4 research outputs found

    Distributed workload control for federated service discovery

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    The diffusion of the internet paradigm in each aspect of human life continuously fosters the widespread of new technologies and related services. In the Future Internet scenario, where 5G telecommunication facilities will interact with the internet of things world, analyzing in real time big amounts of data to feed a potential infinite set of services belonging to different administrative domains, the role of a federated service discovery will become crucial. In this paper the authors propose a distributed workload control algorithm to handle efficiently the service discovery requests, with the aim of minimizing the overall latencies experienced by the requesting user agents. The authors propose an algorithm based on the Wardrop equilibrium, which is a gametheoretical concept, applied to the federated service discovery domain. The proposed solution has been implemented and its performance has been assessed adopting different network topologies and metrics. An open source simulation environment has been created allowing other researchers to test the proposed solution

    Approaches for Future Internet architecture design and Quality of Experience (QoE) Control

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    Researching a Future Internet capable of overcoming the current Internet limitations is a strategic investment. In this respect, this paper presents some concepts that can contribute to provide some guidelines to overcome the above-mentioned limitations. In the authors' vision, a key Future Internet target is to allow applications to transparently, efficiently and flexibly exploit the available network resources with the aim to match the users' expectations. Such expectations could be expressed in terms of a properly defined Quality of Experience (QoE). In this respect, this paper provides some approaches for coping with the QoE provision problem

    Multi-agent quality of experience control

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    In the framework of the Future Internet, the aim of the Quality of Experience (QoE) Control functionalities is to track the personalized desired QoE level of the applications. The paper proposes to perform such a task by dynamically selecting the most appropriate Classes of Service (among the ones supported by the network), this selection being driven by a novel heuristic Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithm. The paper shows that such an approach offers the opportunity to cope with some practical implementation problems: in particular, it allows to face the so-called “curse of dimensionality” of MARL algorithms, thus achieving satisfactory performance results even in the presence of several hundreds of Agents

    A dissipativity-based approach to output regulation of non-minimum-phase systems

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    The present paper presents a new contribution to the design of output regulators for a class of nonlinear systems characterized by a possibly unstable zero dynamics. It is shown that the problem in question can be reduced to a stabilization problem, with a supplementary "gain constraint", for a suitably defined reduced auxiliary plant. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved