76,205 research outputs found

    Disclosing environmental and sustainability practices and initiatives in the annual reporting process of property investors: evidence from Malaysia

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    Investors around the world are increasingly recognising the importance of embedding environmental, social and governance issues when making property investment decision or sustainable and responsible investment (SRI). The objective of this paper is to examine the implementation of environmental, social practices of property investors in Malaysia as revealed through published company material. Content analysis is used in this research. Analysis was conducted of potential SRPI (Socially Responsible Property Investment) or ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) initiatives of all (13) Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), together with a selection of property investment companies and key institutional investors using publicly available company literature. The websites and annual reports of these investors from 2007-2009 were examined in order to identify activities, strategies contributing to the progress of sustainable and responsible property investment. The progress made was also compared with progresses made in other countries including UK, USA and Australia. The study indicates that although some of the Malaysian REITs and property investment companies are beginning to adopt sustainability practices this is less embedded than in other major countries notably Australia. The study also shows that the sustainability agenda is skewed more to notion of corporate philanthropy than environmental issues

    Delivering sustainable buildings in retail construction

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    Session: Sustainability: Theory and Design The article can be viewed at: http://www.arcom.ac.uk/-docs/proceedings/ar2012-1455-1465_Dangana_Pan_Goodhew.pdfThe demand for high performance 'green' or 'sustainable' buildings is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry. Large construction companies in this sector have started to show leadership by working with their customers and supply chains towards sustainability in both products and operations. However, it remains associated risks be minimised, in order to add value and differentiate the output of retail construction. This paper reviews the practice of sustainable buildings within the context of retail construction, and also explores how the UK mainstream retail sector is currently addressing the challenges of sustainable retail buildings. The arguments are informed by a combination of literature review, a desk study of sustainability strategies of large client organisations and construction companies, and a case study with a leading construction company in the UK. The results demonstrate that businesses can benefit from embracing a sustainable approach while they need to adapt their business models to the rapidly changing environment. A demand-driven sustainability agenda is called for in the UK retail sector. The results also provide the basis for an in-depth, longitudinal case study to develop a framework to optimize process, energy and carbon efficiency in retail construction using sustainable technology. Such a framework should provide a sustainable technology model for retail customers to realize the full benefits of sustainable buildings and also assist construction companies and their professional advisors deliver green buildings more efficiently in the future

    Policy additionality for UK emissions trading projects: a report for the Department of Trade & Industry

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    Cities and climate change: Strategic options for philanthropic support

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    Now, more than ever, cities are at the front lines of U.S. climate action. As national action stalls, there is still a daunting amount to be done in reducing human-generated climate emissions. Fortunately, this report comes in the wake of a groundswell of initiatives to engage on climate change by cities, countries, and states across the U.S. Several important and thorough reports on the types of mitigation actions cities can take have recently been released. We already have examples of cities taking significant leadership roles in reducing their own climate emissions, from New York and Boston to Austin, Boulder, and Los Angeles - yet U.S. climate emissions continue to rise, and cities have an outsized role to play. The purpose of this project is to review current U.S. city climate activities in order to identify areas where additional investment by foundations could help accelerate city action to reduce urban greenhouse gas emissions. The focus of the inquiry is on aggressive actions cities can take that significantly increase their “level of ambition” to achieve emissions reductions on an accelerated timetable. City strategies on climate adaptation are not encompassed in this project. [TRUNCATED

    Perspective study: governance for C2C

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    This perspective study will serve as frame of reference for follow-up activities and exchanges both within and outside the Cradle to Cradle Network (C2CN) and it aims to reflect the current challenges and opportunities associated with implementing a Cradle to Cradle approach. In total, four perspective studies have been written, in the areas on industry, area spatial development, governance and on the build theme

    Low-Carbon Technologies in the Post-Bali Period: Accelerating their Development and Deployment. CEPS ECP Report No. 4, 4 December 2007

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    This report analyses the very broad issue of technology development, demonstration and diffusion with a view to identifying the key elements of a complementary global technology track in the post-2012 framework. It identifies a number of immediate and concrete steps that can be taken to provide content and a structure for such a track. The report features three sections dealing with innovation and technology, investment in developing countries and investment and finance, followed by an analysis of the various initiatives being taken on technology both within and outside the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). A final section presents ideas for the way forward followed by brief concluding remarks

    Charting the Course for Energy Efficiency in New York: Lessons from Existing Programs

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    This report examines the performance of the existing suite of energy efficiency efforts run by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the state’s investor owned utilities. The latest data shows that through 2014 EEPS program administrators had achieved 79 percent of their to-date savings goals. The report focuses on the best ways to transition from the EEPS program model to the emerging REV model. Reviewing publicly available information, this analysis takes stock of what the EEPS has achieved and calls for a REV planning and delivery program that builds upon lessons learned from decades of past efforts to achieve self-sustaining efficiency markets. It 1) describes the proposed changes to energy efficiency delivery currently under consideration by the Cuomo Administration, 2) reviews overall EEPS performance through the third quarter of 2014, 3) recommends a framework to serve as the basis for future decision-making, and 4) makes additional recommendations for the future of energy efficiency efforts in New York State

    Breaking organizational barriers for greening Australian campuses

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    Sustainability is an issue for everyone. For instance, the higher education sector is being asked to take an active part in creating a sustainable future, due to their moral responsibility, social obligation, and their own need to adapt to the changing higher education environment. By either signing declarations or making public statements, many universities are expressing their desire to become role models for enhancing sustainability. However, too often they have not delivered as much as they had intended. This is particularly evident in the lack of physical implementation of sustainable practices in the campus environment. Real projects such as green technologies on campus have the potential to rectify the problem in addition to improving building performance. Despite being relatively recent innovations, Green Roof and Living Wall have been widely recognized because of their substantial benefits, such as runoff water reduction, noise insulation, and the promotion of biodiversity. While they can be found in commercial and residential buildings, they only appear infrequently on campuses as universities have been very slow to implement sustainability innovations. There has been very little research examining the fundamental problems from the organizational perspective. To address this deficiency, the researchers designed and carried out 24 semi-structured interviews to investigate the general organizational environment of Australian universities with the intention to identify organizational obstacles to the delivery of Green Roof and Living Wall projects. This research revealed that the organizational environment of Australian universities still has a lot of room to be improved in order to accommodate sustainability practices. Some of the main organizational barriers to the adoption of sustainable innovations were identified including lack of awareness and knowledge, the absence of strong supportive leadership, a weak sustainability-rooted culture and several management challenges. This led to the development of a set of strategies to help optimize the organizational environment for the purpose of better decision making for Green Roof and Living Wall implementation

    The EU Climate Policy after the Climate Package and Copenhagen - Promises and Limits. Egmont Paper No. 38, September 2010

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    This paper aims to provide a global assessment of the European Union’s climate change policy after the Climate Package and Copenhagen. In order to do so, the paper firstly describes the climate threats for Europe as well as the birth and objectives of the EU climate and energy package adopted in 2009. Then, the different components of this package are highlighted: the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), the obligations of the non-ETS sectors, the 20% renewable energy objective, the promotion of carbon capture and storage and the framework on environmental subsidies. Thirdly, the other EU climate policy legislations are examined, comprising: energy efficiency, the GHG emissions of cars, the GHG emissions of fuels, and the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). Next, adaptation to climate change is discussed, before examining the international aspects of the EU actions after Copenhagen. As a way of conclusion, the paper assesses the EU climate policy throughout four main questions: What has the EU achieved until now? What will be the costs? What will be the impact on the European Union? And, is the EU action sufficient
