1,823 research outputs found

    Towards privacy preserving cooperative cloud based intrusion detection systems

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    Les systèmes infonuagiques deviennent de plus en plus complexes, dynamiques et vulnérables aux attaques. Par conséquent, il est de plus en plus difficile pour qu'un seul système de détection d'intrusion (IDS) basé sur le cloud puisse repérer toutes les menaces, en raison des lacunes de connaissances sur les attaques et leurs conséquences. Les études récentes dans le domaine de la cybersécurité ont démontré qu'une coopération entre les IDS d'un nuage pouvait apporter une plus grande efficacité de détection dans des systèmes informatiques aussi complexes. Grâce à cette coopération, les IDS d'un nuage peuvent se connecter et partager leurs connaissances afin d'améliorer l'exactitude de la détection et obtenir des bénéfices communs. L'anonymat des données échangées par les IDS constitue un élément crucial de l'IDS coopérative. Un IDS malveillant pourrait obtenir des informations confidentielles d'autres IDS en faisant des conclusions à partir des données observées. Pour résoudre ce problème, nous proposons un nouveau système de protection de la vie privée pour les IDS en nuage. Plus particulièrement, nous concevons un système uniforme qui intègre des techniques de protection de la vie privée dans des IDS basés sur l'apprentissage automatique pour obtenir des IDS qui respectent les informations personnelles. Ainsi, l'IDS permet de cacher des informations possédant des données confidentielles et sensibles dans les données partagées tout en améliorant ou en conservant la précision de la détection. Nous avons mis en œuvre un système basé sur plusieurs techniques d'apprentissage automatique et de protection de la vie privée. Les résultats indiquent que les IDS qui ont été étudiés peuvent détecter les intrusions sans utiliser nécessairement les données initiales. Les résultats (c'est-à-dire qu'aucune diminution significative de la précision n'a été enregistrée) peuvent être obtenus en se servant des nouvelles données générées, analogues aux données de départ sur le plan sémantique, mais pas sur le plan synthétique.Cloud systems are becoming more sophisticated, dynamic, and vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, it's becoming increasingly difficult for a single cloud-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to detect all attacks, because of limited and incomplete knowledge about attacks and their implications. The recent works on cybersecurity have shown that a co-operation among cloud-based IDSs can bring higher detection accuracy in such complex computer systems. Through collaboration, cloud-based IDSs can consult and share knowledge with other IDSs to enhance detection accuracy and achieve mutual benefits. One fundamental barrier within cooperative IDS is the anonymity of the data the IDS exchanges. Malicious IDS can obtain sensitive information from other IDSs by inferring from the observed data. To address this problem, we propose a new framework for achieving a privacy-preserving cooperative cloud-based IDS. Specifically, we design a unified framework that integrates privacy-preserving techniques into machine learning-based IDSs to obtain privacy-aware cooperative IDS. Therefore, this allows IDS to hide private and sensitive information in the shared data while improving or maintaining detection accuracy. The proposed framework has been implemented by considering several machine learning and privacy-preserving techniques. The results suggest that the consulted IDSs can detect intrusions without the need to use the original data. The results (i.e., no records of significant degradation in accuracy) can be achieved using the newly generated data, similar to the original data semantically but not synthetically

    Symbiotic Evolution of Rule Based Classifiers

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    Collaborative Applications of Internet of Things in various spheres of life: Past, Present and Future

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) connects and establishes communication between physical objects from creatures to machinery over the Internet without human involvement that is embedded with sensors, actuators, software, and various other technologies linked together through wired or wireless networks. In the foreseeable future, the application fields of the Internet of Things will increase continuously and dramatically. This paper considers the current progress of the Internet of Things in the real world and presents various tangible applications of IoT in field of agriculture, industries, smart retails, automated systems, smart buildings, automotive IoT, wearable items, transportation, covid -19, e-health, security and intrusion detection. The paper also provides overview of the collaborative applications of the Internet of Things with Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, Data Management, Cryptography and Blockchain to disseminate its applications for a better understanding of the research community to apply IoT in further innovative fields

    A forensically-enabled IASS cloud computing architecture

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    Current cloud architectures do not support digital forensic investigators, nor comply with today’s digital forensics procedures largely due to the dynamic nature of the cloud. Whilst much research has focused upon identifying the problems that are introduced with a cloud-based system, to date there is a significant lack of research on adapting current digital forensic tools and techniques to a cloud environment. Data acquisition is the first and most important process within digital forensics – to ensure data integrity and admissibility. However, access to data and the control of resources in the cloud is still very much provider-dependent and complicated by the very nature of the multi-tenanted operating environment. Thus, investigators have no option but to rely on cloud providers to acquire evidence, assuming they would be willing or are required to by law. Furthermore, the evidence collected by the Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) is still questionable as there is no way to verify the validity of this evidence and whether evidence has already been lost. This paper proposes a forensic acquisition and analysis model that fundamentally shifts responsibility of the data back to the data owner rather than relying upon a third party. In this manner, organisations are free to undertaken investigations at will requiring no intervention or cooperation from the cloud provider. The model aims to provide a richer and complete set of admissible evidence than what current CSPs are able to provide

    IPAL: Breaking up Silos of Protocol-dependent and Domain-specific Industrial Intrusion Detection Systems

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    The increasing interconnection of industrial networks exposes them to an ever-growing risk of cyber attacks. To reveal such attacks early and prevent any damage, industrial intrusion detection searches for anomalies in otherwise predictable communication or process behavior. However, current efforts mostly focus on specific domains and protocols, leading to a research landscape broken up into isolated silos. Thus, existing approaches cannot be applied to other industries that would equally benefit from powerful detection. To better understand this issue, we survey 53 detection systems and find no fundamental reason for their narrow focus. Although they are often coupled to specific industrial protocols in practice, many approaches could generalize to new industrial scenarios in theory. To unlock this potential, we propose IPAL, our industrial protocol abstraction layer, to decouple intrusion detection from domain-specific industrial protocols. After proving IPAL's correctness in a reproducibility study of related work, we showcase its unique benefits by studying the generalizability of existing approaches to new datasets and conclude that they are indeed not restricted to specific domains or protocols and can perform outside their restricted silos

    A local feature engineering strategy to improve network anomaly detection

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    The dramatic increase in devices and services that has characterized modern societies in recent decades, boosted by the exponential growth of ever faster network connections and the predominant use of wireless connection technologies, has materialized a very crucial challenge in terms of security. The anomaly-based intrusion detection systems, which for a long time have represented some of the most efficient solutions to detect intrusion attempts on a network, have to face this new and more complicated scenario. Well-known problems, such as the difficulty of distinguishing legitimate activities from illegitimate ones due to their similar characteristics and their high degree of heterogeneity, today have become even more complex, considering the increase in the network activity. After providing an extensive overview of the scenario under consideration, this work proposes a Local Feature Engineering (LFE) strategy aimed to face such problems through the adoption of a data preprocessing strategy that reduces the number of possible network event patterns, increasing at the same time their characterization. Unlike the canonical feature engineering approaches, which take into account the entire dataset, it operates locally in the feature space of each single event. The experiments conducted on real-world data showed that this strategy, which is based on the introduction of new features and the discretization of their values, improves the performance of the canonical state-of-the-art solutions
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