3 research outputs found

    Geospatial Data Approach for Demand-Oriented Policies of Land Administration

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    To develop the land administration sector, it is important to examine the difficulties faced and requests made by citizens. Accordingly, this study analyzes the Voice of Citizens data relating to land administration in an attempt to identify characteristics of civil complaints in the spatial sector that are unique to land administration. This research builds geospatial Database by combining civil complaint data and spatial information to the analysis of interest of the civil complaint area in order to identify the major keywords on the map. The analysis reveals that civil complaints relating to land administration pertain mostly to the operational methods and services of institutions in charge of the civil complaints, rather than to the ownership and results of land administration. These results indicate that response and operational methods must be determined prior to the administrative process relating to land ownership. This study further confirms that the civil complaints relating to ownership generally arose out of the mountainous and coastal regions, rather than cities. Going forward, this study could be used as reference material for determining policy priorities focusing, in particular, on the policy consumers’ utilizing data on civil complaints in terms of government policy

    Metodología de identificación de componentes de marketing mix a partir de la adaptación de la interpretative structural modelling y el análisis estructural MICMAC para una organización

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    Esta tesis está enmarcada en el área del Marketing, enfocada en el Marketing mix como eje transversal. Elaborada en cuatro capítulos, que tienen como objetivo hacer un trazado desde las bases del Marketing hasta llegar a presentar una metodología de identificación de componentes del Marketing mix para una Organización, presentando los resultados de la aplicación en la Clínica odontológica Ortodiagnóstico. A continuación se hace una breve descripción de los capítulos en cuestión. Inicialmente se describen los parámetros de abordaje de los períodos históricos, características identificadas desde la época considerada pre-académica, anterior al siglo XX hasta la actualidad, con sus diferentes escuelas del Marketing, para una posterior descripción. Además se presentan las diferencias y similitudes entre las diferentes escuelas del marketing. Posteriormente, se hace la conceptualización del Marketing mix, presentando la diferencia entre el concepto y la existencia de diversos modelos de categorización y modelos estadísticos que se elaboran a partir diferentes unidades de análisis, hipótesis de investigación y perspectivas de dimensión de clasificación. Seguidamente, se muestran las diferentes listas de variables de marketing mix, que aparecieron en las escuelas tempranas como listas de funciones, hasta llegar a modelos de variables que han formulado sin número de autores. En esta misma línea se encuentran ciertos modelos que han sido tomados como recetas universales. Sin embargo en la práctica no funcionan, lo que se corrobora, por el sinfín de críticas, presentación de modelos, modificación a los modelos, líneas de Marketing especializado – Marketing estratégico, Marketing de consumidor, Marketing de relaciones, Marketing de servicios, Marketing de minoristas, Marketing industrial, Marketing social, Marketing directo y el emergente e-commerce y lo aplicado en el sector real, que muestran que no existe un modelo universal de Marketing mix. Más adelante, se aplica la metodología de la Interpretative Structural Modelling y el análisis estructural MICMAC a 15 componentes principales que fueron identificados a partir de un rastreo a más 150 artículos relacionados con Industrias e Intensiones de la Organización respecto a variables de Marketing que son impulsadas por los mismos, y se presentan los resultados de este proceso. Por último, se presenta el desarrollo paso a paso la “Metodología de Identificación de Componentes de Marketing Mix a partir de la adaptación de la Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) y el análisis estructural MICMAC para una Organización”, fruto de la necesidad que tienen las organizaciones en identificar y describir el sistema de variables de Marketing mix. La metodología se fundamenta en el trabajo con los actores principales de la Organización, en algunos casos con expertos relacionados, después de una serie de procesos identificados, definidos, jerarquizados, descritos por las relaciones y resultados presentados. Adicionalmente, se presentan los resultados y recomendaciones de la aplicación de la metodología en Ortodiganostico. Se concluye que cada Organización tiene un sistema de Marketing mix único, sugiriendo no existe un modelo universal capaz de dar respuesta, también es concluido que los modelos han sido una serie de listas que no dan respuesta. Por último que la metodología ayuda a la Organización a identificar, definir, jerarquizar y describir las relaciones entre esas variables y ser base para crear estrategias Marketing mix.Abstract : This thesis is framed in the marketing area, focused on the marketing mix as a cross analysis tool. It is drawn up in four chapters, which are intended to make a path from the foundations of Marketing up to today presenting a methodology for the identification of components of the marketing mix for an organization, introducing the results of the application in the dental clinic Ortodiagnóstico. The following is a brief description of the chapters in question. Initially this paper describes the approach parameters of the historical periods, identified characteristics from the time considered pre-academic, prior to the twentieth century until the present day, with their different schools of Marketing, for a further description. In addition the differences and similarities between the different schools of marketing are examined. Then a conceptualization of the marketing mix is settled, introducing the difference between the concept and the existence of various models of categorization, and statistical models that are designed from different areas of analysis, research hypotheses and dimension classification perspectives. Afterwards, the different lists of variables of marketing mix are shown, which appeared in the early schools as lists of functions, until reaching variable models that have been formulated by a large number of authors. In this approach there are certain models that have been taken as universal prescriptions. However in practice they do not work, which is corroborated by the endless criticism, model presentation and modification, lines of specialized Marketing - strategic marketing, consumer marketing, relationship marketing, services Marketing, Marketing of retail, industrial marketing, social marketing, direct marketing and the emerging e-commerce, applied in the real sector, showing that there is no universal model for marketing mix. Later on, the methodology of the Interpretative Structural Modeling and structural analysis MICMAC are applied to 15 main components that were identified from tracking more than 150 articles related to industries and intentions of the Organization due to variables of marketing that are driven by themselves, and presents the results of this process. Finally, it provides the step-by-step development the "Methodology for the identification of components of Marketing Mix from the adaptation of the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) and the structural analysis MICMAC for an Organization", result of the need for organizations to identify and describe the system variables of Marketing mix. The methodology was based on the work with the major stakeholders of the Organization, in some cases with experts involved, after a series of identified, defined, ranked and described processes with their respective results. In addition, the results and recommendations are presented for the application of the methodology in Ortodiganostico. As reached conclusion it is said that each organization has its own unique marketing mix system, suggesting the no existence of a universal model capable of answering all the questions; it is also concluded that the models have been a series of lists that do not give a complete response. And lastly the methodology is the one that helps the organization to identify, define, rank and describe the relations among those variables being a base to create Marketing Mix Strategies.Maestrí

    The effectiveness of public service complaint management processes in contexts of autocratic governance: the case of Brunei Darussalam

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    Almost inevitably on occasions, purchasers, customers or users of services will be so dissatisfied with the quality or experience of procurement that they will feel driven to make a complaint. Whether in relation to public or private sector organisations, complaints can provide suppliers with valuable feedback information about their services which may help to inform and direct improvements more generally as well as in relation to the particular case and circumstances. This aim of this study has been to examine complaint management within a public governmental organization – and particularly within such an organization in an autocratic state context. The study has taken the form of a case-study – set in Brunei Darussalam - and involved a mixed methods research approach of both a survey of some 200 public servants with a structured questionnaire, and a set of some 60 more in-depth, semi structured, interviews with senior governmental officials drawn from a range of departments. While, almost all respondents and interviewees readily acknowledged the importance and value of complaints and complaint management as a key component of good customer focus, the research found that, mostly, the mechanisms for realizing such value were not in place and that, in practice, few government departments in Brunei were managing complaints in any systematic manner. This state of affairs, it has been concluded, reflects the lack of market or democratic pressures for departments to learn from complaints and to improve its public services