4,508 research outputs found

    Incorporating the Delphi Technique to investigate renewable energy technology transfer in Saudi Arabia

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    Saudi Arabia is a major oil-producing nation facing a rapidly-growing population, high unemployment, climate change, and the depletion of its natural resources, potentially including its oil supply. Technology transfer is regarded as a means to diversify countries\u27 economies beyond their natural resources. This dissertation examined the opportunities and barriers to utilizing technology transfer successfully to build renewable energy resources in Saudi Arabia to diversify the economy beyond oil production. Examples of other developing countries that have successfully used technology transfer to transform their economies are explored, including Japan, Malayasia, and the United Arab Emirates. Brazil is presented as a detailed case study to illustrate its transition to an economy based to a much greater degree than before on renewable energy. Following a pilot study, the Delphi Method was used in this research to gather the opinions of a panel of technology transfer experts consisting of 10 heterogeneous members of different institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including aviation, telecommunication, oil industry, education, health systems, and military and governmental organizations. In three rounds of questioning, the experts identified Education, Dependence on Oil, and Manpower as the 3 most significant factors influencing the potential for success of renewable energy technology transfer for Saudi Arabia. Political factors were also rated toward the Very Important end of a Likert scale and were discussed as they impact Education, Oil Dependence, and Manpower. The experts\u27 opinions are presented and interpreted. They form the basis for recommended future research and discussion of how in light of its political system and its dependence on oil, Saudi Arabia can realistically move forward on renewable energy technology transfer and secure its economic future

    Ciri-ciri yang mempengaruhi pelatih aliran kemahiran untuk menjadi seorang usahawan : satu tinjauan di Institut Kemahiran Mara Lumut, Manjung Perak

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    Kajian ini beijudul "Ciri-ciri yang Mempengaruhi Pelatih Aliran Kemahiran Untuk Menjadi Seorang Usahawan : Satu Tinjauan di Institut Kemahiran Mara Lumut, Manjung Perak. Tujuan kajian ini ialah untuk menilai sejauhmana tahap ciriciri usahawan di kaiangan pelatih IKM untuk menjadi seorang usahawan daripada lima aspek ciri-ciri usahawan iaitu kemahiran berkomunikasi, kemahiran berfikir, kemahiran merancang dan mentadbir, bermotivasi dan ilmu dalam bidang keusahawanan. Kajian ini adalah berbentuk deskriptif. Instrumen yang digunakan di dalam kajian adalah borang soal selidik. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 48 orang pelatih semester akhir kursus Kejuruteraan Awam (Bangunan). Data-data kajian dianalisa dengan menggunakan program SPSS Versi 11.0 for windows dan dianalisis daripada soal selidik ke dalam bentuk min dan frekuensi. Keseluruhan hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pelatih-pelatih mempunyai ciri-ciri keusahawanan yang tinggi berdasarkan skor min keseluruhan (skor min = 4.06). Akhir sekali, pengkaji mencadangkan agar diwujudkan satu senarai semak yang boleh digunakan sebagai kriteria untuk menilai sama ada terdapat ciri-ciri usahawan di kaiangan pelatih dan dicadangkan supaya kajian ini dilanjutkan ke seluruh Pusat Latihan Kemahiran yang lain di Malaysia

    Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning and Organizational Performance. A Conceptual Study on Public Sector

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    Organizational Performance (OP) and the Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) are two of the most significant studies to provide benefits to the organizations. There are different investigations on the ERP and OP in private and public organizations in developed and developing countries. This paper basically review the relationship between ERP and OP. Notably, as only a few studies have addressed the implication of ERP on OP in Arab countries such as in the Libyan context, it needs more investigation. The main objective to review and explore to which extent the Libyan public organizations are looking to improve their performance through the ERP syste

    A hybrid Delphi-SWOT paradigm for oil and gas pipeline strategic planning in Caspian Sea basin

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    The Caspian Sea basin holds large quantities of both oil and natural gas that could help meet the increasing global demand for energy resources. Consequently, the oil and gas potential of the region has attracted the attention of the international oil and gas industry. The key to realizing the energy producing potential of the region is the development of transnational export routes to take oil and gas from the landlocked Caspian Sea basin to world markets. The evaluation and selection of alternative transnational export routes is a complex multi-criteria problem with conflicting objectives. The decision makers (DMs) are required to consider a vast amount of information concerning internal strengths and weaknesses of the alternative routes as well as external opportunities and threats to them. This paper presents a hybrid model that combines strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) analysis with the Delphi metho

    Introduction and Table of Contents

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    The Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education is the official refereed publication of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE). Its purpose is to enhance the research and knowledge base of agricultural and extension education from an international perspective

    Developing a Delphi Model of the Relationship Between Higher Education Skills in Libya and Labour Market Needs: A Case Study of Benghazi, Libya

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    Universities in Libya and in other North African and Middle Easter countries have experienced massive expansion in terms of quantitative growth and geographic distribution in recent years (Al-Badri, 2006; El-Hawat, 2007; Mogassbi, 1984). The labour markets in these countries, on the other hand, traditionally suffer from a shortage of skilled manpower (ILO, 2007). Thus, the main questions of this research are formulated as: In what ways could higher education (HE) skills and changing labour market (LM) needs in Libya be better aligned? The research was conducted by collecting and analysing primary and secondary sources of documented material on the case study of Libya, in particular the second city of Benghazi. The secondary data collection largely focused on the generation of continuous datasets on students and graduate numbers in Libya, a country in which the state controls such sectors as HE, but does not make data on the sectors easily available in the public domain. The empirical data collection comprised semi-structured interviews and the application of the Delphi Technique (DT) to develop future scenarios using a panel of experts. The latter activity generated a final key research question: How can the DT be adapted and applied to the understanding of the relationship between HE skills and LM needs in the context of Libya? This research focused specifically on the graduate skills and attributes of job commitment, competitiveness, desire for excellence and teamwork and problem-solving, due to factors relating to the internal and external environment. The DT has been applied effectively on this topic and has developed the analysis from primary data collection research resulting in four potential strategies for both HE and LM, as follows: 1. Survival strategy: to reduce negative effects of external threats. 2. Defensive strategy: to face threats and strengths as a support. 3. Reorientation strategy: to take advantage of opportunities to decrease weaknesses. 4. Radical strategy: to benefit from opportunities by exploiting strengths. In the light of all that has been said about the strategies for Libyan HE and Libyan LM, three kinds of scenarios - optimistic, possible and pessimistic - have been built for HE and three others for LM

    Challenges and Prospects

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 행정대학원 글로벌행정전공, 2023. 2. Taehyon Choi, Ph.D. in Policy, Planning, and Development (Public Management), University of Southern California.Artificial intelligence—loosely defined as the incorporation of human intellect into machines—is a branch of computer science that develops ways for machines to perform tasks that would normally be impossible for humans. In particular, we used the following definition in this research according to Haenlein & Kaplan, AI is a systems ability to process data correctly, to learn from such data, and to use those learnings to achieve specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation. Applying artificial intelligence in Egypt is very important matter because of artificial intelligence, particularly that which is data-driven, such as machine learning, is expected to make a significant impact on economic and social systems. As stated in Egypt's national strategy for artificial intelligence, there is an expectation of increasing the global economy by 15 trillion dollars by 2030, as well as nearly 25% GDP growth for countries that fully integrate AI into their economies . The scope of this research is to investigate in depth the challenges that Egypt would face regarding the mechanism of applying AI in the government, and the convenient solutions to these challenges as well as the priority of these solutions based on Egypt's resources. This research is a qualitative for a descriptive purpose, using a Delphi method in data collections based on a questionnaire, the participants for this questionnaire are from public sector and private sector who working on and /or teaching artificial intelligence. After the literature reviews and data collections, the factors that could be challenges to the Egyptian government are data availability, technological infrastructure support for AI, awareness and knowledge of AI for people, the education system, and qualified human resources. Egypt, on the other hand, is working to overcome some of these challenges, but they remain challenges for which no solutions have been found. This study provides some recommendations that may assist in dealing with these challenges.인공지능(AI)은 일반적으로 인간이 할 수 없는 일을 기계가 수행하는 방법을 개발하는 컴퓨터 과학의 한 분야이다. 특히 Henlein & Kaplan에 따르면, 이 연구에서 다음과 같은 정의를 사용했는데, AI는 "데이터를 올바르게 처리하고, 그러한 데이터로부터 학습하며, 이러한 학습을 사용하여 유연한 적응을 통해 특정 목표와 작업을 달성하는 시스템의 능력"이다. 이집트에서 인공지능을 적용하는 것은 매우 중요한 문제인데, 특히 머신러닝과 같은 데이터 중심 인공지능이 경제 및 사회 시스템에 상당한 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상되기 때문이다. 이집트의 인공지능 국가전략에서 밝힌 대로 2030년까지 경제규모를 15조 달러 늘리는 것은 물론 AI를 자국 경제에 완전히 접목한 국가들의 GDP 성장률이 25%에 육박할 것이라는 전망이 나온다. 본 연구는 정부에 AI를 적용하는 메커니즘과 관련하여 이집트가 직면할 과제와 이집트의 자원을 기반으로 한 해결책의 우선 순위를 심층적으로 조사하였다. 또한 인공지능에 대해 연구하고/또는 가르치고 있는 공공 부문 및 민간 부문 인력을 대상의 설문지를 기반으로 데이터수집을 하였으며 델파이 방식을 사용하였다. 문헌 검토와 데이터 수집 이후 이집트 정부에 난제가 될 수 있는 요인은 데이터 가용성, AI에 대한 기술 인프라 지원, 사람에 대한 AI에 대한 인식과 지식, 교육 시스템, 자격 있는 인력 등이다. 이집트는 이러한 문제들 중 일부를 극복하기 위해 노력하고 있지만, 여전히 해결이 필요한 문제로 남아있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 과제를 해결하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 몇 가지 사항을 제언한다. 주요 키워드: 인공지능, 인공지능 도전, 정부, 공공 부문, 이집트Chapter (1): Introduction 5 1.1. Study background 5 1.2. Purpose of Study 10 1.3. Research Questions 11 Chapter (2): Status of AI in Egypt 12 2.1. Egypt in Numbers: 12 2.2. SWOT Analysis of AI in Egypt: 15 2.3. Pave the Path for the Applying of AI 18 Chapter (3): Literature Reviews 22 3.1. Challenges of Applying AI: 22 3.2. Opportunities of AI for the public sector 24 3.3. The importance of AI in the government 26 3.4. Factors affecting the implementation of AI 27 3.5. The Distinction Between the Public and Private Sectors in Terms of AI Application 33 3.6. AI Techniques and Government Functions 36 3.7. Theoretical Model for Challenges to AI in Public Sector 38 3.8. Institutional & Regulatory Theories for AI 39 Chapter (4): Research Methodology 43 4.1. Research Framework 43 4.2. Definitions of Variables: 43 4.3. Research Design 45 4.3.1. Research Method 45 4.3.2. Process of Research Method 45 Pilot Survey 45 Pilot Survey Results: 46 Questionnaire 47 4.4. Data Collection 47 Chapter (5): Data analysis 50 5.2. The analysis of participant's responses is as follows: 52 5.2.1. Challenges of applying AI 52 5.2.2. Benefits of AI 56 5.2.3. Drawbacks of AI 57 5.2.4. Suggested Solutions 59 5.2.5. Egypt's resources vis AI solutions 62 5.2.6. Strategy and Sectors 63 5.2.7. Differences Between the Private Sector and Public Sector in Applying AI 64 5.2.8. Proper Countries Experiments 65 5.3. Findings: 67 Chapter (6): Conclusion and Recommendation 70 6.1. Conclusion: 70 6.2. Recommendations: 73 References 76 Appendix (1) 80 List of Figures 80 Appendix (2) 80 List of Tables 80 Appendix (3) 81 List of questionnaire participants 81 국문초록 84석

    Role assigning and taking in cloud computing

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    The widespread use of cloud computing (CC) has brought to the forefront information technology (IT) governance issues, rendering the lack of expertise in handling CC-based IT controls a major challenge for business enterprises and other societal organizations. In the cloud-computing context, this study identifies and ranks the determinants of role assigning and taking by IT people. The study’s integrative research links CC and IT governance to humane arrangements, as it validates and ranks role assigning and taking components through in-depth interviews with twelve IT decision-makers and forty-four Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) members, engaged as panelists in a Delphi technique implementation. The empirical results recognize skills and competencies as prioritized determinants of IT controls, while IT security, risk and compliance emerge as capabilities crucial to evaluate and manage CC service providers. Despite the study’s generalizability limitations, its findings highlight future research paths and provide practical guidelines toward the high technology of open-market IT self-governance. The latter entails the humane flows of collegial control and responsibility, as opposed to the inhumane flows of authority and power, under the sequestered technique of the bureaucratically-hierarchized IT hetero-governanc

    The Euroweek Experience: Supporting Sustainable Development Through Academic Programs Promoting Student Research, Technology Innovation and the Commercialization Process

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    University-based research continues to rely on industry partnerships to help support the innovation, exchange and application of new technologies. At the same time, University R&D has increasingly focused on technologies that support a wide range of environmental, societal and economic Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched by the United Nations in 2015. This has put a spotlight on the need to address technology transfer from the university to industry, where the university often lacks the resources needed to assess the feasibility of market adoption of new technologies. Recent literature indicates that there is a role for the international academic community to play in support of university entrepreneurship that can foster the transfer of knowledge to industry and facilitate the commercialization of new technology products. This paper presents PRIME Networking\u27s Euroweek, an international academic program where students collaborate on multi-country, cross-disciplinary teams to identify research projects with the potential of having a positive environmental, economic or societal impact