30 research outputs found

    Approximating Upper Degree-Constrained Partial Orientations

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    In the Upper Degree-Constrained Partial Orientation problem we are given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), together with two degree constraint functions d−,d+:V→Nd^-,d^+ : V \to \mathbb{N}. The goal is to orient as many edges as possible, in such a way that for each vertex v∈Vv \in V the number of arcs entering vv is at most d−(v)d^-(v), whereas the number of arcs leaving vv is at most d+(v)d^+(v). This problem was introduced by Gabow [SODA'06], who proved it to be MAXSNP-hard (and thus APX-hard). In the same paper Gabow presented an LP-based iterative rounding 4/34/3-approximation algorithm. Since the problem in question is a special case of the classic 3-Dimensional Matching, which in turn is a special case of the kk-Set Packing problem, it is reasonable to ask whether recent improvements in approximation algorithms for the latter two problems [Cygan, FOCS'13; Sviridenko & Ward, ICALP'13] allow for an improved approximation for Upper Degree-Constrained Partial Orientation. We follow this line of reasoning and present a polynomial-time local search algorithm with approximation ratio 5/4+ε5/4+\varepsilon. Our algorithm uses a combination of two types of rules: improving sets of bounded pathwidth from the recent 4/3+ε4/3+\varepsilon-approximation algorithm for 3-Set Packing [Cygan, FOCS'13], and a simple rule tailor-made for the setting of partial orientations. In particular, we exploit the fact that one can check in polynomial time whether it is possible to orient all the edges of a given graph [Gy\'arf\'as & Frank, Combinatorics'76].Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Graph-Based Radio Resource Management for Vehicular Networks

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    This paper investigates the resource allocation problem in device-to-device (D2D)-based vehicular communications, based on slow fading statistics of channel state information (CSI), to alleviate signaling overhead for reporting rapidly varying accurate CSI of mobile links. We consider the case when each vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) link shares spectrum with multiple vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) links. Leveraging the slow fading statistical CSI of mobile links, we maximize the sum V2I capacity while guaranteeing the reliability of all V2V links. We propose a graph-based algorithm that uses graph partitioning tools to divide highly interfering V2V links into different clusters before formulating the spectrum sharing problem as a weighted 3-dimensional matching problem, which is then solved through adapting a high-performance approximation algorithm.Comment: 7 pages; 5 figures; accepted by IEEE ICC 201

    Improved approximation for 3-dimensional matching via bounded pathwidth local search

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    One of the most natural optimization problems is the k-Set Packing problem, where given a family of sets of size at most k one should select a maximum size subfamily of pairwise disjoint sets. A special case of 3-Set Packing is the well known 3-Dimensional Matching problem. Both problems belong to the Karp`s list of 21 NP-complete problems. The best known polynomial time approximation ratio for k-Set Packing is (k + eps)/2 and goes back to the work of Hurkens and Schrijver [SIDMA`89], which gives (1.5 + eps)-approximation for 3-Dimensional Matching. Those results are obtained by a simple local search algorithm, that uses constant size swaps. The main result of the paper is a new approach to local search for k-Set Packing where only a special type of swaps is considered, which we call swaps of bounded pathwidth. We show that for a fixed value of k one can search the space of r-size swaps of constant pathwidth in c^r poly(|F|) time. Moreover we present an analysis proving that a local search maximum with respect to O(log |F|)-size swaps of constant pathwidth yields a polynomial time (k + 1 + eps)/3-approximation algorithm, improving the best known approximation ratio for k-Set Packing. In particular we improve the approximation ratio for 3-Dimensional Matching from 3/2 + eps to 4/3 + eps.Comment: To appear in proceedings of FOCS 201

    Robust and MaxMin Optimization under Matroid and Knapsack Uncertainty Sets

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    Consider the following problem: given a set system (U,I) and an edge-weighted graph G = (U, E) on the same universe U, find the set A in I such that the Steiner tree cost with terminals A is as large as possible: "which set in I is the most difficult to connect up?" This is an example of a max-min problem: find the set A in I such that the value of some minimization (covering) problem is as large as possible. In this paper, we show that for certain covering problems which admit good deterministic online algorithms, we can give good algorithms for max-min optimization when the set system I is given by a p-system or q-knapsacks or both. This result is similar to results for constrained maximization of submodular functions. Although many natural covering problems are not even approximately submodular, we show that one can use properties of the online algorithm as a surrogate for submodularity. Moreover, we give stronger connections between max-min optimization and two-stage robust optimization, and hence give improved algorithms for robust versions of various covering problems, for cases where the uncertainty sets are given by p-systems and q-knapsacks.Comment: 17 pages. Preliminary version combining this paper and http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.1045 appeared in ICALP 201

    Maximum weight cycle packing in directed graphs, with application to kidney exchange programs

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    Centralized matching programs have been established in several countries to organize kidney exchanges between incompatible patient-donor pairs. At the heart of these programs are algorithms to solve kidney exchange problems, which can be modelled as cycle packing problems in a directed graph, involving cycles of length 2, 3, or even longer. Usually, the goal is to maximize the number of transplants, but sometimes the total benefit is maximized by considering the differences between suitable kidneys. These problems correspond to computing cycle packings of maximum size or maximum weight in directed graphs. Here we prove the APX-completeness of the problem of finding a maximum size exchange involving only 2-cycles and 3-cycles. We also present an approximation algorithm and an exact algorithm for the problem of finding a maximum weight exchange involving cycles of bounded length. The exact algorithm has been used to provide optimal solutions to real kidney exchange problems arising from the National Matching Scheme for Paired Donation run by NHS Blood and Transplant, and we describe practical experience based on this collaboration

    On k-Column Sparse Packing Programs

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    We consider the class of packing integer programs (PIPs) that are column sparse, i.e. there is a specified upper bound k on the number of constraints that each variable appears in. We give an (ek+o(k))-approximation algorithm for k-column sparse PIPs, improving on recent results of k2⋅2kk^2\cdot 2^k and O(k2)O(k^2). We also show that the integrality gap of our linear programming relaxation is at least 2k-1; it is known that k-column sparse PIPs are Ω(k/log⁡k)\Omega(k/ \log k)-hard to approximate. We also extend our result (at the loss of a small constant factor) to the more general case of maximizing a submodular objective over k-column sparse packing constraints.Comment: 19 pages, v3: additional detail

    A (k+3)/2(k + 3)/2-approximation algorithm for monotone submodular maximization over a kk-exchange system

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    We consider the problem of maximizing a monotone submodular function in a kk-exchange system. These systems, introduced by Feldman et al., generalize the matroid k-parity problem in a wide class of matroids and capture many other combinatorial optimization problems. Feldman et al. show that a simple non-oblivious local search algorithm attains a (k+1)/2(k + 1)/2 approximation ratio for the problem of linear maximization in a kk-exchange system. Here, we extend this approach to the case of monotone submodular objective functions. We give a deterministic, non-oblivious local search algorithm that attains an approximation ratio of (k+3)/2(k + 3)/2 for the problem of maximizing a monotone submodular function in a kk-exchange system

    A Variant of the Maximum Weight Independent Set Problem

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    We study a natural extension of the Maximum Weight Independent Set Problem (MWIS), one of the most studied optimization problems in Graph algorithms. We are given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a weight function w:V→R+w: V \rightarrow \mathbb{R^+}, a budget function b:V→Z+b: V \rightarrow \mathbb{Z^+}, and a positive integer BB. The weight (resp. budget) of a subset of vertices is the sum of weights (resp. budgets) of the vertices in the subset. A kk-budgeted independent set in GG is a subset of vertices, such that no pair of vertices in that subset are adjacent, and the budget of the subset is at most kk. The goal is to find a BB-budgeted independent set in GG such that its weight is maximum among all the BB-budgeted independent sets in GG. We refer to this problem as MWBIS. Being a generalization of MWIS, MWBIS also has several applications in Scheduling, Wireless networks and so on. Due to the hardness results implied from MWIS, we study the MWBIS problem in several special classes of graphs. We design exact algorithms for trees, forests, cycle graphs, and interval graphs. In unweighted case we design an approximation algorithm for d+1d+1-claw free graphs whose approximation ratio (dd) is competitive with the approximation ratio (d2\frac{d}{2}) of MWIS (unweighted). Furthermore, we extend Baker's technique \cite{Baker83} to get a PTAS for MWBIS in planar graphs.Comment: 18 page