800 research outputs found

    Software implementation of a secure firmware update solution in an IoT context

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    The present paper is concerned with the secure delivery of firmware updates to Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Additionally, it deals with the design of a safe and secure bootloader for a UHF RFID reader. A software implementation of a secure firmware update solution is performed. The results show there is space to integrate even more security features into existing devices

    RFID Localisation For Internet Of Things Smart Homes: A Survey

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) enables numerous business opportunities in fields as diverse as e-health, smart cities, smart homes, among many others. The IoT incorporates multiple long-range, short-range, and personal area wireless networks and technologies into the designs of IoT applications. Localisation in indoor positioning systems plays an important role in the IoT. Location Based IoT applications range from tracking objects and people in real-time, assets management, agriculture, assisted monitoring technologies for healthcare, and smart homes, to name a few. Radio Frequency based systems for indoor positioning such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a key enabler technology for the IoT due to its costeffective, high readability rates, automatic identification and, importantly, its energy efficiency characteristic. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art RFID technologies in IoT Smart Homes applications. It presents several comparable studies of RFID based projects in smart homes and discusses the applications, techniques, algorithms, and challenges of adopting RFID technologies in IoT smart home systems.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    SysMART Indoor Services: A System of Smart and Connected Supermarkets

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    Smart gadgets are being embedded almost in every aspect of our lives. From smart cities to smart watches, modern industries are increasingly supporting the Internet of Things (IoT). SysMART aims at making supermarkets smart, productive, and with a touch of modern lifestyle. While similar implementations to improve the shopping experience exists, they tend mainly to replace the shopping activity at the store with online shopping. Although online shopping reduces time and effort, it deprives customers from enjoying the experience. SysMART relies on cutting-edge devices and technology to simplify and reduce the time required during grocery shopping inside the supermarket. In addition, the system monitors and maintains perishable products in good condition suitable for human consumption. SysMART is built using state-of-the-art technologies that support rapid prototyping and precision data acquisition. The selected development environment is LabVIEW with its world-class interfacing libraries. The paper comprises a detailed system description, development strategy, interface design, software engineering, and a thorough analysis and evaluation.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figur

    An IoT-Aware Architecture for Smart Healthcare Systems

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    none7Over the last few years, the convincing forward steps in the development of Internet-of-Things (IoT) enabling solutions are spurring the advent of novel and fascinating applications. Among others, mainly Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), and smart mobile technologies are leading this evolutionary trend. In the wake of this tendency, this paper proposes a novel, IoTaware, smart architecture for automatic monitoring and tracking of patients, personnel, and biomedical devices within hospitals and nursing institutes. Staying true to the IoT vision, we propose a Smart Hospital System (SHS) which relies on different, yet complementary, technologies, specifically RFID, WSN, and smart mobile, interoperating with each other through a CoAP/6LoWPAN/REST network infrastructure. The SHS is able to collect, in real time, both environmental conditions and patients’ physiological parameters via an ultra-low-power Hybrid Sensing Network (HSN) composed of 6LoWPAN nodes integrating UHF RFID functionalities. Sensed data are delivered to a control center where an advanced monitoring application makes them easily accessible by both local and remote users via a REST web service. The simple proof of concept implemented to validate the proposed SHS has highlighted a number of key capabilities and aspects of novelty which represent a significant step forward compared to the actual state of art.restrictedCATARINUCCI L.; DE DONNO D.; MAINETTI L.; PALANO L.; PATRONO L.; STEFANIZZI M.; TARRICONE L.Catarinucci, Luca; DE DONNO, Danilo; Mainetti, Luca; Palano, L.; Patrono, Luigi; Stefanizzi, MARIA LAURA; Tarricone, Lucian

    ISO/EPC Addressing Methods to Support Supply Chain in the Internet of Things

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    RFID systems are among the major infrastructures of the Internet of Things, which follow ISO and EPC standards. In addition, ISO standard constitutes the main layers of supply chain, and many RFID systems benefit from ISO standard for different purposes. In this paper, we tried to introduce addressing systems based on ISO standards, through which the range of things connected to the Internet of Things will grow. Our proposed methods are addressing methods which can be applied to both ISO and EPC standards. The proposed methods are simple, hierarchical, and low cost implementation. In addition, the presented methods enhance interoperability among RFIDs, and also enjoys a high scalability, since it well covers all of EPC schemes and ISO supply chain standards. Further, by benefiting from a new algorithm for long EPCs known as selection algorithm, they can significantly facilitate and accelerate the operation of address mapping.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1807.0217

    Implementación de tecnologías RFID e IoT inalámbricas en el Modelado de información de construcción (BIM)

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    ABSTRACT: The integration and installation of innovative Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies in combination with wireless Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in Building Information Modelling (BIM), assigned building elements, can create connectivity between the physical- and the virtual world. Beyond the identification of physical objects, further information can be connected, which can be made available to different user groups during the entire life cycle of the building structure. This provides a high level of transparency, in that by scanning the tagged building elements, complete associated information can be accessed and presented to users via applications, in visual and audio form. One use of an RFID and BIM-supported electronic guidance system, namely for the visually impaired, has already been investigated in my bachelor thesis at the University of Applied Sciences (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, THM). This Master’s Thesis focuses on the implementation of passive RFID technology into BIM models in combining them with open-source software applications. BIM represents the digital twin of building models in the digital world and can be linked to physical structures (buildings, roads, sewer systems and such others) and building materials (e.g. textiles, mineral and plastic floor coverings, concrete components) by integrating RFID tags. Connecting the parametric BIM models with the physical building elements by using RFID and wireless IoT technologies in a multi-platform application enables the BIM building models to be actively used throughout the life cycle of a building, not only by the facility management, but also by the public for various use cases. During the literature review, suitable software and hardware components were selected, and a prototype multi-platform application for a navigation and positioning system was developed as proof of concept for the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) file. (See Demo Version at https://opennavibim.herokuapp.com/ ). The challenge was to read the RFID tags in different installation scenarios. Depending on the installation situations (under, over or in the material), various requirements were specified for RFID tags and readers (RFID, handhold personal digital assistant “PDA”). In this field, further hardware developments are necessary.RESUMEN: Mediante la integración e instalación de la innovadora tecnología de identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID, Radio Frequency Identification) en el modelado digital de información de construcción (BIM, Building Information Modelling), con la interconexión inalámbrica del internet de las cosas (IoT, Internet of Things), es posible crear una conectividad entre el mundo físico y el virtual. Más allá de la mera identificación de objetos existentes, esta conectividad permite incorporar información adicional, que puede ponerse en disposición de los diferentes grupos de usuarios que intervienen durante el ciclo completo de vida de la estructura de la edificación. Se consigue un alto de nivel de transparencia en ese traspaso de información, accesible por medio del escaneado de los elementos etiquetados en la edificación, al tener una completa información asociada que es presentada a los usuarios vía aplicaciones en formato visual o de audio. Una investigación en la aplicación de tecnología RFID basada en BIM para un sistema de navegación electrónica, destinada a personas con discapacidad visual, ha sido desarrollada en mi trabajo fin de grado en la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Mittelhessen (THM). El presente Trabajo Fin de Master se centra en la implementación de tecnología RFID pasiva en modelos BIM combinados con aplicaciones de software libre. El modelo BIM representa el gemelo digital de los elementos de construcción en el mundo virtual, permitiendo establecer una relación del modelo con estructuras físicas (edificios, carreteras o sistemas de alcantarillado, entre otros) y materiales de construcción (por ejemplo, textiles, cubiertas de suelo minerales o plásticas, componentes de hormigón, …) por medio de la integración de etiquetas RFID. La conexión de los modelos paramétricos BIM con los elementos físicos del edificio, mediante el uso de tecnologías RFID e IoT inalámbricas en una aplicación multiplataforma, permite que los modelos de construcción BIM se utilicen activamente a lo largo del ciclo de vida de un edificio, no solo por la gestión de las instalaciones, sino también por el público para diversos casos de uso. Durante la revisión bibliográfica, se seleccionaron los componentes de software y hardware adecuados, y se desarrolló un prototipo de aplicación multiplataforma para un sistema de navegación y posicionamiento como prueba de viabilidad del concepto del modelo Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). (Véase la versión de demostración en https://opennavibim.herokuapp.com/ ). La lectura de las etiquetas RFID en diferentes en diferentes situaciones de instalación presenta un desafío, dependiendo de la instalación (debajo, encima o en el material) los requisitos impuestos a las etiquetas y lectores RFID son diferentes. Por lo tanto, es necesario seguir desarrollando el hardware en este ámbito.Máster en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Plan 2020

    An IoT-aware Architecture to improve Safety in Sports Environments

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    The introduction of Internet of Things enabling technologies into the sport and recreational activities domain provide an interesting research challenge. Their adoption could significantly improve the sport experience and also the safety level of team sports. Despite this, only few attempts have been done to demonstrate the benefits provided by use of IoT technologies in sport environments. To fill this gap, this paper propose an IoT-aware Sport System based on the jointly use of different innovative technologies and standards. By exploiting the potentialities offered by an ultra-low-power Hybrid Sensing Network (HSN), composed of 6LoWPAN nodes integrating UHF RFID functionalities, the system is able to collect, in real time, both environmental parameters and players’ physiological data. Sensed data are then delivered to a Cloud platform where a monitoring application makes them easily accessible via REST Web Services. A simple proof of concept has demonstrated the appropriateness of the proposed solution

    Industry 4.0 in the Theme Park Sector: Design of a RealTime Monitoring System for Queue Management

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    The theme park industry is a consolidated sector where different industrial technologies and management procedures are present. However, the Industry 4.0 paradigm aims at disrupting how industrial processes are conceived. In this thesis, we perform a thorough investigation of key relevant features of theme parks and how industry 4.0 could be applied within the theme park sector. Our methodology is as follows. First, we analyse the technology used in the most innovative attractions. Afterwards, we focus on the most recurrent problem within the sector: queue management at attractions. As part of the solution, a system is designed to allow real-time monitoring of waiting times through an IoT infrastructure. Radio Fre- quency Identification and Bluetooth Low Energy are the chosen technologies for people counting. They allow users to be located in the park in addition to counting. This system gives precise waiting times estimates, and park managers can obtain precious data about user behaviour and preferences. Finally, we develop a proof of concept to test the designed solution and detail the benefits of applying industry 4.0 to the theme park sector.Máster en Industria Conectada 4.