5 research outputs found

    Adaptive Square-Shaped Trajectory-Based Service Location Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper we propose an adaptive square-shaped trajectory (ASST)-based service location method to ensure load scalability in wireless sensor networks. This first establishes a square-shaped trajectory over the nodes that surround a target point computed by the hash function and any user can access it, using the hash. Both the width and the size of the trajectory are dynamically adjustable, depending on the number of queries made to the service information on the trajectory. The number of sensor nodes on the trajectory varies in proportion to the changing trajectory shape, allowing high loads to be distributed around the hot spot area

    Data Centric Storage Technologies: Analysis and Enhancement

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    This paper surveys the most relevant works of Data Centric Storage (DCS) for Wireless Sensor Networks. DCS is a research area that covers data dissemination and storage inside an ad-hoc sensor network. In addition, we present a Quadratic Adaptive Replication (QAR) scheme for DCS, which is a more adaptive multi-replication DCS system and outperforms previous proposals in the literature by reducing the overall network traffic that has a direct impact on energy consumption. Finally, we discuss the open research challenges for DCS

    Estudio de protocolos de enrutamiento en redes Ad-hoc vehiculares

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    Las redes vehiculares son una clase novedosa de redes inalĂĄmbricas entre vehĂ­culos equipados con tecnologĂ­a inalĂĄmbrica de corto y medio alcance. Este tipo de redes usualmente conocidas como redes VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks). Estas redes estĂĄn siendo concebidas en la actualidad y existen muchas lĂ­neas de investigaciĂłn. Para este proyecto nos centramos en el enrutamiento VANET. El proyecto realiza una valoraciĂłn sobre protocolos destinados a este fin, para adquirir una opiniĂłn y poder elaborar unas conclusiones que ayuden a la hora de implementar un protocolo de enrutamiento.Vehicular networks are a novel class of wireless networks that are formed spontaneously between moving vehicles equipped with short, medium-range wireless technology. They are usually referred to as VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks). These networks are being designed now and there is a vast ocean of ideas and lines of work around these networks. For this project we focus on the case of routing in such networks. The paper makes a documentation and a valuation of a large number of protocols for this purpose, to have at the end, own opinions and conclusions to help implement a future routing protoco

    Data centric storage framework for an intelligent wireless sensor network

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    In the last decade research into Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has triggered extensive growth in flexible and previously difficult to achieve scientific activities carried out in the most demanding and often remote areas of the world. This success has provoked research into new WSN related challenges including finding techniques for data management, analysis, and how to gather information from large, diverse, distributed and heterogeneous data sets. The shift in focus to research into a scalable, accessible and sustainable intelligent sensor networks reflects the ongoing improvements made in the design, development, deployment and operation of WSNs. However, one of the key and prime pre-requisites of an intelligent network is to have the ability of in-network data storage and processing which is referred to as Data Centric Storage (DCS). This research project has successfully proposed, developed and implemented a comprehensive DCS framework for WSN. Range query mechanism, similarity search, load balancing, multi-dimensional data search, as well as limited and constrained resources have driven the research focus. The architecture of the deployed network, referred to as Disk Based Data Centric Storage (DBDCS), was inspired by the magnetic disk storage platter consisting of tracks and sectors. The core contributions made in this research can be summarized as: a) An optimally synchronized routing algorithm, referred to Sector Based Distance (SBD) routing for the DBDCS architecture; b) DCS Metric based Similarity Searching (DCSMSS) with the realization of three exemplar queries – Range query, K-nearest neighbor query (KNN) and Skyline query; and c) A Decentralized Distributed Erasure Coding (DDEC) algorithm that achieves a similar level of reliability with less redundancy. SBD achieves high power efficiency whilst reducing updates and query traffic, end-to-end delay, and collisions. In order to guarantee reliability and minimizing end-to-end latency, a simple Grid Coloring Algorithm (GCA) is used to derive the time division multiple access (TDMA) schedules. The GCA uses a slot reuse concept to minimize the TDMA frame length. A performance evaluation was conducted with simulation results showing that SBD achieves a throughput enhancement by a factor of two, extension of network life time by 30%, and reduced end-to-end latency. DCSMSS takes advantage of a vector distance index, called iDistance, transforming the issue of similarity searching into the problem of an interval search in one dimension. DCSMSS balances the load across the network and provides efficient similarity searching in terms of three types of queries – range query, k-query and skyline query. Extensive simulation results reveal that DCSMSS is highly efficient and significantly outperforms previous approaches in processing similarity search queries. DDEC encoded the acquired information into n fragments and disseminated across n nodes inside a sector so that the original source packets can be recovered from any k surviving nodes. A lost fragment can also be regenerated from any d helper nodes. DDEC was evaluated against 3-Way Replication using different performance matrices. The results have highlighted that the use of erasure encoding in network storage can provide the desired level of data availability at a smaller memory overhead when compared to replication