3,505 research outputs found

    Cooperative Label-Free Moving Target Fencing for Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Rigid Formation

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    This paper proposes a label-free controller for a second-order multi-agent system to cooperatively fence a moving target of variational velocity into a convex hull formed by the agents whereas maintaining a rigid formation. Therein, no label is predetermined for a specified agent. To attain a rigid formation with guaranteed collision avoidance, each controller consists of two terms: a dynamic regulator with an internal model to drive agents towards the moving target merely by position information feedback, and a repulsive force between each pair of adjacent agents. Significantly, sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee the asymptotic stability of the closed-loop systems governed by the proposed fencing controller. Rigorous analysis is provided to eliminate the strong nonlinear couplings induced by the label-free property. Finally, the effectiveness of the controller is substantiated by numerical simulations

    Collision-free cooperative Unmanned Aerial Vehicle protocols for sustainable aerial services

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    [EN] Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are offering many global industry sectors the opportunity to adopt more sustainable business models. They offer innovative ways of managing resources and water and offer newer opportunities to address key challenges in many areas like border surveillance, precision agriculture and search and rescue missions. All these new applications areas tend to require the cooperation of groups, or "swarms" of UAVs to provide collaborative sensing and processing solutions. These new scenarios impose new requirements in terms of safety, coordination, and operation management. This paper provides an overview of some of the technical challenges that multirotor UAVs are still facing in terms of aerial coordination and interaction. In this regard, it focusses on recent developments available in the literature and presents some contributions realised during the past few years by the authors addressing UAV interaction to achieve collision-free flights and swarm-based missions. Based on the analysis provided in this work, the paper is able to provide insight into the challenges still open that need to be solved in order to enable effective UAV-based solutions to support sustainable aerial services.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Grant/AwardNumber: RTI2018-096384-B-I00Fabra, F.; Vegni, AM.; Loscri, V.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Manzoni, P. (2022). Collision-free cooperative Unmanned Aerial Vehicle protocols for sustainable aerial services. IET Smart Cities. 4(4):231-238. https://doi.org/10.1049/smc2.120282312384

    Advancing the Standards for Unmanned Air System Communications, Navigation and Surveillance

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    Under NASA program NNA16BD84C, new architectures were identified and developed for supporting reliable and secure Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) needs for Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) operating in both controlled and uncontrolled airspace. An analysis of architectures for the two categories of airspace and an implementation technology readiness analysis were performed. These studies produced NASA reports that have been made available in the public domain and have been briefed in previous conferences. We now consider how the products of the study are influencing emerging directions in the aviation standards communities. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Communications Panel (CP), Working Group I (WG-I) is currently developing a communications network architecture known as the Aeronautical Telecommunications Network with Internet Protocol Services (ATN/IPS). The target use case for this service is secure and reliable Air Traffic Management (ATM) for manned aircraft operating in controlled airspace. However, the work is more and more also considering the emerging class of airspace users known as Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), which refers to certain UAS classes. In addition, two Special Committees (SCs) in the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) are developing Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) and Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for UAS. RTCA SC-223 is investigating an Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) and AeroMACS aviation data link for interoperable (INTEROP) UAS communications. Meanwhile, RTCA SC-228 is working to develop Detect And Avoid (DAA) equipment and a Command and Control (C2) Data Link MOPS establishing LBand and C-Band solutions. These RTCA Special Committees along with ICAO CP WG/I are therefore overlapping in terms of the Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) alternatives they are seeking to provide for an integrated manned- and unmanned air traffic management service as well as remote pilot command and control. This paper presents UAS CNS architecture concepts developed under the NASA program that apply to all three of the aforementioned committees. It discusses the similarities and differences in the problem spaces under consideration in each committee, and considers the application of a common set of CNS alternatives that can be widely applied. As the works of these committees progress, it is clear that the overlap will need to be addressed to ensure a consistent and safe framework for worldwide aviation. In this study, we discuss similarities and differences in the various operational models and show how the CNS architectures developed under the NASA program apply

    Experimental evaluation of CAM and DENM messaging services in vehicular communications

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    The Cooperative Awareness Basic Service and Decentralized Environmental Notification Basic Service have been standardized by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to support vehicular safety and traffic efficiency applications needing continuous status information about surrounding vehicles and asynchronous notification of events, respectively. These standard specifications detail not only the packet formats for both the Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) and Decentralized Environmental Notification Message (DENM), but also the general message dissemination rules. These basic services, also known as facilities, have been developed as part of a set of standards in which both ISO and ETSI describe the Reference Communication Architecture for future Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). By using a communications stack that instantiates this reference architecture, this paper puts in practice the usage of both facilities in a real vehicular scenario. This research work details implementation decisions and evaluates the performance of CAM and DENM facilities through a experimental testbed deployed in a semi-urban environment that uses IEEE 802.11p (ETSI G5-compliant), which is a WiFi-like communication technology conceived for vehicular communications. On the one hand, this validation considers the development of two ITS applications using CAM and DENM functionalities for tracking vehicles and disseminating traffic incidences. In this case, CAM and DENM have demonstrated to be able to offer all the necessary functionality for the study case. On the other hand, both facilities have been also validated in a extensive testing campaign in order to analyze the influence in CAM and DENM performance of aspects such as vehicle speed, signal quality or message dissemination rules. In these tests, the line of sight, equipment installation point and hardware capabilities, have been found as key variables in the network performance, while the vehicle speed has implied a slight impact.This work has been sponsored by the European Seventh Framework Program, through the ITSSv6 (contract 270519), FOTsis (contract 270447) and GEN6 (contract 297239) projects, and the Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Walkie-Talkie project (TIN2011-27543-C03)

    The Use of Predator Proof Fencing as a Management Tool in the Hawaiian Islands: A Case Study of Ka`ena Point Natural Area Reserve

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    Reports were scanned in black and white at a resolution of 600 dots per inch and were converted to text using Adobe Paper Capture Plug-in.The Ka`ena Point Ecosystem Restoration Project was the result of a partnership between the Hawai`i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife and State Parks, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Hawai`i Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ka`ena Point Natural Area Reserve (NAR) hosts one of the largest seabird colonies in the main Hawaiian islands, three species of endangered plants, and is a pupping ground for the endangered Hawaiian monk seals. Prior to fence construction, nesting seabirds and native plants were under constant threat from predatory animals; up to 15% of seabird chicks were killed each year prior to fledging and many endangered plants were unable to reproduce as a result of seed predation. The project involved the construction of predator-proof fencing (2m tall) to prevent feral predators such as dogs, cats, mongoose, rats and mice from entering into 20ha of coastal habitat within Ka`ena Point, followed by removal of these species

    Ordering-Flexible Multi-Robot Coordination for MovingTarget Convoying Using Long-TermTask Execution

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    In this paper, we propose a cooperative long-term task execution (LTTE) algorithm for protecting a moving target into the interior of an ordering-flexible convex hull by a team of robots resiliently in the changing environments. Particularly, by designing target-approaching and sensing-neighbor collision-free subtasks, and incorporating these subtasks into the constraints rather than the traditional cost function in an online constraint-based optimization framework, the proposed LTTE can systematically guarantee long-term target convoying under changing environments in the n-dimensional Euclidean space. Then, the introduction of slack variables allow for the constraint violation of different subtasks; i.e., the attraction from target-approaching constraints and the repulsion from time-varying collision-avoidance constraints, which results in the desired formation with arbitrary spatial ordering sequences. Rigorous analysis is provided to guarantee asymptotical convergence with challenging nonlinear couplings induced by time-varying collision-free constraints. Finally, 2D experiments using three autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, and 3D simulations tackling changing environmental elements, such as different initial positions, some robots suddenly breakdown and static obstacles are presented to demonstrate the multi-dimensional adaptability, robustness and the ability of obstacle avoidance of the proposed method

    Managing a Fleet of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) using Cloud Robotics Platform

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    In this paper, we provide details of implementing a system for managing a fleet of autonomous mobile robots (AMR) operating in a factory or a warehouse premise. While the robots are themselves autonomous in its motion and obstacle avoidance capability, the target destination for each robot is provided by a global planner. The global planner and the ground vehicles (robots) constitute a multi agent system (MAS) which communicate with each other over a wireless network. Three different approaches are explored for implementation. The first two approaches make use of the distributed computing based Networked Robotics architecture and communication framework of Robot Operating System (ROS) itself while the third approach uses Rapyuta Cloud Robotics framework for this implementation. The comparative performance of these approaches are analyzed through simulation as well as real world experiment with actual robots. These analyses provide an in-depth understanding of the inner working of the Cloud Robotics Platform in contrast to the usual ROS framework. The insight gained through this exercise will be valuable for students as well as practicing engineers interested in implementing similar systems else where. In the process, we also identify few critical limitations of the current Rapyuta platform and provide suggestions to overcome them.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, journal pape

    Wild pig damage abatement education and applied research actvities

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    Last updated: 10/11/201

    Tier 1 Highway Security Sensitive Material Dynamic Risk Management

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    Each year, over 2 billion tons of hazardous materials are shipped in the United States, with over half of that being moved on commercial vehicles. Given their relatively poor or nonexistent defenses and inconspicuousness, commercial vehicles transporting hazardous materials are an easy target for terrorists. Before carriers or security agencies recognize that something is amiss, their contents could be detonated or released. From 2006 to 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) recorded 144,643 incidents involving a release of hazardous materials. Although there were no known instances of terrorism being the cause, accidental releases involving trucks carrying hazardous materials are not an uncommon occurrence. At this time, no systems have been developed and operationalized to monitor the movement of vehicles transporting hazardous materials. The purpose of this dissertation is to propose a comprehensive risk management system for monitoring Tier 1 Highway Security Sensitive Materials (HSSMs) which are shipped aboard commercial vehicles in the U.S. Chapter 2 examines the history and current state of hazardous materials transportation. Since the late 19th century, the federal government often introduced new regulations in response to hazardous materials incidents. However, over the past 15 years few binding policies or legislation have been enacted. This demonstrates that government agencies and the U.S. Congress are not inclined to introduce new laws and rules that could hamper business. In 2003, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and other agencies led efforts to develop a prototype hazardous materials tracking system (PHTS) that mapped the location of hazardous materials shipments and quantified the level of risk associated with each one. The second half of this chapter uses an in-­‐depth gap analysis to identify deficiencies and demonstrate in what areas the prototype system does not comply with government specifications. Chapter 3 addresses the lack of customized risk equations for Tier 1 HSSMs and develops a new set of risk equations that can be used to dynamically evaluate the level of risk associated with individual hazardous materials shipments. This chapter also discusses the results of a survey that was administered to public and private industry stakeholders. Its purpose was to understand the current state of hazardous materials regulations, the likelihood of hazardous materials release scenarios, what precautionary measures can be used, and what influence social variables may have on the aggregate consequences of a hazardous materials release. The risk equation developed in this paper takes into account the survey responses as well as those risk structures already in place. The overriding goal is to preserve analytical tractability, implement a form that is usable by federal agencies, and provide stakeholders with accurate information about the risk profiles of different vehicles. Due to congressional inaction on hazardous 3 materials transportation issues, securing support from carriers and other industry stakeholders is the most viable solution to bolstering hazardous materials security. Chapter 4 presents the system architecture for The Dynamic Hazardous Materials Risk Assessment Framework (DHMRA), a GIS-­‐based environment in which hazardous materials shipments can be monitored in real time. A case study is used to demonstrate the proposed risk equation; it simulates a hazardous materials shipment traveling from Ashland, Kentucky to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The DHMRA maps risk data, affording security personnel and other stakeholders the opportunity to evaluate how and why risk profiles vary across time and space. DHRMA’s geo-­‐fencing capabilities also trigger automatic warnings. This framework, once fully implemented, can inform more targeted policies to enhance the security of hazardous materials. It will contribute to maintaining secure and efficient supply chains while protecting the communities that live nearest to the most heavily trafficked routes. Continuously monitoring hazardous materials provides a viable way to understand the risks presented by a shipment at a given moment and enables better, more coordinated responses in the event of a release. Implementation of DHRMA will be challenging because it requires material and procedural changes that could disrupt agency operations or business practices — at least temporarily. Nevertheless, DHRMA stands ready for implementation, and to make the shipment of hazardous materials a more secure, safe, and certain process. Although DHMRA was designed primarily with terrorism in mind, it is also useful for examining the impacts of accidental hazardous materials releases. Future iterations of DHMRA could expand on its capabilities by incorporating modeling data on the release and dispersion of toxic gases, liquids, and other substances