10 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of Role Colouring Planar Graphs, Trees and Cographs

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    We prove several results about the complexity of the role colouring problem. A role colouring of a graph GG is an assignment of colours to the vertices of GG such that two vertices of the same colour have identical sets of colours in their neighbourhoods. We show that the problem of finding a role colouring with 1<k<n1< k <n colours is NP-hard for planar graphs. We show that restricting the problem to trees yields a polynomially solvable case, as long as kk is either constant or has a constant difference with nn, the number of vertices in the tree. Finally, we prove that cographs are always kk-role-colourable for 1<kn1<k\leq n and construct such a colouring in polynomial time

    The Complexity of Surjective Homomorphism Problems -- a Survey

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    We survey known results about the complexity of surjective homomorphism problems, studied in the context of related problems in the literature such as list homomorphism, retraction and compaction. In comparison with these problems, surjective homomorphism problems seem to be harder to classify and we examine especially three concrete problems that have arisen from the literature, two of which remain of open complexity

    Graph homomorphisms and components of quotient graphs

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    We study how the number c(X)c(X) of components of a graph XX can be expressed through the number and properties of the components of a quotient graph X/.X/\sim. We partially rely on classic qualifications of graph homomorphisms such as locally constrained homomorphisms and on the concept of equitable partition and orbit partition. We introduce the new definitions of pseudo-covering homomorphism and of component equitable partition, exhibiting interesting inclusions among the various classes of considered homomorphisms. As a consequence, we find a procedure for computing c(X)c(X) when the projection on the quotient X/X/\sim is pseudo-covering. That procedure becomes particularly easy to handle when the partition corresponding to X/X/\sim is an orbit partition.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0296

    Exploiting structure to cope with NP-hard graph problems: Polynomial and exponential time exact algorithms

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    An ideal algorithm for solving a particular problem always finds an optimal solution, finds such a solution for every possible instance, and finds it in polynomial time. When dealing with NP-hard problems, algorithms can only be expected to possess at most two out of these three desirable properties. All algorithms presented in this thesis are exact algorithms, which means that they always find an optimal solution. Demanding the solution to be optimal means that other concessions have to be made when designing an exact algorithm for an NP-hard problem: we either have to impose restrictions on the instances of the problem in order to achieve a polynomial time complexity, or we have to abandon the requirement that the worst-case running time has to be polynomial. In some cases, when the problem under consideration remains NP-hard on restricted input, we are even forced to do both. Most of the problems studied in this thesis deal with partitioning the vertex set of a given graph. In the other problems the task is to find certain types of paths and cycles in graphs. The problems all have in common that they are NP-hard on general graphs. We present several polynomial time algorithms for solving restrictions of these problems to specific graph classes, in particular graphs without long induced paths, chordal graphs and claw-free graphs. For problems that remain NP-hard even on restricted input we present exact exponential time algorithms. In the design of each of our algorithms, structural graph properties have been heavily exploited. Apart from using existing structural results, we prove new structural properties of certain types of graphs in order to obtain our algorithmic results

    Graph-based Pattern Matching and Discovery for Process-centric Service Architecture Design and Integration

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    Process automation and applications integration initiatives are often complex and involve significant resources in large organisations. The increasing adoption of service-based architectures to solve integration problems and the widely accepted practice of utilising patterns as a medium to reuse design knowledge motivated the definition of this work. In this work a pattern-based framework and techniques providing automation and structure to address the process and application integration problem are proposed. The framework is a layered architecture providing modelling and traceability support to different abstraction layers of the integration problem. To define new services - building blocks of the integration solution - the framework includes techniques to identify process patterns in concrete process models. Graphs and graph morphisms provide a formal basis to represent patterns and their relation to models. A family of graph-based algorithms support automation during matching and discovery of patterns in layered process service models. The framework and techniques are demonstrated in a case study. The algorithms implementing the pattern matching and discovery techniques are investigated through a set of experiments from an empirical evaluation. Observations from conducted interviews to practitioners provide suggestions to enhance the proposed techniques and direct future work regarding analysis tasks in process integration initiatives

    A complete complexity classification of the role assignment problem

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    In social network theory a society is often represented by a simple graph G, where vertices stand for individuals and edges represent relationships between those individuals. The description of the social network is tried to be simplified by assigning roles to the individuals, such that the neighborhood relation is preserved. Formally, for a fixed graph R we ask for a vertex mapping r:VG→VR, such that r(NG(u))=NR(r(u)) for all uVG. If such a mapping exists the graph G is called R-role assignable and the corresponding decision problem is called the R-role assignment problem. Kristiansen and Telle conjectured that the R-role assignment problem is an -complete problem for any simple connected graph R on at least three vertices. In this paper we prove their conjecture. In addition, we determine the computational complexity of the role assignment problem for nonsimple and disconnected role graphs, as these are considered in social network theory as well