2,872 research outputs found

    A New Belt and Road Framework Method Based on the Internet of Things (IoT) for Industrial Applications

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    A network called the Internet of things (IoT) enables data communication amongst all autonomous inanimate devices. It is a network that enables users to practice object communication. Its development marks a significant turning point in digital technologies. The IoT is growing, and with it, the amount of research being done on its foundation. The western region's economic growth should take advantage of this growth and find a path that works for it. There are many flaws and issues in the accounting system of enterprises as a consequence of the development of internal management aspects. In order to aid the west area's quick development, this article is focused on the optimization of the financial growth trajectory of that region against the "Belt and Road" framework. The interaction development route of related industries and modern urbanization is presented in this research. The future total GDP and per capita GDP of the west area are studied and reported using simulated data. According to the data, the west area's total GDP and per capita GDP will expand annually over the following 4 years and afterwards continue to grow

    Urban services growth: Influencing factors and its effect on regional growth in China

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    Urban economic success depends on the growth of its services and there are various factors influencing urban services growth. However, earlier studies mostly focus on the demand and supply factors. Factors, such as the institutional environment and services spatial agglomeration, although are important in the context of urban services growth in China, are practically less emphasized. Thus, this study analyzed the contributions of demand, supply, institutional environment, and services spatial agglomeration as factors significance for urban services growth, using the hierarchical multiple regression. The Panel Unit Root Test, Panel Co-integration Model and Panel Vector Error Correction Model were used to examine the short-run and long-run effects of urban services growth on regional economic growth in China. The findings of the present study show that the demand, supply and services spatial agglomeration contributed significantly to urban services growth. However, the institutional environment had relatively smaller contributions, compared to other factors. The Error Correction Model indicated a short-run relationship, while the Panel Co-integration Model revealed the existence of a long-run relationship between urban services growth and regional economic growth in China. In conclusion, the government should implement strategies towards a more balanced urban services growth with specific priority on strategies to expand the demand and supply for urban services, improving residents’ income, to promote urbanization, and deepen division of labor as well as to increase the quality and quantity of factor inputs in urban services. Indeed, future strategies should focus more on measures to promote urban services agglomeration, while improving the urban services marketization and their openness leve

    Population aging and pension systems : reform options for China

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    Using an integrated simulation model, the authors estimate the scope and speed of population-aging in China, the cost of supporting the old, and the impact of different reform options and pension arrangements. Among their conclusions: The scope and speed of population-aging in China make the present pension system financially unsustainable, even assuming that GDP grows steadily in the long term. Moving the retirement age back would provide a temporary fix for the current pay-as-you-go pension system but would be politically viable only where there is great demand for labor. Pension funds could be made more sustainable by increasing GDP growth, raising contribution rates, or gradually reducing benefit rates. But the financial costs and social obstacles of those reform options must be carefully assessed. Fully funded, privately managed pension schemes might be feasible, but require a sound regulatory framework and institutional infrastructure,including financial markets that provide adequate savings instruments and insurance options. Pension reform is a long-term, multidimensional problem involving economic, social, political, and cultural factors. Governments should not focus only on taxes and transfers to redistribute income to and among the elderly. Real income growth is needed to cope with poverty among the elderly, especially in developing countries. To establish an adequate, efficient, and equitable social security system, China must maintain long-term socioeco nomic stability and sustainable growth. China could improve the labor market by removing management rigidities, facilitating human resource development, making labor markets more competitive, improving the household registration system, improving incentives, and rewarding hard and innovative work. To reduce unemployment, China can create more job opportunities in nontraditional sectors, especially its underdeveloped service industries. To shift jobs to the nonagricultural sector, it can develop medium-size cities. And to cushion the impact of demographic shocks, China should preserve traditional values and maintain family-community support. Drawing on experience in Europe and Latin America, China should move toward a transparent and decentralized system with 1) a fully funded, portable, defined-benefit pension plan, designed to meet basic needs, and 2) occupational pension plans or personal savings accounts to satisfy demand for maintaining or improving living standards.Public Health Promotion,Health Economics&Finance,Environmental Economics&Policies,Pensions&Retirement Systems,Labor Policies,Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Economics&Finance,Governance Indicators,Pensions&Retirement Systems,Achieving Shared Growth

    A Scientometric Methodology Based on Co-Word Analysis in Gas Turbine Maintenance

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    Evaluation of scientific journals has a profound effect on the future of scientific research so that different institutes and countries can set appropriate goals and invest with less risk in various scientific fields. Accordingly, this article presents a new method based on a combination of co-word analysis and social network analysis to extract the hotspot topics. Using HistCite, NodeXL, and VOSviewer, then combining their results, the desired analysis is conducted for six time periods. Based on the bibliographic parameters in HistCite and by defining an index, the first five periods are selected such that both quantity and quality of articles in each period are maximum compared to other years, while the sixth time period contains the latest research. For each of the six periods, the co-word networks as created in VOSviewer are analyzed. Next, based on a combination of network centralities developed in NodeXL, the hotspot keywords are specified which are then validated and aggregated using the bibliographic parameters in HistCite. The results reveal five important time periods in gas turbine maintenance. The hotspot keywords obtained for the last period show that in recent years, some topics including gas turbine fault prognosis, neural network-based approaches, big data analysis, sensor fault diagnosis, blade availability, economic analysis and useful life estimation are prominent subjects in gas turbine maintenance

    Organizational resources, dynamic capabilities and strategic performance: an analysis of the Real Estate Appraisal Industry in Guangdong, China

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    With the deepening of market economy, China's real estate appraisal industry is growing from strength to strength. It is characterized by having a small scale, low profits, and weak competition, even though growth differences are becoming increasingly noticeable among companies. Currently, there is a significant shortage of empirical research about what is happening in this transition phase concerning this industry. Therefore, it is important to conduct studies that would help companies to develop business practices that allow them to succeed in the market economy. In this context, this thesis investigates the key factors that facilitate the performance of the organization from the resource-based view, aiming at explaining the interplay between organizational resources, dynamic capabilities, and strategic performance. Based on the existing Chinese and foreign literatures, a conceptual model is developed, and four hypotheses are proposed, for analyzing the influence of organizational resources (entrepreneur traits, TMT characteristics, and network relationships) and dynamic capabilities on the strategic performance of enterprises. This research is conducted with middle-level and senior managers of the real estate appraisal industry, in Guangdong province, China. A structured questionnaire is designed and 274 valid responses are gathered. Data analysis employs the variance-based structural equation model (known as partial least squares-based SEM, PLS-SEM). Results confirms that network relationships and dynamic capabilities have a direct positive effect on strategic performance; entrepreneurial traits, TMT characteristics, and network relationships have a positive impact on strategic performance through the mediating role of dynamic capabilities, which contributes to academia by expanding research into strategic performance in China.Com o desenvolvimento da economia de mercado, a indústria de avaliação imobiliária chinesa está a crescer e a ficar cada vez mais forte. Caracteriza-se pela pequena escala, baixos lucros e fraca competitividade, muito embora os diferenciais de crescimento estejam a tornar-se mais visíveis entre as empresas. Atualmente existe uma grande escassez de estudos empíricos sobre o que está a acontecer nesta indústria nesta fase de transição. Portanto, é importante realizar estudos que ajudem as empresas a desenvolver práticas de negócios que lhes permitam ser bem sucedidas na economia de mercado. Neste contexto, esta tese investiga os fatores chaves que facilitam o desempenho da organização a partir da perspetiva baseada nos recursos, com o intuito de explicar a interação entre recursos organizacionais, capacidades dinâmicas e desempenho estratégico. Com base na literatura, um modelo conceptual é desenvolvido e quatro hipóteses são propostas para analisar a influência dos recursos organizacionais (traços de empreendedorismo, características dos gestores de topo e relações em rede) e as capacidades dinâmicas no desempenho estratégico das empresas. Esta pesquisa é realizada com gestores intermédios e de topo da indústria de avaliação imobiliária, na província de Guangdong, China. Um questionário estruturado é criado e 274 respostas válidas são recolhidas. A análise dos dados emprega o modelo de equações estruturais baseado na variância (conhecido como os SEM baseado nos mínimos quadrados parciais, PLS-SEM - partial least squares - structural equation model). Os resultados confirmam que as relações em rede e as capacidades dinâmicas têm um efeito positivo direto sobre o desempenho estratégico; os traços de empreendedorismo, as características dos gestores de topo e as relações em rede têm um impacto positivo no desempenho estratégico através da mediação das capacidades dinâmicas. Este trabalho contribui para o estado da arte através do alargamento da investigação em desempenho estratégico na China

    A systematic review of empirical methods for modelling sectoral carbon emissions in China

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd A number of empirical methods have been developed to study China's sectoral carbon emissions (CSCE). Measuring these emissions is important for climate change mitigation. While several articles have reviewed specific methods, few attempts conduct a systematic analysis of all the major research methods. In total 807 papers were published on CSCE research between 1997 and 2017. The primary source of literature for this analysis was taken from the Web of Science database. Based on a bibliometric analysis using knowledge mapping with the software CiteSpace, the review identified five common families of methods: 1) environmentally-extended input-output analysis (EE-IOA), 2) index decomposition analysis (IDA), 3) econometrics, 4) carbon emission control efficiency evaluation and 5) simulation. The research revealed the main trends in each family of methods and has visualized this research into ten research clusters. In addition, the paper provides a direct comparison of all methods. The research results can help scholars quickly identify and compare different methods for addressing specific research questions

    Why Are PPP Projects Stagnating in China? An Evolutionary Analysis of China's PPP Policies

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    The Public–Private Partnership (PPP) model has significantly contributed to global infrastructure and public service provision. The evolution of the PPP model closely aligns with policy directives. China’s PPP policy evolution has included five stages: budding (1986–2000), fluctuating (2001–2008), steady (2009–2012), expanding (2013–2018), and stagnating (2019–present). This study em-ploys bibliometric analysis and co-word analysis to examine 407 policies enacted by the Chinese government from 1986 to 2018. By extracting policy text keywords at various stages and constructing a co-word network matrix, this study delineates the distinctive characteristics of Chinese PPP policies across different epochs. It can be found that critical areas such as “government credit”, “contract spirit”, and “power supervision” are still underappreciated. The challenges confronting China’s PPP model are multi-faceted, stemming from policy gaps that have led to substantial project difficulties. Although the government proposed a new mechanism for franchising in 2023, the new mechanism is only for new PPP projects, and the difficulties of existing PPP projects have not been solved. This study advocates for enhancements in project bankability, regulatory clarity, institutional environment improvement, contract spirit defense, and the development of the PPP-REITs model to address these issue

    Physical Planning Strategies of National High-Technology Industrial Development Zones in China

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    Over the last two decades, High-Technology Industrial Development Zone (HIDZ) has become an important strategy for urban development in China. Modeled on earlier examples in the US and Asia, they have developed in unique ways in China because of the rapid urbanization, large-scale sites, and trend toward high-technology-based new townships or technopoles. While the 84 current national HIDZs widely use planning strategies in their government-guided development and construction, the impact of these planning strategies remains is not well understood. This dissertation explores how and to what extent planning and management strategies impact the outcomes of HIDZs. It examines closely four case examples (Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park, Shanghai Zhangjiang High-Technology Park, Suzhou Industrial Park, and Shenzhen High-Technology Industrial Park). The study reveals the diverse and sometimes competing purposes of national HIDZs, ranging from stimulating innovation and improvement of products, to serving as an economic anchor and a tool for attracting international firms. The research demonstrates the importance of adopting a sustainable strategy for development of HIDZs that it guides place-making, regulates the land development process, improves the quality of the environment, facilitates cooperation among various sectors, and attracts investment. It explores the versatility of planning approaches, identifies a series of key factors that shape planning strategies, and provides suggestions for tailoring the approach to planning to local resources and conditions