702 research outputs found

    A Perturbed Self-organizing Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm to solve Multiobjective TSP

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    Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a very important NP-Hard problem getting focused more on these days. Having improvement on TSP, right now consider the multi-objective TSP (MOTSP), broadened occurrence of travelling salesman problem. Since TSP is NP-hard issue MOTSP is additionally a NP-hard issue. There are a lot of algorithms and methods to solve the MOTSP among which Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition is appropriate to solve it nowadays. This work presents a new algorithm which combines the Data Perturbation, Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and MOEA/D to solve the problem of MOTSP, named Perturbed Self-Organizing multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm (P-SMEA). In P-SMEA Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is used extract neighborhood relationship information and with MOEA/D subproblems are generated and solved simultaneously to obtain the optimal solution. Data Perturbation is applied to avoid the local optima. So by using the P-SMEA, MOTSP can be handled efficiently. The experimental results show that P-SMEA outperforms MOEA/D and SMEA on a set of test instances

    Hybridization of Decomposition and Local Search for Multiobjective Optimization

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    Combining ideas from evolutionary algorithms, decomposition approaches, and Pareto local search, this paper suggests a simple yet efficient memetic algorithm for combinatorial multiobjective optimization problems: memetic algorithm based on decomposition (MOMAD). It decomposes a combinatorial multiobjective problem into a number of single objective optimization problems using an aggregation method. MOMAD evolves three populations: 1) population PLfor recording the current solution to each subproblem; 2) population PPfor storing starting solutions for Pareto local search; and 3) an external population PEfor maintaining all the nondominated solutions found so far during the search. A problem-specific single objective heuristic can be applied to these subproblems to initialize the three populations. At each generation, a Pareto local search method is first applied to search a neighborhood of each solution in PPto update PLand PE. Then a single objective local search is applied to each perturbed solution in PLfor improving PLand PE, and reinitializing PP. The procedure is repeated until a stopping condition is met. MOMAD provides a generic hybrid multiobjective algorithmic framework in which problem specific knowledge, well developed single objective local search and heuristics and Pareto local search methods can be hybridized. It is a population based iterative method and thus an anytime algorithm. Extensive experiments have been conducted in this paper to study MOMAD and compare it with some other state-of-the-art algorithms on the multiobjective traveling salesman problem and the multiobjective knapsack problem. The experimental results show that our proposed algorithm outperforms or performs similarly to the best so far heuristics on these two problems

    CES-478 Comparison between MOEA/D and NSGA-II on the Multiobjective Travelling Salesman Problem

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    Most multiobjective evolutionary algorithms are based on Pareto dom- inance for measuring the quality of solutions during their search, among them NSGA-II is well-known. A very few algorithms are based on de- composition and implicitly or explicitly try to optimize aggregations of the objectives. MOEA/D is a very recent such an algorithm. One of the major advantages of MOEA/D is that it is very easy to use well-developed single optimization local search within it. This paper compares the perfor- mance of MOEA/D and NSGA-II on the multiobjective travelling sales- man problem and studies the e®ect of local search on the performance of MOEA/D


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    An improved MOEA/D algorithm for multi-objective multicast routing with network coding

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    Network coding enables higher network throughput, more balanced traffic, and securer data transmission. However, complicated mathematical operations incur when packets are combined at intermediate nodes, which, if not operated properly, lead to very high network resource consumption and unacceptable delay. Therefore, it is of vital importance to minimize various network resources and end-to-end delays while exploiting promising benefits of network coding. Multicast has been used in increasingly more applications, such as video conferencing and remote education. In this paper the multicast routing problem with network coding is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem (MOP), where the total coding cost, the total link cost and the end-to-end delay are minimized simultaneously. We adapt the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D) for this MOP by hybridizing it with a population-based incremental learning technique which makes use of the global and historical information collected to provide additional guidance to the evolutionary search. Three new schemes are devised to facilitate the performance improvement, including a probability-based initialization scheme, a problem-specific population updating rule, and a hybridized reproduction operator. Experimental results clearly demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms a number of state-of-the-art MOEAs regarding the solution quality and computational time