15 research outputs found

    A novel sampling theorem on the rotation group

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    We develop a novel sampling theorem for functions defined on the three-dimensional rotation group SO(3) by connecting the rotation group to the three-torus through a periodic extension. Our sampling theorem requires 4L34L^3 samples to capture all of the information content of a signal band-limited at LL, reducing the number of required samples by a factor of two compared to other equiangular sampling theorems. We present fast algorithms to compute the associated Fourier transform on the rotation group, the so-called Wigner transform, which scale as O(L4)O(L^4), compared to the naive scaling of O(L6)O(L^6). For the common case of a low directional band-limit NN, complexity is reduced to O(NL3)O(N L^3). Our fast algorithms will be of direct use in speeding up the computation of directional wavelet transforms on the sphere. We make our SO3 code implementing these algorithms publicly available.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, minor changes to match version accepted for publication. Code available at http://www.sothree.or

    On the computation of directional scale-discretized wavelet transforms on the sphere

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    We review scale-discretized wavelets on the sphere, which are directional and allow one to probe oriented structure in data defined on the sphere. Furthermore, scale-discretized wavelets allow in practice the exact synthesis of a signal from its wavelet coefficients. We present exact and efficient algorithms to compute the scale-discretized wavelet transform of band-limited signals on the sphere. These algorithms are implemented in the publicly available S2DW code. We release a new version of S2DW that is parallelized and contains additional code optimizations. Note that scale-discretized wavelets can be viewed as a directional generalization of needlets. Finally, we outline future improvements to the algorithms presented, which can be achieved by exploiting a new sampling theorem on the sphere developed recently by some of the authors.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Wavelets and Sparsity XV, SPIE Optics and Photonics 2013, Code is publicly available at http://www.s2dw.org

    Scale-discretised ridgelet transform on the sphere

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    We revisit the spherical Radon transform, also called the Funk-Radon transform, viewing it as an axisymmetric convolution on the sphere. Viewing the spherical Radon transform in this manner leads to a straightforward derivation of its spherical harmonic representation, from which we show the spherical Radon transform can be inverted exactly for signals exhibiting antipodal symmetry. We then construct a spherical ridgelet transform by composing the spherical Radon and scale-discretised wavelet transforms on the sphere. The resulting spherical ridgelet transform also admits exact inversion for antipodal signals. The restriction to antipodal signals is expected since the spherical Radon and ridgelet transforms themselves result in signals that exhibit antipodal symmetry. Our ridgelet transform is defined natively on the sphere, probes signal content globally along great circles, does not exhibit blocking artefacts, supports spin signals and exhibits an exact and explicit inverse transform. No alternative ridgelet construction on the sphere satisfies all of these properties. Our implementation of the spherical Radon and ridgelet transforms is made publicly available. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness of spherical ridgelets for diffusion magnetic resonance imaging of white matter fibers in the brain.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, matches version accepted by EUSIPCO, code available at http://www.s2let.or

    Sparse image reconstruction on the sphere: analysis and synthesis

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    We develop techniques to solve ill-posed inverse problems on the sphere by sparse regularisation, exploiting sparsity in both axisymmetric and directional scale-discretised wavelet space. Denoising, inpainting, and deconvolution problems, and combinations thereof, are considered as examples. Inverse problems are solved in both the analysis and synthesis settings, with a number of different sampling schemes. The most effective approach is that with the most restricted solution-space, which depends on the interplay between the adopted sampling scheme, the selection of the analysis/synthesis problem, and any weighting of the l1 norm appearing in the regularisation problem. More efficient sampling schemes on the sphere improve reconstruction fidelity by restricting the solution-space and also by improving sparsity in wavelet space. We apply the technique to denoise Planck 353 GHz observations, improving the ability to extract the structure of Galactic dust emission, which is important for studying Galactic magnetism.Comment: 11 pages, 6 Figure

    Fast directional spatially localized spherical harmonic transform

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    We propose a transform for signals defined on the sphere that reveals their localized directional content in the spatio-spectral domain when used in conjunction with an asymmetric window function. We call this transform the directional spatially localized spherical harmonic transform (directional SLSHT) which extends the SLSHT from the literature whose usefulness is limited to symmetric windows. We present an inversion relation to synthesize the original signal from its directional-SLSHT distribution for an arbitrary window function. As an example of an asymmetric window, the most concentrated band-limited eigenfunction in an elliptical region on the sphere is proposed for directional spatio-spectral analysis and its effectiveness is illustrated on the synthetic and Mars topographic data-sets. Finally, since such typical data-sets on the sphere are of considerable size and the directional SLSHT is intrinsically computationally demanding depending on the band-limits of the signal and window, a fast algorithm for the efficient computation of the transform is developed. The floating point precision numerical accuracy of the fast algorithm is demonstrated and a full numerical complexity analysis is presented.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Localisation of directional scale-discretised wavelets on the sphere

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    Scale-discretised wavelets yield a directional wavelet framework on the sphere where a signal can be probed not only in scale and position but also in orientation. Furthermore, a signal can be synthesised from its wavelet coefficients exactly, in theory and practice (to machine precision). Scale-discretised wavelets are closely related to spherical needlets (both were developed independently at about the same time) but relax the axisymmetric property of needlets so that directional signal content can be probed. Needlets have been shown to satisfy important quasi-exponential localisation and asymptotic uncorrelation properties. We show that these properties also hold for directional scale-discretised wavelets on the sphere and derive similar localisation and uncorrelation bounds in both the scalar and spin settings. Scale-discretised wavelets can thus be considered as directional needlets.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, minor changes to match version accepted for publication by ACH

    Spherical continuous wavelet transforms arising from sections of the Lorentz group

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    We consider the conformal group of the unit sphere Sn−1, the so-called proper Lorentz group Spin+(1,n), for the study of spherical continuous wavelet transforms. Our approach is based on the method for construction of general coherent states associated to square integrable group representations over homogeneous spaces. The underlying homogeneous space is an extension to the whole of the group Spin+(1,n) of the factorization of the gyrogroup of the unit ball by an appropriate gyro-subgroup. Sections on it are constituted by rotations of the subgroup Spin(n) and Möbius transformations of the type ϕa(x) = (x −a)(1 + ax)−1, where a belongs to a given section on a quotient space of the unit ball. This extends in a natural way the work of Antoine and Vandergheynst to anisotropic conformal dilations on the unit sphere.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio