367 research outputs found

    Specifications for Multi-Brand Truck Platooning

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    ICWIM8, 8th International Conference on Weigh-In-Motion, PRAGUE, TCHÈQUE, RÉPUBLIQUE, 20-/05/2019 - 24/05/2019Platooning technology has made significant advances in the last decade, but to achieve the next step towards deployment of truck platooning, an integral multi-brand approach is required. It is the ambition of ENSEMBLE to realize pre-standards for interoperability between trucks, platoons and logistics solution providers, to speed up actual market pick-up of (sub)system development and implementation, and to enable harmonization of legal frameworks in the member states. This paper provides with definition of the specifications of the whole multi-brand truck platooning concept to be implemented within the testing and demonstration trucks of the 6 OEMs. It describes the functional architecture, captures all minimum set of operations layer requirements and tactical layer specifications for Platoon level A. The building blocks of truck platooning consist of in-vehicle requirements (Longitudinal, sensors, HMI interaction), infrastructure (V2I), information among trucks in platoon, and platooning strategy (coordination mode, gap regulation, formation, dissolution, and vehicle mix).La technologie de peloton a fait des progrĂšs significatifs au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie, mais pour franchir la prochaine Ă©tape du dĂ©ploiement de pelotons de camions, une approche multimarques intĂ©grĂ©e est indispensable. Le projet ENSEMBLE a pour ambition de mettre en place des prĂ©-normes en matiĂšre d'interopĂ©rabilitĂ© entre les camions, les pelotons et les fournisseurs de solutions logistiques, d'accĂ©lĂ©rer le dĂ©veloppement et la mise en oeuvre de (sous-) systĂšmes sur le marchĂ© et de permettre l'harmonisation des cadres juridiques dans les États membres europĂ©ens. Ce document fournit une dĂ©finition des spĂ©cifications du concept de groupement de camions multimarques Ă  mettre en oeuvre dans les camions de test et de dĂ©monstration des 6 constructeurs. Il dĂ©crit l'architecture fonctionnelle, capture l'ensemble des exigences minimales de la couche d'exploitation et des spĂ©cifications de la couche tactique pour le niveau A. Les Ă©lĂ©ments constitutifs du groupement de camions sont les exigences embarquĂ©es (longitudinal, capteurs, interaction IHM), infrastructure (V2I), informations entre camions du peloton et stratĂ©gie de peloton (mode de coordination, rĂ©gulation des Ă©carts, formation, dissolution et combinaison de vĂ©hicules)

    ODOT and INDOT I-70 Truck Automation Corridor Project

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    In June 2021, ODOT and INDOT began a project to implement and test truck platooning—Level 2 and Level 4 automation on Class 8 trucks in revenue service on I-70. The project also assessed infrastructure readiness for automated vehicles and developed a tool to automate this analysis to make roadways “automation ready.” This presentation provides the project concept and architecture, insights and status of participating fleets and developers, and the test plan for the roadway audit

    Securing Safety in Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems through Fault Criticality Analysis

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    Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS) are systems that contain tightly coupled physical and cyber components, massively interconnected subsystems, and collaborate to achieve a common goal. The safety of a single Cyber-Physical System (CPS) can be achieved by following the safety standards such as ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 or by applying hazard analysis techniques. However, due to the complex, highly interconnected, heterogeneous, and collaborative nature of CCPS, a fault in one CPS's components can trigger many other faults in other collaborating CPSs. Therefore, a safety assurance technique based on fault criticality analysis would require to ensure safety in CCPS. This paper presents a Fault Criticality Matrix (FCM) implemented in our tool called CPSTracer, which contains several data such as identified fault, fault criticality, safety guard, etc. The proposed FCM is based on composite hazard analysis and content-based relationships among the hazard analysis artifacts, and ensures that the safety guard controls the identified faults at design time; thus, we can effectively manage and control the fault at the design phase to ensure the safe development of CPSs. To validate our approach, we introduce a case study on the Platooning system (a collaborative CPS). We perform the criticality analysis of the Platooning system using FCM in our developed tool. After the detailed fault criticality analysis, we investigate the results to check the appropriateness and effectiveness with two research questions. Also, by performing simulation for the Platooning, we showed that the rate of collision of the Platooning system without using FCM was quite high as compared to the rate of collisions of the system after analyzing the fault criticality using FCM.Comment: This paper is an extended version of an article submitted to KCSE-202

    A runtime safety analysis concept for open adaptive systems

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. In the automotive industry, modern cyber-physical systems feature cooperation and autonomy. Such systems share information to enable collaborative functions, allowing dynamic component integration and architecture reconfiguration. Given the safety-critical nature of the applications involved, an approach for addressing safety in the context of reconfiguration impacting functional and non-functional properties at runtime is needed. In this paper, we introduce a concept for runtime safety analysis and decision input for open adaptive systems. We combine static safety analysis and evidence collected during operation to analyse, reason and provide online recommendations to minimize deviation from a system’s safe states. We illustrate our concept via an abstract vehicle platooning system use case

    Optimization-based Fault Mitigation for Safe Automated Driving

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    With increased developments and interest in cooperative driving and higher levels of automation (SAE level 3+), the need for safety systems that are capable to monitor system health and maintain safe operations in faulty scenarios is increasing. A variety of faults or failures could occur, and there exists a high variety of ways to respond to such events. Once a fault or failure is detected, there is a need to classify its severity and decide on appropriate and safe mitigating actions. To provide a solution to this mitigation challenge, in this paper a functional-safety architecture is proposed and an optimization-based mitigation algorithm is introduced. This algorithm uses nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) to bring a vehicle, suffering from a severe fault, such as a power steering failure, to a safe-state. The internal model of the NMPC uses the information from the fault detection, isolation and identification to optimize the tracking performance of the controller, showcasing the need of the proposed architecture. Given a string of ACC vehicles, our results demonstrate a variety of tactical decision-making approaches that a fault-affected vehicle could employ to manage any faults. Furthermore, we show the potential for improving the safety of the affected vehicle as well as the effect of these approaches on the duration of the manoeuvre.Comment: Accepted for the 2023 IFAC World Conferenc

    Trends in vehicle motion control for automated driving on public roads

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    In this paper, we describe how vehicle systems and the vehicle motion control are affected by automated driving on public roads. We describe the redundancy needed for a road vehicle to meet certain safety goals. The concept of system safety as well as system solutions to fault tolerant actuation of steering and braking and the associated fault tolerant power supply is described. Notably restriction of the operational domain in case of reduced capability of the driving automation system is discussed. Further we consider path tracking, state estimation of vehicle motion control required for automated driving as well as an example of a minimum risk manoeuver and redundant steering by means of differential braking. The steering by differential braking could offer heterogeneous or dissimilar redundancy that complements the redundancy of described fault tolerant steering systems for driving automation equipped vehicles. Finally, the important topic of verification of driving automation systems is addressed

    New Technology and Automation in Freight Transport and Handling Systems

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    This is an evidence review that examines the trends in manufacturing and global supply chains, looking at the international trade, technology and users, and how these may change between now and 2040. The review has been commissioned by the Government Office for Science within the Foresight project. The Foresight Future of Mobility project is run from within the UK Government Office for Science (GO-Science). The Foresight project was launched to try to understand the broad question "What benefits/ opportunities could the transport system of the future provide and what are the implications for Government and society?

    Functional-safety analysis of ASIL decomposition for redundant automotive systems

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    Functional-safety analysis of ASIL decomposition for redundant automotive systems

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