37 research outputs found

    Low-power techniques for video decoding

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-156).The H.264 video coding standard can deliver high compression efficiency at a cost of large complexity and power. The increasing popularity of video capture and playback on portable devices requires that the energy of the video processing be kept to a minimum. This work implements several architecture optimizations that reduce the system power of a high-definition video decoder. In order to decode high resolutions at low voltages and low frequencies, we employ techniques such as pipelining, unit parallelism, multiple cores, and multiple voltage/frequency domains. For example, a 3-core decoder can reduce the required clock frequency by 2.91 x, which enables a power reduction of 61% relative to a full-voltage single-core decoder. To reduce the total memory system power, several caching techniques are demonstrated that can dramatically reduce the off-chip memory bandwidth and power at the cost of increased chip area. A 123 kB data-forwarding cache can reduce the read bandwidth from external memory by 53%, which leads to 44% power savings in the memory reads. To demonstrate these low-power ideas, a H.264/AVC Baseline Level 3.2 decoder ASIC was fabricated in 65 nm CMOS and verified. It operates down to 0.7 V and has a measured power down to 1.8 mW when decoding a high definition 720p video at 30 frames per second, which is over an order of magnitude lower than previously published results.by Daniel Frederic Finchelstein.Ph.D

    Piattaforme multicore e integrazione tri-dimensionale: analisi architetturale e ottimizzazione

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    Modern embedded systems embrace many-core shared-memory designs. Due to constrained power and area budgets, most of them feature software-managed scratchpad memories instead of data caches to increase the data locality. It is therefore programmers’ responsibility to explicitly manage the memory transfers, and this make programming these platform cumbersome. Moreover, complex modern applications must be adequately parallelized before they can the parallel potential of the platform into actual performance. To support this, programming languages were proposed, which work at a high level of abstraction, and rely on a runtime whose cost hinders performance, especially in embedded systems, where resources and power budget are constrained. This dissertation explores the applicability of the shared-memory paradigm on modern many-core systems, focusing on the ease-of-programming. It focuses on OpenMP, the de-facto standard for shared memory programming. In a first part, the cost of algorithms for synchronization and data partitioning are analyzed, and they are adapted to modern embedded many-cores. Then, the original design of an OpenMP runtime library is presented, which supports complex forms of parallelism such as multi-level and irregular parallelism. In the second part of the thesis, the focus is on heterogeneous systems, where hardware accelerators are coupled to (many-)cores to implement key functional kernels with orders-of-magnitude of speedup and energy efficiency compared to the “pure software” version. However, three main issues rise, namely i) platform design complexity, ii) architectural scalability and iii) programmability. To tackle them, a template for a generic hardware processing unit (HWPU) is proposed, which share the memory banks with cores, and the template for a scalable architecture is shown, which integrates them through the shared-memory system. Then, a full software stack and toolchain are developed to support platform design and to let programmers exploiting the accelerators of the platform. The OpenMP frontend is extended to interact with it.I sistemi integrati moderni sono architetture many-core, in cui spesso lo spazio di memoria è condiviso fra i processori. Per ridurre i consumi, molte di queste architetture sostituiscono le cache dati con memorie scratchpad gestite in software, per massimizzarne la località alle CPU e aumentare le performance. Questo significa che i dati devono essere spostati manualmente da parte del programmatore. Inoltre, tradurre in perfomance l’enorme parallelismo potenziale delle piattaforme many-core non è semplice. Per supportare la programmazione, diversi programming model sono stati proposti, e siccome lavorano ad un alto livello di astrazione, sfruttano delle librerie di runtime che forniscono servizi di base quali sincronizzazione, allocazione della memoria, threading. Queste librerie hanno un costo, che nei sistemi integrati è troppo elevato e ostacola il raggiungimento delle piene performance. Questa tesi analizza come un programming model ad alto livello di astrazione – OpenMP – possa essere efficientemente supportato, se il suo stack software viene adattato per sfruttare al meglio la piattaforma sottostante. In una prima parte, studio diversi meccanismi di sincronizzazione e comunicazione fra thread paralleli, portati sulle piattaforme many-core. In seguito, li utilizzo per scrivere un runtime di supporto a OpenMP che sia il più possibile efficente e “leggero” e che supporti paradigmi di parallelismo multi-livello e irregolare, spesso presenti nelle applicazioni moderne. Una seconda parte della tesi esplora le architetture eterogenee, ossia con acceleratori hardware. Queste architetture soffrono di problematiche sia i) per il processo di design della piattaforma, che ii) di scalabilità della piattaforma stessa (aumento del numero degli acceleratori e dei processori), che iii) di programmabilità. La tesi propone delle soluzioni a tutti e tre i problemi. Il linguaggio di programmazione usato è OpenMP, sia per la sua grande espressività a livello semantico, sia perché è lo standard de-facto per programmare sistemi a memoria condivisa

    Compiler techniques for scalable performance of stream programs on multicore architectures

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 211-222).Given the ubiquity of multicore processors, there is an acute need to enable the development of scalable parallel applications without unduly burdening programmers. Currently, programmers are asked not only to explicitly expose parallelism but also concern themselves with issues of granularity, load-balancing, synchronization, and communication. This thesis demonstrates that when algorithmic parallelism is expressed in the form of a stream program, a compiler can effectively and automatically manage the parallelism. Our compiler assumes responsibility for low-level architectural details, transforming implicit algorithmic parallelism into a mapping that achieves scalable parallel performance for a given multicore target. Stream programming is characterized by regular processing of sequences of data, and it is a natural expression of algorithms in the areas of audio, video, digital signal processing, networking, and encryption. Streaming computation is represented as a graph of independent computation nodes that communicate explicitly over data channels. Our techniques operate on contiguous regions of the stream graph where the input and output rates of the nodes are statically determinable. Within a static region, the compiler first automatically adjusts the granularity and then exploits data, task, and pipeline parallelism in a holistic fashion. We introduce techniques that data-parallelize nodes that operate on overlapping sliding windows of their input, translating serializing state into minimal and parametrized inter-core communication. Finally, for nodes that cannot be data-parallelized due to state, we are the first to automatically apply software-pipelining techniques at a coarse granularity to exploit pipeline parallelism between stateful nodes. Our framework is evaluated in the context of the StreamIt programming language. StreamIt is a high-level stream programming language that has been shown to improve programmer productivity in implementing streaming algorithms. We employ the StreamIt Core benchmark suite of 12 real-world applications to demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques for varying multicore architectures. For a 16-core distributed memory multicore, we achieve a 14.9x mean speedup. For benchmarks that include sliding-window computation, our sliding-window data-parallelization techniques are required to enable scalable performance for a 16-core SMP multicore (14x mean speedup) and a 64-core distributed shared memory multicore (52x mean speedup).by Michael I. Gordon.Ph.D

    Towards Computational Efficiency of Next Generation Multimedia Systems

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    To address throughput demands of complex applications (like Multimedia), a next-generation system designer needs to co-design and co-optimize the hardware and software layers. Hardware/software knobs must be tuned in synergy to increase the throughput efficiency. This thesis provides such algorithmic and architectural solutions, while considering the new technology challenges (power-cap and memory aging). The goal is to maximize the throughput efficiency, under timing- and hardware-constraints

    Architekturkonzepte fĂźr prozessorbasierte MPEG Videodecoder mit Schwerpunkt fĂźr mobile Anwendungen

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    Mobile Endgeräte basieren z. Zt. auf Systemen (System on a Chip), deren Hauptfunktionalität durch den Einsatz entsprechender Software auf eingebetteten Prozessoren gebildet wird. Aufgrund der immer kürzeren Innovationszyklen kommt der softwarebasierten Umsetzung von Applikationen für eingebettete Systeme damit eine steigende Bedeutung zu. Im Bereich der mobilfunkgestützten Anwendungen sind in zunehmendem Maße auch Multimediaapplikationen vorzufinden, die bis vor kurzem noch leistungsfähigen Systemen, wie z.B. Desktop-PCs oder dedizierten Implementierungen in Form spezieller ASICs, vorbehalten waren. Hierzu zählen auch Anwendungen, die auf entsprechenden Standards basierend, die echtzeitfähige Übertragung von Bewegtbilddaten unterstützen, wie z.B. Videotelefonie oder Broadcastdienste. Dem hohen Rechenleistungsbedarf echtzeitkritischer Multimediaapplikationen stehen hierbei jedoch die relativ leistungsschwachen Prozessoren eingebetteter Systeme gegenüber. Im Bereich der Videocodierung für Mobilfunkanwendungen hat sich der MPEG-4-Standard weitgehend etabliert und wird hier stellvertretend für alle weiteren MPEG-Videostandards ausführlich beschrieben und analysiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich daher im Kern mit dem Entwurf einer speziellen Befehls-satz- und Coprozessorerweiterung für MPEG-4-basierte Videodecoderalgorithmen, womit ein Performancegewinn von ca. 50% gegenüber einer reinen Softwareimplementierung erzielt wird. Die Erweiterungen sind in ihrer Definition generisch und daher nicht auf einen speziellen Prozessortyp zugeschnitten. Im vorliegenden Falle wird eine für Mobilfunkterminals typische RISC-Architektur herangezogen, um die Leistungsfähigkeit unter Beweis zu stellen und den Einsatz in eingebetteten Systemen aufzuzeigen. Die einzelnen Konzepte werden auf Basis einer Algorithmenanalyse hergeleitet, wobei erst eine Beschreibung der generischen Erweiterung erfolgt und anschließend die Integration in den verwendeten Prozessorkern unter Verwendung der Hardwarebeschreibungssprache VHDL beschrieben wird. Für die Bemessung des Echtzeitverhaltens wird im Rahmen der Arbeit ein spezieller Profiler entworfen, der unter anderem auch die Untersuchung und Optimierung des Speicherzugriffs-verhaltens gestattet. Mit Hilfe des Profilers werden Messungen durchgeführt, die den Rechenzeitgewinn der jewei-ligen Algorithmenteile unter Zuhilfenahme der implementierten Optimierungen aufzeigen. Ebenso wird ein Vergleich der Leistungsfähigkeit der vorgestellten Architektur mit gängigen Prozessorarchitekturen, wie Superskalare und VLIW-Prozessoren, vorgenommen. Hierbei wird ermittelt, dass das entwickelte Konzept ähnliche Resultate erbringt wie die vergleichsweise komplexeren Prozessoren. Neben der Leistungsfähigkeit steht auch die Ermittlung des Flächenbedarfs im Falle einer CMOS Gate-Array-basierten Implementierung zur Diskussion und wird ebenfalls für jede einzelne Erweiterung dargestellt

    Low power digital signal processing

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    Research on digital image watermark encryption based on hyperchaos

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    The digital watermarking technique embeds meaningful information into one or more watermark images hidden in one image, in which it is known as a secret carrier. It is difficult for a hacker to extract or remove any hidden watermark from an image, and especially to crack so called digital watermark. The combination of digital watermarking technique and traditional image encryption technique is able to greatly improve anti-hacking capability, which suggests it is a good method for keeping the integrity of the original image. The research works contained in this thesis include: (1)A literature review the hyperchaotic watermarking technique is relatively more advantageous, and becomes the main subject in this programme. (2)The theoretical foundation of watermarking technologies, including the human visual system (HVS), the colour space transform, discrete wavelet transform (DWT), the main watermark embedding algorithms, and the mainstream methods for improving watermark robustness and for evaluating watermark embedding performance. (3) The devised hyperchaotic scrambling technique it has been applied to colour image watermark that helps to improve the image encryption and anti-cracking capabilities. The experiments in this research prove the robustness and some other advantages of the invented technique. This thesis focuses on combining the chaotic scrambling and wavelet watermark embedding to achieve a hyperchaotic digital watermark to encrypt digital products, with the human visual system (HVS) and other factors taken into account. This research is of significant importance and has industrial application value

    Low power JPEG2000 5/3 discrete wavelet transform algorithm and architecture

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