4 research outputs found

    A study in industrial robot programming

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    This project is concerned with learning the tec1mology and programming of servo controlled industrial robots. A Mitsubishi RV-2AJ articulated robot was used in this project. The project work is divided into two parts: In the first part of the project the author familiarized herself with the operation and programming of the robot's manipulator and controller hardware by carrying out some laboratory experiments. A set oflaboratory sheets were produced from this exercise. In the second part, the author studied the mechanics of software control of the robot. A user-defined trajectory planning routine based on the cubic spline fitting function has successfhlly been developed in this project

    Study of robotics systems applications to the space station program

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    Applications of robotics systems to potential uses of the Space Station as an assembly facility, and secondarily as a servicing facility, are considered. A typical robotics system mission is described along with the pertinent application guidelines and Space Station environmental assumptions utilized in developing the robotic task scenarios. A functional description of a supervised dual-robot space structure construction system is given, and four key areas of robotic technology are defined, described, and assessed. Alternate technologies for implementing the more routine space technology support subsystems that will be required to support the Space Station robotic systems in assembly and servicing tasks are briefly discussed. The environmental conditions impacting on the robotic configuration design and operation are reviewed

    A forecast of space technology, 1980 - 2000

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    The future of space technology in the United States during the period 1980-2000 was presented, in relation to its overall role within the space program. Conclusions were drawn and certain critical areas were identified. Three different methods to support this work were discussed: (1) by industry, largely without NASA or other government support, (2) partially by industry, but requiring a fraction of NASA or similar government support, (3) currently unique to space requirements and therefore relying almost totally on NASA support. The proposed work was divided into the following areas: (1) management of information (acquisition, transfer, processing, storing) (2) management of energy (earth-to-orbit operations, space power and propulsion), (3) management of matter (animate, inanimate, transfer, storage), (4) basic scientific resources for technological advancement (cryogenics, superconductivity, microstructures, coherent radiation and integrated optics technology)

    2000 Revisited - Visionen der Welt von morgen im Gestern und Heute

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    Zukunftsvisionen entfalten eine performative Wirkung, da sie politische Debatten anstoßen und gesellschaftliche Missstände, Hoffnungen und Ängste artikulieren. In ihnen angedachte Zeithorizonte – etwa das Jahr 2000 – werden mitunter zu einem Synonym für die Zukunft selbst. Der vorliegende Band führt Fallstudien aus Geschichte, Philosophie, Soziologie und Technikfolgenabschätzung zusammen und veranschaulicht die Wirksamkeit der Zukunftsvisionen und die Bedeutung von soziotechnischen Deadlines