110 research outputs found

    Technologies for Cost-Effective UDWDM-PONs

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    New technologies for ultradense WDM-PON (udWDM-PON), enabled by coherent techniques and low-cost devices, are developed for an efficient utilization of the optical spectrum, revealing that the 'Wavelength-to-the-User' concept can be feasible. In this paper, an udWDM-PON with only 6.25-GHz channel spacing is implemented with conventional DFB lasers, for a splitter-based PON infrastructure with 256 ONUs. The results of the analysis of udWDM access network architecture with respect to their associated complexity, cost, and migration scenarios, exhibit the potential for higher aggregate throughput, higher split ratios, and node consolidation, when compared to competing technologies

    Switching Equipment Location/Allocation in hybrid PONs

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    Our research goal is to investigate the FTTX (Fiber-to-the Home/Premises/Curb) passive optical network (PON) for the deployment of BISAN (Broadband Internet Subscriber Access Network) to exploit the opportunities of optical fiber enabled technologies as well as of passive switching equipment. Indeed, the deployment of FTTX PON is the most OPEX-friendly scenario, because it allows for completely passive access networks through minimizing the number of active components in the network. Previously, most FTTX PON architectures are designed based on the principle of either time division multiplexing (TDM) technology or wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology. We focus on designing the best possible architectures of FTTX PON, specifically hybrid PONs, which embraces both TDM and WDM technology. A hybrid PON architecture is very efficient as it is not limited to any specific PON technology, rather it is flexible enough to deploy TDM/WDM technology depending on the type (i.e unicast/multicast) and amount of traffic demand of the end-users. The advantages of a hybrid PON are of two folds: (i) it can offer increased data rate to each user by employing WDM technology, (ii) it can provide flexible bandwidth utilization by employing TDM technology. In this thesis, we concentrate on determining the optimized covering of a geographical area by a set of cost-effective hybrid PONs. We also focus on the greenfield deployment of a single hybrid PON. It should be worthy to mention that while investigating the deployment of hybrid PONs, the research community around the world considers the specifications of either the physical layer or the optical layer. But an efficient planning for PON deployment should take into account the constraints of the physical and optical layers in order that both layers can work together harmoniously. We concentrate our research on the network dimensioning and the selection as well as the placement of the switching equipment in hybrid PONs with the intention of considering the constraints of both physical and optical layers. We determine the layout of an optimized PON architecture while provisioning wavelengths in a hybrid PON. We also propose to select the switching equipment depending on the type (unicast/multicast) of traffic demand. Finally, we determine the best set of hybrid PONs along with their cascading architecture, type and location of their switching equipment while satisfying the network design constraints such as the number of output ports of the switching equipment and maximum allowed signal power loss experienced at each end user’s premises. In this thesis, we propose two novel schemes for the greenfield deployment of a single hybrid PON. The first scheme consists of two phases in which a heuristic algorithm and a novel column generation (CG) based integer linear programming (ILP) optimization model are proposed in the 1st and 2nd phase respectively. In the second scheme, a novel integrated CG based ILP cross layer optimization model is proposed for the designing of a single hybrid PON. We also propose two novel schemes to deal with the greenfield deployment of multiple hybrid PONs in a given geographical area. These two schemes determine the best set of cost-effective hybrid PONs in order to serve all the end users in a given neighborhood. The first scheme executes in four phases in which two heuristic algorithms, a CG based ILP model and an ILP optimization model are proposed in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th phase respectively. In the second scheme, an ILP model as well as a CG based ILP model, another ILP model as well as another CG based ILP model, a CG based ILP model and an ILP optimization model are proposed during four consecutive phases. Our proposed scheme can optimize the design of a set of hybrid PONs covering a given geographic area as well as the selection of the best cascading architecture 1/2/mixedstage) for each selected PON. It minimizes the overall network deployment cost based on the location of the OLT and the ONUs while granting all traffic demands. The scheme emphasizes on the optimum placement of equipment in a hybrid PON infrastructure due to the critical dependency between the network performances and a proper deployment of its equipment, which, in turn depends on the locations of the users. It is a quite powerful scheme as it can handle data instances with up to several thousands ONUs. On the basis of the computational results, the proposed scheme leads to an efficient automated tool for network design, planning, and performance evaluation which can be beneficial for the network designers

    Artificial intelligence (AI) methods in optical networks: A comprehensive survey

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    Producción CientíficaArtificial intelligence (AI) is an extensive scientific discipline which enables computer systems to solve problems by emulating complex biological processes such as learning, reasoning and self-correction. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the application of AI techniques for improving performance of optical communication systems and networks. The use of AI-based techniques is first studied in applications related to optical transmission, ranging from the characterization and operation of network components to performance monitoring, mitigation of nonlinearities, and quality of transmission estimation. Then, applications related to optical network control and management are also reviewed, including topics like optical network planning and operation in both transport and access networks. Finally, the paper also presents a summary of opportunities and challenges in optical networking where AI is expected to play a key role in the near future.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project EC2014-53071-C3-2-P, TEC2015-71932-REDT

    Design and optimization of optical grids and clouds

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    Analysis of the performances and tolerances of the 2nd generation passive optical networks (NGPON2) for FTTH systems

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    [ENGLISH] In a Fiber to the Home (FTTH) system, the fiber is connected until the household users. A passive optical network (PON) is a particular type of FTTH networks that uses P2MP (point-to-multipoint fiber premises) in which unpowered optical splitters are used to share part of the infrastructure enable a single optical fiber to serve multiple premises. The evolution of PON systems across the years can be associated with the evolution in multiplexing technologies. In the first years with the use of TDM the achieved upstream and downstream aggregate bandwidth was in the order of 155 Mbit/s until 10 GBit/s in XG-PON standard. But with the implementation of WDM the capacities have been increased significantly until get bandwidths of 250 GBit/s and 500 GBit/s using ud-WDM with coherent detection. This new standards use advanced modulation and codification formats. This project will evaluate the new international standard ITU-T G.989 for next generation optical fiber access to the home (FTTH) network operating at 4x 10GBit/s, that uses time multiplexing and dense wavelength multiplexing (TWDM). The key commercial devices for its implementation will be identified and modelled. Next, the access network will be built in a computer simulator, different tests will be run, and the system will be optimized. Tasks: · Study of the state of art of optical access networks comparing different technologies, devices, and architectures. · Analysis of the new international standard ITU-T G.989 to review the optical spectrum management, devices and subsystems proposed. · Use of VPI simulator in order to build an access network architecture and realize different tests, linking it with · MATLAB to analyze the achieved results. · Optimization of the network built.[CASTELLÀ] En un Sistema de Fibra hasta el hogar (FTTH, Fiber to the Home), la fibra es conectada hasta el hogar de los usuarios. Una red óptica pasiva (PON) es un tipo particular de red redes FTTH que utiliza instalaciones punto a multipunto (P2MP), en las cuales se comparte parte de la infraestructura permitiendo enviar información de múltiples canales a través de una sola fibra. Este trabajo presenta un compendio de los principales conceptos sobre redes de acceso y sistemas PON y algunas de las tecnologías usadas para el desarrollo de los mismos, incluyendo multiplexación por división en el tiempo (TDM, Time Division Multiplexing) y multiplexación por división de la longitud de onda (WDM, Wavelength Division Multiplexing), independientes o en configuración híbrida (TWDM). A partir de aquí se identifican y modelan los dispositivos comerciales clave para su implementación, especificando sus parámetros característicos para cumplir con los requerimientos del nuevo estándar internacional ITU-T G.989 para redes FFTH. Este proyecto evalúa dicho estándar, el cual plantea la implementación de sistemas NG-PON2 a 4x10GBit/s, los cuales usarán una arquitectura híbrida TWDM y transceptores sintonizables, además de garantizar la coexistencia con otros sistemas PON heredados, ubicando el tráfico en downstream y upstream en unas bandas de longitud de onda adecuadas sin solapamiento. El trabajo de análisis se enfoca en la identificación de los dispositivos clave, como trasmisores y filtros ópticos sintonizables para alcanzar los requerimientos mímos especificados. Además se da una primera aproximación al diseño del elemento de coexistencia (CE, Coexistence element) para el soporte de los sistemas PON heredados. Una vez especificados los requerimientos mínimos e identificados los dispositivos clave, se diseña e implementa la red en el simulador VPIphotonicsTM usando láseres de onda continua, moduladores externos de intensidad, multiplexores de longitud de onda y divisores de potencia apropiados. En recepción se usa detección directa con fotodiodos PIN y APD y filtros ópticos sintonizables en la ONU. Una vez completado el diseño, se realizan diferentes test, se analizan los resultados y se optimiza el diseño para dimensionar la red en términos de número de usuarios, alcance, balance de potencias, capacidad de acho de banda, etc