1,403 research outputs found

    A Review of Medical Imaging Innovations that Impacted Patient Care in Recent Decades as Link to Future Trends

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    Background: Medical Imaging has witnessed a revolution in technological advancement, being in the forefront among other disciplines in the health sector. Most of the earlier modalities that were largely analogue and mechanical have been replaced by automated and digitized technology. Objective: To track the developments and innovations in certain aspects of medical imaging that have impacted positively on patient care. Methods: Relevant literature were searched physically and online for both old and modern technological innovations in medical imaging and patient care. Results: There have been new technologies such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and the various ramifications of ultrasonography. Innovations in imaging modalities have brought increased diagnostic accuracy, much as examination time has been drastically shortened and radiation dose levels minimized or completely dispensed with. Manufacturing of portable equipment means that technology can now be taken to the patient and more time is dedicated to patient care. Introduction of digital radiography and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems have further impacted positively on efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. Graduate degree programmes have invigorated radiographers’ drive for the discovery of new and better ways of diagnosis and treatment through research. Conclusion: Innovations in technology have led to miniaturization of equipment making it possible to take services to the critically ill patients, thereby improving patients’ accessibility to medical care. Also patients’ exposure to ionizing radiation has reduced due to improvement in research and development of new modalities using radiant energies other than ionizing radiation.&nbsp

    New technology in radiological diagnosis: An investigation of diagnostic image quality in digital displays of radiographs

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    Digital radiology is undergoing rapid evolution. Its objectives can be summarized as the creation within the modern radiology department - and indeed within the entire hospital - of a harmonious, integrated, electronic network capable of handling all diagnostic radiological images, obviating the need for conventional film-based radiology. One of the limiting factors in the introduction and exploitation of digital technology is the issue of image display quality: if electronic display systems are to be widely used for primary radiological diagnosis, it is essential that the diagnostic quality of the displayed images should not be compromised. From the perspective of the practising radiologist, this study examines the performance of the first two commercially available digital radiological display systems to be purchased and installed in a British hospital. This work incorporates an extensive observer performance investigation of image quality from existing 1024- and 1280-line display systems, and suggests that displayed images digitized at a pixel size of 210?m show a significant reduction in diagnostic performance when compared with original film. Such systems appear to be unsuitable for primary radiological diagnosis of subtle lesions. Some of the physical properties of such systems, some relevant methodological issues, and the relationship between image quality and other factors influencing the development acceptance and implementation of digital technology, have also been investigated; the results are presented. This is a controversial subject, and conflicting views have been expressed in the British literature concerning the issue of whether or not the technology is now ready for total system implementation; the view of this author is that careful testing of display systems, and of every other component of digital networks, should precede their entry into clinical use

    Pre and post computerized radiography film reject analysis in a private hospital in Kenya

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    The production of good quality radiographs is a complex process, given the high level of image quality required (Sniureviciute & Adliene, 2005: 260). Exposure of patients to x-rays, a factor in the production of quality radiographs also entails a risk of radiation injury. In 2006, computerized radiography (CR) was introduced at The Nairobi Hospital to try and reduce the film reject rate, decrease repeats, reduce financial costs of consumables like x-ray films and processing chemicals. However, to date, no formal film reject analysis has been conducted at The Nairobi Hospital. Four years after the incorporation of CR, there is apparently, still a significant number of film rejects, implying operational costs may still be high. The cause of film rejects and overall reject cost is not known. This has led to the research question: “Has the film reject rate in the A & E x-ray unit at The Nairobi Hospital reduced following incorporation of CR?” A quantitative, retrospective, descriptive study involving a reject film analysis of rejected radiographs in the Accident and Emergency (A&E) x-ray unit in the Nairobi Hospital, Kenya was conducted. The researcher collected data for a period of 6 months between 2/12/07 and 28/05/08 using a purpose-designed data collection form. All rejected x-ray films during the study period were included. Capture and analysis of the collected data was completed by the researcher using SPSS 10 and EPINFO computer packages. Permission to conduct the study was obtained from The Nairobi Hospital Education Committee and due consideration to patient and radiographer confidentiality was maintained throughout the study. A total of 851(2.5 percent) x-ray films were collected during the study period. Four hundred and fourteen (2.6 percent) radiographs and 437 (2.5 percent) radiographs were rejected prior to and after the incorporation of CR respectively. Chest radiographs were the most frequently rejected accounting for 277(66.9 percent) and 123 (28.1 percent) prior to and after the incorporation of CR respectively. The most frequently rejected film size was 35x35cm prior to the incorporation of CR (61.6 percent) and 26x35cm film size after the incorporation of CR (91.3 percent). The most frequent cause of film rejects was radiographer causes both prior to and after the incorporation of CR accounting for 496 (58.3 percent). The film reject rate did not significantly reduce after the incorporation of CR, suggesting that there are other factors which contribute to reject rate, other than CR. The study also shows that higher film consumption does not necessarily lead to high reject rates. The percentage value on annual rejects did not change after the incorporation of CR and a demonstrated increase in the annual cost of purchasing x-ray films was attributed to an increase in annual consumption after the incorporation of CR, and also to the higher cost of digital x-ray films. Despite some identified limitations to this study, some recommendations, which included conduction of regular reject analyses and regular continuing professional development with respect to radiographic technique amongst others, were suggested

    Acquisition of digital chest images for pneumoconiosis classification: Methods, procedures, and hardware

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    cdc:131061Presentation at the NIOSH Scientific Workshop : Application of the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses to Digital Chest Radiographic Images (2008 : Mar 12-13 : Washington, DC

    Managing technological change in a military treatment facility: a case study of medical diagnostic imaging support (MDIS) system

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    Picture archiving and communication system (PACS) represents an enormously expensive technological innovation in digital imaging which has the potential to alter the way in which radiology is practiced. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a better understanding of the requirements for PACS technology and the implementation of information systems in medical facilities. The objective of PACS technology is to improve access to radiographic images and reports throughout medical facilities while decreasing the cost of image production and storage. Medical Diagnostic Imaging Support (MDIS) system is the military tri-service project to install PACS in selected U.S. military medical treatment facilities (MTF) in an attempt to create a totally filmless environment. This thesis includes a case study of the implementation of the MDIS system at Madigan Army Medical Center and the change management issues that surround the introduction of an information system in a health care organization. The issues brought forth in this study are derived from two change models in the implementation of information systems.http://archive.org/details/managingtechnolo1094542869U.S. Navy (USN) authorApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Impact of cross-enterprise data sharing on portable media with decentralised upload of DICOM data into PACS

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate portable media utilisation for image data sharing between enterprises. To predict the costs required to keep up with the trend. To identify related problems. METHODS: A software package was developed to include patient image data from CD into our normal workflow. The trend in the workload of CDs that were uploaded into a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) over 89 months was analysed. The average number of images per month (and per investigation) was calculated to provide the estimation of storage and cost required in the whole process. RESULTS: All Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) files can be read from compact disc (CD) on any workstation in the hospital, processed quickly to the central server and checked after storage using the software tool. A total of 33,982,404 images from 88,952 CDs have been stored into the PACS system. In recent years, the stored images have reached an average of 4.2 terabytes (TB) uncompressed annually. CONCLUSION: Integrated information about patients is clearly needed to provide easy and timely access to these data. The steadily growing storage can be solved by a more automated approach to portable media handling or the installation and acceptance of network-based transfer using cross-enterprise document sharing (XDS). KEY POINTS: • Rapid assimilation of external imaging into a PACS system is essential. • But data distribution using portable media also carries some disadvantages. • A DICOM data uploader incorporates studies from portable media to hospital workflow. • Automated media handling or XDS should solve the steadily growing storage problem. • Software improvements will facilitate the steady increase in the amount of CDs processed
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