2,029 research outputs found

    Imperfect inspection of a system with unrevealed failure and an unrevealed defective state

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    This paper proposes a model of inspection of a protection system in which the inspection outcome provides imperfect information of the state of the system. The system itself is required to operate on demand typically in emergency situations. The purpose of inspection is to determine the functional state of the system and consequently whether the system requires replacement. The system state is modeled using the delay time concept in which the failed state is preceded by a defective state. Imperfect inspection is quantified by a set of probabilities that relate the system state to the outcome of the inspection. The paper studies the effect of these probabilities on the efficacy of inspection. The analysis indicates that preventive replacement mitigates low quality inspection and that inspection is cost-effective provided the imperfect-inspection probabilities are not too large. Some derivative policies in which replacement is “postponed” following a positive inspection are also studied. An isolation valve in a utility network motivates the modeling

    Modelling inspection and replacement quality for a protection system

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    An inspection and replacement policy for a protection system is described by a mathematical model that incorporates multiple aspects of maintenance quality. A three-state component failure model is assumed, with a defective state preceding failure. The quality of maintenance intervention is modelled by supposing that inspections may misclassify defects (false positives and false negatives) and further that an inspection may induce a defect. The quality of replacement is modelled by supposing that a component arises from a heterogeneous population, composed of weak and strong items and with the mixing parameter determining quality. Isolation valves used in water distribution systems motivate the model development, and a case study is considered in this context. We evaluate the impact of these aspects of the quality of maintenance upon cost and production losses. Defect induction is found to be a key determinant of the cost-optimal policy. The proposed model allows us to verify conditions that justify investment in higher quality maintenance, and thus to provide guidance for prioritization of this investment

    Conditional inspection and maintenance of a system with two interacting components

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    In this paper we consider the inspection and maintenance of a two-component system with stochastic dependence. A failure of component 1 may induce the defective state in component 2 which in turn leads to its failure. A failure of component 1 and a defect in component 2 are detected by inspection. Our model considers a conditional inspection policy: when component 1 is found to have failed, inspection of component 2 is triggered. This opportunistic inspection policy is a natural one to use given this stochastic dependence between the components. The long-run cost per unit time (cost-rate) of the conditional inspection policy is determined generally. A real system that cuts rebar mesh motivates the model development. The numerical examples reveal that when the ratio of the cost of corrective system replacement, that is on failure, to the cost of preventive system replacement is large there exists a finite optimum policy in most cases. Moreover, for the studied system wherein inspections of component 2 are expensive relative to those of component 1, having a reliable indicator of the defective state in component 2 is a good strategy to avoid costly failures of component 2, particularly when its time to failure is short

    Inspection and replacement models for reliability and maintenance: filling in gaps

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    A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, School of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Faculty of Science University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. February 2017.The work done in this thesis on finite planning horizon inspection models has demonstrated that with the advent of powerful computers these days it is possible to easily find an optimal inspection schedule when the lifetime distribution is known. For the case of system time to failure following a uniform distribution, a result for the maximum number of inspections for the finite planning models has been derived. If the time to failure follows an exponential distribution, it has been noted that periodically carrying out inspections may not result in maximization of expected profit. For the Weibull distributions family (of which the exponential distribution is a special case), evenly spreading the inspections over a given finite planning horizon may not lead to any serious prejudice in profit. The case of inspection models where inspections are of non-negligible duration has also been explored. The conditions necessary for inspections that are evenly spread over the entire planning horizon to be near-optimal when system time to failure either follows a uniform distribution or exponential distribution have been explored. Finite and infinite planning horizon models where inspections are imperfect have been researched on. Interesting observations on the impact of Type I and Type II errors in inspection have been made. These observations are listed on page 174. A clear and easy to implement road map on how to get an optimal inspection permutation in problems first discussed by Zuckerman (1989) and later reviewed by Qiu (1991) for both the undiscounted and discounted cases has been given. The only challenge envisaged when a system has a large number of components is that of computer memory requirements - which nowadays is fast being overcome. In particular, it has been clearly demonstrated that the impact of repair times and per unit of time repair costs on the optimal inspection permutation cannot be ignored. The ideas and procedures of determining optimal inspection permutations which have been developed in this thesis will no doubt lead to huge cost savings especially for systems where the cost of inspecting components is huge.XL201

    Optimal maintenance of multi-component systems: a review

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    In this article we give an overview of the literature on multi-component maintenance optimization. We focus on work appearing since the 1991 survey "A survey of maintenance models for multi-unit systems" by Cho and Parlar. This paper builds forth on the review article by Dekker et al. (1996), which focusses on economic dependence, and the survey of maintenance policies by Wang (2002), in which some group maintenance and some opportunistic maintenance policies are considered. Our classification scheme is primarily based on the dependence between components (stochastic, structural or economic). Next, we also classify the papers on the basis of the planning aspect (short-term vs long-term), the grouping of maintenance activities (either grouping preventive or corrective maintenance, or opportunistic grouping) and the optimization approach used (heuristic, policy classes or exact algorithms). Finally, we pay attention to the applications of the models.literature review;economic dependence;failure interaction;maintenance policies;grouping maintenance;multi-component systems;opportunistic maintenance;maintencance optimization;structural dependence

    Modelling condition monitoring inspection using the delay-time concept

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    In the literature on inspection modelling, the failure distribution traditionally plays a fundamental role in model construction in that it is assumed that system failures occur instantly at random time points from new with a known pdf. of time to failure. Numerous models have been built on this basis. However, Professor Christer challenged this traditional idea and proposed the concept of delay time. The idea, which is an essential part of most engineers' experience, assumes that defects do not just appear as failures, but are present for a while before becoming sufficiently obvious to be noticed and declared as failures. The time lapse from when a defect could first be identified at an inspection to consequential failure has been termed the "delay time". It is this idea which can be captured to reveal the nature and scope for preventive maintenance or inspection. It appears that the concept is now being taken up by many other authors. In this thesis, various models for condition monitoring inspection are built on the basis of delay time analysis. Extensions and further developments are made here to enrich the delay-time modelling. Since the distribution of the delay time is important to delay time modelling, a new approach to estimate the delay time distribution is proposed. This technique, which contrasts with the previous subjective data estimation technique, is based upon objective data. Assuming the distribution of the delay time is known, models of condition monitoring inspection are fully discussed for both perfect and imperfect inspections, and for infinite and finite time horizons. Based upon the models for perfect inspection, algorithms are presented to find the optimal solution. Numerical examples are presented in each Chapter to illustrate how models and algorithms work

    Optimal maintenance strategy for systems with two failure modes

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    This paper considers a single-unit system subject to two types of failures: a traditional catastrophic failure and a two-stage delayed failure. Periodic inspections are carried out to identify the defective stage of the two-stage failure process, whereas preventive replacements are implemented to avoid any potential failure due to the catastrophic failure mode. We construct a basic maintenance model and then extend it to the cases of imperfect inspections (i.e., inspections that do not always notice a defective state). We analyze the renewal process of the system and establish the expected long-run cost rate (ELRCR). The optimal inspection period and preventive replacement interval are determined by minimizing the ELRCR. A case study on infusion pumps is presented to illustrate the proposed model

    A review on maintenance optimization

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    To this day, continuous developments of technical systems and increasing reliance on equipment have resulted in a growing importance of effective maintenance activities. During the last couple of decades, a substantial amount of research has been carried out on this topic. In this study we review more than two hundred papers on maintenance modeling and optimization that have appeared in the period 2001 to 2018. We begin by describing terms commonly used in the modeling process. Then, in our classification, we first distinguish single-unit and multi-unit systems. Further sub-classification follows, based on the state space of the deterioration process modeled. Other features that we discuss in this review are discrete and continuous condition monitoring, inspection, replacement, repair, and the various types of dependencies that may exist between units within systems. We end with the main developments during the review period and with potential future research directions

    Implementing Public Health Regulations in Developing Countries: Lessons from the OECD Countries

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    The enforcement of public health standards is a common problem in many developing countries. Public health agencies lack sufficient resources and, too often, enforcement mechanisms rely on slow and erratic judicial systems. These limitations can make traditional public health regulations difficult to implement. In this article, we examine innovative approaches to the implementation of public health regulations that have emerged in recent years within OECD countries. These approaches aim to improve compliance with health standards, while reducing dependence on both the legal system and the administrative resources of public health agencies. This article begins by discussing some traditional forms of public health regulations; these regulations include administrative searches and inspections as well as licensing measures. Within these traditional forms of public health regulation, there are several ways of improving compliance without substantially increasing administrative costs. These measures include public disclosure and several types of sanctions, which may escalate in severity as an actor continues to flout the public health regulation. In addition to such traditional measures, we discuss more creative approaches to reducing dependence on the judiciary and reducing administrative costs. Dependence on the judiciary can be reduced through increased reliance on alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation and arbitrations, as well as through the use of a public health Ombudsman. Administrative costs could also potentially be reduced through the creative use of public-private cooperation measures, such as negotiated rulemaking and self-regulating codes of conduct. Developing countries may find some useful lessons in the innovative approaches described; however, these approaches will likely need to be adapted to fit each country’s particular institutional setting