2,019 research outputs found

    Shrunken Locally Linear Embedding for Passive Microwave Retrieval of Precipitation

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    This paper introduces a new Bayesian approach to the inverse problem of passive microwave rainfall retrieval. The proposed methodology relies on a regularization technique and makes use of two joint dictionaries of coincidental rainfall profiles and their corresponding upwelling spectral radiative fluxes. A sequential detection-estimation strategy is adopted, which basically assumes that similar rainfall intensity values and their spectral radiances live close to some sufficiently smooth manifolds with analogous local geometry. The detection step employs a nearest neighborhood classification rule, while the estimation scheme is equipped with a constrained shrinkage estimator to ensure stability of retrieval and some physical consistency. The algorithm is examined using coincidental observations of the active precipitation radar (PR) and passive microwave imager (TMI) on board the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite. We present promising results of instantaneous rainfall retrieval for some tropical storms and mesoscale convective systems over ocean, land, and coastal zones. We provide evidence that the algorithm is capable of properly capturing different storm morphologies including high intensity rain-cells and trailing light rainfall, especially over land and coastal areas. The algorithm is also validated at an annual scale for calendar year 2013 versus the standard (version 7) radar (2A25) and radiometer (2A12) rainfall products of the TRMM satellite

    Investigation of passive atmospheric sounding using millimeter and submillimeter wavelength channels

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    Activities within the period from January 1, 1992 through June 30, 1992 by Georgia Tech researchers in millimeter and submillimeter wavelength tropospheric remote sensing have been centered around the integration and initial data flights of the MIR on board the NASA ER-2. Georgia Tech contributions during this period include completion of the MIR flight software and implementation of a 'quick-view' graphics program for ground based calibration and analysis of the MIR imagery. In the current configuration, the MIR has channels at 90, 150, 183 +/- 1,3,7, and 220 GHz. Provisions for three additional channels at 325 +/-1,3 and 9 GHZ have been made, and a 325-GHz receiver is currently being built by the ZAX Millimeter Wave Corporation for use in the MIR. The combination of the millimeter wave and submillimeter wave channels aboard a single well-calibrated instrument will provide the necessary aircraft radiometric data for radiative transfer and cloud and water vapor retrieval studies. A paper by the PI discussing the potential benefits of passive millimeter and submillimeter wave observations for cloud, water vapor and precipitation measurements has recently been accepted for publication (Gasiewski, 1992), and is included as Appendix A. The MIR instrument is a joint project between NASA/GSFC and Georgia Tech. Other Georgia Tech contributions to the MIR and its related scientific uses have included basic system design studies, performance analyses, and circuit and radiometric load design

    The multi-parameter remote measurement of rainfall

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    The measurement of rainfall by remote sensors is investigated. One parameter radar rainfall measurement is limited because both reflectivity and rain rate are dependent on at least two parameters of the drop size distribution (DSD), i.e., representative raindrop size and number concentration. A generalized rain parameter diagram is developed which includes a third distribution parameter, the breadth of the DSD, to better specify rain rate and all possible remote variables. Simulations show the improvement in accuracy attainable through the use of combinations of two and three remote measurables. The spectrum of remote measurables is reviewed. These include path integrated techniques of radiometry and of microwave and optical attenuation

    Profiling of fine and coarse particle mass : Case studies of Saharan dust and Eyjafjallajökull/Grimsvötn volcanic plumes

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    © Author(s) 2012. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 LicenseThe polarization lidar photometer networking (POLIPHON) method introduced to separate coarse-mode and fine-mode particle properties of Eyjafjallajokull volcanic aerosols in 2010 is extended to cover Saharan dust events as well. Furthermore, new volcanic dust observations performed after the Grimsvotn volcanic eruptions in 2011 are presented. The retrieval of particle mass concentrations requires mass-specific extinction coefficients. Therefore, a review of recently published mass-specific extinction coefficients for Saharan dust and volcanic dust is given. Case studies of four different scenarios corroborate the applicability of the profiling technique: (a) Saharan dust outbreak to central Europe, (b) Saharan dust plume mixed with biomass-burning smoke over Cape Verde, and volcanic aerosol layers originating from (c) the Eyjafjallajokull eruptions in 2010 and (d) the Grimsvotn eruptions in 2011. Strong differences in the vertical aerosol layering, aerosol mixing, and optical properties are observed for the different volcanic eventsPeer reviewe

    Investigation of passive atmospheric sounding using millimeter and submillimeter wavelength channels

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    Activities within the period from July 1, 1992 through December 31, 1992 by Georgia Tech researchers in millimeter and submillimeter wavelength tropospheric remote sensing have been centered around the calibration of the Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer (MIR), preliminary flight data analysis, and preparation for TOGA/COARE. The MIR instrument is a joint project between NASA/GSFC and Georgia Tech. In the current configuration, the MIR has channels at 90, 150, 183(+/-1,3,7), and 220 GHz. Provisions for three additional channels at 325(+/-1,3) and 8 GHz have been made, and a 325-GHz receiver is currently being built by the ZAX Millimeter Wave Corporation for use in the MIR. Past Georgia Tech contributions to the MIR and its related scientific uses have included basic system design studies, performance analyses, and circuit and radiometric load design, in-flight software, and post-flight data display software. The combination of the above millimeter wave and submillimeter wave channels aboard a single well-calibrated instrument will provide unique radiometric data for radiative transfer and cloud and water vapor retrieval studies. A paper by the PI discussing the potential benefits of passive millimeter and submillimeter wave observations for cloud, water vapor and precipitation measurements has recently been published, and is included as an appendix

    Determination of rain rate from a spaceborne radar using measurements of total attenuation

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    Studies shows that path-integrated rain rates can be determined by means of a direct measurement of attenuation. For ground based radars this is done by measuring the backscattering cross section of a fixed target in the presence and absence of rain along the radar beam. A ratio of the two measurements yields a factor proportional to the attenuation from which the average rain rate is deduced. The technique is extended to spaceborne radars by choosing the ground as reference target. The technique is also generalized so that both the average and range-profiled rain rates are determined. The accuracies of the resulting estimates are evaluated for a narrow beam radar located on a low earth orbiting satellite

    Storm microphysics and kinematics at the ARM-SGP site using dual polarized radar observations at multiple frequencies

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    2014 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.This research utilizes observations from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility at the Southern Great Plains location to investigate the kinematic and microphysical processes present in various types of weather systems. The majority of the data used was collected during the Mid-latitude Continental Convective Cloud Experiment (MC3E), and utilizes the network of scanning radars to arrive at a multi-Doppler wind retrieval and is compared to vertical wind measurements from a centrally located profiling radar. Microphysical compositions of the storms are analyzed using a multi-wavelength hydrometeor identification algorithm utilizing the strengths of each of the radar wavelengths available (X, C, S). When available, a comparison is done between observational analysis and simulated model output from the Weather Research Forecasting model with Spectral-bin Microphysics (WRF-SBM) using bulk statistics to look at reflectivity, vertical motions, and microphysics

    Global Precipitation Measurement Cold Season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx): For Measurement Sake Let it Snow

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    As a component of the Earth's hydrologic cycle, and especially at higher latitudes,falling snow creates snow pack accumulation that in turn provides a large proportion of the fresh water resources required by many communities throughout the world. To assess the relationships between remotely sensed snow measurements with in situ measurements, a winter field project, termed the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission Cold Season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx), was carried out in the winter of 2011-2012 in Ontario, Canada. Its goal was to provide information on the precipitation microphysics and processes associated with cold season precipitation to support GPM snowfall retrieval algorithms that make use of a dual-frequency precipitation radar and a passive microwave imager on board the GPM core satellite,and radiometers on constellation member satellites. Multi-parameter methods are required to be able to relate changes in the microphysical character of the snow to measureable parameters from which precipitation detection and estimation can be based. The data collection strategy was coordinated, stacked, high-altitude and in-situ cloud aircraft missions with three research aircraft sampling within a broader surface network of five ground sites taking in-situ and volumetric observations. During the field campaign 25 events were identified and classified according to their varied precipitation type, synoptic context, and precipitation amount. Herein, the GCPEx fieldcampaign is described and three illustrative cases detailed