169 research outputs found

    An admission control scheme for IEEE 802.11e wireless local area networks

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-84).Recent times has seen a tremendous increase in the deployment and use of 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). These networks are easy to deploy and maintain, while providing reasonably high data rates at a low cost. In the paradigm of Next-Generation-Networks (NGNs), WLANs can be seen as an important access network technology to support IP multimedia services. However a traditional WLAN does not provide Quality of Service (QoS) support since it was originally designed for best effort operation. The IEEE 802. 11e standard was introduced to overcome the lack of QoS support for the legacy IEEE 802 .11 WLANs. It enhances the Media Access Control (MAC) layer operations to incorporate service differentiation. However, there is a need to prevent overloading of wireless channels, since the QoS experienced by traffic flows is degraded with heavily loaded channels. An admission control scheme for IEEE 802.11e WLANs would be the best solution to limit the amount of multimedia traffic so that channel overloading can be prevented. Some of the work in the literature proposes admission control solutions to protect the QoS of real-time traffic for IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA). However, these solutions often under-utilize the resources of the wireless channels. A measurement-aided model-based admission control scheme for IEEE 802.11e EDCA WLANs is proposed to provide reasonable bandwidth guarantees to all existing flows. The admission control scheme makes use of bandwidth estimations that allows the bandwidth guarantees of all the flows that are admitted into the network to be protected. The bandwidth estimations are obtained using a developed analytical model of IEEE 802.11e EDCA channels. The admission control scheme also aims to accept the maximum amount of flows that can be accommodated by the network's resources. Through simulations, the performance of the proposed admission control scheme is evaluated using NS-2. Results show that accurate bandwidth estimations can be obtained when comparing the estimated achievable bandwidth to actual simulated bandwidth. The results also validate that the bandwidth needs of all admitted traffic are always satisfied when the admission control scheme is applied. It was also found that the admission control scheme allows the maximum amount of flows to be admitted into the network, according the network's capacity

    Optimal Configuration of 802.1e EDCA for Real-Time and Data Traffic

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    The enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) mechanism of the IEEE 802.11e standard provides quality-of-service (QoS) support through service differentiation by using different medium-access-control (MAC) parameters for different stations. The configuration of these parameters, however, is still an open research challenge, as the standard provides only a set of fixed recommended values that do not take into account the current wireless local area network (WLAN) conditions and, therefore, lead to suboptimal performance. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for EDCA that, given the throughput and delay requirements of the stations that are present in the WLAN, computes the optimal configuration of the EDCA parameters. We first present a throughput and delay analysis that provides the mathematical foundation upon which our algorithm is based. This analysis is validated through simulations of different traffic sources (both data and real time) and EDCA configurations. We then propose a mechanism to derive the optimal configuration of the EDCA parameters, given a set of performance criteria for throughput and delay. We assess the effectiveness of the configuration provided by our algorithm by comparing it against 1) the recommended values by the standard, 2) the results from an exhaustive search over the parameter space, and 3) previous configuration proposals, which are both standard and nonstandard compliant. Results show that our configuration outperforms all other approaches.European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramThis work was supported in part by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement 214994.Publicad

    Performance Evaluation of Wireless Medium Access Control Protocols for Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things makes the residents in Smart Cities enjoy a more efficient and high-quality lifestyle by wirelessly interconnecting the physical and visual world. However, the performance of wireless networks is challenged by the ever-growing wireless traffic data, the complexity of the network structures, and various requirements of Quality of Service (QoS), especially on the Internet of Vehicle and wireless sensor networks. Consequently, the IEEE 802.11p and 802.11ah standards were designed to support effective inter-vehicle communications and large-scale sensor networks, respectively. Although their Medium Access Control protocols have attracted much research interest, they have yet to fully consider the influences of channel errors and buffer sizes on the performance evaluation of these Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols. Therefore, this thesis first proposed a new analytical model based on a Markov chain and Queuing analysis to evaluate the performance of IEEE 802.11p under imperfect channels with both saturated and unsaturated traffic. All influential factors of the Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) mechanism in IEEE 802.11p are considered, including the backoff counter freezing, Arbitration Inter-Frame Spacing (AIFS) defers, the internal collision, and finite MAC buffer sizes. Furthermore, this proposed model considers more common and actual conditions with the influence of channel errors and finite MAC buffer sizes. The effectiveness and accuracy of the developed model have been validated through extensive ns-3 simulation experiments. Second, this thesis proposes a developed analytical model based on Advanced Queuing Analysis and the Gilbert-Elliot model to analyse the performance of IEEE 802.11p with burst error transmissions. This proposed analytical model simultaneously describes transmission queues for all four Access Categories (AC) queues with the influence of burst errors. Similarly, this presented model can analyse QoS performance, including throughputs and end-to-end delays with the unsaturated or saturated load traffics. Furthermore, this model operates under more actual bursty error channels in vehicular environments. In addition, a series of simulation experiments with a natural urban environment is designed to validate the efficiency and accuracy of the presented model. The simulation results reflect the reliability and effectiveness of the presented model in terms of throughput and end-to-end delays under various channel conditions. Third, this thesis designed and implemented a simulation experiment to analyse the performance of IEEE 802.11ah. These simulation experiments are based on ns-3 and an extension. These simulation experiments' results indicate the Restricted Access Window (RAW) mechanism's influence on the throughputs, end-to-end delays, and packet loss rates. Furthermore, the influences of channel errors and bursty errors are considered in the simulations. The results also show the strong impact of channel errors on the performance of IEEE 802.11ah due to urban environments. Finally, the potential future work based on the proposed models and simulations is analysed in this thesis. The proposed models of IEEE 802.11p can be an excellent fundamental to optimise the QoS due to the precise evaluation of the influence of factors on the performance of IEEE 802.11p. Moreover, it is possible to migrate the analytical models of IEEE 802.11p to evaluate the performance of IEEE 802.11ah

    Design and analysis of MAC protocols for wireless networks

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    During the last few years, wireless networking has attracted much of the research and industry interest. In addition, almost all current wireless devices are based on the IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16 standards for the local and metropolitan area networks (LAN/MAN) respectively. Both of these standards define the medium access control layer (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) parts of a wireless user. In a wireless network, the MAC protocol plays a significant role in determining the performance of the whole network and individual users. Accordingly, many challenges are addressed by research to improve the performance of MAC operations in IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.16 standards. Such performance is measured using different metrics like the throughput, fairness, delay, utilization, and drop rate. We propose new protocols and solutions to enhance the performance of an IEEE 802.11 WLAN (wireless LAN) network, and to enhance the utilization of an IEEE 802.16e WMAN (wireless MAN). First, we propose a new protocol called HDCF (High-performance Distributed Coordination Function), to address the problem of wasted time, or idle slots and collided frames, in contention resolution of the IEEE 802.11 DCF. Second, we propose a simple protocol that enhances the performance of DCF in the existence of the hidden terminal problem. Opposite to other approaches, the proposed protocol attempts to benefit from the hidden terminal problem. Third, we propose two variants of a simple though effective distributed scheme, called NZ-ACK (Non Zero-Acknowledgement), to address the effects of coexisting IEEE 802.11e EDCA and IEEE 802.11 DCF devices. Finally, we investigate encouraging ertPS (enhanced real time Polling Service) connections, in an IEEE 802.16e, network to benefit from contention, and we aim at improving the network performance without violating any delay requirements of voice applications

    A Markov Chain Approach to IEEE 802.11WLAN Performance Analysis

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    Wireless communication always attracts extensive research interest, as it is a core part of modern communication technology. During my PhD study, I have focused on two research areas of wireless communication: IEEE 802.11 network performance analysis, and wireless cooperative retransmission. The first part of this thesis focuses on IEEE 802.11 network performance analysis. Since IEEE 802.11 technology is the most popular wireless access technology, IEEE 802.11 network performance analysis is always an important research area. In this area, my work includes the development of three analytical models for various aspects of IEEE 802.11 network performance analysis. First, a two-dimensional Markov chain model is proposed for analysing the performance of IEEE 802.11e EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access). With this analytical model, the saturated throughput is obtained. Compared with the existing analytical models of EDCA, the proposed model includes more correct details of EDCA, and accordingly its results are more accurate. This better accuracy is also proved by the simulation study. Second, another two-dimensional Markov chain model is proposed for analysing the coexistence performance of IEEE 802.11 DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) and IEEE 802.11e EDCA wireless devices. The saturated throughput is obtained with the proposed analytical model. The simulation study verifies the proposed analytical model, and it shows that the channel access priority of DCF is similar to that of the best effort access category in EDCA in the coexistence environment. The final work in this area is a hierarchical Markov chain model for investigating the impact of data-rate switching on the performance of IEEE 802.11 DCF. With this analytical model,the saturated throughput can be obtained. The simulation study verifies the accuracy of the model and shows the impact of the data-rate switching under different network conditions. A series of threshold values for the channel condition as well as the number of stations are obtained to decide whether the data-rate switching should be active or not. The second part of this thesis focuses on wireless cooperative retransmission. In this thesis, two uncoordinated distributed wireless cooperative retransmission strategies for single-hop connection are presented. In the proposed strategies, each uncoordinated cooperative neighbour randomly decide whether it should transmit to help the frame delivery depending on some pre-calculated optimal transmission probabilities. In Strategy 1, the source only transmits once in the first slot, and only the neighbours are involved in the retransmission attempts in the subsequent slots. In Strategy 2, both the source and the neighbours participate in the retransmission attempts. Both strategies are first analysed with a simple memoryless channel model, and the results show the superior performance of Strategy 2. With the elementary results for the memoryless channel model, a more realistic two-state Markov fading channel model is used to investigate the performance of Strategy 2. The simulation study verifies the accuracy of our analysis and indicates the superior performance of Strategy 2 compared with the simple retransmission strategy and the traditional two-hop strategy

    Optimization of the interoperability and dynamic spectrum management in mobile communications systems beyond 3G

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    The future wireless ecosystem will heterogeneously integrate a number of overlapped Radio Access Technologies (RATs) through a common platform. A major challenge arising from the heterogeneous network is the Radio Resource Management (RRM) strategy. A Common RRM (CRRM) module is needed in order to provide a step toward network convergence. This work aims at implementing HSDPA and IEEE 802.11e CRRM evaluation tools. Innovative enhancements to IEEE 802.11e have been pursued on the application of cross-layer signaling to improve Quality of Service (QoS) delivery, and provide more efficient usage of radio resources by adapting such parameters as arbitrary interframe spacing, a differentiated backoff procedure and transmission opportunities, as well as acknowledgment policies (where the most advised block size was found to be 12). Besides, the proposed cross-layer algorithm dynamically changes the size of the Arbitration Interframe Space (AIFS) and the Contention Window (CW) duration according to a periodically obtained fairness measure based on the Signal to Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) and transmission time, a delay constraint and the collision rate of a given machine. The throughput was increased in 2 Mb/s for all the values of the load that have been tested whilst satisfying more users than with the original standard. For the ad hoc mode an analytical model was proposed that allows for investigating collision free communications in a distributed environment. The addition of extra frequency spectrum bands and an integrated CRRM that enables spectrum aggregation was also addressed. RAT selection algorithms allow for determining the gains obtained by using WiFi as a backup network for HSDPA. The proposed RAT selection algorithm is based on the load of each system, without the need for a complex management system. Simulation results show that, in such scenario, for high system loads, exploiting localization while applying load suitability optimization based algorithm, can provide a marginal gain of up to 450 kb/s in the goodput. HSDPA was also studied in the context of cognitive radio, by considering two co-located BSs operating at different frequencies (in the 2 and 5 GHz bands) in the same cell. The system automatically chooses the frequency to serve each user with an optimal General Multi-Band Scheduling (GMBS) algorithm. It was shown that enabling the access to a secondary band, by using the proposed Integrated CRRM (iCRRM), an almost constant gain near 30 % was obtained in the throughput with the proposed optimal solution, compared to a system where users are first allocated in one of the two bands and later not able to handover between the bands. In this context, future cognitive radio scenarios where IEEE 802.11e ad hoc modes will be essential for giving access to the mobile users have been proposed

    A New Framework For Qos Provisioning In Wireless Lans Using The P-persistent Mac Protocol

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    The support of multimedia traffic over IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks (WLANs) has recently received considerable attention. This dissertation has proposed a new framework that provides efficient channel access, service differentiation and statistical QoS guarantees in the enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) protocol of IEEE 802.11e. In the first part of the dissertation, the new framework to provide QoS support in IEEE 802.11e is presented. The framework uses three independent components, namely, a core MAC layer, a scheduler, and an admission control. The core MAC layer concentrates on the channel access mechanism to improve the overall system efficiency. The scheduler provides service differentiation according to the weights assigned to each Access Category (AC). The admission control provides statistical QoS guarantees. The core MAC layer developed in this dissertation employs a P-Persistent based MAC protocol. A weight-based fair scheduler to obtain throughput service differentiation at each node has been used. In wireless LANs (WLANs), the MAC protocol is the main element that determines the efficiency of sharing the limited communication bandwidth of the wireless channel. In the second part of the dissertation, analytical Markov chain models for the P-Persistent 802.11 MAC protocol under unsaturated load conditions with heterogeneous loads are developed. The Markov models provide closed-form formulas for calculating the packet service time, the packet end-to-end delay, and the channel capacity in the unsaturated load conditions. The accuracy of the models has been validated by extensive NS2 simulation tests and the models are shown to give accurate results. In the final part of the dissertation, the admission control mechanism is developed and evaluated. The analytical model for P-Persistent 802.11 is used to develop a measurement-assisted model-based admission control. The proposed admission control mechanism uses delay as an admission criterion. Both distributed and centralized admission control schemes are developed and the performance results show that both schemes perform very efficiently in providing the QoS guarantees. Since the distributed admission scheme control does not have a complete state information of the WLAN, its performance is generally inferior to the centralized admission control scheme. The detailed performance results using the NS2 simulator have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Compared to 802.11e EDCA, the scheduler consistently achieved the desired throughput differentiation and easy tuning. The core MAC layer achieved better delays in terms of channel access, average packet service time and end-to-end delay. It also achieved higher system throughput than EDCA for any given service differentiation ratio. The admission control provided the desired statistical QoS guarantees

    Advanced Wireless LAN

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    The past two decades have witnessed starling advances in wireless LAN technologies that were stimulated by its increasing popularity in the home due to ease of installation, and in commercial complexes offering wireless access to their customers. This book presents some of the latest development status of wireless LAN, covering the topics on physical layer, MAC layer, QoS and systems. It provides an opportunity for both practitioners and researchers to explore the problems that arise in the rapidly developed technologies in wireless LAN
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