13 research outputs found

    Assessing the Perceptions of Academic Librarians Towards the Practices of Knowledge Management in University libraries of Punjab

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    The new trend knowledge economy emerged from the last decade in academia and business industry. Whilst knowledge management the subfield of knowledge economy, knowledge management is an entirely new conception and way of management. The research main purpose is to postulate the process of. knowledge possession, formation, sharing, categorization and retaining amongst the university librarians of the Punjab, Pakistan. For data collection for this study, Survey method was used. The research tool was developed for data collection on the basis of published literature. The analyzed results showed that aspects of KM; knowledge possession, systematization, acquisition, knowledge retention and knowledge creation practices become an assist of organization to progress and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. These are basic factors for the accomplishment of an organization and play main job to attain the organizational goals. It is the role of Km is very essential for the availability of services, effectiveness, efficiency, performance and productivity of the professionals. The findings of this study can be used by the academic libraries and other organizations to develop their practices

    Disseminating scientific research: a double-edged sword?

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    Practitioners rarely have the time or propensity to read scientific research, and scholarly researchers seldom write for non-academic audiences. Nevertheless, both groups would probably agree that researchers could solve many problems faced by practitioners and that research is important to guide practice. This article acknowledges scientists’ failure to communicate successfully with practitioners, and discusses the main differences between academic and practitioner-oriented journals in management and business related disciplines. Author guidelines of the most prominent journals that appeal to both academics and practitioners are reviewed and discussed. A thorough literature review is also conducted to support the arguments. The article offers suggestions on how to narrow the gap between academics and practitioners and how to find a way of not only delivering science to practitioners, but also making science benefit society. Progress is necessary to move toward a better academic–practitioner dialogue and thereby advance both science and practicePeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The importance of knowledge management in supporting research and development in an academic library

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    Research and development (R&D) is very common nowadays in which an organization can experience future growth by developing new products or processes to improve and expand their operations. Knowledge management environment, can either lead to the development of new products or procedures, or to the improvement of existing products or procedures. The aim of this paper is to describe the importance of knowledge management in an academic library in supporting the library’s mission which is to provide excellent resources, services and facilities to support the customer’s requirement in enhancing learning, teaching, research and consultancy activities. Academic libraries especially those belonging to research universities should implement knowledge management in enhancing and expanding research based services to the university’s community

    Concepts of Knowledge Management among Library & Information Science Professionals

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    This study aims to identify, collect and critically review the research literature on the concepts of Knowledge Management (KM) among Library & Information Science (LIS) professionals. The present study is based on the review of published work in the field of KM and librarianship. It has been observed that the knowledge which is embedded in people (their skill and expertise) as well as knowledge of working processes of libraries (explicit knowledge) recognized as the important sources of knowledge within libraries. Skills of LIS professionals in librarianship and information management can be very beneficial to KM, but these are not sufficient and there is a need to acquire additional competencies in the fields of communication, human resource management, change management, project management. Based on the extensive review of literature, this study provides a theoretical foundation for further research to investigate the problems and prospects of implementing KM in libraries

    Information literacy and its relationship to knowledge management

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    This paper explores the perceived commonalities between information literacy (IL) and knowledge management (KM) and the different contexts in which the two areas of theory and practice manifest themselves. It approaches the study in terms of, first, the widespread interest in KM within the Library and Information Services (LIS) community; second, the belief, supported by research into workplace IL, that IL and the fostering of an information literate workforce are key components in any KM initiative; and, third, the LIS profession’s long-standing interest and expertise in IL instruction. KM is put into context with reference to two publications by Standards Australia and from this the main functions of a knowledge manager are delineated. It is suggested, with reference to IL in higher education and workplace contexts and to well-articulated models of knowledge transfer, such as SECI, that there are significant commonalities between IL and KM but that there are equally significant differences between the two. The paper argues that research in each domain can inform the other but that IL represents a fraction of the KM domain, so attempts to conflate the two may cause confusion rather than providing a pathway for information professionals and others pursuing workplace IL. Finally the paper provides recommendations for further research and suggests a scalar approach to conceptualising KM and IL practice

    Information Outlook, July/August 2010

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    Volume 14, Issue 5https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_io_2010/1004/thumbnail.jp

    The role of Namibian ministerial librarians in knowledge management

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    Magister Bibliothecologiae - MBiblThe core traditional functions of the library namely collecting, processing, disseminating, storing and the utilization of documented information in order to supply information services and resources, have changed. In the information / knowledge society era, the library manages both external and internal knowledge of the host organization. This can be achieved through the process of collection of relevant information, processing, organizing and dissemination to ensure that information / knowledge contents housed in the library are retrievable and accessible to the targeted audience, using various dissemination channels. Librarians ensure that the targeted audiences are equipped with the skills to locate, evaluate, and use available and useful information / knowledge effectively, by providing information literacy training to them. Studies have found the visibility of librarians in the knowledge management environment to be very low and the utilization of their skills to be minimal. Therefore, this study investigated the practice of knowledge management by ministerial librarians in Namibia. The study relied on the Bukowitz and Williams Knowledge Management (KM) framework (2000). This framework is appropriate to the study because it consists of different stages (GET, USE, LEARN, CONTRIBUTE, ASSESS, BUILD / SUSTAIN, AND DIVEST) that address the themes of the focus of the study,thus making it relevant to effective and efficient knowledge management in an enterprise such as the government ministries.The method of data collection and analysis employed was qualitative, with semi structured interviews. The results of the study revealed that few ministerial librarians are practicing knowledge management by ensuring that they are identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing the ministry’s knowledge/information assets, for it to add value and improve the performance of employees as they contribute to the strategic missions of the ministries. Viewed from that perspective, the findings reveal some barriers which prohibit ministerial librarians to effectively practice knowledge management, which among of them include: inadequate training; limited resources for ICT infrastructure adaption and purchasing of resources meeting the needs of the ministry; staffing shortage, bureaucratic system, and others. Based on the findings, the researcher therefore recommends that certain measures need to be put in place to address the short comings to effective knowledge management so that ministerial librarians are able to render services to their users for them to become independent lifelong learners

    A content analysis of literature regarding knowledge management opportunities for librarians

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report on the progress of research regarding the opportunities for librarians within the context of knowledge management. Design/methodology/approach – A content analysis of 28 full-length journal articles indexed by Library Literature in the past ten years was conducted. Findings – Findings indicate that more researchers than practitioners are aware of knowledge management opportunities, utilised more literature reviews and based their findings on theory. In addition, an unexpected finding was that the majority of researchers communicated their findings in professional rather than scholarly journals. Practitioners should therefore give attention to studies conducted by researchers to become aware of opportunities they could not identify themselves. Research limitations/implications – Only full-length journal articles indexed by Library Literature were included. Thus the findings may have limitations in their generalisability. Practical implications – Results of the study may assist in the improvement of teaching and research in library and information science. Additionally, librarians may become aware of the opportunities and acquire guidelines on how to attain the necessary requirements towards enhancing their role and ultimately boosting their image. Originality/value – The study shows the progress of research regarding the knowledge management opportunities for librarians to researchers and practitioners interested in this field

    Framework de gestão do conhecimento para bibliotecas universitárias

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2015.As Bibliotecas Universitárias são instituições que têm a função de prover informações e conhecimentos aos seus usuários (comunidade universitária), porém suas atribuições têm se modificado em virtude de mudanças sociais e tecnológicas. A sociedade da informação e do conhecimento e a facilidade de disponibilização e acesso de informações nessa era digital têm caracterizado um ambiente instável e sujeito a mudanças. Por isso, identificou-se a necessidade de caracterizar e tratar as Bibliotecas Universitárias como Sistemas Adaptativos Complexos. Nesse sentido, para atender a essa demanda e inovar, as Bibliotecas Universitárias estão engajando-se em práticas de Gestão do Conhecimento, assim como em sua implementação. No entanto, essa tarefa requer estudo, conhecimento e, acima de tudo, muito trabalho. A ausência de modelos e ferramental específicos que trabalhem a Gestão do Conhecimento em Bibliotecas Universitárias de forma integrada e não apenas setores ou funções motivou a presente pesquisa. Esta tese de doutorado desenvolveu um framework, denominado GC@BU, com a proposta de apoiar a concepção e implantação da Gestão do Conhecimento em Bibliotecas Universitárias, partindo de uma abordagem dos Sistemas Adaptativos Complexos. O referido framework foi desenvolvido com base em abordagens existentes na literatura, das quais foram extraídas informações dos modelos conceituais e metodologias já existentes, procurando construir uma nova proposta que fosse capaz de dar conta da lacuna identificada na literatura para a concepção e implantação da Gestão do Conhecimento em Bibliotecas Universitárias. O GC@BU é composto por três módulos: Coordenação de Gestão do Conhecimento; Recursos de Conhecimento e Espaços de Conhecimento/Aprendizagem. Suas funções são bem definidas, como designam seus próprios nomes, porém são interligados e interdependentes. A avaliação do modelo foi realizada por três grupos focais na ocasião de um workshop organizado pela autora, com apoio da Biblioteca Universitária e do Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento da UFSC. A avaliação ocorrida no ?I Workshop Gestão do Conhecimento em Bibliotecas Universitárias? demonstrou interesse dos gestores de bibliotecas pelo framework, mostrando a possibilidade de uso da ferramenta e agregando a esta pesquisa sugestões pontuais que foramimplementadas na versão final do GC@BU, entre elas: novo design do framework; inclusão de exemplos, proporcionando contextualização; estabelecimento de relacionamentos entre os elementos/módulos. Concluindo com a clareza de que o atendimento aos objetivos desta tese foi cumprido, reforçando a ideia de garantir a amplitude do papel das Bibliotecas Universitárias e sua importância no suporte à construção e gestão do conhecimento nas universidades, por meio da disponibilização do [email protected] : The University Libraries are institution with the purpose of providing information and knowledge to its users (the university community), however its assignments have been modified due to technological and social changes. The information and knowledge society and the ease availability and access to information in this digital era have characterized an unstable and changeable environment. Therefore, it has been identified the need to define and treat the University Libraries as Complex Adaptive Systems. Thus, to achieve this request and innovate, the University Libraries have been applying Knowledge Management practices, as well as its implementation. However, this task requires study, knowledge and, above all, hard work. What motivated this research was the absence of specific models and tools that use Knowledge Management in University Libraries in an integrated way, and not just its sectors or functions. This doctoral thesis has developed a framework, called GC@BU, with the proposal to support the design and implementation of Knowledge Management in University Libraries, starting from a Complex Adaptive Systems approach. This framework was developed based on existing approaches in the literature, of which conceptual models information and existing methodologies were extracted, seeking to build a new proposal that was capable to bridge the gap identified in the literature for the design and implementation of Management knowledge in University Libraries. The GC@BU consists of three modules: Knowledge Management Coordination; Knowledge Resources and Knowledge/ Learning Spaces. Its functions are well defined, as pointed by their names, but they are interconnected and interdependent. The model evaluation was performed by three focus groups on the occasion of a workshop organized by the author, with the support of the University Library and the Department of Knowledge Engineering and Management of UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina). This evaluation took place in the "1st Knowledge Management in University Libraries Workshop" and pointed out the interest of library managers in the framework, showing the possibility of tool usage and adding to this research specific suggestions that were implemented in the final version of the GC @ BU: including: new framework design; examples include providing context; establishing relationships between the elements / modules. Concluding with the clarity thatthe fulfillment of objectives of this thesis was completed, reinforcing the idea of ensuring the amplitude of the role of University Libraries and its importance in supporting the construction and management of knowledge in universities, by providing the GC @ BU