959 research outputs found

    On the evaluation of exact-match and range queries over multidimensional data in distributed hash tables

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    2012 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.The quantity and precision of geospatial and time series observational data being collected has increased alongside the steady expansion of processing and storage capabilities in modern computing hardware. The storage requirements for this information are vastly greater than the capabilities of a single computer, and are primarily met in a distributed manner. However, distributed solutions often impose strict constraints on retrieval semantics. In this thesis, we investigate the factors that influence storage and retrieval operations on large datasets in a cloud setting, and propose a lightweight data partitioning and indexing scheme to facilitate these operations. Our solution provides expressive retrieval support through range-based and exact-match queries and can be applied over massive quantities of multidimensional data. We provide benchmarks to illustrate the relative advantage of using our solution over a general-purpose cloud storage engine in a distributed network of heterogeneous computing resources

    Towards Efficient Delivery of Dynamic Web Content

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    Advantages of cache cooperation on edge cache networks serving dynamic web content were studied. Design of cooperative edge cache grid a large-scale cooperative edge cache network for delivering highly dynamic web content with varying server update frequencies was presented. A cache clouds-based architecture was proposed to promote low-cost cache cooperation in cooperative edge cache grid. An Internet landmarks-based scheme, called selective landmarks-based server-distance sensitive clustering scheme, for grouping edge caches into cooperative clouds was presented. Dynamic hashing technique for efficient, load-balanced, and reliable documents lookups and updates was presented. Utility-based scheme for cooperative document placement in cache clouds was proposed. The proposed architecture and techniques were evaluated through trace-based simulations using both real-world and synthetic traces. Results showed that the proposed techniques provide significant performance benefits. A framework for automatically detecting cache-effective fragments in dynamic web pages was presented. Two types of fragments in web pages, namely, shared fragments and lifetime-personalization fragments were identified and formally defined. A hierarchical fragment-aware web page model called the augmented-fragment tree model was proposed. An efficient algorithm to detect maximal fragments that are shared among multiple documents was proposed. A practical algorithm for detecting fragments based on their lifetime and personalization characteristics was designed. The proposed framework and algorithms were evaluated through experiments on real web sites. The effect of adopting the detected fragments on web-caches and origin-servers is experimentally studied.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. Ling Liu; Committee Member: Dr. Arun Iyengar; Committee Member: Dr. Calton Pu; Committee Member: Dr. H. Venkateswaran; Committee Member: Dr. Mustaque Ahama

    Dynamic re-optimization techniques for stream processing engines and object stores

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    Large scale data storage and processing systems are strongly motivated by the need to store and analyze massive datasets. The complexity of a large class of these systems is rooted in their distributed nature, extreme scale, need for real-time response, and streaming nature. The use of these systems on multi-tenant, cloud environments with potential resource interference necessitates fine-grained monitoring and control. In this dissertation, we present efficient, dynamic techniques for re-optimizing stream-processing systems and transactional object-storage systems.^ In the context of stream-processing systems, we present VAYU, a per-topology controller. VAYU uses novel methods and protocols for dynamic, network-aware tuple-routing in the dataflow. We show that the feedback-driven controller in VAYU helps achieve high pipeline throughput over long execution periods, as it dynamically detects and diagnoses any pipeline-bottlenecks. We present novel heuristics to optimize overlays for group communication operations in the streaming model.^ In the context of object-storage systems, we present M-Lock, a novel lock-localization service for distributed transaction protocols on scale-out object stores to increase transaction throughput. Lock localization refers to dynamic migration and partitioning of locks across nodes in the scale-out store to reduce cross-partition acquisition of locks. The service leverages the observed object-access patterns to achieve lock-clustering and deliver high performance. We also present TransMR, a framework that uses distributed, transactional object stores to orchestrate and execute asynchronous components in amorphous data-parallel applications on scale-out architectures

    HeteroSketch: coordinating network-wide monitoring in heterogeneous and dynamic networks

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    CNS-2107086 - National Science Foundation; CNS-2106946 - National Science FoundationPublished versio

    Unifying data and replica placement for data-intensive services in geographically distributed clouds

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    The increased reliance of data management applications on cloud computing technologies has rendered research in identifying solutions to the data placement problem to be of paramount importance. The objective of the classical data placement problem is to optimally partition, while also allowing for replication, the set of data-items into distributed data centers to minimize the overall network communication cost. Despite significant advancement in data placement research, replica placement has seldom been studied in unison with data placement. More specifically, most of the existing solutions employ a two-phase approach: 1) data placement, followed by 2) replication. Replication should however be seen as an integral part of data placement, and should be studied as a joint optimization problem with the latter. In this paper, we propose a unified paradigm of data placement, called CPR, which combines data placement and replication of data-intensive services into geographically distributed clouds as a joint optimization problem. Underneath CPR, lies an overlapping correlation clustering algorithm capable of assigning a data-item to multiple data centers, thereby enabling us to jointly solve data placement and replication. Experiments on a real-world trace-based online social network dataset show that CPR is effective and scalable. Empirically, it is approximate to 35% better in efficacy on the evaluated metrics, while being up to 8 times faster in execution time when compared to state-of-the-art techniques

    Dynamic data placement and discovery in wide-area networks

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    The workloads of online services and applications such as social networks, sensor data platforms and web search engines have become increasingly global and dynamic, setting new challenges to providing users with low latency access to data. To achieve this, these services typically leverage a multi-site wide-area networked infrastructure. Data access latency in such an infrastructure depends on the network paths between users and data, which is determined by the data placement and discovery strategies. Current strategies are static, which offer low latencies upon deployment but worse performance under a dynamic workload. We propose dynamic data placement and discovery strategies for wide-area networked infrastructures, which adapt to the data access workload. We achieve this with data activity correlation (DAC), an application-agnostic approach for determining the correlations between data items based on access pattern similarities. By dynamically clustering data according to DAC, network traffic in clusters is kept local. We utilise DAC as a key component in reducing access latencies for two application scenarios, emphasising different aspects of the problem: The first scenario assumes the fixed placement of data at sites, and thus focusses on data discovery. This is the case for a global sensor discovery platform, which aims to provide low latency discovery of sensor metadata. We present a self-organising hierarchical infrastructure consisting of multiple DAC clusters, maintained with an online and distributed split-and-merge algorithm. This reduces the number of sites visited, and thus latency, during discovery for a variety of workloads. The second scenario focusses on data placement. This is the case for global online services that leverage a multi-data centre deployment to provide users with low latency access to data. We present a geo-dynamic partitioning middleware, which maintains DAC clusters with an online elastic partition algorithm. It supports the geo-aware placement of partitions across data centres according to the workload. This provides globally distributed users with low latency access to data for static and dynamic workloads.Open Acces