However, this requires three-dimensional density maps of other constituents of the Milky Way, such as thermal electrons or interstellar dust. Physical processes like dispersion and dust absorption are crucial for the creation of these auxiliary maps. To reconstruct the GMF on the basis of existing measurement data, there are basically two approaches. On the one hand, the phenomenological approach of parametric magnetic field models can be used. This involves defining the structure of the magnetic field using analytical formulas with a limited number of parameters. These models include the general morphology of the magnetic field, such as galaxy arms and field reversals, but also local characteristics like nebulae in the solar system’s neighbourhood. If a set of measurement data is given, one tries to find those model parameter values that are in concordance with the observables as closely as possible. For this purpose, within the course of this doctoral thesis Imagine, the Interstellar MAGnetic field INference Engine was developed. Due to parametric model’s relatively small number of parameters, a fit is also possible with robust all-sky maps, even if they do not contain any depth information. However, there is the problem of arbitrariness in the approach of parametric models: there is a large number of models of different complexity available, which on top of that often contradict each other. In the past, the reconstructed parameter’s uncertainty was often underestimated. In contrast, a rigorous Bayesian analysis, as for example developed in this doctoral thesis with Imagine, provides a reliable analysis. On the other hand, in addition to parametric models the GMF can also be reconstructed following a non-parametric approach. In this case, each space voxel has two independent degrees of freedom for the magnetic field. Hence, this type of reconstruction places much higher demands on the amount and quality of data, the algorithms, and the computing capacity. Due to the high number of degrees of freedom, measurement data are required which contain direct (parallax measurements) or indirect (by means of the Russel diagram) depth information. In addition, strong priors are necessary for those areas of space that are only weakly covered by the data. Simple Bayesian methods are no longer suffcient for this. Rather, information field theory (IFT) is now needed to combine the various sources of information correctly and to obtain reliable uncertainties. The Python framework NIFTy (Numerical Information Field Theory) is predestined for this task. In its first release version, however, NIFTy was not yet natively capable of reconstructing a magnetic field and dealing with the order of magnitude of the problem’s data. To be able to process given data, d2o was developed as an independent tool for data parallelization. With d2o parallel code can be developed without any hindrance of the actual development work. Basically all numeric disciplines with large datasets that cannot be broken down into subsets can benefit from this, which is the reason why d2o has been released as an independent package. In addition, NIFTy has been comprehensively revised in its functional scope and structure, so that now, among other things, high-resolution magnetic field reconstructions can be carried out. With NIFTy it is now also possible to create maps of thermal electron density and interstellar dust on the basis of new and at the same time very large datasets. This paved the way for a non-parametric reconstruction of the GMF

    Parallelization of dynamic programming recurrences in computational biology

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    The rapid growth of biosequence databases over the last decade has led to a performance bottleneck in the applications analyzing them. In particular, over the last five years DNA sequencing capacity of next-generation sequencers has been doubling every six months as costs have plummeted. The data produced by these sequencers is overwhelming traditional compute systems. We believe that in the future compute performance, not sequencing, will become the bottleneck in advancing genome science. In this work, we investigate novel computing platforms to accelerate dynamic programming algorithms, which are popular in bioinformatics workloads. We study algorithm-specific hardware architectures that exploit fine-grained parallelism in dynamic programming kernels using field-programmable gate arrays: FPGAs). We advocate a high-level synthesis approach, using the recurrence equation abstraction to represent dynamic programming and polyhedral analysis to exploit parallelism. We suggest a novel technique within the polyhedral model to optimize for throughput by pipelining independent computations on an array. This design technique improves on the state of the art, which builds latency-optimal arrays. We also suggest a method to dynamically switch between a family of designs using FPGA reconfiguration to achieve a significant performance boost. We have used polyhedral methods to parallelize the Nussinov RNA folding algorithm to build a family of accelerators that can trade resources for parallelism and are between 15-130x faster than a modern dual core CPU implementation. A Zuker RNA folding accelerator we built on a single workstation with four Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGAs outperforms 198 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processors. Furthermore, our design running on a single FPGA is an order of magnitude faster than competing implementations on similar-generation FPGAs and graphics processors. Our work is a step toward the goal of automated synthesis of hardware accelerators for dynamic programming algorithms

    Artificial Intelligence for Science in Quantum, Atomistic, and Continuum Systems

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    Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are fueling a new paradigm of discoveries in natural sciences. Today, AI has started to advance natural sciences by improving, accelerating, and enabling our understanding of natural phenomena at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, giving rise to a new area of research known as AI for science (AI4Science). Being an emerging research paradigm, AI4Science is unique in that it is an enormous and highly interdisciplinary area. Thus, a unified and technical treatment of this field is needed yet challenging. This work aims to provide a technically thorough account of a subarea of AI4Science; namely, AI for quantum, atomistic, and continuum systems. These areas aim at understanding the physical world from the subatomic (wavefunctions and electron density), atomic (molecules, proteins, materials, and interactions), to macro (fluids, climate, and subsurface) scales and form an important subarea of AI4Science. A unique advantage of focusing on these areas is that they largely share a common set of challenges, thereby allowing a unified and foundational treatment. A key common challenge is how to capture physics first principles, especially symmetries, in natural systems by deep learning methods. We provide an in-depth yet intuitive account of techniques to achieve equivariance to symmetry transformations. We also discuss other common technical challenges, including explainability, out-of-distribution generalization, knowledge transfer with foundation and large language models, and uncertainty quantification. To facilitate learning and education, we provide categorized lists of resources that we found to be useful. We strive to be thorough and unified and hope this initial effort may trigger more community interests and efforts to further advance AI4Science

    Development of High Performance Molecular Dynamics with Application to Multimillion-Atom Biomass Simulations

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    An understanding of the recalcitrance of plant biomass is important for efficient economic production of biofuel. Lignins are hydrophobic, branched polymers and form a residual barrier to effective hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass. Understanding lignin\u27s structure, dynamics and its interaction and binding to cellulose will help with finding more efficient ways to reduce its contribution to the recalcitrance. Molecular dynamics (MD) using the GROMACS software is employed to study these properties in atomic detail. Studying complex, realistic models of pretreated plant cell walls, requires simulations significantly larger than was possible before. The most challenging part of such large simulations is the computation of the electrostatic interaction. As a solution, the reaction-field (RF) method has been shown to give accurate results for lignocellulose systems, as well as good computational efficiency on leadership class supercomputers. The particle-mesh Ewald method has been improved by implementing 2D decomposition and thread level parallelization for molecules not accurately modeled by RF. Other scaling limiting computational components, such as the load balancing and memory requirements, were identified and addressed to allow such large scale simulations for the first time. This work was done with the help of modern software engineering principles, including code-review, continuous integration, and integrated development environments. These methods were adapted to the special requirements for scientific codes. Multiple simulations of lignocellulose were performed. The simulation presented primarily, explains the temperature-dependent structure and dynamics of individual softwood lignin polymers in aqueous solution. With decreasing temperature, the lignins are found to transition from mobile, extended to glassy, compact states. The low-temperature collapse is thermodynamically driven by the increase of the translational entropy and density fluctuations of water molecules removed from the hydration shell

    Towards Efficient 3D Reconstructions from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery

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    Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of commercial satellite imagery. Compared with other imaging products, such as aerial or streetview imagery, modern satellite images are captured at high resolution and with multiple spectral bands, thus provide unique viewing angles, global coverage, and frequent updates of the Earth surfaces. With automated processing and intelligent analysis algorithms, satellite images can enable global-scale 3D modeling applications. This dissertation explores computer vision algorithms to reconstruct 3D models from satellite images at different levels: geometric, semantic, and parametric reconstructions. However, reconstructing satellite imagery is particularly challenging for the following reasons: 1) Satellite images typically contain an enormous amount of raw pixels. Efficient algorithms are needed to minimize the substantial computational burden. 2) The ground sampling distances of satellite images are comparatively low. Visual entities, such as buildings, appear visually small and cluttered, thus posing difficulties for 3D modeling. 3) Satellite images usually have complex camera models and inaccurate vendor-provided camera calibrations. Rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) camera models, although widely used, need to be appropriately handled to ensure high-quality reconstructions. To obtain geometric reconstructions efficiently, we propose an edge-aware interpolation-based algorithm to obtain 3D point clouds from satellite image pairs. Initial 2D pixel matches are first established and triangulated to compensate the RPC calibration errors. Noisy dense correspondences can then be estimated by interpolating the inlier matches in an edge-aware manner. After refining the correspondence map with a fast bilateral solver, we can obtain dense 3D point clouds via triangulation. Pixel-wise semantic classification results for satellite images are usually noisy due to the negligence of spatial neighborhood information. Thus, we propose to aggregate multiple corresponding observations of the same 3D point to obtain high-quality semantic models. Instead of just leveraging geometric reconstructions to provide such correspondences, we formulate geometric modeling and semantic reasoning in a joint Markov Random Field (MRF) model. Our experiments show that both tasks can benefit from the joint inference. Finally, we propose a novel deep learning based approach to perform single-view parametric reconstructions from satellite imagery. By parametrizing buildings as 3D cuboids, our method simultaneously localizes building instances visible in the image and estimates their corresponding cuboid models. Aerial LiDAR and vectorized GIS maps are utilized as supervision. Our network upsamples CNN features to detect small but cluttered building instances. In addition, we estimate building contours through a separate fully convolutional network to avoid overlapping building cuboids.Doctor of Philosoph

    Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019

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    This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest
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