220 research outputs found

    Bayesian Estimation of White Matter Atlas from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging

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    We present a Bayesian probabilistic model to estimate the brain white matter atlas from high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data. This model incorporates a shape prior of the white matter anatomy and the likelihood of individual observed HARDI datasets. We first assume that the atlas is generated from a known hyperatlas through a flow of diffeomorphisms and its shape prior can be constructed based on the framework of large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM). LDDMM characterizes a nonlinear diffeomorphic shape space in a linear space of initial momentum uniquely determining diffeomorphic geodesic flows from the hyperatlas. Therefore, the shape prior of the HARDI atlas can be modeled using a centered Gaussian random field (GRF) model of the initial momentum. In order to construct the likelihood of observed HARDI datasets, it is necessary to study the diffeomorphic transformation of individual observations relative to the atlas and the probabilistic distribution of orientation distribution functions (ODFs). To this end, we construct the likelihood related to the transformation using the same construction as discussed for the shape prior of the atlas. The probabilistic distribution of ODFs is then constructed based on the ODF Riemannian manifold. We assume that the observed ODFs are generated by an exponential map of random tangent vectors at the deformed atlas ODF. Hence, the likelihood of the ODFs can be modeled using a GRF of their tangent vectors in the ODF Riemannian manifold. We solve for the maximum a posteriori using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and derive the corresponding update equations. Finally, we illustrate the HARDI atlas constructed based on a Chinese aging cohort of 94 adults and compare it with that generated by averaging the coefficients of spherical harmonics of the ODF across subjects

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationRecent developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provide an in vivo and noninvasive tool for studying the human brain. In particular, the detection of anisotropic diffusion in biological tissues provides the foundation for diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), an MRI modality. This modality opens new opportunities for discoveries of the brain's structural connections. Clinically, DWI is often used to analyze white matter tracts to understand neuropsychiatric disorders and the connectivity of the central nervous system. However, due to imaging time required, DWI used in clinical studies has a low angular resolution. In this dissertation, we aim to accurately track and segment the white matter tracts and estimate more representative models from low angular DWI. We first present a novel geodesic approach to segmentation of white matter tracts from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), estimated from DWI. Geodesic approaches treat the geometry of brain white matter as a manifold, often using the inverse tensor field as a Riemannian metric. The white matter pathways are then inferred from the resulting geodesics. A serious drawback of current geodesic methods is that geodesics tend to deviate from the major eigenvectors in high-curvature areas in order to achieve the shortest path. We propose a method for learning an adaptive Riemannian metric from the DTI data, where the resulting geodesics more closely follow the principal eigenvector of the diffusion tensors even in high-curvature regions. Using the computed geodesics, we develop an automatic way to compute binary segmentations of the white matter tracts. We demonstrate that our method is robust to noise and results in improved geodesics and segmentations. Then, based on binary segmentations, we present a novel Bayesian approach for fractional segmentation of white matter tracts and simultaneous estimation of a multitensor diffusion model. By incorporating a prior that assumes the tensor fields inside each tract are spatially correlated, we are able to reliably estimate multiple tensor compartments in fiber crossing regions, even with low angular diffusion-weighted imaging. This reduces the effects of partial voluming and achieves a more reliable analysis of diffusion measurements

    Geodesic tractography segmentation for directional medical image analysis

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    Acknowledgements page removed per author's request, 01/06/2014.Geodesic Tractography Segmentation is the two component approach presented in this thesis for the analysis of imagery in oriented domains, with emphasis on the application to diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imagery (DW-MRI). The computeraided analysis of DW-MRI data presents a new set of problems and opportunities for the application of mathematical and computer vision techniques. The goal is to develop a set of tools that enable clinicians to better understand DW-MRI data and ultimately shed new light on biological processes. This thesis presents a few techniques and tools which may be used to automatically find and segment major neural fiber bundles from DW-MRI data. For each technique, we provide a brief overview of the advantages and limitations of our approach relative to other available approaches.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Tannenbaum, Allen; Committee Member: Barnes, Christopher F.; Committee Member: Niethammer, Marc; Committee Member: Shamma, Jeff; Committee Member: Vela, Patrici

    Geodesic shape regression in the framework of currents

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    pre-printShape regression is emerging as an important tool for the statistical analysis of time dependent shapes. In this paper, we develop a new generative model which describes shape change over time, by extending simple linear regression to the space of shapes represented as currents in the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) framework. By analogy with linear regression, we estimate a baseline shape (intercept) and initial momenta (slope) which fully parameterize the geodesic shape evolution. This is in contrast to previous shape regression methods which assume the baseline shape is fixed. We further leverage a control point formulation, which provides a discrete and low di- mensional parameterization of large diffeomorphic transformations. This flexible system decouples the parameterization of deformations from the specific shape representation, allowing the user to define the dimensionality of the deformation parameters. We present an optimization scheme that estimates the baseline shape, location of the control points, and initial momenta simultaneously via a single gradient descent algorithm. Finally, we demonstrate our proposed method on synthetic data as well as real anatomical shape complexes

    Bundle-specific Tractogram Distribution Estimation Using Higher-order Streamline Differential Equation

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    Tractography traces the peak directions extracted from fiber orientation distribution (FOD) suffering from ambiguous spatial correspondences between diffusion directions and fiber geometry, which is prone to producing erroneous tracks while missing true positive connections. The peaks-based tractography methods 'locally' reconstructed streamlines in 'single to single' manner, thus lacking of global information about the trend of the whole fiber bundle. In this work, we propose a novel tractography method based on a bundle-specific tractogram distribution function by using a higher-order streamline differential equation, which reconstructs the streamline bundles in 'cluster to cluster' manner. A unified framework for any higher-order streamline differential equation is presented to describe the fiber bundles with disjoint streamlines defined based on the diffusion tensor vector field. At the global level, the tractography process is simplified as the estimation of bundle-specific tractogram distribution (BTD) coefficients by minimizing the energy optimization model, and is used to characterize the relations between BTD and diffusion tensor vector under the prior guidance by introducing the tractogram bundle information to provide anatomic priors. Experiments are performed on simulated Hough, Sine, Circle data, ISMRM 2015 Tractography Challenge data, FiberCup data, and in vivo data from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) data for qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The results demonstrate that our approach can reconstruct the complex global fiber bundles directly. BTD reduces the error deviation and accumulation at the local level and shows better results in reconstructing long-range, twisting, and large fanning tracts

    From Diffusion MRI to Brain Connectomics

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    International audienceDiffusion MRI (dMRI) is a unique modality of MRI which allows one to indirectly examine the microstructure and integrity of the cerebral white matter in vivo and non-invasively. Its success lies in its capacity to reconstruct the axonal connectivity of the neurons, albeit at a coarser resolution, without having to operate on the patient, which can cause radical alterations to the patient's cognition. Thus dMRI is beginning to assume a central role in studying and diagnosing important pathologies of the cerebral white matter, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, as well as in studying its physical structure in vivo. In this chapter we present an overview of the mathematical tools that form the framework of dMRI - from modelling the MRI signal and measuring diffusion properties, to reconstructing the axonal connectivity of the cerebral white matter, i.e., from Diffusion Weighted Images (DWIs) to the human connectome
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