652 research outputs found

    Beyond swarm intelligence: The Ultraswarm

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    This paper explores the idea that it may be possible to combine two ideas – UAV flocking, and wireless cluster computing – in a single system, the UltraSwarm. The possible advantages of such a system are considered, and solutions to some of the technical problems are identified. Initial work on constructing such a system based around miniature electric helicopters is described

    HeRoSwarm: Fully-Capable Miniature Swarm Robot Hardware Design With Open-Source ROS Support

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    Experiments using large numbers of miniature swarm robots are desirable to teach, study, and test multi-robot and swarm intelligence algorithms and their applications. To realize the full potential of a swarm robot, it should be capable of not only motion but also sensing, computing, communication, and power management modules with multiple options. Current swarm robot platforms developed for commercial and academic research purposes lack several of these critical attributes by focusing only on a few of these aspects. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the HeRoSwarm, a fully-capable swarm robot platform with open-source hardware and software support. The proposed robot hardware is a low-cost design with commercial off-the-shelf components that uniquely integrates multiple sensing, communication, and computing modalities with various power management capabilities into a tiny footprint. Moreover, our swarm robot with odometry capability with Robot Operating Systems (ROS) support is unique in its kind. This simple yet powerful swarm robot design has been extensively verified with different prototyping variants and multi-robot experimental demonstrations

    Drones and Sensors Ecosystem to Maximise the “Storm Effects” in Case of CBRNe Dispersion in Large Geographic Areas

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    The advancements in the field of robotics, specifically in the aerial robotics, combined with technological improvements of the capability of drones, have increased dramatically the use of these devices as a valuable tool in a wide range of applications. From civil to commercial and military area, the requirements in the emerging application for monitoring complex scenarios that are potentially dangerous for operators give rise to the need of a more powerful and sophisticated approach. This work aims at proposing the use of swarm drones to increase plume detection, tracking and source declaration for chemical releases. The several advantages which this technology may lead to this research and application fields are investigated, as well as the research and technological activities to be performed to make swarm drones efficient, reliable, and accurate

    Drones and sensors ecosystem to maximise the "storm effects" in case of cbrne dispersion in large geographic areas

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    Miniature mobile sensor platforms for condition monitoring of structures

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    In this paper, a wireless, multisensor inspection system for nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of materials is described. The sensor configuration enables two inspection modes-magnetic (flux leakage and eddy current) and noncontact ultrasound. Each is designed to function in a complementary manner, maximizing the potential for detection of both surface and internal defects. Particular emphasis is placed on the generic architecture of a novel, intelligent sensor platform, and its positioning on the structure under test. The sensor units are capable of wireless communication with a remote host computer, which controls manipulation and data interpretation. Results are presented in the form of automatic scans with different NDE sensors in a series of experiments on thin plate structures. To highlight the advantage of utilizing multiple inspection modalities, data fusion approaches are employed to combine data collected by complementary sensor systems. Fusion of data is shown to demonstrate the potential for improved inspection reliability

    On-Board High-Performance Computing For Multi-Robot Aerial Systems

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    With advancements in low-energy-consumption multi/many core embedded-computing devices, a logical transition for robotic systems is Supercomputing, formally known as high performance computing (HPC), a tool currently used for solving the most complex problems for humankind such as the origin of the universe, the finding of deceases’ cures, etc. As such, HPC has always been focused on scientific inquires. However, its scope can be widening up to include missions carried out with robots. Since a robot could be embedded with computing devices, a set of robots could be set as a cluster of computers, the most reliable HPC infrastructure. The advantages of setting up such an infrastructure are many, from speeding up on-board computation up to providing a multi-robot system with robustness, scalability, user transparency, etc., all key features in supercomputing. This chapter presents a middleware technology for the enabling of high performance computing in multi-robot systems, in particular for aerial robots. The technology can be used for the automatic deployment of cluster computing in multi-robot systems, the utilization of standard HPC technologies, and the development of HPC applications in multiple fields such as precision agriculture, military, civilian, search and rescue, etc

    Cooperative strategies for the detection and localization of odorants with robots and artificial noses

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    En este trabajo de investigación se aborda el diseño de una plataforma robótica orientada a la implementación de estrategias de búsqueda cooperativa bioinspiradas. En particular, tanto el proceso de diseño de la parte electrónica como hardware se han enfocado hacia la validación en entornos reales de algoritmos capaces de afrontar problemas de búsqueda con incertidumbre, como lo es la búsqueda de fuentes de olor que presentan variación espacial y temporal. Este tipo de problemas pueden ser resueltos de forma más eficiente con el empleo de enjambres con una cantidad razonable de robots, y por tanto la plataforma ha sido desarrollada utilizando componentes de bajo coste. Esto ha sido posible por la combinación de elementos estandarizados -como la placa controladora Arduino y otros sensores integrados- con piezas que pueden ser fabricadas mediante una impresora 3D atendiendo a la filosofía del hardware libre (open-source). Entre los requisitos de diseño se encuentran además la eficiencia energética -para maximizar el tiempo de funcionamiento de los robots-, su capacidad de posicionamiento en el entorno de búsqueda, y la integración multisensorial -con la inclusión de una nariz electrónica, sensores de luminosidad, distancia, humedad y temperatura, así como una brújula digital-. También se aborda el uso de una estrategia de comunicación adecuada basada en ZigBee. El sistema desarrollado, denominado GNBot, se ha validado tanto en los aspectos de eficiencia energética como en sus capacidades combinadas de posicionamiento espacial y de detección de fuentes de olor basadas en disoluciones de etanol. La plataforma presentada -formada por el GNBot, su placa electrónica GNBoard y la capa de abstracción software realizada en Python- simplificará por tanto el proceso de implementación y evaluación de diversas estrategias de detección, búsqueda y monitorización de odorantes, con la estandarización de enjambres de robots provistos de narices artificiales y otros sensores multimodales.This research work addresses the design of a robotic platform oriented towards the implementation of bio-inspired cooperative search strategies. In particular, the design processes of both the electronics and hardware have been focused towards the real-world validation of algorithms that are capable of tackling search problems that have uncertainty, such as the search of odor sources that have spatio-temporal variability. These kind of problems can be solved more efficiently with the use of swarms formed by a considerable amount of robots, and thus the proposed platform makes use of low cost components. This has been possible with the combination of standardized elements -as the Arduino controller board and other integrated sensors- with custom parts that can be manufactured with a 3D printer attending to the open-source hardware philosophy. Among the design requirements is the energy efficiency -in order to maximize the working range of the robots-, their positioning capability within the search environment, and multiple sensor integration -with the incorporation of an artificial nose, luminosity, distance, humidity and temperature sensors, as well as an electronic compass-. Another subject that is tackled is the use of an efficient wireless communication strategy based on ZigBee. The developed system, named GNBot, has also been validated in the aspects of energy efficiency and for its combined capabilities for autonomous spatial positioning and detection of ethanol-based odor sources. The presented platform -formed by the GNBot, the GNBoard electronics and the abstraction layer built in Python- will thus simplify the processes of implementation and evaluation of various strategies for the detection, search and monitoring of odorants with conveniently standardized robot swarms provided with artificial noses and other multimodal sensors