57 research outputs found

    Non-Uniform Spline Quasi-Interpolation to Extract the Series Resistance in Resistive Switching Memristors for Compact Modeling Purposes

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    This research was funded by the Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidad, Junta de Andalucia (Spain) and the FEDER programme under projects A.TIC.117.UGR18 and IE2017-5414.An advanced new methodology is presented to improve parameter extraction in resistive memories. The series resistance and some other parameters in resistive memories are obtained, making use of a two-stage algorithm, where the second one is based on quasi-interpolation on nonuniform partitions. The use of this latter advanced mathematical technique provides a numerically robust procedure, and in this manuscript, we focus on it. The series resistance, an essential parameter to characterize the circuit operation of resistive memories, is extracted from experimental curves measured in devices based on hafnium oxide as their dielectric layer. The experimental curves are highly non-linear, due to the underlying physics controlling the device operation, so that a stable numerical procedure is needed. The results also allow promising expectations in the massive extraction of new parameters that can help in the characterization of the electrical device behavior.Junta de AndaluciaEuropean Commission A.TIC.117.UGR18 IE2017-541

    Variability estimation in resistive switching devices, a numerical and kinetic Monte Carlo perspective

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    Acknowledgments The authors thank the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the FEDER program through projects TEC2017-84321-C4-1-R, TEC2017-84321-C4-3-R, and projects A.TIC.117.UGR18, IE2017-5414 and B.TIC.624.UGR20 funded by the Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía (Spain) and the FEDER program. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUAWe have analyzed variability in resistive memories (Resistive Random Access Memories, RRAMs) making use of advanced numerical techniques to process experimental measurements and simulations based on the kinetic Monte Carlo technique. The devices employed in the study were fabricated using the TiN/Ti/HfO2/W stack. The switching parameters were obtained making use of new developed extraction methods. The appropriateness of the advanced parameter extraction methodologies has been checked by comparison to kinetic Monte Carlo simulations; in particular, the reset and set events have been studied and detected. The data obtained were employed to shed light on the resistive switching operation and the cycle-to-cycle variability. It has been shown that variability depends on the numerical technique employed to obtain the set and reset voltages, therefore, this issue must be taken into consideration in RS characterization and modeling studies. The proposed techniques are complementary and depending on the technology and the curves shape the features of a particular method could make it to be the most appropriate.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the FEDER program through projects TEC2017-84321-C4-1-R, TEC2017-84321-C4-3-RConsejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía (Spain) and the FEDER program, projects A.TIC.117.UGR18, IE2017-5414 and B.TIC.624.UGR20Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Charge-Based Compact Modeling of Capacitances and Low-Frequency Noise in Organic Thin-Film Transistors

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    Els transistors orgànics de capa prima són candidats prometedors per a noves aplicacions electròniques a causa de la possibilitat de fabricar dispositius electrònics orgànics a baixes temperatures sobre substrats flexibles com el plàstic o el paper. Aquesta tesi doctoral tracta del desenvolupament d'un model compacte basat en la càrrega per a la descripció del comportament capacitiu i del soroll de baixa freqüència en transistors orgànics de capa prima. A partir d'un model de corrent continu existent, es deriven expressions per a les càrregues totals en condicions d'operació quasi estàtica. Els efectes no quasistàtics es capturen mitjançant diferents mètodes, com ara l'enfocament de segmentació de canals o funcions d'escalat depenents de la freqüència de les àrees del transistor on es calculen les càrregues. El model de les càrregues totals es verifica mitjançant mesures de capacitat d'un TFT orgànic esglaonat i per simulacions numèriques de TFT orgànics en les arquitectures esglaonades i coplanars mitjançant el simulador de dispositiu Sentaurus TCAD. Els models no quasistàtics es verifiquen mitjançant mesures d'admitància depenents de la freqüència d'un transistor esglaonat i per mesures de paràmetres de dispersió de transistors coplanars i esglalonats. El model compacte s'implementa en el llenguatge de descripció de hardware Verilog-A i la simulació d'un amplificador diferencial es compara amb les mesures, amb les quals es mostra un bon acord. El model de soroll es verifica mitjançant mesures de TFT orgànics esglalonats i simulacions TCAD. El model compacte mostra en general una bona concordança i flexibilitat en general pel que fa a l'arquitectura del dispositiu (per exemple, esglaonat o coplanar) i els materials utilitzats.Los transistores orgánicos de capa fina son candidatos prometedores para nuevas aplicaciones electrónicas debido a la posibilidad de fabricar dispositivos electrónicos orgánicos a bajas temperaturas en sustratos flexibles como plástico o papel. Esta tesis doctoral trata del desarrollo de un modelo compacto basado en la carga para la descripción del comportamiento capacitivo y el ruido de baja frecuencia en transistores orgánicos de capa fina. A partir de un modelo DC existente, se desarrollan expresiones para las cargas totales en condiciones de operación cuasiestáticas. Los efectos no cuasiestáticos se capturan mediante diferentes métodos, como la aproximación de segmentación del canal o las funciones de escalado dependientes de la frecuencia de las áreas del transistor donde se calculan las cargas. El modelo para las cargas totales se verifica mediante medidas de capacitancia de un TFT orgánico escalonado y mediante simulaciones numéricas de TFT orgánicos en las arquitecturas escalonada y coplanar utilizando el simulador de dispositivo TCAD Sentaurus. Los modelos no cuasiestáticos se verifican mediante medidas de admitancia dependientes de la frecuencia de un transistor escalonado y mediante medidas de parámetros de dispersión de transistores coplanares y escalonados. El modelo compacto se implementó en el lenguaje de descripción de hardware Verilog-A y la simulación de un amplificador diferencial se compara con medidas, observándose una buena concordancia. El modelo de ruido se verifica mediante medidas de TFT orgánicos escalonados y mediante simulaciones TCAD. El modelo compacto muestra en general una buena concordancia y flexibilidad con respecto a la arquitectura del dispositivo (p. ej. escalonado o coplanar) y los materiales utilizados.Organic thin-film transistors are promising candidates for novel electronics applications due to the possibility of fabricating organic electronic devices at low temperatures on flexible substrates like plastic or paper. This doctoral thesis deals with the development of a charge-based compact model for the description of the capacitive behavior and the low-frequency noise in organic thin-film transistors. Based on an existing DC model, expressions for the total charges under quasistatic operation conditions are derived. Non-quasistatic effects are captured by different methods, such as the channel-segmentation approach or frequency-dependent scaling functions of the areas in the transistor where charges are calculated. The model for the total charges is verified by capacitance measurements of a staggered organic TFT and by numerical simulations of organic TFTs in the staggered and coplanar architectures using the device simulator Sentaurus TCAD. The non-quasistatic models are verified by frequency-dependent admittance measurements of a staggered transistor and by scattering-parameter measurements of coplanar and staggered transistors. The compact model is implemented in the hardware description language Verilog-A and the simulation of a differential amplifier is compared to measurements, which shows a good agreement. The noise model is verified by measurements of staggered organic TFTs and by TCAD simulations. The compact model shows an overall good agreement and flexibility with respect to the device architecture (e. g. staggered or coplanar) and the used materials

    Modeling and Simulation in Engineering

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    The general aim of this book is to present selected chapters of the following types: chapters with more focus on modeling with some necessary simulation details and chapters with less focus on modeling but with more simulation details. This book contains eleven chapters divided into two sections: Modeling in Continuum Mechanics and Modeling in Electronics and Engineering. We hope our book entitled "Modeling and Simulation in Engineering - Selected Problems" will serve as a useful reference to students, scientists, and engineers

    Circuit Design

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    Circuit Design = Science + Art! Designers need a skilled "gut feeling" about circuits and related analytical techniques, plus creativity, to solve all problems and to adhere to the specifications, the written and the unwritten ones. You must anticipate a large number of influences, like temperature effects, supply voltages changes, offset voltages, layout parasitics, and numerous kinds of technology variations to end up with a circuit that works. This is challenging for analog, custom-digital, mixed-signal or RF circuits, and often researching new design methods in relevant journals, conference proceedings and design tools unfortunately gives the impression that just a "wild bunch" of "advanced techniques" exist. On the other hand, state-of-the-art tools nowadays indeed offer a good cockpit to steer the design flow, which include clever statistical methods and optimization techniques.Actually, this almost presents a second breakthrough, like the introduction of circuit simulators 40 years ago! Users can now conveniently analyse all the problems (discover, quantify, verify), and even exploit them, for example for optimization purposes. Most designers are caught up on everyday problems, so we fit that "wild bunch" into a systematic approach for variation-aware design, a designer's field guide and more. That is where this book can help! Circuit Design: Anticipate, Analyze, Exploit Variations starts with best-practise manual methods and links them tightly to up-to-date automation algorithms. We provide many tractable examples and explain key techniques you have to know. We then enable you to select and setup suitable methods for each design task - knowing their prerequisites, advantages and, as too often overlooked, their limitations as well. The good thing with computers is that you yourself can often verify amazing things with little effort, and you can use software not only to your direct advantage in solving a specific problem, but also for becoming a better skilled, more experienced engineer. Unfortunately, EDA design environments are not good at all to learn about advanced numerics. So with this book we also provide two apps for learning about statistic and optimization directly with circuit-related examples, and in real-time so without the long simulation times. This helps to develop a healthy statistical gut feeling for circuit design. The book is written for engineers, students in engineering and CAD / methodology experts. Readers should have some background in standard design techniques like entering a design in a schematic capture and simulating it, and also know about major technology aspects

    Circuit Design

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    Circuit Design = Science + Art! Designers need a skilled "gut feeling" about circuits and related analytical techniques, plus creativity, to solve all problems and to adhere to the specifications, the written and the unwritten ones. You must anticipate a large number of influences, like temperature effects, supply voltages changes, offset voltages, layout parasitics, and numerous kinds of technology variations to end up with a circuit that works. This is challenging for analog, custom-digital, mixed-signal or RF circuits, and often researching new design methods in relevant journals, conference proceedings and design tools unfortunately gives the impression that just a "wild bunch" of "advanced techniques" exist. On the other hand, state-of-the-art tools nowadays indeed offer a good cockpit to steer the design flow, which include clever statistical methods and optimization techniques.Actually, this almost presents a second breakthrough, like the introduction of circuit simulators 40 years ago! Users can now conveniently analyse all the problems (discover, quantify, verify), and even exploit them, for example for optimization purposes. Most designers are caught up on everyday problems, so we fit that "wild bunch" into a systematic approach for variation-aware design, a designer's field guide and more. That is where this book can help! Circuit Design: Anticipate, Analyze, Exploit Variations starts with best-practise manual methods and links them tightly to up-to-date automation algorithms. We provide many tractable examples and explain key techniques you have to know. We then enable you to select and setup suitable methods for each design task - knowing their prerequisites, advantages and, as too often overlooked, their limitations as well. The good thing with computers is that you yourself can often verify amazing things with little effort, and you can use software not only to your direct advantage in solving a specific problem, but also for becoming a better skilled, more experienced engineer. Unfortunately, EDA design environments are not good at all to learn about advanced numerics. So with this book we also provide two apps for learning about statistic and optimization directly with circuit-related examples, and in real-time so without the long simulation times. This helps to develop a healthy statistical gut feeling for circuit design. The book is written for engineers, students in engineering and CAD / methodology experts. Readers should have some background in standard design techniques like entering a design in a schematic capture and simulating it, and also know about major technology aspects

    Emerging Converter Topologies and Control for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems

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    Continuous cost reduction of photovoltaic (PV) systems and the rise of power auctions resulted in the establishment of PV power not only as a green energy source but also as a cost-effective solution to the electricity generation market. Various commercial solutions for grid-connected PV systems are available at any power level, ranging from multi-megawatt utility-scale solar farms to sub-kilowatt residential PV installations. Compared to utility-scale systems, the feasibility of small-scale residential PV installations is still limited by existing technologies that have not yet properly address issues like operation in weak grids, opaque and partial shading, etc. New market drivers such as warranty improvement to match the PV module lifespan, operation voltage range extension for application flexibility, and embedded energy storage for load shifting have again put small-scale PV systems in the spotlight. This Special Issue collects the latest developments in the field of power electronic converter topologies, control, design, and optimization for better energy yield, power conversion efficiency, reliability, and longer lifetime of the small-scale PV systems. This Special Issue will serve as a reference and update for academics, researchers, and practicing engineers to inspire new research and developments that pave the way for next-generation PV systems for residential and small commercial applications

    Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications

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    This book focuses on new sensing technologies, measurement techniques, and their applications in medicine and healthcare. Specifically, the book briefly describes the potential of smart sensors in the aforementioned applications, collecting 24 articles selected and published in the Special Issue “Smart Sensors for Healthcare and Medical Applications”. We proposed this topic, being aware of the pivotal role that smart sensors can play in the improvement of healthcare services in both acute and chronic conditions as well as in prevention for a healthy life and active aging. The articles selected in this book cover a variety of topics related to the design, validation, and application of smart sensors to healthcare