3 research outputs found

    Sustainability via extended warranty contracts: design for a consumer electronics retailer

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    Warranty is one of the most important attributes of any product, from both manufacturer and consumer points of view. Although the retailers connect manufacturers to customers by selling goods, traditionally, they have isolated themselves from warranty-related matters such as customer complaints and maintenance costs. However, recent trends in consumer behavior toward extended warranty contracts have changed this approach. While retailers have started to generate considerable revenue from the sale of these contracts, sustainability is also achieved by longer product life cycles. This study analyzed the failure behavior of different classes of cell phone products and their related costs through a chain of consumer electronics retailer operating in Türkiye. To compete on pricing and customer service, a novel policy was designed for the retailer to honor the contracts in house rather than underwriting to a third party insurer as the industry standard. The maintenance records of 328 previous failures were analyzed to plot a failure model. Failure mode and effects analysis was carried out to identify failure classes and the respective costs for extended warranty design for cell phones. The expected warranty costs for coverage of the third, fourth, and fifth years of operation were determined. The results show that the retailer may achieve the same level of profit by increasing customer satisfaction along with the sustainability of the product through repair actions.Publisher's VersionQ2WOS:00114030000000

    Gestión del mantenimiento preventivo de los equipos de enfriamiento de moldes para mejorar la productividad en la planta de inyección de una empresa de fabricación de productos plásticos, Ate, 2019

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    En la investigación titulada “Gestión del mantenimiento preventivo de los equipos de enfriamiento de moldes para mejorar la productividad en la planta de inyección de una empresa de fabricación de productos plásticos, Ate, 2019” tiene el objetivo general Determinar de qué manera la Gestión del mantenimiento preventivo de los equipos de enfriamiento de moldes mejora la Productividad de la planta de inyección de una empresa de fabricación de producto plástico, Ate, 2019. La metodología de investigación es de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo aplicada y diseño cuasi experimental. La población fueron los datos numéricos de las variables bajo estudio, gestión del mantenimiento preventivo y productividad de la empresa Fabricación de productos plásticos. La muestra determinada fueron los datos numéricos de los últimos 12 meses, desde mayo a octubre del año 2018 (pre) y de noviembre del año 2018 a abril del año 2019 (post). referidos a la gestión del mantenimiento preventivo y productividad. La técnica empleada fue la observación y el instrumento fue la ficha de observación. La validación de los instrumentos se realizó a través del juicio de expertos. Para realizar el análisis de los datos se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS Versión 24 con el cual se buscó representar los datos cuantitativos, a través de la estadística descriptiva y la estadística inferencial, para la interpretación de los resultados. Finalmente, se concluye que la Gestión del mantenimiento preventivo de los equipos de enfriamiento de moldes sí logra mejorar la productividad en 5.1%, la eficiencia 5.6% y la eficacia en 11%

    The Preventive Maintenance Practices and Performance among Manufacturing Organizations in Malaysia; the Moderating Role of Technological Capabilities

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    The importance of maintenance has become the main focus in the manufacturing environment. New technologies and advancements in the manufacturing industry have driven many companies to implement reliable maintenance program in order to avoid stoppages and disruptions of equipment from occurring in their daily operations. The purpose of this study was to examine the preventive maintenance (PM) practices and performance among manufacturing organizations in Malaysia, and the technological capabilities (TC) used as a moderator in the relationship between preventive maintenance practices and performance among Malaysian manufacturing organizations. The correlations between three components of PM, namely time-based maintenance (TBM), condition-based maintenance (CBM) and predictive maintenance (PdM),:and manufacturing performance dimensions (cost; quality; flexibility and delivery) were evaluated and validated by employing Smart-PLS statistical tools. 600 questionnaires were circulated to various manufacturing organizations in all regions of Malaysia. However, only 155 questionnaires were returned and were usable for analysis. Correlation analysis was carried out and the results show that there is a positive relationship among PM practices. In general, PM practices, for instance predictive maintenance show positive and significant correlations among this sample of Malaysian manufacturing organizations. Meanwhile, the hypothesis result indicates that the performance of the manufacturing organizations is only influenced by PdM and the TBM and CBM practices, fail to positively influence manufacturing performance. In addition, the moderation analysis indicates that the TC not positively moderate TBM, CBM and PdM toward manufacturing performance. The overall results suggest that PdM practices can be identified as one of the best strategies to face stiff competitive environments in enhancing the effectiveness of quality improvement among Malaysian manufacturing organizations