595 research outputs found

    Using Stigmergy to Solve Numerical Optimization Problems

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    The current methodology for designing highly efficient technological systems needs to choose the best combination of the parameters that affect the performance. In this paper we propose a promising optimization algorithm, referred to as the Multilevel Ant Stigmergy Algorithm (MASA), which exploits stigmergy in order to optimize multi-parameter functions. We evaluate the performance of the MASA and Differential Evolution -- one of the leading stochastic method for numerical optimization -- in terms of their applicability as numerical optimization techniques. The comparison is performed using several widely used benchmark functions with added noise

    Towards a multilevel ant colony optimization

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    Masteroppgave i Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi IKT590 Universitetet i Agder 2014Ant colony optimization is a metaheuristic approach for solving combinatorial optimization problems which belongs to swarm intelligence techniques. Ant colony optimization algorithms are one of the most successful strands of swarm intelligence which has already shown very good performance in many combinatorial problems and for some real applications. This thesis introduces a new multilevel approach for ant colony optimization to solve the NP-hard problems shortest path and traveling salesman. We have reviewed different elements of multilevel algorithm which helped us in construction of our proposed multilevel ant colony optimization solution. We for comparison purposes implemented our own multi-threaded variant Dijkstra for solving shortest path to compare it with single level and multilevel ant colony optimization and reviewed different techniques such as genetic algorithms and Dijkstra’s algorithm. Our proposed multilevel ant colony optimization was developed based on the single level ant colony optimization which we both implemented. We have applied the novel multilevel ant colony optimization to solve the shortest path and traveling salesman problem. We show that the multilevel variant of ant colony optimization outperforms single level. The experimental results conducted demonstrate the overall performance of multilevel in comparison to the single level ant colony optimization, displaying a vast improvement when employing a multilevel approach in contrast to the classical single level approach. These results gave us a better understanding of the problems and provide indications for further research

    FGPGA: An Efficient Genetic Approach for Producing Feasible Graph Partitions

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    Graph partitioning, a well studied problem of parallel computing has many applications in diversified fields such as distributed computing, social network analysis, data mining and many other domains. In this paper, we introduce FGPGA, an efficient genetic approach for producing feasible graph partitions. Our method takes into account the heterogeneity and capacity constraints of the partitions to ensure balanced partitioning. Such approach has various applications in mobile cloud computing that include feasible deployment of software applications on the more resourceful infrastructure in the cloud instead of mobile hand set. Our proposed approach is light weight and hence suitable for use in cloud architecture. We ensure feasibility of the partitions generated by not allowing over-sized partitions to be generated during the initialization and search. Our proposed method tested on standard benchmark datasets significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of quality of partitions and feasibility of the solutions.Comment: Accepted in the 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security 2015 (NSysS 2015

    Graph partitioning algorithms for optimizing software deployment in mobile cloud computing

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    As cloud computing is gaining popularity, an important question is how to optimally deploy software applications on the offered infrastructure in the cloud. Especially in the context of mobile computing where software components could be offloaded from the mobile device to the cloud, it is important to optimize the deployment, by minimizing the network usage. Therefore we have designed and evaluated graph partitioning algorithms that allocate software components to machines in the cloud while minimizing the required bandwidth. Contrary to the traditional graph partitioning problem our algorithms are not restricted to balanced partitions and take into account infrastructure heterogenity. To benchmark our algorithms we evaluated their performance and found they produce 10 to 40 % smaller graph cut sizes than METIS 4.0 for typical mobile computing scenarios

    Computational Optimization Techniques for Graph Partitioning

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    Partitioning graphs into two or more subgraphs is a fundamental operation in computer science, with applications in large-scale graph analytics, distributed and parallel data processing, and fill-reducing orderings in sparse matrix algorithms. Computing balanced and minimally connected subgraphs is a common pre-processing step in these areas, and must therefore be done quickly and efficiently. Since graph partitioning is NP-hard, heuristics must be used. These heuristics must balance the need to produce high quality partitions with that of providing practical performance. Traditional methods of partitioning graphs rely heavily on combinatorics, but recent developments in continuous optimization formulations have led to the development of hybrid methods that combine the best of both approaches. This work describes numerical optimization formulations for two classes of graph partitioning problems, edge cuts and vertex separators. Optimization-based formulations for each of these problems are described, and hybrid algorithms combining these optimization-based approaches with traditional combinatoric methods are presented. Efficient implementations and computational results for these algorithms are presented in a C++ graph partitioning library competitive with the state of the art. Additionally, an optimization-based approach to hypergraph partitioning is proposed