13 research outputs found

    Class movement and re-location: An empirical study of Java inheritance evolution

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Journal of Systems and Software. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2009 Elsevier B.V.Inheritance is a fundamental feature of the Object-Oriented (OO) paradigm. It is used to promote extensibility and reuse in OO systems. Understanding how systems evolve, and specifically, trends in the movement and re-location of classes in OO hierarchies can help us understand and predict future maintenance effort. In this paper, we explore how and where new classes were added as well as where existing classes were deleted or moved across inheritance hierarchies from multiple versions of four Java systems. We observed first, that in one of the studied systems the same set of classes was continuously moved across the inheritance hierarchy. Second, in the same system, the most frequent changes were restricted to just one sub-part of the overall system. Third, that a maximum of three levels may be a threshold when using inheritance in a system; beyond this level very little activity was observed, supporting earlier theories that, beyond three levels, complexity becomes overwhelming. We also found evidence of ‘collapsing’ hierarchies to bring classes up to shallower levels. Finally, we found that larger classes and highly coupled classes were more frequently moved than smaller and less coupled classes. Statistical evidence supported the view that larger classes and highly coupled classes were less cohesive than smaller classes and lowly coupled classes and were thus more suitable candidates for being moved (within an hierarchy)

    Restructuring source code identifiers

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    In software engineering, maintenance cost 60% of overall project lifecycle costs of any software product. Program comprehension is a substantial part of maintenance and evolution cost and, thus, any advancement in maintenance, evolution, and program understanding will potentially greatly reduce the total cost of ownership of any software products. Identifiers are an important source of information during program understanding and maintenance. Programmers often use identifiers to build their mental models of the software artifacts. Thus, poorly-chosen identifiers have been reported in the literature as misleading and increasing the program comprehension effort. Identifiers are composed of terms, which can be dictionary words, acronyms, contractions, or simple strings. We conjecture that the use of identical terms in different contexts may increase the risk of faults, and hence maintenance effort. We investigate our conjecture using a measure combining term entropy and term context-coverage to study whether certain terms increase the odds ratios of methods to be fault-prone. We compute term entropy and context-coverage of terms extracted from identifiers in Rhino 1.4R3 and ArgoUML 0.16. We show statistically that methods containing terms with high entropy and context-coverage are more fault-prone than others, and that the new measure is only partially correlated with size. We will build on this study, and will apply summarization technique for extracting linguistic information form methods and classes. Using this information, we will extract domain concepts from source code, and propose linguistic based refactoring

    Revisiting Test Impact Analysis in Continuous Testing From the Perspective of Code Dependencies

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    In continuous testing, developers execute automated test cases once or even several times per day to ensure the quality of the integrated code. Although continuous testing helps ensure the quality of the code and reduces maintenance effort, it also significantly increases test execution overhead. In this thesis, we empirically evaluate the effectiveness of test impact analysis from the perspective of code dependencies in the continuous testing setting. We first applied test impact analysis to one year of software development history in 11 large-scale open-source systems. We found that even though the number of changed files is small in daily commits (median ranges from 3 to 28 files), around 50% or more of the test cases are still impacted and need to be executed. Motivated by our finding, we further studied the code dependencies between source code files and test cases, and among test cases. We found that 1) test cases often focus on testing the integrated behaviour of the systems; 2) 18% of the test cases have dependencies with other test cases, and test case inheritance is the most common cause of test case dependencies; 3) We documented four dependency-related test smells that we uncovered in our manual study. Our study provides the first step towards studying and understanding the effectiveness of test impact analysis in the continuous testing setting and provides insights on improving test design and execution

    What Programmers do with Inheritance in Java and C#

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    Inheritance is a widely used concept in modern object oriented software engineering. Previous studies show that inheritance is widely used in practice yet empirical data about how it is used in practice is scarce. An empirical study into this subject has been done by Tempero, Yang and Noble titled “What Programmers do with Inheritance in Java” [1]. This study replicates and extends the study by Tempero et al through inclusion of C# and explanation of the differences and similarities between the languages with respect to practical use of inheritance. It contributes towards the validation and broadening of original conclusions. This study presents a comparative analysis of 169 open source C# and Java systems totalling around 23 million lines of code. Interesting findings are presented on the potential effects of forbidding implicit dynamic binding and inferring types for local variables on the practical use of inheritance amongst C# and Java open-source systems

    A Controlled Experiment on Inheritance Depth as a Cost Factor for Code Maintenance

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    In two controlled experiments we compare the performance on code maintenance tasks for three equivalent programs with 0, 3, and 5 levels of inheritance. For the given tasks, which focus on understanding effort more than change effort, programs with less inheritance were faster to maintain. Daly et al. previously reported similar experiments on the same question with quite different results. They found that the 5-level program tended to be harder to maintain than the 0-level program, while the 3-level program was significantly easier to maintain than the 0-level program. We describe the design and setup of our experiment, the differences to the previous ones, and the results obtained. Ours and the previous experiments are different in several ways: We used a longer and more complex program, made an inheritance diagram available to the subjects, and added a second kind of maintenance task. When taken together, the previous results plus ours suggest that there is no such thing a..

    An Empirical Study on The Impact of C++ Lambdas And Programmer Experience

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    Lambda functions have become prevalent in mainstream programming languages, as they are increasingly introduced to widely used object oriented programming languages such as Java and C++. Some in the scientific literature argue that this feature increases programmer productivity, ease of reading, and makes parallel programming easier. Others are less convinced, citing concerns that the use of lambdas makes debugging harder. This thesis describes the design, execution and results of an experiment to test the impact of using lambda functions compared to the iterator design pattern for iteration tasks, as a first step in evaluating these claims. The approach is a randomized controlled trial, which focuses on the percentage of tasks completed, number of compiler errors, the percentage of time to fix such errors, and the amount of time it takes to complete programming tasks correctly. The overall goal is to investigate, if lambda functions have an impact on the ability of developers to complete tasks, or the amount of time taken to complete them. Additionally, it is tested if developers introduce more errors while using lambda functions and if fixing errors takes them more time. Lastly, the impact of experience level on productivity is evaluated by comparing the performance of participants from different levels of experience with one-another. Participants were assigned one of five levels based on their progress in the computer science major. The five levels were freshman, sophomore, junior, senior and professional. The professional level was assigned to individuals out of school with 5 or more years of professional experience. Results show that the impact of using lambdas, as opposed to iterators, on the number of tasks completed was significant. The impact on time to completion, number of errors introduced during the experiment and times spent fixing errors were also found to be significant. The analysis of the difference between the different levels of experience also shows a significant difference. The percentage of time spent on fixing compilation errors was 56.37% for the lambda group while it was 44.2% for the control group with 3.5% of the variance being explained by the group difference. 45.7% of the variance in the sample was explained by the difference between the level of education. Therefore, this study suggests that earlier findings that student results are comparable with the results of professional developers are to be considered carefully