2,040 research outputs found

    A high-precision current-mode WTA-MAX circuit with multichip capability

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    This paper presents a circuit design technique suitable for the realization of winner-take-all (WTA), maximum (MAX), looser-take-all (LTA), and minimum (MIN) circuits. The technique presented is based on current replication and comparison. Traditional techniques rely on the matching of an N transistors array, where N is the number of system inputs. This implies that when N increases, as the size of the circuit and the distance between transistors will also increase, transistor matching degradation and loss of precision in the overall system performance will result. Furthermore, when multichip systems are required, the transistor matching is even worse and performance is drastically degraded. The technique presented in this paper does not rely on the proper matching of N transistors, but on the precise replication and comparison of currents. This can be performed by current mirrors with a limited number of outputs. Thus, N can increase without degrading the precision, even if the system is distributed among several chips. Also, the different chips constituting the system can be of different foundries without degrading the overall system precision. Experimental results that attest these facts are presented

    CMOS design of chaotic oscillators using state variables: a monolithic Chua's circuit

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    This paper presents design considerations for monolithic implementation of piecewise-linear (PWL) dynamic systems in CMOS technology. Starting from a review of available CMOS circuit primitives and their respective merits and drawbacks, the paper proposes a synthesis approach for PWL dynamic systems, based on state-variable methods, and identifies the associated analog operators. The GmC approach, combining quasi-linear VCCS's, PWL VCCS's, and capacitors is then explored regarding the implementation of these operators. CMOS basic building blocks for the realization of the quasi-linear VCCS's and PWL VCCS's are presented and applied to design a Chua's circuit IC. The influence of GmC parasitics on the performance of dynamic PWL systems is illustrated through this example. Measured chaotic attractors from a Chua's circuit prototype are given. The prototype has been fabricated in a 2.4- mu m double-poly n-well CMOS technology, and occupies 0.35 mm/sup 2/, with a power consumption of 1.6 mW for a +or-2.5-V symmetric supply. Measurements show bifurcation toward a double-scroll Chua's attractor by changing a bias current

    Differential temperature sensors: Review of applications in the test and characterization of circuits, usage and design methodology

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    Differential temperature sensors can be placed in integrated circuits to extract a signature ofthe power dissipated by the adjacent circuit blocks built in the same silicon die. This review paper firstdiscusses the singularity that differential temperature sensors provide with respect to other sensortopologies, with circuit monitoring being their main application. The paper focuses on the monitoringof radio-frequency analog circuits. The strategies to extract the power signature of the monitoredcircuit are reviewed, and a list of application examples in the domain of test and characterizationis provided. As a practical example, we elaborate the design methodology to conceive, step bystep, a differential temperature sensor to monitor the aging degradation in a class-A linear poweramplifier working in the 2.4 GHz Industrial Scientific Medical—ISM—band. It is discussed how,for this particular application, a sensor with a temperature resolution of 0.02 K and a high dynamicrange is required. A circuit solution for this objective is proposed, as well as recommendations for thedimensions and location of the devices that form the temperature sensor. The paper concludes with adescription of a simple procedure to monitor time variability.Postprint (published version

    An ART1 microchip and its use in multi-ART1 systems

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    Recently, a real-time clustering microchip neural engine based on the ART1 architecture has been reported. Such chip is able to cluster 100-b patterns into up to 18 categories at a speed of 1.8 μs per pattern. However, that chip rendered an extremely high silicon area consumption of 1 cm2, and consequently an extremely low yield of 6%. Redundant circuit techniques can be introduced to improve yield performance at the cost of further increasing chip size. In this paper we present an improved ART1 chip prototype based on a different approach to implement the most area consuming circuit elements of the first prototype: an array of several thousand current sources which have to match within a precision of around 1%. Such achievement was possible after a careful transistor mismatch characterization of the fabrication process (ES2-1.0 μm CMOS). A new prototype chip has been fabricated which can cluster 50-b input patterns into up to ten categories. The chip has 15 times less area, shows a yield performance of 98%, and presents the same precision and speed than the previous prototype. Due to its higher robustness multichip systems are easily assembled. As a demonstration we show results of a two-chip ART1 system, and of an ARTMAP system made of two ART1 chips and an extra interfacing chip

    Analog integrated circuit design in ultra-thin oxide CMOS technologies with significant direct tunneling-induced gate current

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    The ability to do mixed-signal IC design in a CMOS technology has been a driving force for manufacturing personal mobile electronic products such as cellular phones, digital audio players, and personal digital assistants. As CMOS has moved to ultra-thin oxide technologies, where oxide thicknesses are less than 3 nm, this type of design has been threatened by the direct tunneling of carriers though the gate oxide. This type of tunneling, which increases exponentially with decreasing oxide thickness, is a source of MOSFET gate current. Its existence invalidates the simplifying design assumption of infinite gate resistance. Its problems are typically avoided by switching to a high-&kappa/metal gate technology or by including a second thick(er) oxide transistor. Both of these solutions come with undesirable increases in cost due to extra mask and processing steps. Furthermore, digital circuit solutions to the problems created by direct tunneling are available, while analog circuit solutions are not. Therefore, it is desirable that analog circuit solutions exist that allow the design of mixed-signal circuits with ultra-thin oxide MOSFETs. This work presents a methodology that develops these solutions as a less costly alternative to high-&kappa/metal gate technologies or thick(er) oxide transistors. The solutions focus on transistor sizing, DC biasing, and the design of current mirrors and differential amplifiers. They attempt to minimize, balance, and cancel the negative effects of direct tunneling on analog design in traditional (non-high-&kappa/metal gate) ultra-thin oxide CMOS technologies. They require only ultra-thin oxide devices and are investigated in a 65 nm CMOS technology with a nominal VDD of 1 V and a physical oxide thickness of 1.25 nm. A sub-1 V bandgap voltage reference that requires only ultra-thin oxide MOSFETs is presented (TC = 251.0 ppm/°C). It utilizes the developed methodology and illustrates that it is capable of suppressing the negative effects of direct tunneling. Its performance is compared to a thick-oxide voltage reference as a means of demonstrating that ultra-thin oxide MOSFETs can be used to build the analog component of a mixed-signal system

    A Current-Mode Multi-Channel Integrating Analog-to-Digital Converter

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    Multi-channel analog to digital converters (ADCs) are required where signals from multiple sensors can be digitized. A lower power per channel for such systems is important in order that when the number of channels is increased the power does not increase drastically. Many applications require signals from current output sensors, such as photosensors and photodiodes to be digitized. Applications for these sensors include spectroscopy and imaging. The ability to digitize current signals without converting currents to voltages saves power, area, and the design time required to implement I-to-V converters. This work describes a novel and unique current-mode multi-channel integrating ADC which processes current signals from sensors and converts it to digital format. The ADC facilitates the processing of current analog signals without the use of transconductors. An attempt has been made also to incorporate voltage-mode techniques into the current-mode design so that the advantages of both techniques can be utilized to augment the performance of the system. Additionally since input signals are in the form of currents, the dynamic range of the ADC is less dependant on the supply voltage. A prototype 4-channel ADC design was fabricated in a 0.5-micron bulk CMOS process. The measurement results for a 10Ksps sampling rate include a DNL, which is less than 0.5 LSB, and a power consumption of less than 2mW per channel

    A spatial contrast retina with on-chip calibration for neuromorphic spike-based AER vision systems

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    We present a 32 32 pixels contrast retina microchip that provides its output as an address event representation (AER) stream. Spatial contrast is computed as the ratio between pixel photocurrent and a local average between neighboring pixels obtained with a diffuser network. This current-based computation produces an important amount of mismatch between neighboring pixels, because the currents can be as low as a few pico-amperes. Consequently, a compact calibration circuitry has been included to trimm each pixel. Measurements show a reduction in mismatch standard deviation from 57% to 6.6% (indoor light). The paper describes the design of the pixel with its spatial contrast computation and calibration sections. About one third of pixel area is used for a 5-bit calibration circuit. Area of pixel is 58 m 56 m, while its current consumption is about 20 nA at 1-kHz event rate. Extensive experimental results are provided for a prototype fabricated in a standard 0.35- m CMOS process.Gobierno de España TIC2003-08164-C03-01, TEC2006-11730-C03-01European Union IST-2001-3412

    An improved reversed miller compensation technique for three-stage CMOS OTAs with double pole-zero cancellation and almost single-pole frequency response

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    This paper presents an improved reversed nested Miller compensation technique exploiting a single additional feed-forward stage to obtain double pole-zero cancellation and ideally single-pole behavior, in a three-stage Miller amplifier. The approach allows designing a three-stage operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with one dominant pole and two (ideally) mutually cancelling pole-zero doublets. We demonstrate the robustness of the proposed cancellation technique, showing that it is not significantly influenced by process and temperature variations. The proposed design equations allow setting the unity-gain frequency of the amplifier and the complex poles' resonance frequency and quality factor. We introduce the notion of bandwidth efficiency to quantify the OTA performance with respect to a telescopic cascode OTA for given load capacitance and power consumption constraints and demonstrate analytically that the proposed approach allows a bandwidth efficiency that can ideally approach 100%. A CMOS implementation of the proposed compensation technique is provided, in which a current reuse scheme is used to reduce the total current consumption. The OTA has been designed using a 130-nm CMOS process by STMicroelectronics and achieves a DC gain larger than 120 dB, with almost single-pole frequency response. Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to show the robustness of the proposed approach to process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations and mismatches

    Low Voltage Floating Gate MOS Transistor Based Four-Quadrant Multiplier

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    This paper presents a four-quadrant multiplier based on square-law characteristic of floating gate MOSFET (FGMOS) in saturation region. The proposed circuit uses square-difference identity and the differential voltage squarer proposed by Gupta et al. to implement the multiplication function. The proposed multiplier employs eight FGMOS transistors and two resistors only. The FGMOS implementation of the multiplier allows low voltage operation, reduced power consumption and minimum transistor count. The second order effects caused due to mobility degradation, component mismatch and temperature variations are discussed. Performance of the proposed circuit is verified at ±0.75 V in TSMC 0.18 µm CMOS, BSIM3 and Level 49 technology by using Cadence Spectre simulator